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How to convert a Hindu


Istha gosthi
namaskaram vinajaka ji

No the Indians made their money there, for the most part. Unscrupulous business, or luck getting rich has no political boundaries. Here's one. Lakshmi Mittal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

......now you understand what I mean by moraly bancrupt ! .....so much wealth and what does he do with it whilst half of india starves ......and I quote wicipidia .... Mittal owns 41 percent of ArcelorMittal and holds a 34 percent stake in the Queens Park Rangers F.C. football team. .....and sits on numerous worldwide advisory boards telling the world how to aprofitise from the missfortune of the masses ....and governments and institutions worldwide hail such people as entrepeneurs and ply them with honours ! .... all these governments and institutions are moraly bancrupt
...... read on ....
"Cash for Influence"

n 2002 Plaid Cymru MP Adam Price obtained a letter written by Tony Blair to the Romanian Government in support of Mittal's LNM steel company, which was in the process of bidding to buy Romania's state-owned steel industry.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakshmi_Mittal#cite_note-news.bbc.co.uk-20http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakshmi_Mittal#cite_note-21http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakshmi_Mittal#cite_note-ReferenceA-22 This revelation caused controversy, because Mittal had given £125,000 to the British Labour Party the previous year. Although Blair defended his letter as simply "celebrating the success" of a British company, he was criticised because LNM was registered in the Dutch Antilles and employed less than 1% of its workforce in the UK.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakshmi_Mittal#cite_note-Garbage-23 LNM was a "major global competitor of Britain's own struggling steel industry".http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakshmi_Mittal#cite_note-24 Blair's letter hinted that the privatisation of the firm and sale to Mittal might help smooth the way for Romania's entry into the European Union.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakshmi_Mittal#cite_note-news.bbc.co.uk-20 It also had a passage, removed just prior to Blair's signing of it, describing Mittal as "a friend"......http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakshmi_Mittal#cite_note-Garbage-23

enough said .....britan remembers this man .....but they are all as bad !

all I can say to the lot of them is .......kalki is coming !


Premium Member
Yes, there is no doubt that Christianity isn't the only threat. Western materialism, western 'culture', capitalism, Marxism, are four more big ones, and I'm sure there is more. For most souls, I think we need to experience it in order to realise the uselessness of all of these adharmic side paths. Money does not buy moksha, possessions do not get moksha, political ideology does not get moksha, foreign faiths not believing in moksha don't get you to moksha. There is only one path to moksha ... Sanatana Dharma. Despite all the side paths, moksha is still available to those who seek it.


people have been saying for years that there is some sort of pole shift going on
the material-west is fast becoming spiritual, while the "dharma Bhumi" known as India is being taken by materialism


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Western spirituality is a materialistic joke, by and large. How to have 3 cars and navel gaze to feel good about it.

Hmm... agree with this I do. :yoda:

"Go sell all you have and give the money to the poor."
'10th and final' is perhaps somewhat inaccurate. The idea of avatara is old, and only in recent times (1500s?) the list been redacted to 10 - including the prophesied Kalki.

Final also has an Abrahamic smack to it I can't really chew past.

While some Shaivas don't put much stock in avataras, nor some vedantists, I do. From a Trika perspective, Krishna is seen as an avatar of Shiva, and there is little distinction drawn between Vasudeva and Paramashiva. What worries me is that the coming of Kalki is likely to be unlike that described in the puran. We may well fail to perceive it, as Krishna's divinity failed to be perceived by all save a few. The other worrisome thing is that prophesied saviors have a tendency of giving people an easy way out of responsibility - we don't have to fix things, God will come and do it for us.

I rather think that Kalki will only come through us, and though He may be revealed as a single, extraordinary individual, it will be through the revelation of many ordinary individuals acting in extraordinary fashion to turn the wheel of the age.

As to timeframes, I think it is very clear that the kali yuga has nearly come to a close due to the intervention of modern technology wielded by the 'invisible fist' of demoniacal commerce. As per Sri Krishna's promise, an avatar is very much due.
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ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
'10th and final' is perhaps somewhat inaccurate. The idea of avatara is old, and only in recent times (1500s?) the list been redacted to 10 - including the prophesied Kalki.

Final also has an Abrahamic smack to it I can't really chew past..

That's true... final for this age, as far as we know; other avatars may appear at times. Consider Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, for those who follow him. Moreover, I'm sure it doesn't mean the world won't continue. I believe Kalki will actually bring in the next Satya Yuga?


Premium Member
Final also has an Abrahamic smack to it I can't really chew past.

