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How did Satan get to the garden of Eden?


Veteran Member
Agreed, The Bible attests to GOD speaking all things into existence.Then He took a part of the earth and made Man. Breathing into man's nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being. Awesome!! Not billions of years, but instantly.
What the "serpent" subtility/deceptively took away from Mankind, GOD had made away of escape(For all who will believe).

"From everlasting unto everlasting". No beginning and no ending.
yet evolution proves the contrary...
all you got are baseless claims....
evolution is proven creation is not. sorry.

You have had your break and the "Authority" who made and does understand the "micro and macro world" knows all there is to know about you. All HE asks of you is to LOVE HIM with all your being and your neighbor as yourself. Is that so hard? I assure you that HE isn't bigoted---HE/Jesus died for all.

That test in the garden of Eden was just as at Sinai----"that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no".

all baseless claims
unless you concede wishful thinking is the foundation for such tripe
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Agnostic Theist

I posted this that talks directly about the genesis serpent

According to the Rabbinical tradition, the serpent represents sexual desire.

Thats hardley adversary or satan

From your quote: The choice of a venomous snake for this role seems to arise from Near Eastern traditions associating snakes with danger and death....

I bolded and underlined what I was talking about. So your source is wrong.

More so, just stop with the idea of Satan here. I'm not talking about Satan. I haven't suggested anything about Satan. You really are not addressing the issue here. I don't see why this should be so difficult.

Also, just as a side not, why do you accept Rabbinical tradition here? Why is it better than say a scholarly approach to the text? Why are you taking a religious explanation for this text, while dismissing other religious explanations? I don't really get that.

Its a myth plain and simple. And the snake is just a made up feature taken from previous religions
Myth is hardly plain and simple. And again, it is a serpent, not snake. They picked the serpent for a reason. The story has a purpose. It was written for a reason. And really, I'm just trying to push you a little to find that meaning.


At the Monastery
Did God know Satan was there..yes.
Did he know they would eat the fruit of the tree...yes.
Why...Free Will...all I ask is you dont do this ONE thing...knowing they would of course.
The original sin is not sex...he makes it quite clear to go forth and multiply early in Genesis.
He seems even upet that have chosen to cover their bodies. So much for the carefree days of nature living.
When questioned: Adam blames God...the woman YOU gave me..he says...putting the blame on both God and Eve...well, theres a man for ya. The rest is history...man left to his own devices has so screwed things up, that God decides one step short of destroying the planet itself to wipe everyone out..except Noah.


Veteran Member
..evolution is proven creation is not. sorry.

That's a pointless statement .. "evolution" is a generic term which refers to the principle of heredity, which has little to do with how the universe came into being.

Do you assert that the universe created itself? :rolleyes:
Do you assert that intelligence/awareness originates from nought?
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Did God know Satan was there..yes.
Did he know they would eat the fruit of the tree...yes.
Why...Free Will...all I ask is you dont do this ONE thing...knowing they would of course.
The original sin is not sex...he makes it quite clear to go forth and multiply early in Genesis.
He seems even upet that have chosen to cover their bodies. So much for the carefree days of nature living.
When questioned: Adam blames God...the woman YOU gave me..he says...putting the blame on both God and Eve...well, theres a man for ya. The rest is history...man left to his own devices has so screwed things up, that God decides one step short of destroying the planet itself to wipe everyone out..except Noah.

God did not foreordain that Adam and Eve would sin. Nor is there any evidence he foreknew that they would do so. The tree God forbade them to eat from represented God's authority and right to set boundaries for his intelligent creatures.
By disobedience, man tried to usurp God's authority to set moral standards. The results have been disastrous, as God knew they would be.


Rogue Theologian
yet evolution proves the contrary...
all you got are baseless claims....
evolution is proven creation is not. sorry.

all baseless claims
unless you concede wishful thinking is the foundation for such tripe

Well gee...aren't we snippy?

Evolution is not proof over creation.
You can have your evolution and retain God as creator.

And what you call wishful thinking is my faith.

