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how did man appear on earth


Well-Known Member
I don't think that any life is superior over another. Life is life. Some forms of it are just more prevalent than others, but that does not make them superior. I worship existence.

Then why did yu say that plant life reigns over human life? But now you say that you worship existence, which means that you worship God, why does that word stick in your throat, he is not some relf righteous pious being such as those who are the physical body and visible manifestatin of He who, night and day stood before the face of God bringing accusations against his brothers. That which was in the beginning has become who you are, and 'Who You Are,' is still connected to the beginning by an unbroken genetic thread of life, and has never experenced death. All that is demanded of you, or rather asked of you, it that you remain true to who you are, even in his future development, but to be known, you must first know 'Who You Are' who is 'Who I Am,' also.
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Then why did yu say that plant life reigns over human life? But now you say that you worship existence, which means that you worship God, why does that word stick in your throat, he is not some relf righteous pious being such as those who are the physical body and visible manifestatin of He who, night and day stood before the face of God bringing accusations against his brothers. That which was in the beginning has become who you are, and 'Who You Are,' is still connected to the beginning by an unbroken genetic thread of life, and has never experenced death. All that is demanded of you, or rather asked of you, it that you remain true to who you are, even in his future development, but to be known, you must first know 'Who You Are' who is 'Who I Am,' also.

Because plants have been around longer than humans and will still be alive even if humans were to disappear. Not really "reigns" perhaps that is not the right term, but plant life is more prevalent that human life and bacterial life is more prevalent than plant life. I read somewhere that the cells that make up our bodies, and other living organisms are very similar to the single-celled organisms such as bacteria. Our own cells may have been derived as some common ancestor to bacteria. But who knows?

I know who I am and I know my place in this existence. I do worship existence, but I don't really like using the therm "God". It is led to preconceptions of a deity of some sort which I don't believe in. I actually prefer the term the Native Americans used where they call it "The Great Spirit". I AM true to who I AM. It is not your place or need to question that or say otherwise. Mine is a personal journey. Do you not think I already know all this? Just because someone sees something from a different perspective does not mean they are wrong. It just means that they are different. As different as things may appear on the outside, they are all the same on the inside. All is "animate energy". Call it Spirit or God if you want, it does not matter. It is all the same thing. Therefore, there is really nothing that exists that is supreme over anything. All existence is One. All existence is supreme. But that is just my perspective.
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Well-Known Member
Because plants have been around longer than humans and will still be alive even if humans were to disappear. Not really "reigns" perhaps that is not the right term, but plant life is more prevalent that human life and bacterial life is more prevalent than plant life. I read somewhere that the cells that make up our bodies, and other living organisms are very similar to the single-celled organisms such as bacteria. Our own cells may have been derived as some common ancestor to bacteria. But who knows?
I know who I am and I know my place in this existence. I do worship existence, but I don't really like using the therm "God". It is led to preconceptions of a deity of some sort which I don't believe in. I actually prefer the term the Native Americans used where they call it "The Great Spirit". I AM true to who I AM. It is not your place or need to question that or say otherwise. Mine is a personal journey. Do you not think I already know all this? Just because someone sees something from a different perspective does not mean they are wrong. It just means that they are different. As different as things may appear on the outside, they are all the same on the inside. All is "animate energy". Call it Spirit or God if you want, it does not matter. It is all the same thing. Therefore, there is really nothing that exists that is supreme over anything. All existence is One. All existence is supreme. But that is just my perspective.

Good for you, but don't get so upset, it was never my intention to offend you.

And there's a ghost gum in me paddock, he stands there all alone
He's been there more'n a hundred years, ain't got the heart to bring him down
So tall and so majestic, a grander sight, I doubt you'd see.

"What the hell are you rambling on about, Mate it's only a flamin tree."

It's only a flamin tree you say---- Well, I guess you could be right
And I'm not the sort of man what prays, but I reckon in God's sight,
That thing you say's _ just a flamin tree, could be more important than you and me.

