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How much does the Christian God really love us?

free spirit

Well-Known Member
We are constantly reminded by devout Christians that their God has immense love for all his creation, and that we should believe in this God.

So how much does the Christian God really love us?
Enough to will himself to us

We can compare the love of the Christian God to the love of a good parent. A good parent would want his children to be righteous and successful. A good parent's love for his children is unconditional.
I am a parent of 5 children I wish for them all that you say my love for them is unconditional, nevertheless somtime I do not like what they do, so like a good parent I desciplin them for their own good.

But is the love of the Christian God unconditional? No. God's love is conditional. The New Testament tells us:
"For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came forth from the Father" (John 16:27)
A loving father disciplins his children so they grow to be law obeing citisens with a good character.
You see Enoughie loving and believing in Jesus means to adopt his character. that is the same wish of the loving earthly father.
In other words, the Christian God's love for us is conditional on our belief in Jesus and us obeying his orders. And if we don't believe and obey? Then the Christian God will have the most horrible things happen to us:
"Their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur" (Revelation 21:8)
If my children break the law they will have a terrible life, and they will end up in jail ( hell on earth)

Is this how a good parent would treat his children? Would you want your child tortured for eternity if she disobeys your unreasonable demands? Of course not. A good parent would do everything in his power to help his children.

no ammount of my love will save them. for the warth of the law will have to take its course
But does the Christian God do everything in his power to help his children? Not even close. After all, the Christian God is supposedly all-powerful. He could surely do much more to help the poor, the diseased, or the starving.
Each one of us is called to help the poor, the diseased the starving, I for one am not doing what I could, our governament spend billions in mashines to kill people and only little to help the poor, in other words is up to us to help our brothers.

Would a loving parent purposefully make his children sick? The Christian God creates us sick and commands us to be well. And then, he would only grant us eternal life (something that should be incredible easy to do for an all-powerful God) on the condition that we become enslaved to him!
No he doen't want us to be slaves, he want to elevate us to his stature so we can become one with him and rule the universe
"But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life" (Romans 6:22)
If I have eternal life I am one with God So whats wrong with that.
Remember, this is supposedly an all-powerful and loving God! Can't he grant everyone eternal life, unconditionally?!

No he cannot, or we will have a real "star-wars" in the universe

So how much does the Christian God really love us? Apparently the Christian God does not really love us that much after all. His love cannot possibly be compared to the unconditional love of a parent. And he wouldn't do everything in his power to help his children. But he would do the most horrible things to children who disobey him.
No our havenly father doesn't do horrible things, however his law does; your idea is like, you break the law than you blame the governament that has made such a law

The Christian God does not love us like a parent loves his children, he loves us like a slave-master loves his slaves.

You have no understanding or knowlege of the unfathomable love he has for the likes of you, But in his grace all you have to do to put things right is to repent of you arrogance.


Geopolitics.us - Natural Philosophy of Life - a simple, elegant, and powerful alternative to religious dogma

Yes I have visited the site Those people while professing to be wise have become fools


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I find it disgusting and pitiful that people turn to idol scriptures for answers to the essance of reality. The Christian God is nothing more than an idea, and a loosely defined and denominational idea at that.
One anti-agnostic idea is equal to the other: i could say that the Christian god gave us the ability to be as we are, or i could say that the Flying Spaghetti Monster did.
i could say we have a soul and spirit, or i could say that we have Karma and Chakra and Habubaloo.
A pity really, one could be consentrating on more scientific and actual things.

Well, to each his own.

I don't knock anybody's beliefs nor do I diminish nor dismiss them.

It is my understanding that my God has included humanity in the whole of His salvation.

Thus giving us all the opportunity to believe in Him or what we want without penalty of eternal annihilation.

However, there are benefits that can only be gained by those who believe and only they can attest to it's reality.

For the rest of the unbelieving world, those benefits are lost.

Why not look into it with a little more faith, perhaps, maybe perhaps......you might become one who can testify of it's reality, as I can.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
Well, to each his own.

I don't knock anybody's beliefs nor do I diminish nor dismiss them.

didn't you sayin another post?

"thus not having the spirit to see passed it."
you are diminishing and dismissing everyone else's belief.:facepalm:

It is my understanding that my God has included humanity in the whole of His salvation.

