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How did Satan get to the garden of Eden?


Rogue Theologian
About the serpent or what?

The character of the serpent.

True enough the book does not use the name Satan in the story line.
However, don't most believers refer to Satan as that serpent?

I don't have a problem of that understanding....
God was making an effort to further His relationship with Man.
And God's Adversary would stand back and do nothing to interfere?

Looks like a very plausible account.
And don't most believers think so anyway?


No it was not just a snake.

To call someone a serpent is a statement of character.
That character cannot be taken out of the storyline.

That is spoke indicates it was not 'just a snake'.

Now what do you think was really going on?

Try thinking as if you believe in spiritual things.

It was written in.

its a story nothing more.

it was never ment to be accurate history, OR read literally.


Agnostic Theist
It was written in.

its a story nothing more.

it was never ment to be accurate history, OR read literally.
So what does it mean metaphorically? I don't think thief, in statement you quoted, is saying that it isn't written in, or that it is meant to be actual history. He is asking what is going on in the story.


The character of the serpent.

True enough the book does not use the name Satan in the story line.
However, don't most believers refer to Satan as that serpent?

I don't have a problem of that understanding....
God was making an effort to further His relationship with Man.
And God's Adversary would stand back and do nothing to interfere?

Looks like a very plausible account.
And don't most believers think so anyway?

I do believe the serpent was indwelt by Satan. Satan possessed the serpent which is within his ability, similar to the demons taking possession of the swine (Matthew 8) other accounts of demonic possession.


That's not true. Many very educated people are of the idea that he is Satan.


That's not completely true either. God did have adversaries. He didn't have one particular adversary, but we do see a variety of people or beings that were his adversaries.

dont be vague

who were his adversaries from 1000 BC to 600 BC

And be clear, which god had a adversay? El? or Yahweh? at that time there were more then one god

So what does it mean metaphorically?

Its a talking snake nothing more.

it was never written in to be read that deep into, its mythology and sometime's what you see is what you get.


Well-Known Member
and that makes sense?

A lot more than believing that somehow all the elements found on this earth just spontaneously appeared out of "NOTHING". And then those elements just "spontaneously" produced "LIFE". Then "that which had life" mysteriously spun off into myrids of forms of flora and fauna?--------One must add 20 fold times the trillions of years already claimed for what is seen to occur----even if one could shake the "nothing" long enough.


A lot more than believing that somehow all the elements found on this earth just spontaneously appeared out of "NOTHING". And then those elements just "spontaneously" produced "LIFE". Then "that which had life" mysteriously spun off into myrids of forms of flora and fauna?--------One must add 20 fold times the trillions of years already claimed for what is seen to occur----even if one could shake the "nothing" long enough.

there is no debate about evolution and its validity.

there is considerable debate that god's were created from mythology.

In the case of the abrahamic god, there is a clear path of how this god evolved from pagan deities, and the people that migrated to Israel brought these deities with them, where they merged and slowly evolved into yahweh around 622BC during the period of second Isaiah.


Veteran Member
A lot more than believing that somehow all the elements found on this earth just spontaneously appeared out of "NOTHING".
that's what your bible claims...where did your god come from?

and not only that, your babble claims to be an authority over how i should live my life according to ignorant sexist bigoted goat herders limited understanding of the micro and macro world...

give me a freakin break.


Well-Known Member
There is no debate at all!! for dating methods used today.


there is also a direct link to ones education and this belief of YEC.

That's not true! There are debates concerning the methods of dating and the supposed dates obtained by them. Use your computer to search.
I know what YES means, but YEC is unknown by me.

What education do you have?? to try and discredit scientist with decades of schooling?? what do you have??

Outhouse, even decades of schooling and having a wrong understanding/belief/etc. does NOT make a Wrong comment/belief correct. A false witness is still a false witness.
An Education is only as good as one understands and wisely discerns between that which is True and that which is false. (John 17:17), "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth."

sincerly said:
Also, From Sinai(approx.1500 BC), the events and History of the nation of Israel was written (forward). Also, the preceeding 2500 years were made known and recorded. That is why one has this record to debate. And you were able to refer to that "little black book".

I suggest you take a history class on the subject
1Kings11:41, "And the rest of the acts of Solomon, and all that he did, and his wisdom, [are] they not written in the book of the acts of Solomon? "
""""[are] they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah? """" That phrase is found 36 times in the Bible.
Moses Wrote as directed by GOD concerning the events which preceeded Sinai, But the History afterwards was by Joshua, the records of the Judges, Kings and Chronicles.

These people did not start writing until a little before 1000 BC

Try approx. 1500BC and I'll agree with you.

well then do you agree its just a snake??? or do you have some real evidence it was the devil within genesis ??

Oh! The snake was real, just used by the one(more subtile) who was cast out of heaven.(Rev.12:7-9).


