No, as picured and cited the Grand Canyon form over millions of years cutting in a meandering pattern of natural river system cutting through massive discrete limestone deposited in shallow seas, volcanic basalt deposited in layers over a period of billions of year, Some of these layers in the region contain standing trees buried by natural sandstone wind blown deposits, not flood deposition.
The Colorado River, the rocks in the strata and the Grand Canyon formed by the same natural processes of erosion, deposition and up lift that are happening today gradually over millions of years. It is impossible for the rocks of Grand Canyon to form in a flood.
By the way, they know where the Colorado River sediment is deposited. It is in ancient alluvial fans.
The following book describes the whole history of the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon based on the physical evidence.
The Colorado Plateau is one of the world's great showplaces of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rock. The plateau's rocky landscapes are home to the greatest concentration of national parks and monuments in the world. Ancient Landscapes of the Colorado Plateau highlights the plateau's...
Yes, your bias is blinding!!! Again . . .
What is your education and experience background to make such outrageous assertions?
The major problem with the Creationist view of the history of the earth is simply physics. It is impossible for the amount of energy required for mountains and the vast limestone deposits that some in shallow seas and contain ancient coral reefs to dorm in a short period of time,
An interesting example of the age of rocks like conglomerate (rounded sand and gravel) that contain rounded pebbles of more ancient gravels that also contain a mix or gravels and sand form older rocks. This can only happen in vast periods of time of hundreds of millions of years.
There are NO youthful features in ancient rocks.