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How to convert a Hindu


Premium Member
So lets say that law was around couldn't my friend technically be prosecuted by lets say my parents if I was a minor?

Any person with any common sense would never try to convert a minor. Not all people have common sense though. We're generally pretty safe as Hindus because in we don't do much more than answer questions when asked. We might go further if someone gets persistent, and asks a lot of questions.

If I would have ever had a student who was serious about it, first thing I would have done is call the parents. Otherwise, indeed, there could be big trouble.

But yes, that is another vulnerable group in India. If you build the school, you have some claim as to what you can say in that school, I suppose. Even here in Alberta we have two school systems, public, and Catholic. The Catholics do quite a bit of advertising about their 'acceptance' of diversity, but most people see through the guise. Saying the Lord's Prayer every day, even if you have no clue as to what it means, must have some impact.


Well-Known Member
Any person with any common sense would never try to convert a minor. Not all people have common sense though. We're generally pretty safe as Hindus because in we don't do much more than answer questions when asked. We might go further if someone gets persistent, and asks a lot of questions.

If I would have ever had a student who was serious about it, first thing I would have done is call the parents. Otherwise, indeed, there could be big trouble.

But yes, that is another vulnerable group in India. If you build the school, you have some claim as to what you can say in that school, I suppose. Even here in Alberta we have two school systems, public, and Catholic. The Catholics do quite a bit of advertising about their 'acceptance' of diversity, but most people see through the guise. Saying the Lord's Prayer every day, even if you have no clue as to what it means, must have some impact.

when it's a minor it's called indoctrination. Sadly I think children are the MOST vulnerable because they are uneducated, naive, and worst of all VERY trusting. This is why it is COMPLETELY against the rules for a teacher to even slightly imply anything about religion in school. Heck there have been teacher FIRED over the things they have said on sites like Facebook(not religious things but other things). The fact I want to be a teacher in America is actually kinda scary lol. Like me being a male I MUST be sure a female adult is present at ALL times. There is no telling when a parent might decide they want to get rich of the school and sue me for "sexual harassment".

but back on topic (sorry) yes it would be NICE to make a law like that but one would HAVE to word it in the Christians favor in America. one would have to make them feel the law is protecting THEM and not the other way around if it were to ever have any degree of success.


Istha gosthi
namaskaram :namaste


how do you think they're converting hindus?
the indian leadership creates the problem (poverty) and then provides the solution (christianity)

very much a possibility isn't it?

you think that the ''indian leadership'' have deliberately orchestrated the the conversion of the entire country to christianity or or do they just want to convert the lower orders ???

now that is a conspiricy theory to top all conspiricy theories :D

allthough I agree that they have created many problems , I dont think that they are so hot in finding solutions .

but thank you at least you have made me laugh .but sorry deffinately no frubals .


Sanatana Dharma
you think that the ''indian leadership'' have deliberately orchestrated the the conversion of the entire country to christianity or or do they just want to convert the lower orders ???
now that is a conspiricy theory to top all conspiricy theories :D
Sad but that's true, Mrs Sonia Gandhi (The chairperson of ruling party) aims to convert India into a christian nation. :(


Istha gosthi
namaskaram :namaste

i have no problem in accepting christianity is valid for christians, if christians accept hinduism is valid for hindus, do their belief system allow them for that?
fortunately there are some with the abbility to think for themselves , and I have met many with a wide human streak .

however not so long ago I had to suffer quite an unplesant verbal attack from a christian lady , whilst she stood there waving the correcting finger at me and waggling her unruly tongue , I stood in scilence waiting for her to run out of steam thinking how sad the whole thing was , and with fire in her eyes she gave her final rant , ....'' THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD '' to which I found my self answering ...''yes , we all know him by different names ''

obviously here beleif system did not allow for any thing other than her conception of god , but on the otherhand I have met some very much more inlightened christians who seem to hold some very different beleifs , like religious tollerance .

I still hold that there are good and bad every where , and that tollerance is the best action .
however that dosent mean that I give in to presure , I just dont wase my time arguing with ignorance .


Well-Known Member
Sad but that's true, Mrs Sonia Gandhi (The chairperson of ruling party) aims to convert India into a christian nation. :(

You know what I'll take the bite. What does she hope to accomplish in doing this? I would say no based on my understanding of politics. I doubt politicians even care at all what their citizens are. Yet this is based on my understanding of "American politics' so I except that I can be COMPLETELY wrong and would like to know what you believe.

