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how did man appear on earth


With all do respect to Zenzero, I probably just misunderstood what he really meant by what he was saying. Sometimes that happens. I have no doubt he probably understands these things better than I do.


New Member
interesting question, but to answer the question you first have to know what is life. i'll tell you
life has the texture of a dream. in life, all things are possible. feelings of ecstatic joy await for us, they have been prepared since way before into the past and so into the future.


Well-Known Member
interesting question, but to answer the question you first have to know what is life. i'll tell you
life has the texture of a dream. in life, all things are possible. feelings of ecstatic joy await for us, they have been prepared since way before into the past and so into the future.

Unless you believe that going through the greatest tribulation that this earth has ever seen or will ever experience again will give to the person that you are addressing a feeling of ecstatic joy, then you're kidding yourself mate, and its wrong so they say, to lie to others, I don't know how you feel about lying to yourself.
Although speaking for myself, I would rather lie to everyone else before I'd ever lie to 'Who I Am.' Perhaps you're like that optimist who built a heavyer than air machine and expected it to fly through the air, Myself, I'm like the pessimist who invented the parachute.


I want Khilafah back

One of the problems you're having here is that you're debating entirely by naked assertion. In other words, you've offered nothing at all except your own say-so. You assert that H. habilus "has been proven to be a monkey", yet you fail to back this up with anything at all. Who "proved" it? How did they do it?

See...no one here is going to take your word as unquestioned gospel, especially when you tell us things that most people are pretty sure are wrong (and some of us know are wrong).

i really do need to use the scientists ames don't i. look i don't tell lies to no one, so if you think that i am making this u just so that i can be right and the rest wrong, no way, i would rather preffer the other way around, i'd hate to think that more older people than me are fooled by such things as evolution.

If you want to discuss science, you'd better be prepared to do some work. Here's a good place to start: What sort of characteristics would you expect to find in a human/ape transitional fossil? Try and be as specific as you can.

well i do not beleive evolution, but since you asked for it here goes; in order for me to beleive that they really existed, i would want to see this, a not so tall not so short creature, not fully up right waling nor walking with all fours, to have some human parts and some monkey parts and some inbetween the both, i won't say anymre, because this much canot be proven yet nor ever.

and heres a question in return. scientist beleive that humans and monkeys have the same ancestor because of the number of chromosomes, humans 46, monkeys (chimps) 48. you do accept this right.


I want Khilafah back
Not according to the DNA testing.

And I never heard of a 6 foot 12 year old.

you have now.

look there are different humans living at present, the eyebrows of the white folkes are different to the native australians, the evolutionists beleived that the transisional forms had that king f a difference when they found a fossil but is was later roven wrong when they had come across a native australian who had the same facial appearance.

look i keep telling you that as soon as they come across something they claim it is a transitional form, they have no idea what a "real" transitional form looks like because they do no exist, they never have and never will. it is a blind faith on missleading information.


I want Khilafah back
fantôme profane;1359969 said:
I had given you the credit of having at least the basic intelligence to be able to discern sarcasm. Was I wrong about that?

Do you really think that Harun Yahya is actually the ultimate source for all things scientific?

I just thought that what you said was so incredible absurd that it must have come from him. Am I right?

it is not the perspectives of harun yahya in that book but instead of western scientists, so if you dissagree wth his book then you are actually dissagreeing with the evolutionists, there are many of the who have confessed about the lies that are made up by evolutionist to save their skin.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Eselam, you've made all the same claims that have been made 100 years ago, while the theory of evolution was still in infancy. They've already been resolved.

You say with absolute certainty what you believe, but you've yet to actually provide with any evidence to back up your claims.

And I've seen evolution, as have you. Ever wonder why we have such trouble combating certain bacteria that cause disease?

What you're asking for is a single missing link, which doesn't exist because evolution, as we've said many times, IS NOT A STRAIGHT LINE!