Have a good day old mate.
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Wonder Woman
its not that 'only the FITEST survive' thats Darwinism. Evolution is "species CAN and some have evolve" (which does not mean the original species cannot also exist at the same time as the mutant species)

I'm sure there are some here that would be upset to discover we are a mutant species too. :p

The point about original species also existing is timely. Did you perhaps read this article?

What's Old Is New: 12 Living Fossils | Wired Science from Wired.com

The fact that the frog is found to be directly related, and most likely an ancestor species to, one specific species of frog only found on islands that split away from India over 100 million years ago. Thus meaning that that particular species of frog, once isolated from the mainland, evolved into a different breed of frog entirely.


Good for you, but don't get so upset, it was never my intention to offend you.

And there's a ghost gum in me paddock, he stands there all alone
He's been there more'n a hundred years, ain't got the heart to bring him down
So tall and so majestic, a grander sight, I doubt you'd see.

"What the hell are you rambling on about, Mate it's only a flamin tree."

It's only a flamin tree you say---- Well, I guess you could be right
And I'm not the sort of man what prays, but I reckon in God's sight,
That thing you say's _ just a flamin tree, could be more important than you and me.

Have a good day old mate.

Hey, thats okay. I did not think you were trying to offend me anyways. I think perhaps it was just a misunderstanding. That is why I don't follow written words or scripture too much because there are just too many possible interpretations. It is just too easy to get the wrong idea when reading something like the bible or even my own written ideas for that matter. Words can mean different things to different people. It is just human to have misinterpretations and misconceptions. I think you are on the right path, but it may not be right for everyone. I wish you well on your journey. Peace.:)


Its only a Label
Friend Runewolf,

I don't think that any life is superior over another. Life is life. Some forms of it are just more prevalent than others, but that does not make them superior. I worship existence.

Agree all are forms of the same energy.
So it is not a question of superior or inferior,
Surely there is a question of Human beings being most evolved and the only form through which evolution completes its journey and can merge back to its source. That is what individual human being who have understood and realised are trying to do.
Love & rgds


Life and the appearance of Mankind is a journey of Realization. To perceive ourselves as different and take different forms and shapes, only to evolve yet even further both mentally and spiritually and eventually come to realize we are all the same. All is One. It is an experiencing. To experience different things through life and different forms of life, then eventually returning to the Source with that experience and knowing. Perhaps it is a way of "testing" creation to see what works and what does not. Perhaps that is partly why there are no more dinosaurs. Life wanted to test something else out.....Man.
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Well-Known Member
Ah Yeah DUH...can you explain how everything came from nothing...when I have nothing in one hand and look at it it still says 'NOTHING'...there is nothing about convienent ignorance...do you know anything about Creation? or do you just dismiss that because of a lack of Biblical knowledge and what has been proven through archeology in the Holy Lands?
If everything cannot come from nothing then what was it created from?


Ah Yeah DUH...can you explain how everything came from nothing...when I have nothing in one hand and look at it it still says 'NOTHING'...quote]

You have nothing in your hand? Really. Have a closer look. Can you SEE your hand? That means that between your eyes and your hand, that space is full of light energy constanly vibrating and changing. It is "animate" energy. To have "nothing" is impossible. As that energy changes, out of that change, different forms and things are generated.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Ah Yeah DUH...can you explain how everything came from nothing...when I have nothing in one hand and look at it it still says 'NOTHING'...quote]

You have nothing in your hand? Really. Have a closer look. Can you SEE your hand? That means that between your eyes and your hand, that space is full of light energy constanly vibrating and changing. It is "animate" energy. To have "nothing" is impossible. As that energy changes, out of that change, different forms and things are generated.

Even darkmatter is still something there. ^_^


I want Khilafah back
They learned how to make tools, and it was Homo habilis that first learned how to control fire.

