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How to convert a Hindu


Premium Member
I can't figure out cricket, let alone the intricacies and politics of India. It just has to be incredibly complicated, or I'm stupid. There are regional parties, coalitions, left-wing, right-wing, middle, etc. While travelling on pilgrimage, it was election time, and my daughter and I figures out the banner colours of about 4 different parties, some regional, and some national. It's at least as complicated as the EU.

Try sorting through this ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_India


Premium Member
The rest of the Gandhi quote is "My own veneration for other faiths is the same as that for my own faith; therefore no thought of conversion is possible." This goes back to being secure in your own faith. If you are secure in it, there is no thought of conversion or changing it. I think there is a basic insecurity with many people.

I don't think this reflects it all that accurately. Consider the native peoples of North America. Were they insecure, or naive?


Well-Known Member
I don't think this reflects it all that accurately. Consider the native peoples of North America. Were they insecure, or naive?

Well that was a different battle. At that time the natives were beaten and murdered into conversion. They lost the battle out of lack of fighting power and technology. The natives either converted or died,many (and I do mean MANY) chose death. The issues he speaks of are of a different battle. This not one fought with guns and disease but with insecurity and lack of faith.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't think this reflects it all that accurately. Consider the native peoples of North America. Were they insecure, or naive?

They were massacred, deliberately infected with European diseases, driven off their lands, assimilated and all but driven to extinction. In fact, nothing is left of the Aztec civilization except the language, Nahuatl, spoken in parts of Mexico and Central America by peasants. :(

As much as Indians endured and suffered the invasions, India survives as a thriving and booming democracy and does not seem to be in any imminent danger of losing its culture and identity. Can that be said of the Native Americans? I do not believe there is an analogy there.


Istha gosthi
The rest of the Gandhi quote is "My own veneration for other faiths is the same as that for my own faith; therefore no thought of conversion is possible." This goes back to being secure in your own faith. If you are secure in it, there is no thought of conversion or changing it. I think there is a basic insecurity with many people.

jai jai :namaste


Premium Member
I'm just trying to compare the mindset of the people who are being assimilated, attacked, oppressed, whatever. I can't think of an appropriate word for it right now, but the interaction of one culture with another. I'm not trying to compare what actually happened. Obviously one was in a different time, and the situation is far different. What happened in India (and Africa) at that time is comparable, as the people were rounded up, taken away as slaves or indentured labour.

Yet what is the mindset of the 'oppressed'? Surely the native here was naive. The concept of ownership wasn't even there.

The most vulnerable in India are poor, uneducated, but still basically friendly people, as the natives here were ... originally. But after 50 years or so they woke up. By then it was too late. The educated elite doesn't fall for it.


Premium Member
And now look at us, all trapped behind our screen livened world!

Pah! The Natives had it right all along! :p

Sometimes I really think that is true. Life was simpler then. :) technological advancement ... has it really helped humanity? We coulda done without the gun, at least.


Active Member
why am I being attacked?

regarding some issues which have come up

who is a real hindu?
someone who practises real hinduism. what is real hinduism? hinduism as it was practised before the invasion of other religions. Therefore christ does not fit it.
it can be practised by anyone, of any skin colour, any gender, from any place, but it's necessary to keep it pure.

why does the issue of real hinduism come up?
because some with an emotional attachment to christianity are refusing to even consider the possibility that there is an ongoing mission to christianise india. They won't even consider it, as is evident in this thread.

why is it important to keep hinduism pure/ without christ(in this case)?
because hindus need to maintain the (structural) integrity of their religion. If they accept christ, they won't necessarily look at conversion as harmful.
no structural integrity = no solidarity.
there are only 3 in hinduism = brahma, vishnu and shiva. not four or more.
don't compromise on your fundamentals.

worship christ if you want, no one has a problem with that, just don't call christ a part of hinduism.


Well-Known Member
why am I being attacked?

regarding some issues which have come up

who is a real hindu?
someone who practises real hinduism. what is real hinduism? hinduism as it was practised before the invasion of other religions. Therefore christ does not fit it.
it can be practised by anyone, of any skin colour, any gender, from any place, but it's necessary to keep it pure.

why does the issue of real hinduism come up?
because some with an emotional attachment to christianity are refusing to even consider the possibility that there is an ongoing mission to christianise india. They won't even consider it, as is evident in this thread.

why is it important to keep hinduism pure/ without christ(in this case)?
because hindus need to maintain the (structural) integrity of their religion. If they accept christ, they won't necessarily look at conversion as harmful.
no structural integrity = no solidarity.
there are only 3 in hinduism = brahma, vishnu and shiva. not four or more.
don't compromise on your fundamentals.

worship christ if you want, no one has a problem with that, just don't call christ a part of hinduism.
I'm confused. Who is saying that christ is part of Hinduism?


