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How did Satan get to the garden of Eden?


Rogue Theologian
The teaching of evolution is also a form of indoctrination. Most folks that are taught evolution have no problem questioning this theory however. They look at the available evidence and assess the holes in the theory and look at possible alternatives.

Dispite over a century of questioning and testing of the theory, an overwhelming majority of scientists and most lay people believe at least parts of this theory. Many parts of the theory of evolution are accepted as fact (natural selection for example) as these ideas have held up under rigorous scrutiny.

Folks that believe in evolotion do not have to deny reality and make up wild fantasy in order to maintain their beliefs. If all or parts of the theory was proven wrong the overwhelming majority of believers would readily change their beliefs.

Of course there are a few who would cling to disproven ideas .. heck, there are still folks out there that think the earth is flat.

Some ideas that came out of evolution have been proven wrong over the years (the theory is not the same as it was in Darwin's day) but the structural integrity of the main tenets of the threory are still intact.

While evolution holds up under critical examination .. creationism does not.

Believers in creationism, like those who believe the Earth is flat, have to ignore science, history,logic, and common sense in order to justify creationism. They have and make up wild fantasy in and live in denial of reality in order to maintain creationist beliefs.

Unlike evolution, believers in creationism are not willing to discard or question this belief dispite that many of the core tenets have been proven wrong by archaeology, history, biology, geology, paleontology, logic and simple common sense.

Unlike evolution, the vast majority of scientists and even most Christians do not accept the major tenets of creationism.

I don't know why you peope...just just you...can't draw the line properly.

Both sides are guilty.

Non-believers push science a if God has nothing to do with life on this planet.
Yes He does.

Believers push their scripture as if God does abide by the physical law He made.
Yes He does.

Both creation and evolution are true.
Both are the handiwork of God.


Active Member
The Message of GOD for the people of today: Rev.14:7, "Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters."

Im sure that the writer of Revelation believed creation story. Many Jews and Christians of the time probably also believed the creation story, not having the benefit of modern science.

Even at the time when Revelations was written however many Jews did not have a literal interpretation of the Biblical stories such as Noah's Ark. They had a more allegorical perspective.

Today of course most Jews do not believe in creationism. It is kind of funny that in spite of the fact that Jews do not believe in creationism, a large percentage of Christians in the US still maintain this belief. (This same can not be said in general for Christians in other countries)

Genesis is "the Jew's book after all. If they do not take the stories literally why on earth would Christians ?


Rogue Theologian
Im sure that the writer of Revelation believed creation story. Many Jews and Christians of the time probably also believed the creation story, not having the benefit of modern science.

Even at the time when Revelations was written however many Jews did not have a literal interpretation of the Biblical stories such as Noah's Ark. They had a more allegorical perspective.

Today of course most Jews do not believe in creationism. It is kind of funny that in spite of the fact that Jews do not believe in creationism, a large percentage of Christians in the US still maintain this belief. (This same can not be said in general for Christians in other countries)

Genesis is "the Jew's book after all. If they do not take the stories literally why on earth would Christians ?


Man as a species...Day Six...makes sense.
No names, no law, no restrictions, no garden.
And Man as a species would have overrun the entire planet in a lesser form.

With the ability to reach food and evade predators, Man would not have evolved one step further.
No need to.

THEN Chapter Two.
A story of manipulation...not creation.
A story of selection, prepared living conditions, anesthesia, surgery, cloning and genetic manipulation.

Without the garden event, we would be a lesser form, and the spirit of Man....likewise.


Both creation and evolution are true.
Both are the handiwork of God.


creation so far has been proven a myth, influenced from previous religions

also outlawed from poisoning our childrens minds.

Man as a species...Day Six...makes sense.

False "poof" magic!!! makes no sense at all when we have millions of years worth of fossils showing man evolved slowly over millions of years.

the creation story is a known lie as written.

And Man as a species would have overrun the entire planet in a lesser form.


a statement from ignorance

Without the garden event, we would be a lesser form, and the spirit of Man....likewise.

imagination and fantasy with no scientific backing for your personal mythology


Rogue Theologian

creation so far has been proven a myth, influenced from previous religions

also outlawed from poisoning our childrens minds.