Thus giving us all the opportunity to believe in Him or what we want without penalty of eternal annihilation.
you know this how? because of an ancient tradition of ignorance, all you need to do is read history which backs up my claim, still waiting for you to back yours up...

However, there are benefits that can only be gained by those who believe and only they can attest to it's reality.

For the rest of the unbelieving world, those benefits are lost.

and you're not dismissing or diminishing other beliefs, huh...
looks like what you gained is a nice dosage of arrogance...

Why not look into it with a little more faith, perhaps, maybe perhaps......you might become one who can testify of it's reality, as I can.

Blessings, AJ

faith is the absence of reality...look at the horrific act mother theresa did towards humanity? faith makes you blind to the obvious.


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Premium Member
But is the love of the Christian God unconditional? No. God's love is conditional. The New Testament tells us:>>>free spirit

Dear brother /Sister,

God's love is unconditional by my understanding.

This world is conditional by the very fact that if one doesn't work to survive, one will surely die.

But God's love is unconditional by the very testimony of Jesus' suffering.

Jesus had the withal to call down a legion of angels to defend Him, but instead submitted His will to humanity, that by His obedience to the Father, Humanity might be saved.

The obedience to the Father was the key note in which no man, save God Himself, could accomplish.

Thus Jesus in behalf of all mankind became our obedience regardless of whether we were the high priests, the soldiers who beat Jesus, the people who sped on Him, the folks who mocked Him as King of the Jews, Judas the traitor, Peter who denied Him 3 times, the Roman emperor who ordered the Jesus' execution, the nation of Israel for their rejection of Him, and equally so with the few believers that followed Him.

In order for God to be true, His love has to be unconditional, after all, He did create us and placed us into this environment of which we had no power to overcome.

But He Himself in the person of human form did so.

So what do we have now as a result of that?

Love one another as God has unconditionally loved us. That includes believers and unbelievers alike.

Now, the choice given us is to believe or not.

Repentance is the changing of one's mind to that of a believer in God.

When that happens in the inner man, changes in human behavior begin to change transforming one into a member of His heavenly kingdom, having access to the benefits of heaven on earth.

Why look at the world as through the world was a judge of who God is, but instead look at God and see how He judged His own Son as though He were us.

Does that not speak highly of God's unconditional love, that for all of us He would dare run the risk of losing His own Son forever, just to save us?

Is it not stated as such: Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Perish here meaning, is my understanding, a loss of benefit, since we were already lost, and only by rebirth can we not any longer perish, but enjoy the benefits of our salvation.

The question is not whether mankind is saved or not, but whether mankind can acknowledge God's salvation to the transformation of our souls to that of life from a dead state.

God did His work to perfection! The tree of life has been made avialable to all who would reach out and eat of it's fruit.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
Dear brother /Sister,

God's love is unconditional by my understanding.

This world is conditional by the very fact that if one doesn't work to survive, one will surely die.

But God's love is unconditional by the very testimony of Jesus' suffering.

Jesus had the withal to call down a legion of angels to defend Him, but instead submitted His will to humanity, that by His obedience to the Father, Humanity might be saved.

The obedience to the Father was the key note in which no man, save God Himself, could accomplish.

Thus Jesus in behalf of all mankind became our obedience regardless of whether we were the high priests, the soldiers who beat Jesus, the people who sped on Him, the folks who mocked Him as King of the Jews, Judas the traitor, Peter who denied Him 3 times, the Roman emperor who ordered the Jesus' execution, the nation of Israel for their rejection of Him, and equally so with the few believers that followed Him.

In order for God to be true, His love has to be unconditional, after all, He did create us and placed us into this environment of which we had no power to overcome.

But He Himself in the person of human form did so.

So what do we have now as a result of that?

Love one another as God has unconditionally loved us. That includes believers and unbelievers alike.

Now, the choice given us is to believe or not.

Repentance is the changing of one's mind to that of a believer in God.

When that happens in the inner man, changes in human behavior begin to change transforming one into a member of His heavenly kingdom, having access to the benefits of heaven on earth.

Why look at the world as through the world was a judge of who God is, but instead look at God and see how He judged His own Son as though He were us.

Does that not speak highly of God's unconditional love, that for all of us He would dare run the risk of losing His own Son forever, just to save us?

Is it not stated as such: Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Perish here meaning, is my understanding, a loss of benefit, since we were already lost, and only by rebirth can we not any longer perish, but enjoy the benefits of our salvation.