Nyingjé Tso

Tänpa Yungdrung zhab pä tän gyur jig

Sad but that's true, Mrs Sonia Gandhi (The chairperson of ruling party) aims to convert India into a christian nation. :(

I am not specialist in Indian politics but I have read some articles and recently in Maharashtra they cut money to the temples (to renovate and let the temples going well)

If anyone can find an article talking about this, because I'm sure there was some kind of "not considered cultural" or something like that as a reason.

This kind of "move", I call it cultural destruction, no less. By letting the culture and religion perish like that by not sustaining it, by not supporting it, by not considering it a part of the country culture, this is a wide open door for "replacement".

But between laxism and extreme nationalism, there is a middle. Because both are dangerous

Aum Namah Shivaya


Well-Known Member

I am not specialist in Indian politics but I have read some articles and recently in Maharashtra they cut money to the temples (to renovate and let the temples going well)

If anyone can find an article talking about this, because I'm sure there was some kind of "not considered cultural" or something like that as a reason.

This kind of "move", I call it cultural destruction, no less. By letting the culture and religion perish like that by not sustaining it, by not supporting it, by not considering it a part of the country culture, this is a wide open door for "replacement".

But between laxism and extreme nationalism, there is a middle. Because both are dangerous

Aum Namah Shivaya

They fund religious centers in India? Wow. In America the government does not fund nor collect tax from any religious institution. they are all on their own. They are supposed to stay out of politics...but they don't of course

Nyingjé Tso

Tänpa Yungdrung zhab pä tän gyur jig

They fund religious centers in India?

I am not living in India nor indian, so I don't know sorry :0 I just remember the issue was brough up and reading an interesting article on this.

But for exemple in France (and Europe I guess, but I don't know for each countries) many churches have money NOT for religious purpose, but because they are very old (middle age and more older...) and they constitute a part of historical and cultural side of the country. The money is used to restore old paintings and old stones, to not let them crumble.

It is not for religious purpose, state is purely secular (does not favor any religion) and separated from church. I is strictly for conservation of history and culture.

I have no idea if it's the same in India however.


Well-Known Member

I am not living in India nor indian, so I don't know sorry :0 I just remember the issue was brough up and reading an interesting article on this.

But for exemple in France (and Europe I guess, but I don't know for each countries) many churches have money NOT for religious purpose, but because they are very old (middle age and more older...) and they constitute a part of historical and cultural side of the country. The money is used to restore old paintings and old stones, to not let them crumble.

It is not for religious purpose, state is purely secular (does not favor any religion) and separated from church. I is strictly for conservation of history and culture.

I have no idea if it's the same in India however.

OH OKAY yeah that is probably the case.
Many of the confused "Hindus" on here have never been at the receiving end of proselytization - they fail to see the unethical nature of proselytizing and the tumult it creates in the communities it ravages.

As real Hindus (;)), we are not concerned with people converting to Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, or even atheism/agnosticism. Even other eastern religions, although people may wonder why, are okay. The problem is with the Abrahamic "religions", especially Christianity & Islam. They seek to destroy other religions and that is central to their path. It is not as if Hindus care about which deity one worships. It is when that path goads the followers to cause harm (culturally, physically, economically etc.), it becomes an issue. Most Hindu converts to those Abrahamic religions are faced with a real dilemma - they have to disown their ancestors (as condemned) as well as their family, relatives, and friends. This creates tremendous friction in the community and causes other problems. Plus, many Hindus who convert to ostensibly escape "caste system" end up being ill treated by their co-religionists.

Funny thing is that the west talks ill about caste system when they have segregated churches. Must be those first world values!? :rolleyes:

Christian/Muslim numerical minority means nothing; they are pan-global organizations with tremendous funding, infrastructure, and support that are attempting to break down Hindu society. It is akin to saying that there are only 1 Walmart in India but several thousand Indian retailers. The WalMart has a global network, massive funding, and a huge support structure that will crush even the most robust of local competitors. It would downright foolish to call WalMart a "minority" enterprise and give them the benefits meant for real minorities. This reasoning of numbers of followers falls flat. This applies directly to Christian/Muslim groups in India.

Good thing many real Hindus are waking up from their stupor and realizing that all religions are NOT the same. :yes:
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They fund religious centers in India? Wow.

They don't "fund" places of worship. They steal from Hindu temples (donations from devotees) and give them to christian/muslim organizations to subsidize building of more mosques and churches. Plus, they use HINDU money to fund pilgrimages to Mecca (for muslims) and Vatican (for christians).

They are able to steal the funds because there is a governmental organization called Hindu Endowments Board that controls all the donations etc. to Hindu places of worship. These donations are directly under government control and everyone knows how upright and honest the Indian government officials are! :) (Link: http://www.preservehinduism.org/e_act.html)

Ain't (Indian) secularism great? :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
I have no problem with secularism (without it I would not be aloud to be Hindu in America!) yet what you speak of Tat is NOT "secutal" to me it sounds like this. "Hey the Christians and Muslims have tons of money and their missionaries are throwing it at us if we help fund them back, sure! I want to be rich!" They must have learned a lot of tricks from the American politicians!