False "poof" magic!!! makes no sense at all when we have millions of years worth of fossils showing man evolved slowly over millions of years.

the creation story is a known lie as written.

a statement from ignorance

imagination and fantasy with no scientific backing for your personal mythology

You're just trying to be difficult.

Try thinking of Day Six AS evolution.
And Chapter Two as that 'break' ....that divergence of Man and the rest of the animal kingdom.

Try real hard.


You're just trying to be difficult.

Try thinking of Day Six AS evolution.
And Chapter Two as that 'break' ....that divergence of Man and the rest of the animal kingdom.

Try real hard.

try real hard to quit using imagination to tie known mythology to science

and stop with your personal interpretation no one else follows for the contradictions of two legends written at different times merged together.

known history is just that, there is no mystery here at all, just your refusal of common knowledge


I was reading Gen 3 and I ended with more questions than answers.
1. Did God put Satan in the garden?
2. Didn't God know what would happen?
3 Did you notice that Satan always gives a piece of truth & a lie

Hello :

I actually do understand your personal concerns here, those directly relative to the unresolved mystery of Satan, strangely existing inside of the Garden of Eden, along with Adam and Eve.

As a matter of concern, and to be somewhat understandable to a slight degree, one must understand, one has to first undergo a number of very long overlooked mysteries long before any kind of logical aspects, concerning the Garden of Eden mystery; and, oddly enough before that challenging mystery can be best explained and logically understood, that is, according to one’s absolute best style of explanation, which should also be (likewise) Biblically clear and openly available for any and all human being’s to see today.

There’s actually no room here at this issue for any manmade private interpretation(s) needed here suitable enough to use as a substitution for infallible Biblical truths, concerning this issue and long overlooked subject matter at hand. Therefore, please try to understand this next upcoming method of approach being presented here, at this point.

In order for us (more often radical thinking human being’s) to sort of hold down any and all average styled personal beliefs and also keep down mere personal ideas and opinions, before anyone can possibly come to fully understand the long unresolved mystery of Satan, being in the Garden of Eden, one must first mentally travel far away from the basic everyday commonalities of this world, but mostly, one must spiritually withdraw one’s self far away from any and all worldly ways of thinking.

After that so-called “psychologically based” alteration is rightly achieved within one, one must then do their very best to strongly reframe from using one’s own very limited understandings, in this area of concern.

Afterwards, one must then move their logical mindset (spiritually of course) well beyond today’s widespread Christian taboos and widespread Christian based boundary lines, telling people: “We can’t know these Godly things,” and/or, “It’s not for us to know these Godly things.”

This is, of course, being proclaimed and strongly held throughout most all Christianity today, according to many of today’s modern-day church collectives, throughout Christian based America of today.

Afterwards, one must then spiritually travel (with the “heart’s” mind, of course) far beyond the very first Biblically recorded Godly act of intentional creation, under the Most High God Himself. Look at Isaiah 45:7…If God created any and all things, then there must have been a point of Gods’ eternal existence where there was absolutely nothing living under Himself, therefore since God created all things then there had to be a time God first started Hi first official act of creation under Himself.

Now, strictly using the spiritual mind (heart), absolutely not the basic human driven understanding one ask one’s self one simple question, “Why did God start creating any and all things under Himself…?” What we really need here at this time is a clear cut Godly Ulterior Motive, for the Godly creation of the human race.

Somewhere woven deep within this complex mystery of human existence we may come to strangely discover, old Satan would be need in order for God to best achieve His Godly goals, through the creation of mankind, all existing under God.

The method for anyone achieving this very long widely overlooked spiritual connection with a Godly Ulterior Motive for human life is quite absolutely far, far too long to be best explained here, not within these somewhat limited postings here; so then, to sort of make a very long process short, merely allow me to say.

Before anyone on earth can fully understand exactly why the Garden of Eden events oddly unfolded as did, one must first come to discover and fully understand Gods’ number one primary creative intentions for creating the entire human race to start with.