The question is not whether mankind is saved or not, but whether mankind can acknowledge God's salvation to the transformation of our souls to that of life from a dead state.

God did His work to perfection! The tree of life has been made avialable to all who would reach out and eat of it's fruit.

Blessings, AJ

where in the bible does it say that gods love is unconditional?
john 3:16 is only talking about god loving us first and wants his love to be reciprocated and if not we are threatened with an ultimatum and therefore manipulated by the use of fear...
if you ascribe to this ideal, then you adhere to the principle of celestial dictatorship...
no thanks.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
"thus not having the spirit to see passed it."
you are diminishing and dismissing everyone else's belief.:facepalm:

Not so, in that if one is not of the spirit of God, one can not see passed this world, for God is not of this world, but is in this world.

Unbelievers are not "lost" meaning that God paid the price for the "Lost".

What is not gained by the unbeliever is the gift of life for the lack of faith in God.

If, you don't believe in God, your soul is not lost, for God's unconditional love saw to it.

By the way, that portion of work could only God perform.

Again, what is lost to an unbeliever is the benefits of their transformation into a member of the family of God here, now on this earth.

So, believe what you want, but I believe you have that God given right to reject Him at no expense to your eternal condition, but while on earth........well, that is a different story.

It is my understanding that my God has included humanity in the whole of His salvation.

Thus giving us all the opportunity to believe in Him or what we want without penalty of eternal annihilation.
you know this how? because of an ancient tradition of ignorance, all you need to do is read history which backs up my claim, still waiting for you to back yours up...

I can only conclude my beliefs on the following things:
The bible as a whole, my life's testimony of God's interventions in my life's dealings, my studies of human history, my studies of the many different religious beliefs, the why reasons for just believers only and the rest of the world going to hell, and the biggest reason why, a man claiming to Be God's Son, perfect and all, had to suffer, at the hands of mankind, for the worlds sins of which He had nothing to do with.

You see, all those question had I, and I petitioned God for answers.....and I believe He opened up a window of understanding to which I can now see the unbeliever loved by God equally so as I.

That is all I have to give, no science in it at all, but all spiritual, habituating in world of the sciences and giving glory to the creator of the sciences for all there is, it's beauty, it's complexity and wonder.
However, there are benefits that can only be gained by those who believe and only they can attest to it's reality.

For the rest of the unbelieving world, those benefits are lost.
and you're not dismissing or diminishing other beliefs, huh...
looks like what you gained is a nice dosage of arrogance...

Again, it is the loss of the benefit only.

Why not look into it with a little more faith, perhaps, maybe perhaps......you might become one who can testify of it's reality, as I can.

Blessings, AJ
faith is the absence of reality...look at the horrific act mother theresa did towards humanity? faith makes you blind to the obvious.

No, I believe faith is the reality of the existence of God in our reality, as in my life.

What I know of Mother Theresa, appropriately capitalized out of respect, is that she took nothing of this world, but gave of herself.

I know I can not come close to even walk in her shoes.

You know something horrific that you can explain?

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
where in the bible does it say that gods love is unconditional?
john 3:16 is only talking about god loving us first and wants his love to be reciprocated and if not we are threatened with an ultimatum and therefore manipulated by the use of fear...
if you ascribe to this ideal, then you adhere to the principle of celestial dictatorship...
no thanks.

First of all, let's establish one fact, that is if you would believe God created us, and that is that God did create us, or the first set of parents by which all creation now is.

Because we are the created we are doomed from the get go because we simply have no power to have created ourselves. Had we the power to create ourselves, then we could dismiss the power of the creator God.

OK, being doomed only means that unless the creator fixes it to where we are not any longer doomed, as a free gift, (meaning nothing mankind can do as far as good works meriting the salvation of its soul) then it is God's unconditional love that un-dooms us.

If it is the righteousness of God in a man named Jesus, that can only meet the merits of obedience, then it must be for all mankind and not just the few who claim to know Him.

The bible states: Eze 34:16 (1)I will seek that which was lost, and (2)bring again that which was driven away, and (3)will bind up that which was broken, and (4)will strengthen that which was sick: but (5)I will destroy the fat and the strong; (6)I will feed them with judgment.

(1) (1)I will seek that which was lost = the creation of humanity was lost in the process of creation

(2) bring again that which was driven away as in Adam and Eve cast out.