And it is theorized that our very own species, homo sapiens, was once on the brink of extinction.

Until a single tribe managed to get creative.

ok you haven't gotten any up to date info on evolution have you?

homo habilis has been proven to be a monkey, it has existed at the same time as the species before it ( i can't remember the name) and the habilis species has also existed at the same time as homo sapiens, i think you need to get this part straight. homo habilis are considered monkeys in accordance to some well known scientists. i think you need to reseach this. so you see this is wrong again about the evolution, no transitionals forms exist to link monkeys to humans, it is a made up strory, every thing was created at the same time fully developed. that what evolutionists want to hide from people. research it if you wish.


Even darkmatter is still something there. ^_^

Yes! Absolutely! Even in the void of space there is Something. If that void did not exist, what would the universe expand into? It is a form of Potential energy. Where is this darkmatter present? It is present in the void of space where light-energy from stars and galaxies passes through. Light and Energy fills every part of existence. There being darkness is just a perception. We just don't see all forms of light or energy.


I want Khilafah back
Even plant life reigns over human life. It has been here from the beginnings of life as well. Without plants or trees, humans would not survive. We exist because they exist.

good point.

did you know that this sstatement of your shatters the evolution theory?

evolutionists beleive that amino acids were created as a result of some gases who were struck by lightning. but infact oxygen is a killer of amino acids, thus the very first step of the theory is destroyed, prving the whole theoty wrong.


I want Khilafah back
Ahh, but you forget seem to have forgotten something: humans are definitely the most creative species. We build fires, made makeshift houses, created clothing - and look at what we have now. I'm typing to you, and you're across the world. You're hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away from me.

There is a nice little niche for creativity and intelligence. In fact, it's probably the best niche to be in. A strong creature can still be fooled into a trap, thereby securing a nice tasty meal, or at least, one less strong creature to harass us.

One does wonder, then, why would Allah have made humans so "weak and powerless"?

i understad what you are saying and i agree, but how can a dumb being become smart. a smart being can become dumb but not the other way around.

when humans first evolved they had no fully developed brain in accordance to the theory, so they would have been killed by other animals, due to their innability to survive, to outrunn or outsamrt other creatures.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member


good point.

did you know that this sstatement of your shatters the evolution theory?

evolutionists beleive that amino acids were created as a result of some gases who were struck by lightning. but infact oxygen is a killer of amino acids, thus the very first step of the theory is destroyed, prving the whole theoty wrong.

All energy adapts and changes, it does not mean that it did it exactly the way scientists claim. It does not mean that God created existence either. If oxygen is a killer of amino acids, then how is it life can grow in a pond in which there is plentiful oxygen? It must co-exist somehow. Another balance in nature perhaps? I thought life first started in the "primordial soup" or so it's called. I never heard of the lightning thing before. Maybe I missed something.:shrug:


I want Khilafah back
it seems that you guys still don't get me. ok lets agree to what you all say about the creativity of man, but what about a half monkey and half man? now don't go saying they were smart too because then it will show just how "smart" the rest of you are. it is very hard for a monkey to walk with 2 legs only, thats why they do it very often. their body is not meant to walk on 2 legs, too much energy is wasted. so if they were still evolving and wasted all their energy trying to walk with 2 legs then surley they would have been killed. or died from starvation. they would start to eat meat istead of fruit only, so while looking for some animal to eat they would be killed.

heres what the evolution is like from my perspective;

you are walking in a forest, suddenly you see a car there infront of you, now it is possible for that ok, all the materlias needed for the creation of a car are in nature. just as the materials for a human are (ie the cell protein etc) and a car is much more easier to be built by itself and by chance than a man, a mans structure is the hardest. so if you beleive in my car story then have another read at it and see hoe foolish it sounds. and all you evolution beleivers must accet that a car can be created by chance in the middle of a forrest, otherwise you are dissagreeing with the evolutionary theory.