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How do you feel about other faiths?


Premium Member
What happens shortly when computers can create fine art and classical music etc. by themselves.

That would just make them coexist even more, to the point where they become one in the same, much like how for some religion and nature are the same.


An Págánach
EDIT: Trimmed. I felt I had gone a bit overboard with info, and had been unclear in some areas.

I am a Daoist (Taoist). Daoism was born from a form of Chinese shamanism (Wuism), and from folk traditions that sprang from Wuism sooner (Shenism).
The Daoist traditions involve a certain closeness to Nature. We learn from Nature.

There are many gods in Daoism, but none are required to be worshiped.

I've really only scratched the surface of Daoism as a whole, but I will leave it here for now.

In my practice of Daoism, there is an emphasis on the here and now, and not much concern for what may happen after death.
Instead, the focus is healthy living, simplicity and harmony with Nature.

The Celtic Pagan side of my practice is called such because I recognize and honor Celtic gods.
I also practice Pagan forms of pathworking and meditation, and animism.
The idea of "thin places" is also somewhat important to me.
My Daoism ties very organically into this.
On to the main questions!

What do the teachings of your religion have to say about other beliefs?
Nothing that I am aware of.

What do you personally think?
I tend to take an impartial view on most religions.
Even my own, to an extent. I follow my path because it's what calls to me.

Others often do the same, and I do not judge or fault them, though I may not always personally like all of the implications of that path.
When it seems that someone is locked into a heavy-handed dogma, I sometimes attempt to help them see that there are other ways of seeing things.

I think that dogmas should be examined, and either accepted or rejected on an individual basis (like any other information), never up taken blindly.

Do you treat all other faiths equally or do you view some as better than others?
As I said above, I try to view religions impartially.

Sects or denominations of religions which demand blind adherence to dogma, and will cast out or alienate those who dissent are the only ones that I really view negatively. The worst, of course, are the sects which are openly hostile and/or violent to non-adherents.
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@Terese posted an interesting thread entitled "Your thoughts on other religions" recently, but since it's in the Christianity DIR it only allows Christians to share their thoughts. I found the variety of replies very interesting and wanted to find out what people of other faiths thought about this. Since posting the same thread in every DIR would be a bit redundant, I would like to open up the discussion to the whole community here and ask people of every faith, how do you feel about other faiths? It would be helpful to briefly describe your own beliefs first to get an idea of how different groups view others. What do the teachings of your religion have to say about other beliefs? What do you personally think? Do you treat all other faiths equally or do you view some as better than others?

I don't.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
There is only one thing to say about all beliefs, they are all wrong and have no proof. I will not add any other hot air to this discussion.
Thank Christ for small mercies, eh? :D

However, just because beliefs have no concrete proof does not necessarily mean that they are wrong. Saying so is intellectually dishonest.


New Member
I hold no animus towards other faiths although I wish that the practitioners of them would come to Christ because he is the only way to heaven.

Frank Merton

Active Member
I hold no animus towards other faiths although I wish that the practitioners of them would come to Christ because he is the only way to heaven.
To say that shows your hidden animus. How do you dare think such a thing; let God judge, not you.


Frank Merton

Active Member
Thank Christ for small mercies, eh? :D

However, just because beliefs have no concrete proof does not necessarily mean that they are wrong. Saying so is intellectually dishonest.
Because beliefs have no proof is why they should not be beliefs, but only opinions. Even opinions are wrong if they have no evidence, and asserting otherwise is what is intellectually dishonest.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
To say that shows your hidden animus. How do you dare think such a thing; let God judge, not you.
So your unsubstantiated belief is better than CJWinx's? It certainly comes across that you know better. Who, exactly, is this "god" being and why should we leave anything up to it?

Because beliefs have no proof is why they should not be beliefs, but only opinions. Even opinions are wrong if they have no evidence, and asserting otherwise is what is intellectually dishonest.
That presupposes that people have no reason whatsoever for believing what they do. Their "evidence" may be somewhat flimsy, but I assure you that they often have something, if only a feeling, that warrants those beliefs.


Be your own guru
What do the teachings of your religion have to say about other beliefs? What do you personally think? Do you treat all other faiths equally or do you view some as better than others?
They are most welcome to continue in their faith. Why should I concern myself with them? Of course, mine is the best.
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Scott C.

