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How to convert a Hindu


Well-Known Member
namaskaram tat tvam asi :namaste

I have every sympathy for those that suffer proselyatization , and yes it is un ethical, but to call those who are not in that position ''confused'' is counterproductive .

if you want our support you would have a better chance of winning it if you refrained from drawing lines between what you concider real and non real hindus .
ok so if you have some reality you want to make other hindus aware of you will find your words better received if you dont start name calling and criticising peoples awareness , I dont expect you to understand what is going on over here in the same way we cant know what is happening in india unless you tell us calmly .
yes I see where you are coming from , and I agree all religions are NOT the same , it is the 'ULTIMATE REALISATION' that is the same , unfortunately the religious fundamentalists you are describing are far from such a realisation . such fundamentalists are spiritual neophites and yes they are dangerous as are all ill informed persons who live in dellusion . I can only refer you back to the quote jainarayan gave earlier , ....."My own veneration for other faiths is the same as that for my own faith; therefore no thought of conversion is possible." ... we need to strengthen our faith and the faith of those around us then no conversion will be nececary .

when you are faced with a poverfull adversary then one needs to be skillfull .

Has anyone said all religions are the same? Maybe trying attain the same goal yes that I have heard. the same? I have yet to hear anyone say that.


The Creator
Most Christians do, in my experience. When I was RC and EO, no one was concerned with what or how other people worshipped or lived. They were concerned with their own affairs. Bible literalists do not think that way. They are concerned with everyone and everything else. I was told by someone who is a bible literalist in the ridiculous degree, "I respect your right to your beliefs, even though they are way off". :rolleyes: They are the control freaks and mental masturbators over it.
respecting the freedom of belief is not the same as respecting a belief, do they believe a different path other than christianity could take us to the truth? i think thats what ratikala meant it here,
however that does not mean that we canot accept christianity as valid for christians
ratikala can correct me if im wrong.
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The Creator
please elaborate , what is the rational behind her thinking ???

it is called the vote bank politics, means a political party would favor the interest of people belonging to certain faiths, and in return these people would vote for this party, the logic is so simple. It is no secret that almost all the christians(and muslims) votes for Indian congress party, so the rise in christian population would bring more votes to the congress party, and then this party would be safe forever. This is the same reason why they allow illegal muslim immigrants from bangladesh to settle in india, they all are votes for the congress party.
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Sanatana Dharma
namaskaram sumit ji

please elaborate , what is the rational behind her thinking ???

Actually she is a Catholic from Italy, she married Rajiv Gandhi, the former PM of India. It is said that she was the one who was responsible for the death of her husband (but all agencies are under her ). Now she is chairperson of Indian ruling party (This is the party which ruled more than 95% of times since Independence of India.) There is also one incidence related to her life. Once she along with Rajiv Gandhi went to Nepal at pashupatinath temple but there she was not allowed to enter temple as she ate beef (It's common in italy). After they returned India she forced Rajiv Gandhi to stop all business with Nepal and this destroyed relations between India and Nepal and effected Nepal economy badly. There are many such incidences. Last year her party asked people to eat much beef for better diet. She also allow more and more Christian missionaries to enter India and convert Hindus. Her party try to prove Hindus as terrorist and often talk about Saffron terrorism or Hindu Terrorism.


Istha gosthi
namaskaram sumit ji and nameless :namaste

what is your opinion of manmohan singh ?

is he a sikh or a politician ?


The Creator
namaskaram sumit ji and nameless :namaste

what is your opinion of manmohan singh ?

is he a sikh or a politician ?
should we go too much into politics in this thread? for whether he is a sikh or not, you should get opinion from sikhs like Gursikh.


Sanatana Dharma
what is your opinion of manmohan singh ?

is he a sikh or a politician ?
I don't consider him a politician and he has no qualities of Sikhs. Condition of Manmohan Singh is like a pet, every decision is taken by Sonia Gandhi. She has all powers. Manmohan Singh do not give even a single statement without her permission. So you can say "India has no PM at present".


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
respecting the freedom of belief is not the same as respecting a belief.

