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How did Satan get to the garden of Eden?


Well-Known Member
your faith is ridiculous...thats good enough for me.

That which you call "ridiculous" Is the foundation for eternal life. Life on this earth today is short and otherwise without hope. Your choice---to believe that "serpent" or GOD.


Well-Known Member
the expansion of the universe happened and was the beginning to it all.

Just where did the "universe" originate/source for it "to expand"??

Abiogenesis happened

It is "claimed"/a theory, but no evidence for that to be a fact.

evolution is happening

Mutations are seen, but same species. A dog is still a dog no matter the breed. A rose is still a rose no matter the alterations of seeds or cuttings or cross- pollination.

homo sapiens have a long history of creating mythical sky daddies.
in these early myths man took many deities and created a mythical creation story, ancient hebrews then took this same story and added their values to it.

True, but those "Homo Sapiens" Originally had a creator GOD to pattern their "sky daddies" after---and including themselves. You may reverse the process, but the origin of life(mankind) spread from Creation of Adam and Eve to the ends of the civilized world at the scattering from Babel. It was those who scattered that did the altering of the Creator GOD to their own fanciful imaginations.

Not one thing above can you refute.

Says you! The Scriptures say differently. However, believe as you wish.


Veteran Member
i find any idea that undermines the here and now detestable and immoral.

Quite clearly, everybody's "version" of the here & now is different .. we all have different experiences in different environments.

Why is your experience in your environment any more valid than anybody else's?
ie. every time you accusingly say "prove it", the same applies to yourself

..which brings us back to my former point .. many people's environment in the here & now is an unnatural, materialistic rat-race .. I hesitate to depend on 'proofs' from people who won't recognise this simple fact


Veteran Member
Quite clearly, everybody's "version" of the here & now is different .. we all have different experiences in different environments.

Why is your experience in your environment any more valid than anybody else's?

it's not more valid as i refuse to control others choices

i can't say the same about religious dogma

ie. every time you accusingly say "prove it", the same applies to yourself
what claim do you want me to prove?

..which brings us back to my former point .. many people's environment in the here & now is an unnatural, materialistic rat-race .. I hesitate to depend on 'proofs' from people who won't recognise this simple fact

then religious faith is for those who can't deal
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Just where did the "universe" originate/source for it "to expand"??

good question

but, a man made deity/god didnt do it

It is "claimed"/a theory, but no evidence for that to be a fact.

Actually we are he evidence. lol

Not only that, right about the time the earth cooled down and we had water on the planet, right when it was perfect timing when life should start on its own, it did.

And we see a path of how single cell life forms developed and branched out in the tree of life, this we do have millions of fossils to back all dated perfectly.

as a matter of fact! all fossils to DATE! fit perfectly in the tree of life. Out of millions! not one is out of place.

Mutations are seen, but same species.


answered incorrectly due to ignorance on the subject.

speciation has been observed multiple times.

but the origin of life(mankind) spread from Creation of Adam and Eve to the ends of the civilized world at the scattering from Babel. It was those who scattered that did the altering of the Creator GOD to their own fanciful imaginations.


answered false due to ignornace on the subject

Homo sapiens started in Africa, NOT the levant

Says you! The Scriptures say differently. However, believe as you wish.

false again.

not say's me, say's most every scientist and biologist in the world today

scriptures are not a science text nor a history book. and never intended to be read that way.


Agnostic Theist
good question

but, a man made deity/god didnt do it
Of course a man made deity/god didn't do it, but that doesn't mean a god/deity didn't do it. It is possible that there is a god out there.

Actually we are he evidence. lol

Not only that, right about the time the earth cooled down and we had water on the planet, right when it was perfect timing when life should start on its own, it did.

And we see a path of how single cell life forms developed and branched out in the tree of life, this we do have millions of fossils to back all dated perfectly.

as a matter of fact! all fossils to DATE! fit perfectly in the tree of life. Out of millions! not one is out of place.
Life didn't start on it's own though. Life may have come from another planet (such as arriving on a comet or the like). You are taking leaps here.
false again.

not say's me, say's most every scientist and biologist in the world today

scriptures are not a science text nor a history book. and never intended to be read that way.
Actually, most scientist and biologist aren't agreeing with everything you said. Many scientists and biologists believe in a god. Many believe that life did not just happen, but actually arrived here from somewhere else (such as on a comet).

Also, instead of just saying false, and not really providing anything to back yourself up, you might want to actually show the evidence. The reason is quite simple. Just saying false adds nothing to the conversation. However, if you can actually show some evidence, it will actually support your case, and may convince your opponents.


It is possible that there is a god out there.

No its not possible.

unless you have some magical evidence.

Of course a man made deity/god didn't do it, but that doesn't mean a god/deity didn't do it.

yes it does, gods and deities have not ever been proven to exist outside mythology.

they cannot be attributed to anything.

Life didn't start on it's own though.


Life may have come from another planet (such as arriving on a comet or the like). You are taking leaps here

It is possible but im not taking any leaps at all here.

