One God, one faith, one baptism,one LORD , but why are there so many doctrines, beliefs etc,contrary to the God of Abraham, Issac ,Jacob.
Because men have found and followed after other men who profess they are the latest revaltion of the truth and thus we have world relgions ,but no change in people's behavior ,nature and actions.
You pick your own god to be the one god if you choose, but studying the bible as a Christian for many years now, it is clear the judeo Christian God is the not the same God as the Muslim god, hindu, buddist, mormon,jehovah W, regardless of how determined one is to try and put the square peg into the round hole, the judeo Christian God is not the same God as the rest.
How can the gods be the same when, the doctrines ,teachings, prophets, etc are all different.
If there is one God and all these relgions are from him,he must be one confused being,who in my opinion, does'nt even deserve, nor bare the makings of a all knowing ,all powerful god.
He is certainly not meant to bring harmony,and clarity,to his followers, but on the contrary,that of confusion, war, decension,divison etc