Well-Known Member
not the educated

The distinction was "BELIEVERS" and that includes all ranges of education. And they do.

at that time, god didnt have a adversary

To the contrary, that one and his angels who was "cast out" were now in Earth and still adversaries. They are awaiting their Fate and still are active in deceiving mankind.

And don't most believers think so anyway?
And don't most believers think so anyway?

Again, the key word is "Believers". I am aware that you do not believe it to be anything but a myth.


Well-Known Member
there is no debate about evolution and its validity.

There is plenty of debate continually concerning the falseness of evolution.

there is considerable debate that god's were created from mythology.

There is no debate there because that is the meaning of myth---falseness. I see the Bible as the true actions of a Loving GOD who has from that Creation day provided all who will hear and obey the History of mankind a redemption from failing---to overcoming and living with HIM as HE intended through-out eternity.

In the case of the abrahamic god, there is a clear path of how this god evolved from pagan deities, and the people that migrated to Israel brought these deities with them, where they merged and slowly evolved into yahweh around 622BC during the period of second Isaiah.

However, the Biblical account is quiet different than you depicted. At the Tower of Babel All had some knowledge of the True GOD who had placed the eight on the Ark by their Faith in HIM. At the scattering from there, the various groups of peoples began to deform the True GOD to their own thinking---therefore, the "gods".

Ex6:3, "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by [the name of] God Almighty(Elohiym), but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them."

Abraham Left Ur about 1921BC.


Veteran Member
..your babble claims to be an authority over how i should live my life according to ignorant sexist bigoted goat herders..

Yes .. I think that that's where the problem lies..

..at least their environment was simple, more natural than many people find themselves in today .. polluted, materialistic, high pressure "rat-race"

I'm not surprised that many of us end up "damaged goods", or are unable to understand the truth of our plight

How did satan get into "the garden of Eden" ?
Well, it seems to me that we 'let him in' due to our own weaknesses/greed :(
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Rogue Theologian

dont be vague

who were his adversaries from 1000 BC to 600 BC

And be clear, which god had a adversay? El? or Yahweh? at that time there were more then one god

Its a talking snake nothing more.

it was never written in to be read that deep into, its mythology and sometime's what you see is what you get.

At least you admit the serpent is a character capable of speech.

And if you don't address metaphors with deep thought....
doesn't that make you rather....shallow?


Veteran Member
Yes .. I think that that's where the problem lies..

..at least their environment was simple, more natural than many people find themselves in today .. polluted, materialistic, high pressure "rat-race"

I'm not surprised that many of us end up "damaged goods", or are unable to understand the truth of our plight

How did satan get into "the garden of Eden" ?
Well, it seems to me that we 'let him in' due to our own weaknesses/greed :(

there was never a garden to begin with.

funny how you conveniently left out all the suffering one goes through with out the advancement of technology/medicine...from the rotting of teeth to child bearing...all while making this god of yours one who is concerned
yes yes what a convenient argument :facepalm:


Agnostic Theist
Just look into any evangelical or fundamentalist church. Many of them are quite intelligent people. My minister had a Ph.D. in psychology, from a reputable school. I minister at my in-laws church, which is a lutheran church, accepted that the serpent was Satan as well. And he had gone through the schooling.

It has little to do with whether or not they are educated. It has to do with the sort of education that they are getting, and what traditions they are relying on.

Also, one can even find Jews relating the serpent to Satan, and in fact were the first ones. So there is a long tradition of associated the serpent with Satan.
dont be vague

who were his adversaries from 1000 BC to 600 BC

And be clear, which god had a adversay? El? or Yahweh? at that time there were more then one god
I'm talking about God. I'm talking about the God of the Bible. Whether or not this God is made up of various deities, makes little difference to me in this case (also, even after 600 B.C.E., there were other gods who were recognized. That is why there religion is, for a period of time, described as a monolatry, or henotheistic).

As to who is God's adversary between that time. The serpent is one. Various nations who tried to destroy his people. Various humans who opposed his will. Other gods. All one has to do is read the Bible, and you will see God having many different adversaries at one point or another.
Its a talking snake nothing more.

it was never written in to be read that deep into, its mythology and sometime's what you see is what you get.
What did the snake represent? It has to represent something. And it isn't a talking snake, it is a serpent (snakes don't have feet, but a serpent can, after all, a dragon is a large serpent).

Why did they choose a serpent (this goes back to what the serpent represents)? They could have picked a different being. But they specifically picked the serpent. There must be a reason. And why make the serpent speak? There are many ways that Eve could have been tempted to eat that fruit. But we see specifically a serpent doing such (and no, serpents weren't a despised animal).

You are looking at it through a 21st century lens. You are not putting it into context, and you are not using the same ideas that the ancient Hebrews would have in order to interpret this story.