Just one guy
@Terese posted an interesting thread entitled "Your thoughts on other religions" recently, but since it's in the Christianity DIR it only allows Christians to share their thoughts. I found the variety of replies very interesting and wanted to find out what people of other faiths thought about this. Since posting the same thread in every DIR would be a bit redundant, I would like to open up the discussion to the whole community here and ask people of every faith, how do you feel about other faiths? It would be helpful to briefly describe your own beliefs first to get an idea of how different groups view others. What do the teachings of your religion have to say about other beliefs? What do you personally think? Do you treat all other faiths equally or do you view some as better than others?

To the extent that a religion teaches and encourages the Christian principles of good works, virtue, charity, humility, love, patience, justice, mercy, the worth of the soul, and the eternal nature of the soul, it's a good faith. To the extent that it teaches or encourages anything in opposition to this, it's not good. There's quite a mixture when we consider all religions on earth.


Well-Known Member
No religion on earth requires conversion except Christianity. Islam accepts me as one of People of the Book, Judaism accepts me as a Noahide, all the Eastern faiths don't require anything of me for salvation but just want to share their philosophy. Only Christianity says I must be one of them or go to hell.
That may be true for you, but not for me. I'm not a Noahide and Muslims say I'll go to hell for the "unforgivable crime" of širk.

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
@Terese posted an interesting thread entitled "Your thoughts on other religions" recently, but since it's in the Christianity DIR it only allows Christians to share their thoughts. I found the variety of replies very interesting and wanted to find out what people of other faiths thought about this. Since posting the same thread in every DIR would be a bit redundant, I would like to open up the discussion to the whole community here and ask people of every faith, how do you feel about other faiths? It would be helpful to briefly describe your own beliefs first to get an idea of how different groups view others. What do the teachings of your religion have to say about other beliefs? What do you personally think? Do you treat all other faiths equally or do you view some as better than others?

I respect everyone's right and freedom to religion, or the lack thereof. They have their opinions and beliefs, and they are entitled to them. I may not agree with their opinions/beliefs, and I may even debate with them about them. This is especially true with Christianity, as I spent 30 years as a Baptist. Far too often Christians take the Bible out of context or they repeat something that has been taught for centuries, even though it is not even in the Bible.

In the end I don't try and convert anyone to what I believe in.


Premium Member
Even opinions are wrong if they have no evidence, and asserting otherwise is what is intellectually dishonest.
An opinion by its very definition cannot be wrong. An opinion is one's feelings about something, feelings are influenced from a number of things, not always facts, and are not subject to any objective truths.

Scott C.

Just one guy
I thought they were Buddhist principles or Jain or Hindu or Sikh.

I agree and and didn't mean to imply otherwise. I was trying to answer the OP from the perspective of a Christian, as in "As a Christian what do you think of non-Christian religions, are they good or bad?" Since I believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord of the world, I see him as the source of all good in any religions anywhere in the world. This is true even if the religion does not acknowledge Jesus as Lord. So, I can respect faiths that include these principles, whether or not the adherents see them as coming from Christ.


Welcome to the Opera
I don't mind them as long as they're not dogmatic/absolutist, and don't evangelize or claim that they're the only correct religion.

Frank Merton

Active Member
So your unsubstantiated belief is better than CJWinx's? It certainly comes across that you know better. Who, exactly, is this "god" being and why should we leave anything up to it?

That presupposes that people have no reason whatsoever for believing what they do. Their "evidence" may be somewhat flimsy, but I assure you that they often have something, if only a feeling, that warrants those beliefs.
Jeez! I said I don't have beliefs very clearly.

Beliefs are things people are emotionally committed to, usually because of childhood indoctrination but effective propaganda (non-rational emotional appeals) also works.

Frank Merton

Active Member
An opinion by its very definition cannot be wrong. An opinion is one's feelings about something, feelings are influenced from a number of things, not always facts, and are not subject to any objective truths.
Of course opinions are often if not usually wrong, but they are better than beliefs because they are open to being changed when the evidence showing they are wrong becomes clear.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I do not care as long as they are not dogmatic, guilt, fear and shame inducing, anti-sexuality, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, racist, do not encourage reason and rationality, stifle mental, intellectual and physical freedom, etc.

(As you can see, I am not a fan of much of the world's major religions or institutionalized religion in general.)