Neanderthals were a completely different species from us. They did exist in Europe at one time, thriving while Homo Sapiens in Africa nearly went extinct from the harsh desert that at the time covered half the continent.

How do you explain them?


Its only a Label

Man is the only animal that can merge with the whole.

All of creation is in harmony with the whole/god/existence [however you may take it] except humans BECAUSE the human mind is such that it creates a divide or breaks that harmony and only when that MIND is still does human too acts in harmony.
That is what is meant by merging and that possibility lies with humans only.

Love & rgds


Guardian of Asgaard
Why is it that evolution is so often criticised yet in response, when we ask for something better, we get "just because" or a silly fairytale.


Its only a Label
Friend darknessend,

Why is it that evolution is so often criticised yet in response, when we ask for something better, we get "just because" or a silly fairytale.

Mind is the root of dualities and those whose minds whose minds want to find differences rather than commonalities and wishes to criticize will always do so.
Evolution will not stop its work even if their mind does not accept it.
Those who are interested in TRUTH will carry on irrespective of anyone believing or not believing in it.
Love & rgds


Well-Known Member
Friend darknessend,

Mind is the root of dualities and those whose minds whose minds want to find differences rather than commonalities and wishes to criticize will always do so.
Evolution will not stop its work even if their mind does not accept it.
Those who are interested in TRUTH will carry on irrespective of anyone believing or not believing in it.
Love & rgds

Give the one concept to many, and they will run with it in their own individual directions, this is the way of the agents of division and it is good, for each one will bear fruit that will be harvested by a gatherer who will correlate the best of the harvest into one new concept which will be given again to the agent of division etc, etc


Guardian of Asgaard
Friend darknessend,

Mind is the root of dualities and those whose minds whose minds want to find differences rather than commonalities and wishes to criticize will always do so.
Evolution will not stop its work even if their mind does not accept it.
Those who are interested in TRUTH will carry on irrespective of anyone believing or not believing in it.
Love & rgds

True very true. WHy is it though, that those who are first to attack something never have anything better to contribute?
Its like "instead of 4.5 billions years of scientific evidence we give you God." Its like God is a handy tool that can be applied to everything. "Wow, look now its a ratchet and now its a wrench, Wow."


Active Member
God said "let the earth bring forth the living creature each according to its own kind" Adam was a son of God. Scriptures say that the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were fair and lay with them and had children. Science is now saying there are two brain types occuring between possibly 20000 years and much less time apart. Possibly about 6000 years ago. Interesting!

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
what is a 'kind'?

Science is now saying there are two brain types occuring between possibly 20000 years and much less time apart. Possibly about 6000 years ago. Interesting!
I have yet to hear anything like this, could you provide a link perhaps?



Active Member
what is a 'kind'?

The oxford concise dictionary states --Race, natural group, of animals, plants, etc., -- I some times just look in the dictionary, the bible is translated by educated people and the rendering would be precise I think and it would be independent of interpretation that would be left to the many religious groups.

I have yet to hear anything like this, could you provide a link perhaps?


Hi, well I had a look at a few sites and naturally couldn't find the specific article but there is a lot of heavy reading to do google "protostome and deuterostome brains" "two genetic brains" and any others you can think of. The articles do not show a time projection. I really think the bible shows that by advocating changed behaviours genetic modification into another line could occur. Actually what it is saying is once an initial experience occurs a devotee should push further and deeper without looking back. A genetic brain (mind) change could occur if physical and mental environment was under stress. A person or group could isolate themselves from the human social group that is some what unbalanced and pathological and become a different species. I am not talking about joining organized religion they're as bad as any one. I am saying the bible has all the necessary pointers of how to go about a modification. What I experienced is a seperation from an environment of self that is loaded with all manner of socially learnt promptings and reactions that we all become comfortable with because we are bewitched deluded into thinking that is who we are. These can be cleaned away but it would be easy to get drawn back to the old person. To me it seems the bible is ahead of its time and misunderstood because of bad religion.
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painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Protostome and Deuterostome have nothing to do with brains. Its about the development of the embryo (mouth vs. anus first) and the formation of our coelom (a fluid filled space in the body).

