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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes



Dear Quaxotic, Seek the AGREEMENT of the Truth of Science, History and Scripture. This will brings you to God's Truth, which agrees in every way with every discovery of Science and History. This knowledge also assures you that NO one can refute you in any way, since their opposing truth is only a partial truth because it doesnt agree with every other discovered Truth. God Bless you.

In Love,

Or I suppose we could agree that you have a far lower standard of truth than the rest of us.

Some people think that they can just copy a bunch of crap from the internet, paste it into a document and turn it in as a paper in college - or even worse - publish it as a book.

You evidently are capable of making statements that are in no way true to the rest of the world, but in your mind you are telling the truth. I don't think that you do this out of malice, so I wouldn't call you a liar. I wouldn't even call you a pathological liar because it's just not polite.

So you have a low standard for truth - but you have an impossibly high standard for truth for the rest of us.

Your standard for truth is that you wrote or said it - therefore, it must be true.

Your standard for us is the same. You didn't write what we wrote, therefore it's wrong.


Bible Believer
Or I suppose we could agree that you have a far lower standard of truth than the rest of us.

Some people think that they can just copy a bunch of crap from the internet, paste it into a document and turn it in as a paper in college - or even worse - publish it as a book.

You evidently are capable of making statements that are in no way true to the rest of the world, but in your mind you are telling the truth. I don't think that you do this out of malice, so I wouldn't call you a liar. I wouldn't even call you a pathological liar because it's just not polite.

So you have a low standard for truth - but you have an impossibly high standard for truth for the rest of us.

Your standard for truth is that you wrote or said it - therefore, it must be true.

Your standard for us is the same. You didn't write what we wrote, therefore it's wrong.

Dear angellous, Wrong. I have the Highest Standard for Truth and that is the AGREEMENT of Scripture, Science and History. I support what i write with this Agreement which is found in Genesis IF you can understand it. It seems obvious to me that you cannot. Only Bible Believing Christians can. Repent. God Bless you.

In Love,


Dear angellous, Wrong. I have the Highest Standard for Truth and that is the AGREEMENT of Scripture, Science and History. I support what i write with this Agreement which is found in Genesis IF you can understand it. It seems obvious to me that you cannot. Only Bible Believing Christians can. Repent. God Bless you.

In Love,

You mean you understanding of scripture, science, and history... which we see is infallible.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Dear Quaxotic, Seek the AGREEMENT of the Truth of Science, History and Scripture. This will brings you to God's Truth, which agrees in every way with every discovery of Science and History. This knowledge also assures you that NO one can refute you in any way, since their opposing truth is only a partial truth because it doesnt agree with every other discovered Truth. God Bless you.

In Love,

How would we determine if any of them are true?


How would we determine if any of them are true?

If Aman777 writes it, then it is true. That is the only test that we need.

In fact, even if he thinks it, then it's true.

It is also the case that if Aman777 has thought it before and forgotten - that is truth - or if he thought something different and now thinks something else, that is also true (note - he never changes his mind because he's always right).

Basically, any nutty thing that has ever entered his beautiful mind is truth.

Put that in your smipe and poke it, ye heathen Evols!


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Seek the AGREEMENT of the Truth of Science, History and Scripture.
...At all costs, whether such "agreement" is congruent with known fact, or not, because, no matter how well something can be proven using empirical methods, the bible MUST be right, and that belief trumps all known fact. Therefore, if the bible disagrees with a known fact, twist the fact so that it agrees with the bible. Because if the bible isn't right, the universe implodes on itself, our spines will curve, we will grow warts on our palms, and the sky will fall.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
If Aman777 writes it, then it is true. That is the only test that we need.

In fact, even if he thinks it, then it's true.

It is also the case that if Aman777 has thought it before and forgotten - that is truth - or if he thought something different and now thinks something else, that is also true (note - he never changes his mind because he's always right).

Basically, any nutty thing that has ever entered his beautiful mind is truth.

Put that in your smipe and poke it, ye heathen Evols!

I think what he is saying is that all three MUST be in agreement before he accepts something as true.

For example if scripture and history agree but science does not, he will reject the idea.

And if science and history agree and scripture does not, then he will also reject it.


I think what he is saying is that all three MUST be in agreement before he accepts something as true.

For example if scripture and history agree but science does not, he will reject the idea.

And if science and history agree and scripture does not, then he will also reject it.

