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How does homosexual activity benefit society?


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
You don't have to believe it, just understand.

I understand you can have a view based on the bible. Unfortunately for you the bible doesn't make the laws that we live under. It's your holy book so don't bother using it as evidence to ban homosexual marriage or activity, that just isn't going to wash.
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Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
I understand you can have a view based on the bible. Unfortunately the bible doesn't make the laws that we live under. It's your holy book so don't bother using it as evidence to ban homosexual marriage or activity, that just isn't going to wash.

Did you mean fortunately? :D


Well-Known Member
nekoboy said:
The reason I oppose homosexuality so much is because it is a counterfeit. A counterfeit for the real reason God entrusted us to something as sacred as sexuality.

You have not provided any credible evidence that God opposes homosexuality.

After people die, how are unsaved heterosexuals better off than unsaved homosexuals?

Mehr Licht

Ave Sophia
Christianity , at least in the early years, was strongly ascetic in certain regards. Paul said it's best to be a celibate virgin like himself but if people couldn't handle it they could marry. Marriage being a concession to our fallen nature pretty much. The idea being that it's better to marry than burn because only the greatest spirits could transmute earthly passion to divine eros. To me it makes sense that gay people could make use of the same concession if they couldn't take the "higher" road of celibacy. Strangely (to me at least) it seems that this idea, of gays making use of the same concession to human weakness, was never really developed in Christianity though. I don't consider myself a great enough theologian or even Christian to single handled alter Christian tradition in this regard. If someone asked me if it was ok I think I would say "it seems so to me but I could be wrong". Ulitmatly I don't get to make the rules in that regard and barring some direct divine revelation burning bush type thing I'm not going go alter 2,000 years of Christian teaching. I'll be lucky to make it to heaven myself and it would be absurd to set myself up as some teacher in that regard.


Since the authors had no concept of homosexuality, your opinion is wrong.
The hospitality laws and mores were quite important in the ancient Near East. Yes, it was a heavy offense to neglect visitors.

I don't know Who has changed Sodom's crime to " hospitality !!" in past history but I understand he had been a very astute deceiver and it is wonderful how he has could to be succeeded to change an important historical occurrence to another story as mostly people believe in it ?! whatever I think I don't see him except devil himself. Hospitality is a good morality and also is an optional action and it is not a major sin and crime. God don't love who is not hospitable but he never annihilate such persons as major criminals. Accept of me , Sodom was destroyed by god terribly because of public homosexuality

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
I don't know Who has changed Sodom's crime to " hospitality !!"

The Bible

Now this was the sin of Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen. —Ezekiel 16:49-50


Well-Known Member
Manss said:
.......Sodom was destroyed by God terribly because of public homosexuality

But the Bible says that God killed many people for reasons that did not have anything to do with homosexuality.

What evidence do you have that the God of the Bible exists? Is your main evidence faith, or do you have some historical, and scientific evidence?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Christianity , at least in the early years, was strongly ascetic in certain regards. Paul said it's best to be a celibate virgin like himself but if people couldn't handle it they could marry. Marriage being a concession to our fallen nature pretty much. The idea being that it's better to marry than burn because only the greatest spirits could transmute earthly passion to divine eros. To me it makes sense that gay people could make use of the same concession if they couldn't take the "higher" road of celibacy. Strangely (to me at least) it seems that this idea, of gays making use of the same concession to human weakness, was never really developed in Christianity though. I don't consider myself a great enough theologian or even Christian to single handled alter Christian tradition in this regard. If someone asked me if it was ok I think I would say "it seems so to me but I could be wrong". Ulitmatly I don't get to make the rules in that regard and barring some direct divine revelation burning bush type thing I'm not going go alter 2,000 years of Christian teaching. I'll be lucky to make it to heaven myself and it would be absurd to set myself up as some teacher in that regard.
Hold on a sec here. Why do we need to "transmute earthly passion to divine eros?" We have bodies, desires, passions, and drives for a reason: We are human beings with physical bodies. We were created as human beings with physical bodies, and besides all that, God declared that not just "good," but "very good."