Satan is merely a very small essential part of God massive creative plans unfolding into Gods’ creation intentions set in force for the entire existence of human race; however, the greatest mystery, of all Biblically recorded mysteries, currently facing the entire human race of today is woven deep into this one indisputable fact,

Without the extreme evil and widespread adverse services of Satan on our planet earth throughout the endless years past, likely is our human “self-will” package may not have ever gotten of Gods’ creative design table, of logical creative events, and all basic created elements unfolding themselves time after time, generation after generation, and from the very foundation of our home world, all the way up to the very end of all existing things, things as we know of it anyway, at the coming end of the world.

I truly hope this slight explanation does not confuse anyone; there is much, much more to this issue for people consider today, directly concerning Satan’s evil existence on our planet earth.




Active Member

Man as a species...Day Six...makes sense.
No names, no law, no restrictions, no garden.
And Man as a species would have overrun the entire planet in a lesser form.

With the ability to reach food and evade predators, Man would not have evolved one step further.
No need to.

THEN Chapter Two.
A story of manipulation...not creation.
A story of selection, prepared living conditions, anesthesia, surgery, cloning and genetic manipulation.

Without the garden event, we would be a lesser form, and the spirit of Man....likewise.

What does not make sense is the idea that the earth is only 5000 years old and that all of humanity came from Noah and family 2200-2400 BC.


Veteran Member
Do you have any better a "thing" to add...?
OtherThan self determin for yourself others do not know, "what it is"...?

Any ideas...?

he's got lots of ideas...
actually more sound ideas than ideas based on wishful thinking.

oh, you're a newbie. i get it.


Veteran Member
Before anyone on earth can fully understand exactly why the Garden of Eden events oddly unfolded as did, one must first come to discover and fully understand Gods’ number one primary creative intentions for creating the entire human race to start with.

this is like saying, before anyone can fully understand exactly why the clone wars unfolded as it did in the star wars trilogy, one must first understand the intentions of senator palpatine.



he's got lots of ideas...
actually more sound ideas than ideas based on wishful thinking.

oh, you're a newbie. i get it.

O-ha....perhaps a "NEWBIE" to you....but, after some 47 long years of Biblical studie and very close personal invetegative reasearch into the "WORD," while also working in the spiritual service of God, I'm not really considered a "NEWBIE," not to God anyway; and, frankly speaking, that is what's really the most important thing to me...!

What you think about a NEWBIE is merely one personal opinion, and every body has one of those things...?

So then, Let me see....O-Yes...Here we go....would you happen to have something "nice" to say to a so-called, "NEWBIE".....I was just wondering about that....?

Somthing like, perhaps........Hello there NEW PERSON...? Or, Hi there "New Member"...? Or, perhaps even, "Glad you took time to post some ideas and opinions for perhaps a person who may just need a few other ideas, concerning the main theme of the thread listed above...?

HELLO...are you still there...? :shrug:


Veteran Member
O-ha....perhaps a "NEWBIE" to you....but, after some 47 long years of Biblical studie and very close personal invetegative reasearch into the "WORD," while also working in the spiritual service of God, I'm not really considered a "NEWBIE," not to God anyway; and, frankly speaking, that is what's really the most important thing to me...!

What you think about a NEWBIE is merely one personal opinion, and every body has one of those things...?

So then, Let me see....O-Yes...Here we go....would you happen to have something "nice" to say to a so-called, "NEWBIE".....I was just wondering about that....?

Somthing like, perhaps........Hello there NEW PERSON...? Or, Hi there "New Member"...? Or, perhaps even, "Glad you took time to post some ideas and opinions for perhaps a person who may just need a few other ideas, concerning the main theme of the thread listed above...?

HELLO...are you still there...? :shrug:

i'm curious. why not just rely on faith?
isn't that what it's all about? i mean, trying to prove something by supporting it with actual empirical evidence is one thing, but to resort to wishful thinking and promoting the idea that one must abandoned rationality to be able to understand this myth as truth is actually sort of dangerous. i don't see any difference between this line of thinking and the line of thinking of those that flew into the WTC.


this is like saying, before anyone can fully understand exactly why the clone wars unfolded as it did in the star wars trilogy, one must first understand the intentions of senator palpatine.