It is the difference between mammals (Deuterostomes) and squid (Protostomes).
This split between us happened millions of years ago long before mammals existed, infact the first deuterostomes were creatures like star-fish and sea urchins.

you may find this helpfull.
Protostome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deuterostome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Nothing is personal here at RF.
However, All posts should act as stimuli's for awakening.
The question to my mind is * Don't judge, be open, could there be some truth in it?*
Once again this is an individual journey to Nirvana.
All religions are ways.
There are many ways, all of them take to the same destination.
Truth /nirvana is reached only individually never as a group like death, each die on his own. Truth can be reached either by questioning and opening the mind layer by layer or through meditation. The former takes natural progression or evolutionary path whereas the latter makes it revolutionary and takes one there directly.
Truth is not what someone has written or said.
Truth is what you as an individual reach to.

On the whole must say once again that majority of Christians now accept the possibilities of evolution but do take the story of Adam & Eve as mythical but what about the followers of islam? where did we lose them?
Love & rgds

It's sad to think that that many people are failing to see what the Bible says about the statements made there...Jesus said,"I am the way the truth and the light, NO ONE comes UNTO the Father BUT BY ME"...that tells me that Jesus is the ONLY way to Heaven...I see so many religions going into easy believism..whatever way you twist a passage to suit as some do...no one wants to accept they are sinners...but we all are....after all why would a loving God allow anyone who did good go to Hell? Works are dead, Works count for nothing unless we are first saved and being led of the Holy Spirit... God created Us. as created beings we OWE our mere exsistance TO God, we are here to do HIS will not our own...and yes, Satan IS the culprit of wrong doings because it leads away from the truth in God's word..HE created everything...God IS the great "I AM!" (and His name isn't Sam:>))

(Backing up a little to past post) God divided the waters on the earth...this planet could be LOTS older because it didn't EVER say He fashioned the earth from thus or so...So possibly He'd used this planet Prior and then destroyed what he'd created on it prior(hypothesis only)...just as he destroyed the whole of living on earth during the flood of Noah's day...It isn't clear just when the earth was fashioned so to try to say we can judge our beginnings from the age of the dirt/rocks/timelines in hills (made during the flood due to weight of the water... here is sort of laughable since God didn't say He made it right then...only that the Holy Spirit moved over the waters...then he divided them..I believe in the creation 6,000-10,000 (at the most) years ago...scientific information does verify it...depending on how/what scientist you ask...you have to just look at what the Bible says then try to verify it/prove it wrong (if you can)...Not everything is always as it seems. Therefore, if as you said 'most' Christians now accept evolution? well I don't think it's as many as you'd think...perhaps it's what the Lord said about the great alling away; there are some things that aren't easily explained but perhaps we aren't to know everything...possibly our shallow minds just could not take in the whole in the Glory of GOD so we get shown facts that just jump out at you even though in previous years you've searched scriptures and found nothing to tell you...God's Word is a 'living' Word; things will be revealed as we can handle it. Then again the Bible does say there will be a great falling away before Christs return...so possibly some weak-minded are leaning in directions from Scripture...they just didn't grow in fertile ground. Are all religions headed in the same direction...when I was in my 20's I SO wanted to believe that could be true, when I was in my 30's I wanted to pick and choose verses cuz I needed them to fit what I wanted to do for self, in my 40's it all started to make sense as to God being a JUST God...if you bend the rules where do you bend them and to what extent? It is what it is...if bad things happen they happen...it's how we deal that counts.

We are all entitled to our opinions and this IS my opinion from years and years of reading scripture and listening to scientific reports watching what is tried to be proven wrong and can't be...It is sort of a closed issue in that I strongly stand by my convictions of what I believe and I'm entitled to that, as all of us are entitled to our way of thinking.:)