Yes, I agree. But in the three ring circus of chaos that is his mind, it may as well be jelly beans, fruit roll-ups, and pudding.

NOTE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slMub4NtrSk
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The fact that many humans do not feel any necessity to accept the truth of evolution, despite the overwhelming evidence in support of evolution, is itself fairly compelling evidence that we are apes and we are descended from apes. Presumably, a creature truly born of deity would have no such difficulty as humans have when it comes to accepting truth.


Bible Believer
How would we determine if any of them are true?

Dear Quaxotic, According to Scripture, Science, and History, the FIRST Human farming was some 10k years ago. This is True Scientifically because we have evidence of WHEN it began. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

It's also True Scripturally since Gen 8:4 identifies the area as being in the mountains of Ararat.

It's absolutely True, Historically because Human Civilization, on this Planet, can be traced to the earliest Human farming, city building, and technology, which began exactly where God tells us Noah, a direct descendant of Adam, arrived. History also confirms that the oldest Human cities are those listed in Genesis 10. IOW, History destroys the False Teaching of Evolution since Humans arrived here on an Ark, making their supposed evolution from Apes a False Theory.

God's Holy Word is the Truth in EVERY way, unless you spend your days fighting against His Truth, while embracing the Biggest Satanic Lie in Human History, which is the Stupid, Idiotic, Theory that Humans evolved from dumb Apes. It's the SAME with many more supporting references in Genesis, which NO Godless Evol can possibly refute, as is demonstrated on this board daily. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
...At all costs, whether such "agreement" is congruent with known fact, or not, because, no matter how well something can be proven using empirical methods, the bible MUST be right, and that belief trumps all known fact. Therefore, if the bible disagrees with a known fact, twist the fact so that it agrees with the bible. Because if the bible isn't right, the universe implodes on itself, our spines will curve, we will grow warts on our palms, and the sky will fall.

Dear Readers, Some atheists, agnostics, and phonies, becuase they cannot refute God, find it Impossible to support their views with Scripture, Science, or History. In fact, all they have to offer is a broad disagreement with all disciplines, in favor of their Cult leaders mistaken ideas. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Originally Posted by angellous_evangellous
Have you ever heard of some of his wilder interpretations of Genesis? (the firmament being a tiny planetoid floating over a lake in Turkey, etc)

It is definitely one of the more out there theories.

Up there with the flat earthers really.

Dear Readers, Let's see the Evol worshippers refute this:

Adam's Earth was much smaller than our Planet. It was contained within a "firmament", which is a solid boundary, which completely enclosed Adam's Earth and protected it from being destroyed by the water into which it was placed, on the 2nd Day. Gen 1:6-8

On the 3rd Day, God brought some water from under the firmament into the interior of the firmament. Gen 1:9-10 For the sake of argument, let's say God filled the solid firmament with water to 1/3 full. Then, God put ground on top of the water, in the firmament, and called it Earth. Adam's Earth was FLAT. Correct? Correct.

This also explains that Adam's Earth was NOT like our Planet. Isaiah 24:19 shows that Adam's Earth was "clean dissolved" in the waters of the Flood. Our Planet could NEVER be dissolved in water since we live on a Rock, which is covered with water, but does NOT dissolve. Right? Right. Evols, by rejecting God's Truth in Genesis, make all kinds of really dumb statements. God Bless all of you.

In Love

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Dear Quaxotic, According to Scripture, Science, and History, the FIRST Human farming was some 10k years ago. This is True Scientifically because we have evidence of WHEN it began. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE


It's also True Scripturally since Gen 8:4 identifies the area as being in the mountains of Ararat.

Do not care
It's absolutely True, Historically because Human Civilization, on this Planet, can be traced to the earliest Human farming, city building, and technology, which began exactly where God tells us Noah, a direct descendant of Adam, arrived. History also confirms that the oldest Human cities are those listed in Genesis 10. IOW, History destroys the False Teaching of Evolution since Humans arrived here on an Ark, making their supposed evolution from Apes a False Theory.


God's Holy Word is the Truth in EVERY way, unless you spend your days fighting against His Truth, while embracing the Biggest Satanic Lie in Human History, which is the Stupid, Idiotic, Theory that Humans evolved from dumb Apes. It's the SAME with many more supporting references in Genesis, which NO Godless Evol can possibly refute, as is demonstrated on this board daily. God Bless you.