It is beginning to sound as though you OLDER POSTERS are strangely beginning to bash out at the posters here, rather than attempt to learn something or try to better understand what others are attempting to add to the post.

Is this a normal daily activity among adult, responsable people...?

O-Yes, I forgot, Im just a NEWBIE, it doesn't matter what is said...:shrug:


Veteran Member
It is beginning to sound as though you OLDER POSTERS are strangely beginning to bash out at the posters here, rather than attempt to learn something or try to better understand what others are attempting to add to the post.

Is this a normal daily activity among adult, responsable people...?

O-Yes, I forgot, Im just a NEWBIE, it doesn't matter what is said...:shrug:

you might want to apply your own advice.
instead of assuming outhouse has nothing to add...ask him to explain why he said what he said, instead of getting insulted.
but, as a christian, isn't being insulted something you should be proud about?
whatever happened to blessed are the meek?

you're jumping the gun too quickly.

i know i know, it ain't easy being a christian....your choice.


i'm curious. why not just rely on faith?
isn't that what it's all about? i mean, trying to prove something by supporting it with actual empirical evidence is one thing, but to resort to wishful thinking and promoting the idea that one must abandoned rationality to be able to understand this myth as truth is actually sort of dangerous. i don't see any difference between this line of thinking and the line of thinking of those that flew into the WTC.

I think you are missing the entire concept message here.

I simply am attempting to say, one must come to feel and know what could have been moving about within the heart of God, that prompted the out burst of creation under Himself; after one comes to understand why God did what He did, one can better understand why things are as they are today, such as the existence of the knowledge of evil and Good.

Didn't you read the post...? or are you just wanting to be hard to get along with...?
Without the services of Satan you would not have a self will, and if Satan was in the Garden of Eden then I believe God actually intended him to be there. Or do you believe God is not in command of all existing things...?

Is God so all-unknowing about all created things He sort of let old Satan just slip around His all-knowing knowledge...

Well, I have said enough on that you can determin the reast I'm sure...:bow:


you might want to apply your own advice.
instead of assuming outhouse has nothing to add...ask him to explain why he said what he said, instead of getting insulted.
but, as a christian, isn't being insulted something you should be proud about?
whatever happened to blessed are the meek?

you're jumping the gun too quickly.

i know i know, it ain't easy being a christian....your choice.

It's a lot easer than being the person I use to be, one like a few others here, who shows very little compassionate concerns for others ideas and mere suggestions. Frankly, I really have much, much better things to do with my time than to wast truth and my time combating myself against these extremely "wastful ideas" being shot towards my way...!

LATER.........! :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
I think you are missing the entire concept message here.

I simply am attempting to say, one must come to feel and know what could have been moving about within the heart of God, that prompted the out burst of creation under Himself; after one comes to understand why God did what He did, one can better understand why things are as they are today, such as the existence of the knowledge of evil and Good.

Didn't you read the post...? or are you just wanting to be hard to get along with...?
Without the services of Satan you would not have a self will, and if Satan was in the Garden of Eden then I believe God actually intended him to be there. Or do you believe God is not in command of all existing things...?

Is God so all-unknowing about all created things He sort of let old Satan just slip around His all-knowing knowledge...

Well, I have said enough on that you can determin the reast I'm sure...:bow:

again, that is giving license to very dangerous thinking...
god is a concept, a concept that gives one absolute justification to do just about anything, and if one believes they know what gods intentions are then they are just going down a destructive path...

having said that...

the story fails from the get go.

knowledge of good and evil means one knows what good and evil is...
can you tell me the difference between glipper and glopper?
i don't want you to find out what that means because something glopper is going to happen

do you see what i mean?

so i disagree about the service of satan, unless you want to say that satan represents the capability to be curious.
so if you don't know what glipper and glopper mean, you would be satisfied and not be curious even though you were created to be curious?
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Veteran Member
It's a lot easer than being the person I use to be, one like a few others here, who shows very little compassionate concerns for others ideas and mere suggestions. Frankly, I really have much, much better things to do with my time than to wast truth and my time combating myself against these extremely "wastful ideas" being shot towards my way...!

LATER.........! :rolleyes:

i know what you mean...
some people are just attracted to the extreme...