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how did man appear on earth


I want Khilafah back
All energy adapts and changes, it does not mean that it did it exactly the way scientists claim. It does not mean that God created existence either. If oxygen is a killer of amino acids, then how is it life can grow in a pond in which there is plentiful oxygen? It must co-exist somehow. Another balance in nature perhaps? I thought life first started in the "primordial soup" or so it's called. I never heard of the lightning thing before. Maybe I missed something.:shrug:

yes it is also said that life was created in the waters of this earth. the primordal earth is the time when nothing existed.


Its only a Label
Friend eselam,
Everyone HERE except you agree that Adam & Eve are mythical even if evolutionary theory is not perfected yet but they agree there is some truth to look forward to in that direction and no truth in your Adan/Eve theory.
Love & rgds


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
ok you haven't gotten any up to date info on evolution have you?

homo habilis has been proven to be a monkey, it has existed at the same time as the species before it ( i can't remember the name) and the habilis species has also existed at the same time as homo sapiens, i think you need to get this part straight. homo habilis are considered monkeys in accordance to some well known scientists. i think you need to reseach this. so you see this is wrong again about the evolution, no transitionals forms exist to link monkeys to humans, it is a made up strory, every thing was created at the same time fully developed. that what evolutionists want to hide from people. research it if you wish.

That is up to date, silly. ^_^ Are you getting your sources from real scientists?


yes it is also said that life was created in the waters of this earth. the primordal earth is the time when nothing existed.

You are not making sense. If the primordial earth was a time when nothing existed, how is it that the primordial earth existed. Or do you mean a time when no life existed? Anyways, life at it's very simplest is just another form of energy. In that "primordial soup" all that took place was a change of energy. It does not really matter how. As we all know, energy constantly changes form, it is perfectly natural for new forms of energy to arise.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
evolutionists beleive that amino acids were created as a result of some gases who were struck by lightning. but infact oxygen is a killer of amino acids, thus the very first step of the theory is destroyed, prving the whole theoty wrong.
actually amino acids are very common across the universe.
Oxygen doesn't seem to bother it much.
I have no idea where you get the lightning idea, except it seems to be common creationist myth.

when humans first evolved they had no fully developed brain in accordance to the theory, so they would have been killed by other animals, due to their innability to survive, to outrunn or outsamrt other creatures.
Our ancestors got eaten from time to time... so do people today. But they were still overall smart enough to survive, make tools and reproduce.
And if we couldn't progress in intelligence, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. We'd still be banging rocks together.



I want Khilafah back
That is up to date, silly. ^_^ Are you getting your sources from real scientists?

yes i am, and this is what a famous UK scientist had to say:

some Lord "something" Zackerman, from UK said that "evolution" is the lowest form of science in the world. it is based on false beleif, and the followers of evolution will beleive anything that the evolutionists tel them without any actual proof. search it up if you wish, i'm not making it up.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
are you agreeing with me on that?
I had given you the credit of having at least the basic intelligence to be able to discern sarcasm. Was I wrong about that?

Do you really think that Harun Yahya is actually the ultimate source for all things scientific?

I just thought that what you said was so incredible absurd that it must have come from him. Am I right?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
yes i am, and this is what a famous UK scientist had to say:

some Lord "something" Zackerman, from UK said that "evolution" is the lowest form of science in the world. it is based on false beleif, and the followers of evolution will beleive anything that the evolutionists tel them without any actual proof. search it up if you wish, i'm not making it up.

Never heard of him.

And I don't believe everything that evolutionists tell me without any proof. I see the evidence and proof all around me.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Thats right folks... these are monkeys according to creationists.



Thats some six foot tall, tailless, bipedal human looking monkey. :cool:



Esalam why dont you do yourself and us a big favour and try (if you can ) to read some legitimate scientific stuff thats not religiously bias. you would see an amazing new universe open up to you.


I want Khilafah back
Thats right folks... these are monkeys according to creationists.



Thats some six foot tall, tailless, bipedal human looking monkey. :cool:


this is the 12 year old african kid that was found, they beleive he is a transitionalf form

Not Bob

Big man done it! :D

In all seriousness, I don't know. I don't really care, either, sadly. If we evolved, it doesn't change a thing - if we were created, it still doesn't change a thing. I tend to lean towards evolution, though.

If one reads through the words of the names of the Garden of Eden, it seems a little bit obvious it's not meant to be literal - just look at the names! It seems to be more like a story, a metaphor, for why we are here - more of an explanation about human ego and jealousy and how humanity is unable to listen to God. I guess it became literal as times changed and meanings were lost within the names?

Adam -Man (possibly signifying humanity?) or Dust
Eve (Havvah) - Living One
Cain (from what was South Arabian qyn - metalsmith)
Abel (modern Arabic cognate ibil - herdsman).
Seth - Placed/Appointed (because he was a 'replacement' for Abel, I guess?)

So we have, Man, Living One, Metalsmith and Herdsman, and Replacement.

Something about the etymology of their names shows that they probably were not intended to be real people.. to me at least :D
Who would really name their child "Replacement"? Poor kid! :D

Just my two cents! I may not be right, but at least it's neater.

I had read two other interpretations of Eve, one being a Sumerian reference and the other Babylonian, iirc. I can't remember which was which, but one was translated as "mother" and the other as "rib". I'd also like it to be noted that the name Adam doesn't appear until Genesis 2:19. Before that, the word man was used. As an interesting afterthought, Genesis 1:26 says "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea..." let THEM have? As in, God created more than one man?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Actually he may be as young as nine, and while he wasn't yet six feet (5'3") he wasn't done growing yet. ;)

And yup that is him. He is quite different from a modern human. Unless you have a very open definition of what human is.



Liebe ist für alle da
I do not know how we got here. me mom think that all the different race are of different alien blood though.


Liebe ist für alle da
I do not know how we got here. me mom think that all the different race are of different alien blood though.


Hostis humani generis
I had read two other interpretations of Eve, one being a Sumerian reference and the other Babylonian, iirc. I can't remember which was which, but one was translated as "mother" and the other as "rib". I'd also like it to be noted that the name Adam doesn't appear until Genesis 2:19. Before that, the word man was used. As an interesting afterthought, Genesis 1:26 says "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea..." let THEM have? As in, God created more than one man?
"Man" meant humankind within many ancient texts and even until fairly recently. Where did you read about this? If you can link, it'd be awesome. I love reading about such things.