Paul spoke the way he did because he considered the parousia to be immanent -- no time for nookie -- gotta get out there and save souls.

Why is celibacy the "higher road?" It's certainly a different road -- but not necessarily higher. If it were, the church would never revere nor sanction marriage. I think you're treading on some really dangerous and misled theological ground here.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I don't know Who has changed Sodom's crime to " hospitality !!" in past history but I understand he had been a very astute deceiver and it is wonderful how he has could to be succeeded to change an important historical occurrence to another story as mostly people believe in it ?! whatever I think I don't see him except devil himself. Hospitality is a good morality and also is an optional action and it is not a major sin and crime. God don't love who is not hospitable but he never annihilate such persons as major criminals. Accept of me , Sodom was destroyed by god terribly because of public homosexuality
It wasn't changed to be about hospitality. It was changed to be about homosexuality (the ancients had no concept of sexual orientation, so it couldn't have originally been "about" homosexuality).

Hospitality wasn't just "good morality." It was both the law and the expectation. Hospitality was not "optional." God apparently did annihilate such persons as major criminals, because that's what the story is about.

You're just wrong here.

Mehr Licht

Ave Sophia
Hold on a sec here. Why do we need to "transmute earthly passion to divine eros?"

It makes life a lot better. No one really "has to" do it though technically.

We have bodies, desires, passions, and drives for a reason:We are human beings with physical bodies. We were created as human beings with physical bodies, and besides all that, God declared that not just "good," but "very good."

They are good when directed in a positive way. I beleive that the fall has radically altered the manner in which the passions operate though. The concupisble drive can be postive when it draws a person to God. The irascible can be useful when it repels us form sin. Both of them can be directed in ways that are not as useful though. Both of these drives we share in common with donkeys and other animals. They can have their usefulness but in their current fallen state they can also provide a great temptation that is why both need to be in subjection to the God illumined nous.

Why is celibacy the "higher road?" It's certainly a different road -- but not necessarily higher. If it were, the church would never revere nor sanction marriage. I think you're treading on some really dangerous and misled theological ground here.

I believe the writings of Paul point in this direction. He allowed marriage as a concesion for those who could not live as he did. Not everyone is cut out for it. That's why I put "higher" in quotation marks too. If he was expecting the immenate return of Christ we should too. I don't think his manner is outdated just because the end didn't happen during his lifetime.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
It makes life a lot better.
How does it make life "a lot better," specifically?
I beleive that the fall has radically altered the manner in which the passions operate though.
Why do you believe that? It's not laid out in the story of the Fall that way.
How do you think the Fall has "radically altered the manner in which the passions operate?"
The concupisble drive can be postive when it draws a person to God.
But does not the drive to procreate and to become intimate, itself, act as an image Dei? If God is life and God is love, then the act of love in which life is created shows God inherently, yes?
Both of these drives we share in common with donkeys and other animals.
What's wrong with donkeys and other animals? Are they not also part of God's creation -- God's body? Should we not share these traits with other aspects of God's creation?
They can have their usefulness but in their current fallen state they can also provide a great temptation that is why both need to be in subjection to the God illumined nous.
You'll have to explain yourself a little better here.
He allowed marriage as a concesion for those who could not live as he did.
If he was expecting the immenate return of Christ we should too.
There are several problems with this sentiment, not the least of which is that it is eminently impractical for us to live our lives waiting on our rooftops for God to snatch us to heaven. Second, perhaps the parousia isn't couched in dispensationalism. Perhaps the parousia has already occurred -- and occurs every day. Third, if God has ordained us to be together in this sort of relationship, the only reason Paul could supercede that ordination is if "the end" is near. But it's been over 2000 years. I think it wise for us to shift gears away from this sort of dispensationalist thinking and focus on a different sort of Presence of Christ.

BTW, what does anything here have to do with the benefits of homosexuality for society? What is your position on the OP?