In this case he did not respect my beliefs, but rather, denigrated them. It was quite a long discussion, that other people even chastised him for.


Premium Member
should we go too much into politics in this thread? for whether he is a sikh or not, you should get opinion from sikhs like Gursikh.

I think politics is essential to this discussion, because that is where the solution lies. Stronger anti-proseltysing laws need to be passed and enforced, or else the deceptive tactics go unabated. Hopefully, this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_general_election,_2014 will be a major turning point.
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The Creator
I think politics is essential to this discussion, because that is where the solution lies. Stronger anti-proseltysing laws need to be passed and enforced, or else the deceptive tactics go unabated. Hopefully, this Indian general election, 2014 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia will be a major turning point.
yes, it does, but i think as majority of them here cant vote in the indian elections it would be fruitless to go deep into the politics.


Premium Member
yes, it does, but i think as majority of them here cant vote in the indian elections it would be fruitless to go deep into the politics.

Yeah, that's true. But some basics helps to shatter the American myth or 'they're all like us'. A very simple example is parties. The two party system idea is engrained in Americans, whereas many other nations, including India, and Canada, my home, are multi-party. So in multi-party, one simply does not need a majority to get elected. Theoretically, 30% or less is sufficient. If there is 1 Christian Party , and 10 Hindu parties, the Christian one can easily win. That's what has happened in the last two elections in Canada. The right has one party, but the left, and middle have 2.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's true. But some basics helps to shatter the American myth or 'they're all like us'. A very simple example is parties. The two party system idea is engrained in Americans, whereas many other nations, including India, and Canada, my home, are multi-party. So in multi-party, one simply does not need a majority to get elected. Theoretically, 30% or less is sufficient. If there is 1 Christian Party , and 10 Hindu parties, the Christian one can easily win. That's what has happened in the last two elections in Canada. The right has one party, but the left, and middle have 2.

So you have multiple parties vying for the same voters. And instead of coming together under one single banner, they bicker amongst them selves while the other party is unified .


Sanatana Dharma
It's very difficult to defeat Congress Party. They play the mind games. I often think about 5 years rule of Bharatiya Janta Party. That was the golden period of India. India under leadershhip of Vajpayee ji was advancing both economically and spiritually. Vajpayee ji was legendary politician. He was my ideal and during election results of 2003 I was sitting near TV continuously to celebrate his victory (I was kid at that time and knew nothing about politics but I always liked him) but so sad he lost election . And his final speech "I am resigning from this post of PM and not from my duties, I will always serve India and Indians" bought tears in my eyes. If he would be our Pm for next ten years than India would be Vishwa Guru. Last 10 years missionaries actives increased 100 times. It's Hindus who destroyed their future. :(

Must hear these two poems by Vajpayee ji, It inspires every Hindu.

Hindu Tan Man, Hindu Jivan - Poem of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee - YouTube

Amar Aag Hai - Poem of Shri Atal Bihari Vajapayee - YouTube
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Premium Member
So you have multiple parties vying for the same voters. And instead of coming together under one single banner, they bicker amongst them selves while the other party is unified .

Indeed. And as Sumit has said, in India the Congress party is even harder to defeat, because of other factors like overseas money at election time, country wide organization, and I'm sure more that I don't know about.


Well-Known Member
Indeed. And as Sumit has said, in India the Congress party is even harder to defeat, because of other factors like overseas money at election time, country wide organization, and I'm sure more that I don't know about.

THAT right there should be an international law. That no nation should fund a political party of another. I loathe money in politics already, then you add richer nations using their wealth to indirectly control the poorer nations, its enough to make you sick.


Sanatana Dharma
THAT right there should be an international law. That no nation should fund a political party of another. I loathe money in politics already, then you add richer nations using their wealth to indirectly control the poorer nations, its enough to make you sick.
They do not need money from foreign country. Some of these politician are soo rich that their bank balance exceeds the economy of small countries. India is a poor country where richest people of world resides.


Well-Known Member
They do not need money from foreign country. Some of these politician are soo rich that their bank balance exceeds the economy of small countries. India is a poor country where richest people of world resides.

Yeah I know of the idea. Get rich else where move to India live like royalty.