So with that in mind....
your lack of faith is nothing more than hope...that....
no one will have you answer for the things you profess.
No God....no angels...no saints....no believers...
No afterlife.

And such hope may actually come to pass.


Rogue Theologian
Did God know Satan was there..yes.
Did he know they would eat the fruit of the tree...yes.
Why...Free Will...all I ask is you dont do this ONE thing...knowing they would of course.
The original sin is not sex...he makes it quite clear to go forth and multiply early in Genesis.
He seems even upet that have chosen to cover their bodies. So much for the carefree days of nature living.
When questioned: Adam blames God...the woman YOU gave me..he says...putting the blame on both God and Eve...well, theres a man for ya. The rest is history...man left to his own devices has so screwed things up, that God decides one step short of destroying the planet itself to wipe everyone out..except Noah.

Nice post...I like it. Keeping to topic....

Do you see the garden event as a means of altering the body and mind of Man?
Or do you believe the first couple to be ...the first of all.

I see the garden event as God altering the course of Man.
Man as a species.... Day Six.
Day Seven...rest...and no more will be created.
THEN Chapter two.
Adam as a chosen son of God.
Eve would be his twin sister....no navel...

And the serpent is that angel with mindset to undo the spirit of Man.


Veteran Member
Well gee...aren't we snippy?

Evolution is not proof over creation.
You can have your evolution and retain God as creator.

And what you call wishful thinking is my faith.

So with that in mind....
your lack of faith is nothing more than hope...that....
no one will have you answer for the things you profess.
No God....no angels...no saints....no believers...
No afterlife.

And such hope may actually come to pass.

and you have a problem with that?
seems like it.
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the expansion of the universe happened and was the beginning to it all.

Abiogenesis happened

evolution is happening

homo sapiens have a long history of creating mythical sky daddies

in these early myths man took many deities and created a mythical creation story, ancient hebrews then took this same story and added their values to it.

Not one thing above can you refute.


Rogue Theologian
the option to support an opinion based on evidence...

And as always faith needs no proving.
You seem to suffer a short term memory loss.

Need a photo?....a fingerprint?....an equation?...a repeatable experiment?

Won't happen.

Hanging around religious forum.....for an education?
You often claim to be here for that purpose.

But I suspect otherwise.


Agnostic Theist
the expansion of the universe happened and was the beginning to it all.

Abiogenesis happened

evolution is happening

homo sapiens have a long history of creating mythical sky daddies

in these early myths man took many deities and created a mythical creation story, ancient hebrews then took this same story and added their values to it.

Not one thing above can you refute.
A little sure of yourself, you are. Avoid the issue, you did. Made a statement of faith, claimed it as fact.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sincerly
Agreed, The Bible attests to GOD speaking all things into existence.Then He took a part of the earth and made Man. Breathing into man's nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being. Awesome!! Not billions of years, but instantly.
What the "serpent" subtility/deceptively took away from Mankind, GOD had made away of escape(For all who will believe).

"From everlasting unto everlasting". No beginning and no ending.

yet evolution proves the contrary...
all you got are baseless claims....
evolution is proven creation is not. sorry.

Evolution is still a theory. It has proved nothing. The flora and faunaI seen attests to the fact that there is a Creator GOD. Evolutionist have yet to give proof that something spontaneously comes from "nothing". No human Being has yet to produce "Life" from inanimated substance muchless from "nothing".

sincerly(previous) said:
You have had your break and the "Authority" who made and does understand the "micro and macro world" knows all there is to know about you. All HE asks of you is to LOVE HIM with all your being and your neighbor as yourself. Is that so hard? I assure you that HE isn't bigoted---HE/Jesus died for all.

That test in the garden of Eden was just as at Sinai----"that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no". (Ex.16:4)

all baseless claims
unless you concede wishful thinking is the foundation for such tripe

To the contrary, Written for all the see and know.

The only "wishful thinking" which is "tripe" has been your false "contradictions"/opinions. The Bible still is the only truth concerning its self.