This is of course if this is all as serious as people are stating it to be. I have yet to do my research on the subject (finals are coming up so I will not have the time to properly do so this week). And no offense to any of you but when it comes to politics I don't take anyone's "word for it". I believe in doing your own research before passing judgement on anyone.


श्री कृष्णा शरणं मम
Oh sure, add gasoline to the fire... now I suppose you're going to say The Buddha is an incarnation of Vishnu! :rolleyes: What will they think of next!? (you know I'm being facetious :p).

Maybe we should add Thor in. You know, don't want to alienate the Norse Pagans. [/sarcasm] :p
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Well-Known Member
Maybe we should add Thor in. You know, don't want to alienate the Norse Pagans. [/sarcasm] :p

HEY HEY HEY now my fiance is a Pagan :p. Oh how I love my witch, I wonder when the super conservative Christians will come to burn her? lol


श्री कृष्णा शरणं मम
HEY HEY HEY now my fiance is a Pagan :p. Oh how I love my witch, I wonder when the super conservative Christians will come to burn her? lol

Haha, I have no problem with them (hence the sarcasm brackets). Before I found Hinduism, I was a lurker in Wiccan/Pagan faiths.


Well-Known Member
Haha, I have no problem with them (hence the sarcasm brackets). Before I found Hinduism, I was a lurker in Wiccan/Pagan faiths.
I too was joking lol.
HEY! me too. I did quit a bit of reading on Alchemy.

Wow we are getting WAY off topic. So yes if the issue IS political how exactly can we help? we are not part of the political communities, or even aloud to vote. I guess we could let friends and relatives know what we have learned, but if they are friends and relatives they probably have similar ideas to us.


Istha gosthi
namaskaram tat tvam asi :namaste
Many of the confused "Hindus" on here have never been at the receiving end of proselytization - they fail to see the unethical nature of proselytizing and the tumult it creates in the communities it ravages.

I have every sympathy for those that suffer proselyatization , and yes it is un ethical, but to call those who are not in that position ''confused'' is counterproductive .

if you want our support you would have a better chance of winning it if you refrained from drawing lines between what you concider real and non real hindus .
As real Hindus (;)), we are not concerned with people converting to Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, or even atheism/agnosticism. Even other eastern religions, although people may wonder why, are okay. The problem is with the Abrahamic "religions", especially Christianity & Islam. They seek to destroy other religions and that is central to their path. It is not as if Hindus care about which deity one worships. It is when that path goads the followers to cause harm (culturally, physically, economically etc.), it becomes an issue. Most Hindu converts to those Abrahamic religions are faced with a real dilemma - they have to disown their ancestors (as condemned) as well as their family, relatives, and friends. This creates tremendous friction in the community and causes other problems. Plus, many Hindus who convert to ostensibly escape "caste system" end up being ill treated by their co-religionists.

Funny thing is that the west talks ill about caste system when they have segregated churches. Must be those first world values!? :rolleyes:
ok so if you have some reality you want to make other hindus aware of you will find your words better received if you dont start name calling and criticising peoples awareness , I dont expect you to understand what is going on over here in the same way we cant know what is happening in india unless you tell us calmly .
Christian/Muslim numerical minority means nothing; they are pan-global organizations with tremendous funding, infrastructure, and support that are attempting to break down Hindu society. It is akin to saying that there are only 1 Walmart in India but several thousand Indian retailers. The WalMart has a global network, massive funding, and a huge support structure that will crush even the most robust of local competitors. It would downright foolish to call WalMart a "minority" enterprise and give them the benefits meant for real minorities. This reasoning of numbers of followers falls flat. This applies directly to Christian/Muslim groups in India.

Good thing many real Hindus are waking up from their stupor and realizing that all religions are NOT the same. :yes:
yes I see where you are coming from , and I agree all religions are NOT the same , it is the 'ULTIMATE REALISATION' that is the same , unfortunately the religious fundamentalists you are describing are far from such a realisation . such fundamentalists are spiritual neophites and yes they are dangerous as are all ill informed persons who live in dellusion . I can only refer you back to the quote jainarayan gave earlier , ....."My own veneration for other faiths is the same as that for my own faith; therefore no thought of conversion is possible." ... we need to strengthen our faith and the faith of those around us then no conversion will be nececary .

when you are faced with a poverfull adversary then one needs to be skillfull .