Istha gosthi
namaskaram :namaste

why am I being attacked?

you are not being attacked , it is simply that you are not hearing what many here are saying , and now you are implying that some people here have an attatchment to christianity ?

worship christ if you want, no one has a problem with that, just don't call christ a part of hinduism.
who is calling christ a part of hinduism ???

regarding some issues which have come up who is a real hindu?
someone who practises real hinduism. what is real hinduism? hinduism as it was practised before the invasion of other religions. Therefore christ does not fit it.
it can be practised by anyone, of any skin colour, any gender, from any place, but it's necessary to keep it pure.
yes I raised the what is hinduism with you and I agree that christ does not come under the umbrella of hinduism , the question here was that of conversion .

why does the issue of real hinduism come up?
because some with an emotional attachment to christianity are refusing to even consider the possibility that there is an ongoing mission to christianise india. They won't even consider it, as is evident in this thread.
christians have an on going mission to christianise the entire world , hinduism is just one religion or people who are being targeted at this present moment .

the real question is that we as hindus , .....(allthough I dont usualy use that term but in the interest of solidarity , which this post is about I will addopt it for the sake of arguement ,)....should be focusing on strengthening our practice and supporting our own people so that conversion is less attractive an option .
however that does not mean that we canot accept christianity as valid for christians ,

why is it important to keep hinduism pure/ without christ(in this case)?
because hindus need to maintain the (structural) integrity of their religion. If they accept christ, they won't necessarily look at conversion as harmful.
no structural integrity = no solidarity.
there are only 3 in hinduism = brahma, vishnu and shiva. not four or more.
don't compromise on your fundamentals.
as far as I am concerned practice sanatana dharma , call it hinduism if you like but one has to practice the principles , .... this is the problem , many people currently residing in the hindu nation are not practicing sanatana dharma , they are not much more than culturaly hindu . this includes a vast majority of the ruling elite who practice attatchment to name , fame , power and gain . these people are not true hindus this is why they are neglecting their people and leving them to fall prey to conversion .

worship christ if you want, no one has a problem with that, just don't call christ a part of hinduism.
who here is calling christ a part of hinduism ?
I certainly am not ,.... but that does not mean that I need to denigrate christians or christianity , there are as many good christians as there are good hindus , there is no reason that we canot respect oneanother .


Well-Known Member
namaskaram :namaste

you are not being attacked , it is simply that you are not hearing what many here are saying , and now you are implying that some people here have an attatchment to christianity ?

who is calling christ a part of hinduism ???

yes I raised the what is hinduism with you and I agree that christ does not come under the umbrella of hinduism , the question here was that of conversion .
christians have an on going mission to christianise the entire world , hinduism is just one religion or people who are being targeted at this present moment .p

the real question is that we as hindus , .....(allthough I dont usualy use that term but in the interest of solidarity , which this post is about I will addopt it for the sake of arguement ,)....should be focusing on strengthening our practice and supporting our own people so that conversion is less attractive an option .
however that does not mean that we canot accept christianity as valid for christians ,

as far as I am concerned practice sanatana dharma , call it hinduism if you like but one has to practice the principles , .... this is the problem , many people currently residing in the hindu nation are not practicing sanatana dharma , they are not much more than culturaly hindu . this includes a vast majority of the ruling elite who practice attatchment to name , fame , power and gain . these people are not true hindus this is why they are neglecting their people and leving them to fall prey to conversion .

who here is calling christ a part of hinduism ?
I certainly am not ,.... but that does not mean that I need to denigrate christians or christianity , there are as many good christians as there are good hindus , there is no reason that we canot respect oneanother .

*HUG* my thoughts exactly.


Active Member

post 242
in response to my comment
and some believe that the fact that the masses of hindus are suffering in poverty is not a mere coincidence.
keep them poor - keep them vulnerable to conversion
you replied
the sadest thing is it is not the christians who are keeplng them poor but the corrupt system of their own country
post 249, in response to your above statement, I asked you
you say this with a lot of conviction.
How convinced about this are you?
post 253, you replied
post 293, you said
christians have an on going mission to christianise the entire world
compare the above statement with your earlier statement-
the sadest thing is it is not the christians who are keeplng them poor but the corrupt system of their own country

how do you think they're converting hindus?
the indian leadership creates the problem (poverty) and then provides the solution (christianity)

very much a possibility isn't it?


Well-Known Member

post 242
in response to my comment

you replied

post 249, in response to your above statement, I asked you

post 253, you replied

post 293, you said

compare the above statement with your earlier statement-

how do you think they're converting hindus?
the indian leadership creates the problem (poverty) and then provides the solution (christianity)

very much a possibility isn't it?

How is discussing Christian missionary habits making people attached to Christianity?

It is possible to be educated in several subjects and still be Hindu.



Premium Member
The closer to home, the more severe the reaction. Some child in some far off country has something terrible happen to them, and we don't even hear about it, let alone react. But if that child is our own, ???

The way victims express their feelings is an indicator in and of itself of how destructive to families this conversion thing is.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
someone who practises real hinduism. what is real hinduism? hinduism as it was practised before the invasion of other religions. Therefore christ does not fit it.
it can be practised by anyone, of any skin colour, any gender, from any place, but it's necessary to keep it pure.

Yes, what is "real Hinduism"? Is "real Hinduism" Vedic or Puranic? Is "real Hinduism" the use of murthis? The Vedas, afaik, don't say anything about murthis. Could you tell us what "real Hinduism" was before the invasions? Give us an exact date when "real Hinduism" stopped being "real Hinduism". Give us the date of an invasion when Hinduism stopped being "real Hinduism". What is "pure Hinduism"? You're not being attacked... your inane and uninformed (I'm being kind) comments are.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
there are only 3 in hinduism = brahma, vishnu and shiva. not four or more.
don't compromise on your fundamentals.

No Durga, Kali? No Lakshmi, no Radha? No Ganesha? No Kartikeya? No Ayyapan? :eek: "Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do" to 1 billion Hindus... oops, wait wut?... they're not real Hindus anyway. :rolleyes:


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Now I'm confused, who is saying Christ is not part of Hinduism? :p

Oh sure, add gasoline to the fire... now I suppose you're going to say The Buddha is an incarnation of Vishnu! :rolleyes: What will they think of next!? (you know I'm being facetious :p).