(3)will bind up that which was broken,= broken was Gods statues, mankind's inability to perform them

(4)will strengthen that which was sick: = Humanity was ill, meaning needing a spiritual physician.

(5)I will destroy the fat and the strong;= fat and strong, referencing the power of vanity over our ability to do good.

(6)I will feed them with judgment. = the fat and the strong as in (5) above is judged, and found to be terminated, i9n other words, taking the power of vanity away from us by God Himself judging Jesus' for the sins of the world.

Celestial dictatorship, I mean do we have a choice? Are you able to recreate yourself?

Do you have any power at all spiritually?

BY submitting to the love of God we acknowledge His supremacy and still have our individuality of ourselves even after this life.

This life on earth is just a journey and is without any power.

The power lies in our spiritual relationship to God as Supreme.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
Not so, in that if one is not of the spirit of God, one can not see passed this world, for God is not of this world, but is in this world.

Unbelievers are not "lost" meaning that God paid the price for the "Lost".

What is not gained by the unbeliever is the gift of life for the lack of faith in God.

If, you don't believe in God, your soul is not lost, for God's unconditional love saw to it.

By the way, that portion of work could only God perform.

Again, what is lost to an unbeliever is the benefits of their transformation into a member of the family of God here, now on this earth.

So, believe what you want, but I believe you have that God given right to reject Him at no expense to your eternal condition, but while on earth........well, that is a different story.

I can only conclude my beliefs on the following things:
The bible as a whole, my life's testimony of God's interventions in my life's dealings, my studies of human history, my studies of the many different religious beliefs, the why reasons for just believers only and the rest of the world going to hell, and the biggest reason why, a man claiming to Be God's Son, perfect and all, had to suffer, at the hands of mankind, for the worlds sins of which He had nothing to do with.

You see, all those question had I, and I petitioned God for answers.....and I believe He opened up a window of understanding to which I can now see the unbeliever loved by God equally so as I.

That is all I have to give, no science in it at all, but all spiritual, habituating in world of the sciences and giving glory to the creator of the sciences for all there is, it's beauty, it's complexity and wonder.

Again, it is the loss of the benefit only.

No, I believe faith is the reality of the existence of God in our reality, as in my life.

What I know of Mother Theresa, appropriately capitalized out of respect, is that she took nothing of this world, but gave of herself.

I know I can not come close to even walk in her shoes.

You know something horrific that you can explain?

Blessings, AJ

religious faith is looking through a peep hole and expecting what we see, through our limited resources, is something that can be understood. which is an attitude of undue sense of importance. humility, however, is looking through the same peep hole and realizing we are too limited in our capacity to understand.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
religious faith is looking through a peep hole and expecting what we see, through our limited resources, is something that can be understood. which is an attitude of undue sense of importance. humility, however, is looking through the same peep hole and realizing we are too limited in our capacity to understand.

Nice quote! An eye towards both realities.

Blessings, AJ

free spirit

Well-Known Member
LOOK 3467

But is the love of the Christian God unconditional? No. God's love is conditional. The New Testament tells us:

Yes it looks that way,
But he sends his blessings on the righteous and the unrighteous
While God's wish is for no one to perish, he loves a repenting sinner.
The Lord sinneless death reversed what Adam did, so now all of humanity has justification of life unconditionally. In other words he died for the good and the evil people.


Veteran Member
First of all, let's establish one fact, that is if you would believe God created us, and that is that God did create us, or the first set of parents by which all creation now is.

well we can't establish any of that as fact, that is why it is called faith.

Because we are the created we are doomed from the get go because we simply have no power to have created ourselves. Had we the power to create ourselves, then we could dismiss the power of the creator God.

OK, being doomed only means that unless the creator fixes it to where we are not any longer doomed, as a free gift, (meaning nothing mankind can do as far as good works meriting the salvation of its soul) then it is God's unconditional love that un-dooms us.[/QUOTE]

what you are essentially saying is that we were created sick and demanded to be healed...

If it is the righteousness of God in a man named Jesus, that can only meet the merits of obedience, then it must be for all mankind and not just the few who claim to know Him.

this is what i mean by celestial dictatorship

The bible states: Eze 34:16 (1)I will seek that which was lost, and (2)bring again that which was driven away, and (3)will bind up that which was broken, and (4)will strengthen that which was sick: but (5)I will destroy the fat and the strong; (6)I will feed them with judgment.

he was speaking to the chosen ones..not christian believers (another thing religious faith perpetuates, division).

