In regards to your many comments along the lines of 'it's all there if you want to look', there is an inference of bias and ignorance.
May i ask if you could resist simply dismissing anything I say as ignorance. I have told you that I have read the research and have a deep interest in the topic.
Unless I am very much mistaken, you were referring to proof of telepathy - the Ganzfield experiments have done no such thing. Radin has not made such a claim, he is claiming results that show statistically significant anaomalies, not proof of telepathy.
If he does claim proof of telepathy please quote him.
My understanding was that you claimed reproducible proof of telepathy. To be honest I don't see the connection to the supernatural - if science proved telepathy it would be natural. So I am unsure of what it is you think I am biased against or skeptical of.