The other worrisome thing is that prophesied saviors have a tendency of giving people an easy way out of responsibility - we don't have to fix things, God will come and do it for us.

That was always my gut reaction. In the mean time, just in case, maybe we'd better do something to help ourselves. I could never get the Messiah complex on any personal level.


'10th and final' is perhaps somewhat inaccurate. The idea of avatara is old, and only in recent times (1500s?) the list been redacted to 10 - including the prophesied Kalki.

Final also has an Abrahamic smack to it I can't really chew past.

In my view, it seems that Vaishnavism is somewhat similar to Abrahamic religions. Even though it is still a Dharmic path, a lot of things and mentalities that some people here on the forum view as Abrahamic are actually found in Vaishnavism too.


Istha gosthi
nothing like an avatar to get sects arguing :D

yep this deffinately is kail yuga , you know if we continue to diss each others beleifs like this we will never accheive hindu unity , then whilst we are debating the validity of the puranas the christians will have converted cores of inocent hindus who cant understand what the debating is all about ?

o.k. prabhus lets just put it this way , these corrupt moral bancrupts are at this very moment causing their own demise for their greed and ignorance will be their undoing . they are at this moment corrupting countless others who fall in to the trap of hankering for material and social gain and they will eventualy rip each other to shreads fighting over wealth and power .

'10th and final' is perhaps somewhat inaccurate. The idea of avatara is old, and only in recent times (1500s?) the list been redacted to 10 - including the prophesied Kalki.

Final also has an Abrahamic smack to it I can't really chew past.

not sure that I can see the abrahamic link ? unless you mean that the onset of a new satya yuga is akin to heaven ?

While some Shaivas don't put much stock in avataras, nor some vedantists, I do. From a Trika perspective, Krishna is seen as an avatar of Shiva, and there is little distinction drawn between Vasudeva and Paramashiva. What worries me is that the coming of Kalki is likely to be unlike that described in the puran. We may well fail to perceive it, as Krishna's divinity failed to be perceived by all save a few. The other worrisome thing is that prophesied saviors have a tendency of giving people an easy way out of responsibility - we don't have to fix things, God will come and do it for us.
if we look at it for what it is we have allready set the cycle in motion , you only have to look at the cycle of life , ...birth , aging , sickness , death ....birth , aging , sickness , death ....we go through it as embodied beings , ....cultures go through it , planets go through it and universes go through it , .... the only thing which is free from this cycle is parameshwara ...
and look at what we have been discussing , this world is corrupt beyond repair , it is sick , it is approaching its death throws , and what will happen to the ones who have reveled in the lust and corruption ? ....will they take the same re birth as those who have strived to serve the lord , those that against all temptation resisted going the way of the world , those who have held their dharma sacred , when this world dies where will they go ? .... to a new satya yuga .... prehaps that sounds abrahamic ???
not to me , it is more scientific there is created cause so there must be effect , you have a large percent of the population caught up in creating the end of this balance of life , therefore it must become erevecably unbalanced and come to an end , but the smaller percentage who uphold dharma create a very different effect when everything comes to its natural end you have two distinctly different energies going in different directions .....we create our own heaven or our own hell and many levels in between ....unless of course you surrender completely and take moksha :)

much more complex than the abrahamic idea of heaven and hell .

I rather think that Kalki will only come through us, and though He may be revealed as a single, extraordinary individual, it will be through the revelation of many ordinary individuals acting in extraordinary fashion to turn the wheel of the age.
yes , the sword is wisdom and slays ignorance .
As to timeframes, I think it is very clear that the kali yuga has nearly come to a close due to the intervention of modern technology wielded by the 'invisible fist' of demoniacal commerce. As per Sri Krishna's promise, an avatar is very much due.
yes the greed and stupidity of some has certainly excellerated things , so yes we will see in what form kalki comes
In my view, it seems that Vaishnavism is somewhat similar to Abrahamic religions. Even though it is still a Dharmic path, a lot of things and mentalities that some people here on the forum view as Abrahamic are actually found in Vaishnavism too.

Having grown up in a Vaishnava household, I'm not sure I see this link.


Premium Member
Having grown up in a Vaishnava household, I'm not sure I see this link.

In my limited experience, the diversity of Vaishnavism is far and wide. I think Tirupati or Sri Rangam, or some of the wonderful Kerala temples would be quite different from Swaminarayan or Gaudiya Vaishnava ones. So this idea may be closer to true just for particular schools. We can never forget the wide diversity that we are. So most likely both observations have some validity.:)