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How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Research?


If we get a banana, then ToE wins. :D

Please show me where the theory of evolution predicts that mammals will give birth to fruit.

If you can't, then please refrain from displaying your astonishing ignorance about what the theory actually says so confidently.


Well-Known Member
"Here is the problem I have with common ancestry of all species, it is not observable. What we do observe is exactly what the Bible says, animals and man reproducing after their own kind. "

You shouldn't post things like that MoF. It only conforms your ignorance. ToE makes not such prediction. In fact it agress with your favorite book of fables that each organism produces after it own "kind." ToE says EVERY organism on this planet past present and future is/was/will be the same species as its parents. Exactly what your myth says.

For you to post the cat example just shows how LITTLE you actually know about ToE and even less about genetics. You are just an ignorant poorly read apologist for an ancient myth that has NO scientific evidence to support it. You are SO ignorant and poorly read that you don't even realize how foolish things like the cat birthing fruit is.

A bit of advice MoF. Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt.
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Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
"Here is the problem I have with common ancestry of all species, it is not observable. What we do observe is exactly what the Bible says, animals and man reproducing after their own kind. "

You shouldn't post things like that MoF. It only conforms your ignorance. ToE makes not such prediction. In fact it agress with your favorite book of fables that each organism produces after it own "kind." ToE says EVERY organism on this planet past present and future is/was/will be the same species as its parents. Exactly what your myth says.

For you to post the cat example just shows how LITTLE you actually know about ToE and even less about genetics. You are just an ignorant poorly read apologist for an ancient myth that has NO scientific evidence to support it. You are SO ignorant and poorly read that you don't even realize how foolish things like the cat birthing fruit is.

A bit of advice MoF. Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt.

I'll be right back, I need to go tell my kids that they are the same species as an orange.


I'll be right back, I need to go tell my kids that they are the same species as an orange.

Hang on, you'd better hold off until you find me an example of the theory of evolution stating fruit and people are the same species, as requested. You wouldn't want your children thinking you're a liar, would you?


Admiral Obvious
I'll be right back, I need to go tell my kids that they are the same species as an orange.

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
Now back to the topic, "81% of scientists would lie on an official report for money". I'm flabergasted. I'm not sure I can get over that. Should we remove all science grant money until they put their hand on the Bible and swear to tell the truth?


Well-Known Member
In his defense I will say this. He is more IGNORANT than stupid. Ignorance CAN be cured. He may not wish to learn but I am willing to concede he COULD.

As for his children yes weep for them. They are apparently being subjected to a kind of child abuse. The willful fostering of false ideas. One can only hope that somewhere they are exposed to real science by someone qualified to teach it.


Admiral Obvious
Should we remove all science grant money until they put their hand on the Bible and swear to tell the truth?
to what purpose?
Unless you think the Bible has some magical powers that prevent people from lieing...

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
In his defense I will say this. He is more IGNORANT than stupid. Ignorance CAN be cured. He may not wish to learn but I am willing to concede he COULD.

As for his children yes weep for them. They are apparently being subjected to a kind of child abuse. The willful fostering of false ideas. One can only hope that somewhere they are exposed to real science by someone qualified to teach it.

I admit, I know more about God than science, but is that a bad thing? Which one will help more when I die? Every day I am learning more about God, science not so much, but I'm okay with that because that is my priority. Our revival is coming up in a couple weeks, I've go to go thourgh our churchs training in order to be prepared to lead those poor souls to faith and knowledge in the Lord Jesus Christ. I mean somebody has go to do it. We need scientists and we need those that are willing to do God's work.

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
What if someone says "pray for me" and everyone is a scientist and they look at each other and all they can do is give them a pill?

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
A couple of things...

1) The paper states that just over 1% "admitted to have fabricated, falsified or modified data or results at least once". IOW, almost 99% of scientists haven't done so. And keep in mind, the term "scientist" is a very broad term and can include everything from computer programmers to doctors to physicists...and just about everything in between.

2) The common ancestry of all life on earth is indeed testable and falsifiable. There are all sorts of potential observations that would be troublesome for common descent, e.g. modern organisms in ancient geologic strata, no universal genetic code, no fundamental unity of life (in terms of use of amino acids and such), and all manner of other things. Simply asserting a "common designer" is nothing more than saying "Well...maybe God made everything to look like it shares a common ancestry, but it really doesn't", and is not a valid rebuttal.

3) Someone who thinks cats giving birth to bananas and oranges being the same species as humans is what the ToE means is so clueless about the subject, it would be darn near impossible to educate such a person over the internet, even if that person were willing to try to learn (and IMO, that's would be a false assumption in this case).

EDIT: 4) If "Biblical morals" are so powerful, why is it that young-earth creationists are among the most habitually dishonest people around? One only need look as far as their penchant for "quote mining" to see just how notoriously dishonest they are.
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Now back to the topic, "81% of scientists would lie on an official report for money". I'm flabergasted. I'm not sure I can get over that. Should we remove all science grant money until they put their hand on the Bible and swear to tell the truth?

I don't think you read your own source.

The study does not suggest that 81 % of all scientists would lie on an "official report", whatever you think that is. That number refers only to U of California trainees in the field of biomedical research, and includes selective use or omission of data as well as fabrication.

Not only that, but the number you are quoting is a TYPO. Click the "note" beside it and you will see the following statement by the research scientist: "The correct percentage is 15%, 81 was the number of respondents who replied affirmatively in the cited survey. Apologies to all students of University of California San Diego for the mistake."

If you had any knack for the scientific method you would have immediately realized your mistake, since that single sentence stands out as anomalous, compared to all the other statistical findings in the report. For a rational person, this is an invitation to further investigation (i.e. reading the "note") to discover why this hugely inconsistent claim was made.
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Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
I don't think you read your own source.

The study does not suggest that 81 % of all scientists would lie on an "official report", whatever you think that is. That number refers only to U of California trainees in the field of biomedical research, and includes selective use or omission of data as well as fabrication.

Not only that, but the number you are quoting is a TYPO. Click the "note" beside it and you will see the following statement by the research scientist: "The correct percentage is 15%, 81 was the number of respondents who replied affirmatively in the cited survey. Apologies to all students of University of California San Diego for the mistake."

If you had any knack for the scientific method you would have immediately realized your mistake, since that single sentence stands out as anomalous, compared to all the other statistical findings in the report.

Thanks for the correction, God did not point that out to me. I do feel somewhat relieved.