Well-Known Member
namaskaram tat tvam asi :namaste
I have every sympathy for those that suffer proselyatization , and yes it is un ethical, but to call those who are not in that position ''confused'' is counterproductive .
if you want our support you would have a better chance of winning it if you refrained from drawing lines between what you concider real and non real hindus .
ok so if you have some reality you want to make other hindus aware of you will find your words better received if you dont start name calling and criticising peoples awareness , I dont expect you to understand what is going on over here in the same way we cant know what is happening in india unless you tell us calmly .
yes I see where you are coming from , and I agree all religions are NOT the same , it is the 'ULTIMATE REALISATION' that is the same , unfortunately the religious fundamentalists you are describing are far from such a realisation . such fundamentalists are spiritual neophites and yes they are dangerous as are all ill informed persons who live in dellusion . I can only refer you back to the quote jainarayan gave earlier , ....."My own veneration for other faiths is the same as that for my own faith; therefore no thought of conversion is possible." ... we need to strengthen our faith and the faith of those around us then no conversion will be nececary .
when you are faced with a poverfull adversary then one needs to be skillfull .
Has anyone said all religions are the same? Maybe trying attain the same goal yes that I have heard. the same? I have yet to hear anyone say that.