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How did Satan get to the garden of Eden?


So with metaphor still in place...not rewriting Genesis...
The serpent represents what?....uninvited interference?
An actual person?...as metaphors can do that.

a snake in a tree

dont make it deeper then intended.

the snake was not the focus of the story now was it??? this was all about eve and adam


Well-Known Member
sincerly said:
In the earth made new (Isa.65:25), "The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust [shall be] the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD."
All things vegetable and Animal were made from the "dust" of the earth and shall return to "dust" upon death. That's your metaphor.

It is no metaphor that The Creator GOD did Creat all things. The "error" is to believe otherwise.

Sorry, "that" shouldn't have been there.

for Sincerely...(I highlighted the quote mark...to keep you words for you)

I see nothing in your rebuttal to dismiss my previous post.

If you insist.
And God did not create all things.
That situation in the Garden was corrupted, (by the serpent).
If you insist...then God is responsible for the presence of the serpent....
and the consequence...the fall of Man.

As for the dust....that is a factual notion.
All are dust.

God did creat this earth and its associated heavens and all that is in them. HE didn't creat HIMSELF.
All of HIS creation was seen as "GOOD". NOT corrupted. The "corruption" came with the disobedience of Adam and Eve. A choice of their making. ALL human beings are responsible for what they choose to do with their actions. NO ONE has to be contrary to the Will of the Father. To do so, is the choice of their freedom to choose. GOD is not "Responsible" nor "accountable" for man's disobedience----nor "the fall of mankind".
Rev.12:7-9, "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

Satan is called/known by many names---also, is an impersonator as well.


Well-Known Member
4000 years after creation, Jesus who was with HIS Father in Heaven when Satan was cast out, said Luke 10:18, "And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."

One can believe myth, metaphor, etc.(imaginable), but, It is/was all literal/true.


4000 years after creation, Jesus who was with HIS Father in Heaven when Satan was cast out, said Luke 10:18, "And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."

One can believe myth, metaphor, etc.(imaginable), but, It is/was all literal/true.

Nothing was "created" 6000 years ago

and you have not provided any evidence the snake in the garden is satan.

Satan evolved in the bible, you need to show that the ancient hebrews authors intended this snake to be satan.

you also need to explain why they didnt say the snake was satan


Well-Known Member
Nothing was "created" 6000 years ago

and you have not provided any evidence the snake in the garden is satan.

And just where did you prove that creation didn't happen then???
And where is you evidence that Satan wasn't in the garden???

Satan evolved in the bible, you need to show that the ancient hebrews authors intended this snake to be satan.

you also need to explain why they didnt say the snake was satan

"Ancient Hebrews authors"??? GOD spoke to Moses for forty days and nights. It was He who wrote Genesis.(and the First five books of the Bible.) And the Creator GOD of all things has no reason to lie. And in that "evolution," the Holy Spirit gave the same defining messages. However, since you dispute the Bible as valid, give your proof that Satan wasn't "intended to be this snake" and why it was necessary to futher define----the names of the animals wasn't listed.
The essential message was easily understood. Disobedience/any sin brings death upon the sinner. The shedding of ones Blood in death is the penalty. The remedy is in/by the Promised bruising of HEEL of the Woman's seed.(At the appointed time) Which crushes the serpents head(death of---On the day of Atonement.)


Rogue Theologian
Nothing was "created" 6000 years ago

and you have not provided any evidence the snake in the garden is satan.

Satan evolved in the bible, you need to show that the ancient hebrews authors intended this snake to be satan.

you also need to explain why they didnt say the snake was satan

Get with the program.
There won't be evidence or proof.

Read the story and express what it means to you.
If all you've got is....'myth saying'...there's not much to expect.

The story is about Adam and Eve.

As for the snake....try taking it personally....it might open your eyes.
If I call you a snake...it is a metaphor....of your character.
Now place said character in the story.
What's so hard about that?


Veteran Member
Get with the program.
There won't be evidence or proof.

Read the story and express what it means to you.
If all you've got is....'myth saying'...there's not much to expect.

The story is about Adam and Eve.

As for the snake....try taking it personally....it might open your eyes.
If I call you a snake...it is a metaphor....of your character.
Now place said character in the story.
What's so hard about that?

snakes don't talk :facepalm:


And just where did you prove that creation didn't happen then???

Homo sapiens have 200,000 years of history

we have 6000 years of writing from all over the world that shows that the human population did not start in the levant 6000 years ago.

we know agriculture started 12000 years ago

we know the ancient hebrews migrated from canaan and mesopotamia after 1200 BC and were never a enslaved race in egypt.

creation is a myth outlawed from public schools. We dont teach our children these things anymore in public school.

Ancient hebrews did not know history of the world or anything about 6000 years ago.

And where is you evidence that Satan wasn't in the garden???

a little black book called the bible, read it. No where does it state satan was in the garden.

Ancient Hebrews authors"??? GOD spoke to Moses for forty days and nights.

Moses has no historicity

scholars and historians look at him as a created figure

give your proof that Satan wasn't "intended to be this snake" and why it was necessary to futher define----the names of the animals wasn't listed.

I already did, they didnt write him in.

the authors put a snake in


Veteran Member
we know the ancient hebrews migrated from canaan and mesopotamia after 1200 BC and were never a enslaved race in egypt.

What do you mean by "ancient hebrews" ? How ancient?
I don't think it's possible to make those sort of conclusions from modern history, and ancient history is TOTALLY unreliable!

..a little black book called the bible, read it. No where does it state satan was in the garden.

Are you a language scholar? Are you a theological scholar?
Many theologians clearly state that satan and the serpent are one and the same .. how is an atheist qualified to make theological conclusions?

I already did, they didnt write him in.

the authors put a snake in

Many people think that they know it all, when in fact they know nothing! Language changes over the years, and accounts are subject to inaccuracy upon revision for many reasons..

Your argument is far, far, far to simplistic.
"Look, it don't say it there do it!?" :facepalm:


What do you mean by "ancient hebrews" ? How ancient?
I don't think it's possible to make those sort of conclusions from modern history, and ancient history is TOTALLY unreliable!

Im sorry but the history of Israel is pretty well known.

Israel did not exist before 1200.

1209 is our earliest refference and at that time they were a semi nomadic/nomadic people. These were the people that would become ancient hebrews.

Are you a language scholar? Are you a theological scholar?
Many theologians clearly state that satan and the serpent are one and the same .. how is an atheist qualified to make theological conclusions?

post one scholar that claims the snake is satan, back it up with sources.

Many people think that they know it all, when in fact they know nothing! Language changes over the years, and accounts are subject to inaccuracy upon revision for many reasons..

dont get upset when you cannot refute what i posted.


Your argument is far, far, far to simplistic.
"Look, it don't say it there do it!?" :facepalm:

So, what your saying is imagination is required to read the bible and place figures and concepts where ever one wants ???


Sunni muslim
snakes don't talk :facepalm:

I didn't read all the thread yet, but i just want to add a remark : there's a donkey who talk in the Bible :

22:28 Then the LORD opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?"

Just to say ...