Well-Known Member
God most certainly must approve of satans doings, or he couldnot do what he does. Again Rev. 12:9 it calls satan the GREAT dragon, who deceives the WHOLE World! Jesus ask in Matt. 6:23, if you are blind to the Darkness, then how GREAT is the Darkness! Well its as GREAT as the GREAT Dragon Serpent Satan. Listen, most of us like to think we are educated and smart, and literally millions of humans who have lived and are alive, think like that. And yet this Great Prince of the Darkness has deceived us all!
One should wonder where have they been deceived, if you like to think you are excluded from this deception, then you willnot bother trying to find this deception in your life.
But once you look, after understanding this Dragon is real, you can begin to see the deception heaped on your own very Consciousness.
And I want to go into that.
This Dragon is a Great Spiritual Being, all in Heaven know the reason for its creation. Its a creation of Fire, meant to burn humanity. Its nature is pure Evil incarnate.
And I want to spend some time on this Great Dragon.