Do you have any power at all spiritually?

BY submitting to the love of God we acknowledge His supremacy and still have our individuality of ourselves even after this life.

This life on earth is just a journey and is without any power.

The power lies in our spiritual relationship to God as Supreme.

Blessings, AJ

the spirituality christianity offers feeds into the notion you are given divine favor... no thanks. i would rather acknowledge the truth, nature is indifferent. a relationship to a deity only exults our capacity to learn as already being learned... life is a wonderful journey and i am not going to limit or put a label on the unknowable, because that limits me.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
LOOK 3467

But is the love of the Christian God unconditional? No. God's love is conditional. The New Testament tells us:

Not my quote, its yours.

But.....I see your correction quote" Yes it looks that way,
But he sends his blessings on the righteous and the unrighteous
While God's wish is for no one to perish, he loves a repenting sinner.
The Lord sinneless death reversed what Adam did, so now all of humanity has justification of life unconditionally. In other words he died for the good and the evil people.

Of which I agree!

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
well we can't establish any of that as fact, that is why it is called faith.>>>waitasec

My point exactly!

what you are essentially saying is that we were created sick and demanded to be healed...

Can you think of any reason then, in which the God of all creation, had to send His Son to die for our misfortune?

this is what i mean by celestial dictatorship

OK, we are in agreement as stated by me.

he was speaking to the chosen ones..not christian believers (another thing religious faith perpetuates, division).

If we can not be included in the chosen, then He could not have paid the price for all.

Yes, religious faith does perpetrate division but as a designed default.

What I mean by that is that God did not intend, in my opinion and understanding, for any one belief to be the only belief, but rather a many.

Ref: Luk 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

You see, it is in the division where love can be born.

If I am a Baptist and say you are an Atheist, as an example, and love is born in me, or in you, then I would look at the Atheist in and with the love of God, and visa-versa, rather than with an eye of condemnation.

Being that love is an original creation of God.

My reasoning has to do with one, freedom of choice, and two, the choice of two opposing things.
Good/evil, night/day, up/down, hot/cold.

There is always an opposition to what is and in the interim, we have the ability to manage our choices.

the spirituality christianity offers feeds into the notion you are given divine favor... no thanks. i would rather acknowledge the truth, nature is indifferent. a relationship to a deity only exults our capacity to learn as already being learned... life is a wonderful journey and i am not going to limit or put a label on the unknowable, because that limits me.

There is absolutely no limit to what is God's, or our spirituality.

Faith in God has degrees at which not everybody has the same but varying, hence; helping each other out.

And divine favor only in the sense of peace of mind, tranquility and a positive outlook of life despite the suffering.

But we are all favored in that He predestined us all to eternal life via His Son.

That is the stumbling block of offense.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
Can you think of any reason then, in which the God of all creation, had to send His Son to die for our misfortune?

why are you putting limitations for yourself?

If we can not be included in the chosen, then He could not have paid the price for all.

well, who were the enemies of god in the OT? those that did not adhere to his commandments...in the context of ezekiel 34 he is speaking to the shepherds of israel

Yes, religious faith does perpetrate division but as a designed default.

What I mean by that is that God did not intend, in my opinion and understanding, for any one belief to be the only belief, but rather a many.

Ref: Luk 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

You see, it is in the division where love can be born.

a decree found in the kkk movement, and the westboro baptist church
look, children are not born with any prejudice, they do not discriminate, actually they acknowledge them without ill intent.

If I am a Baptist and say you are an Atheist, as an example, and love is born in me, or in you, then I would look at the Atheist in and with the love of God, and visa-versa, rather than with an eye of condemnation.

Being that love is an original creation of God.

My reasoning has to do with one, freedom of choice, and two, the choice of two opposing things.
Good/evil, night/day, up/down, hot/cold.

There is always an opposition to what is and in the interim, we have the ability to manage our choices.

if you focus on the differences this is to be expected

There is absolutely no limit to what is God's, or our spirituality.

Faith in God has degrees at which not everybody has the same but varying, hence; helping each other out.

there is no moral act you can do that i cannot

And divine favor only in the sense of peace of mind, tranquility and a positive outlook of life despite the suffering.

you don't sense o hint of arrogance in this statement
who are you to judge that?