As soon as life could arise on its own, it did

Actually, most scientist and biologist aren't agreeing with everything you said.

despite your poor rebuttle, they do.

Many scientists and biologists believe in a god.

yet theuy dont attribute anything to it

Many believe that life did not just happen,

yes a few do, not the majority.

that makes you in error again.

but actually arrived here from somewhere else (such as on a comet).

a minority position.


Veteran Member
And disbelief is for those who can't...and won't.... deal with it.
But your just having fun...aren't you?
Out trolling, I see.

to be confident that god wants this or that without being required to prove so is both detestable and reprehensible at best.


Well-Known Member
I was reading Gen 3 and I ended with more questions than answers.
1. Did God put Satan in the garden?
2. Didn't God know what would happen?
3 Did you notice that Satan always gives a piece of truth & a lie

In Genesis you have God, Adam, Eve and the Serpent.

No mention of Satan. That must be a corruption somewhere else in Christianity you are referring to.


Agnostic Theist
No its not possible.

unless you have some magical evidence.
I said possible. It is definitely possible. I didn't say we have evidence of such a possibility. I simply stated it is a possibility. Since we can't show that such a god doesn't exist, it remains a possibility. Maybe it would be improbable, but not impossible.
yes it does, gods and deities have not ever been proven to exist outside mythology.

they cannot be attributed to anything.
No it doesn't. It does not mean it is impossible that a god was the beginning or the catalyst for everything (beginning isn't a good word here). It may mean that it is improbable, since such a being has no evidence supporting it (at the same, there is no evidence against).

Again, it just makes it improbable, not impossible.
So life had no catalyst? It just all of a sudden popped out of nothing and began? No, not at all. There was a catalyst. I'm not saying it was God, but that all of the necessary components were there that were needed in order to start the chemical reactions that would bring forth life. That does require a catalyst.

It is possible but im not taking any leaps at all here.

As soon as life could arise on its own, it did
You are taking leaps. Life didn't just start when it all of a sudden could. It wasn't as if at the exact moment that the Earth was suitable for life, it began. The building blocks and the like were needed in order to bring forth this life as well.
despite your poor rebuttle, they do.
Then back it up. You seem to always say that the experts agree with you, but you can never show the sources. I think it is because you have not actually done a lot of study, besides on wikipedia.
yet theuy dont attribute anything to it
Are you sure? Many believe that evolution and creation can go hand in hand. As in, God was the initial catalyst. Some even believe that he directed the flow of evolution. Yes, they take the idea of other biologists, and they may not argue these positions about God, but it doesn't mean they don't hold them.
yes a few do, not the majority.

that makes you in error again.
I highly doubt you know what the majority even thinks. Because that would require you to do actual research on the subject (meaning, not just Wikipedia).
a minority position.
Can you show that to be true? I highly doubt it.

Here is an article: Did Comets Make Life on Earth Possible?

Many scientists believe there is increasing evidence that comets supplied at least part of the raw material for the origin of life on Earth. The theory is changing the way scientists think about life in the universe and raises the possibility of alien worlds.

It is hardly a minority position, and in fact, continues to gain more ground.


Rogue Theologian
to be confident that god wants this or that without being required to prove so is both detestable and reprehensible at best.

Just stubbornness on your part.

So you don't like theological discussions?

As always the call for proof....all the while knowing it's faith.


Veteran Member
Just stubbornness on your part.

So you don't like theological discussions?

As always the call for proof....all the while knowing it's faith.

is it any wonder why you would complain about the proof part?

faith without proof is giving license to really really dangerous thinking
and one wonders why anyone would look the other way just so they can feel better about their self...

it's absolute insanity... the wish for willful ignorance on the backs of people who have lost their lives or who are being subjected to an idea that holds no water knowing religious faith lacks any form of evidence other than god says so. it's pure horse sh**

for shame
for shame
for shame


Veteran Member
..religious faith lacks any form of evidence other than god says so..

"God says so" is good enough for me :)

The problem is, of course, discerning between what "God said" and what He didn't say (or mean)
..oh .. and it's not so much "faith without proof" as "faith without reason"

ie. Religious faith should be based on a strong, logical foundation

Continually repeating that there's no proof (such as being able to see or hear God), gets rather boring after a while :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
"God says so" is good enough for me :)

The problem is, of course, discerning between what "God said" and what He didn't say (or mean)
..oh .. and it's not so much "faith without proof" as "faith without reason"

ie. Religious faith should be based on a strong, logical foundation

Continually repeating that there's no proof (such as being able to see or hear God), gets rather boring after a while :rolleyes:

anyone who would kill their child because they thought god would heal them or flying into the WTC because god told them to do it are usually cowards that wouldn't normally commit such a heinous act unless it was done while hiding behind the guise of "god said so"

you might be bored with that
but i must ask why and how can that reality be so boring, it's mind boggling to me and a very sad sad state of affairs