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how did man appear on earth

Eddy Daze

whirling dervish
Eddy, your analogy contradicts your claim. There is no one point on a spectrum where orange becomes red. But you're welcome to drag a spectrum in here and try to prove me wrong.

EDIT: Nevermind. Discussing the analogy is not the same as discussing the claim, and would only derail the discussion.

The aalogy was not brought up by me, it is one I would not use , because the colours are set an flowing in that direction,the theory of evolution would appear to me to be somewhat like a tree or a river


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The point is that the red-orange point is arbitrary. It, and "new" species, are not clear-cut.

Eddy Daze

whirling dervish
Sey...but with a river analogy we could say that this is part of such and such river even though it had split. Dont think it is the same with colours regards species , because if a split occured we would have to label them lighter shades of red, or darker shades of orange


Well-Known Member
The point is that the red-orange point is arbitrary. It, and "new" species, are not clear-cut.

Very true, the lion and tiger are considered separate species, but a would be paleontologist in the future that dug up their petrified bones would likely assign them to the same species.

They are genetically close enough they can mate and have offspring, (although I don't thing the offspring would be fertile).

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
The Lion and Tiger are notoriously difficult to tell apart from bones alone. This is where fights between "lumpers" and "splitters" start.



Active Member
When did man first appear? Man appeared just a split split second ago. Everything remains a possiblity until consciousness actualizes them.
"There is no collapse , no choice among the superpositions of possibilities that develop from the cumulative genetic mutations until enough change takes place to merit phentypical expression in terms of a new trait in acoordance with the purposiveness, or grand design, of consciousness. ... Consciousness then chooses,amongg all the possible paths, the new gestalt that contains the new trait that is compatible with consciousness's purpose. If the new self-organization, the new trait, also prevents interbreeding with the old, we have a new species - quantum speciation." - The Visionary Window


New Member
Friend Peace has this to say:

Like everyone to respond this.

Love & rgds

I believe in creation by God of Adam and Eve.
Genesis 2:5-7 states:
"5When no bush of the field was yet in the land and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up—for the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground, 6and a mist was going up from the land and was watering the whole face of the ground— 7then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature."


Well-Known Member
I was always one to think evolution was more of the answer than anything else. I never really felt that God created the entire earth in 7 days. I guess it's a possibility but it just doesn't strike my fancy as much as evolution does. I guess I basically agree with what Draka said. I think many of the books in the bible were just that, books. What do I know though. Don't get me wrong, I love reading the bible. I've been reading it a lot lately... I just don't think some of the stories are truth. I think a lot of them are just stories.


Well-Known Member
Adam and eve is without a doubt the worst hypothesis for how humans got here. Most respectable theologians don't even by into that.


Active Member
If the wave function collapse requires a sentient being then the entire existence was only a possibilty, untill that being arrived. . The dinosaurs and the entire physical universe only existed as possibilities. The entire existence is being recreated every one billionth of a second - including the fifteen billion years of history leading up to that point are happening now.