But we are all favored in that He predestined us all to eternal life via His Son.

That is the stumbling block of offense.

Blessings, AJ

no thanks, i know that i don't know...so what?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
why are you putting limitations for yourself?>>>waitasec

The skies the limit, meaning, I can go as High on the Lord as I wish.

well, who were the enemies of god in the OT? those that did not adhere to his commandments...in the context of ezekiel 34 he is speaking to the shepherds of israel

Enemies of God? There are no enemies of God per say, since, did He not instruct us to love our enemies?

So, there are no potential enemies of God, but we are our own worst enemy.

look, children are not born with any prejudice, they do not discriminate, actually they acknowledge them without ill intent.

Of such are the kingdom of God.

if you focus on the differences this is to be expected

Absolutely, but it is in the difference where one can either love or hate.

there is no moral act you can do that i cannot

Agreed! That places us on the same plane.

There is however, the motive.

In that I believe is the difference.

If compassion is the motive, then we both are the same, for compassion is an original God thing.

And divine favor only in the sense of peace of mind, tranquility and a positive outlook of life despite the suffering.
you don't sense o hint of arrogance in this statement
who are you to judge that?

To me, it is a blessing and therefore with assurance I share it.

If, that is a judgment call, it would not be me who makes it, but to the one who has not the same blessing, only then can that determination be made.
But we are all favored in that He predestined us all to eternal life via His Son.

That is the stumbling block of offense.

Blessings, AJ
no thanks, i know that i don't know...so what?

That is for you to decide!

Blessing, AJ


Veteran Member
Enemies of God? There are no enemies of God per say, since, did He not instruct us to love our enemies?
So, there are no potential enemies of God, but we are our own worst enemy
you haven't read much of the OT have you?
what about the;
the midianites, amalikites, babalonians...
did god not condone genocide and slavery?

Absolutely, but it is in the difference where one can either love or hate.
so you need an excuse to hate?

If compassion is the motive, then we both are the same, for compassion is an original God thing.

what is more honorable?
to be compassionate because a deity tell you to be
or to be compassionate for compassion sake?


non-existential luminary
Well, to each his own.
i wouldn't be as dismissive as that: i would rather that my fellow specie understands the Truth

I don't knock anybody's beliefs nor do I diminish nor dismiss them.
it would be a very different world if we all went around accepting everything.

It is my understanding that my God has included humanity in the whole of His salvation.
Thus giving us all the opportunity to believe in Him or what we want without penalty of eternal annihilation.
It is my believe that OUR God has included humanity in the whole of ITs Judgment. Thus giving us all the opportunity to understand our agnosticism or deny it and instead choose the seemingly eternal torturous purification of Naraka.

However, there are benefits that can only be gained by those who believe and only they can attest to it's reality.
EVERY part of my life has been a blessing... there have been no tests and trials for me, other than the test of whether i would chose to lie to myself about the nature of my understanding

For the rest of the unbelieving world, those benefits are lost.

The Agnostic Spirit of Science has given great benefits to much of the unbelieving world... its granted benefits are not so personal and are far more actual, present, and non-denominational.
Why not look into it with a little more faith, perhaps, maybe perhaps......you might become one who can testify of it's reality, as I can.

Blessings, AJ

I would ask you the same question, but i would replace the word "faith" with "understanding."
For you see, faith is a useful tool to keep us firmly self-congratulating ourselves where we are, be it on ground, muck, or fire. It is not useful for anything else.

My Highest Hopes for you and the rest of humanity and the anti-agnostics, OF
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Meh... I just see that God goes beyond all Scriptural writings, since He is God after all. Just writing about Him limits His omnipresence and eternal existence. :p
Dear friend, you ought to rethink about the consequences of that statement.

If God subjected us to vanity, how suppose we could do anything about it?

If God by the same token subjects us to salvation, can we still do anything about it?

Either way, it is all God's doing and the best thing we can do is accept His unconditional love despite our own selfish desires.

By so doing, our selfishness becomes His desires and shall live then in Him!

Blessings, AJ

rethink the consequences of that statement..........sounds like you think he might have something not so nice happen to him from this god of love.
this god may be a god of love, he just has a funny way of showing it. :rolleyes: