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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Adam's Earth was much smaller than our Planet. It was contained within a "firmament", which is a solid boundary, which completely enclosed Adam's Earth and protected it from being destroyed by the water into which it was placed, on the 2nd Day. Gen 1:6-8

Unsupported and wrong

On the 3rd Day, God brought some water from under the firmament into the interior of the firmament. Gen 1:9-10 For the sake of argument, let's say God filled the solid firmament with water to 1/3 full. Then, God put ground on top of the water, in the firmament, and called it Earth. Adam's Earth was FLAT. Correct? Correct.
Unsupported and plain old every day vanilla icecream wrong

This also explains that Adam's Earth was NOT like our Planet. Isaiah 24:19 shows that Adam's Earth was "clean dissolved" in the waters of the Flood. Our Planet could NEVER be dissolved in water since we live on a Rock, which is covered with water, but does NOT dissolve. Right? Right. Evols, by rejecting God's Truth in Genesis, make all kinds of really dumb statements. God Bless all of you.
Unsupported and wrong


Bible Believer
Originally Posted by Aman777
Dear Quaxotic, According to Scripture, Science, and History, the FIRST Human farming was some 10k years ago. This is True Scientifically because we have evidence of WHEN it began. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

Dear Readers, Notice that NO support is given for this Unbelieving opinion. This is what happens when you post EVIDENCE to Evols. They ignore it and go on teaching their False Theories with a hand wave, while lying and telling others that Creationists don't have any evidence. In fact, this post is evidence that the False ToE cannot be supported by ANY evidence from Evolution's unsupportable position.

It's also True Scripturally since Gen 8:4 identifies the area as being in the mountains of Ararat.
Do not care

Notice the tactic. Don't support your own view while ignoring Historic Facts, and wave them off as just coincidence. This happens when you stump one of the people who THINK they know more than God.
It's absolutely True, Historically because Human Civilization, on this Planet, can be traced to the earliest Human farming, city building, and technology, which began exactly where God tells us Noah, a direct descendant of Adam, arrived. History also confirms that the oldest Human cities are those listed in Genesis 10. IOW, History destroys the False Teaching of Evolution since Humans arrived here on an Ark, making their supposed evolution from Apes a False Theory.

Notice that NO older Human city is listed. It's because there are NONE. That's because animals don't build Human cities. ONLY the descendants of Adam farm, build cities, and have the Human intelligence of the common ancestor of Humans. Adam.
God's Holy Word is the Truth in EVERY way, unless you spend your days fighting against His Truth, while embracing the Biggest Satanic Lie in Human History, which is the Stupid, Idiotic, Theory that Humans evolved from dumb Apes. It's the SAME with many more supporting references in Genesis, which NO Godless Evol can possibly refute, as is demonstrated on this board daily. God Bless you.

No Refute. No evidence. No defense of the precious ToE which is being crammed down the throats of our little children in the Public Schools. The REASON this happens is that the False Theory of Evolution is UnSupportable. Unless Evols get them young, and brain wash them with their Evol Lies, it's impossible to pass off their foolishness to an adult. Woe to them that fight God's Truth. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Unsupported and wrong

Unsupported and plain old every day vanilla icecream wrong

Unsupported and wrong

Dear Readers, It's all they've got, and WHY they insist on teaching their Lies to our babies. All Evols have is disagreement with God's Truth and His authority. Their fear of a rightous judgment causes them to stick their nose in the air, while rushing headlong into Hades. God Bless you.

In Love,


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The fact that many humans do not feel any necessity to accept the truth of evolution, despite the overwhelming evidence in support of evolution, is itself fairly compelling evidence that we are apes and we are descended from apes. Presumably, a creature truly born of deity would have no such difficulty as humans have when it comes to accepting truth.

This whole thread is a testament to the fact we are apes. And the more that is argued against in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the more evident it is that we are apes.


Libertarian Egalitarian
Just gonna leave this here.


The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Dear Readers, Notice that NO support is given for this Unbelieving opinion. This is what happens when you post EVIDENCE to Evols. They ignore it and go on teaching their False Theories with a hand wave, while lying and telling others that Creationists don't have any evidence. In fact, this post is evidence that the False ToE cannot be supported by ANY evidence from Evolution's unsupportable position.


Notice the tactic. Don't support your own view while ignoring Historic Facts, and wave them off as just coincidence. This happens when you stump one of the people who THINK they know more than God.


Notice that NO older Human city is listed. It's because there are NONE. That's because animals don't build Human cities. ONLY the descendants of Adam farm, build cities, and have the Human intelligence of the common ancestor of Humans.


No Refute. No evidence. No defense of the precious ToE which is being crammed down the throats of our little children in the Public Schools. The REASON this happens is that the False Theory of Evolution is UnSupportable. Unless Evols get them young, and brain wash them with their Evol Lies, it's impossible to pass off their foolishness to an adult. Woe to them that fight God's Truth. God Bless you.



Well-Known Member
Dear Quaxotic, According to Scripture, Science, and History, the FIRST Human farming was some 10k years ago. This is True Scientifically because we have evidence of WHEN it began. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

9,000-4,500 BCE, right?

The Andean people of South America have been planting potatoes for 10,000 years
Here's a nice 440 page PDF:
Lost Crops of the Incas: Little-Known Plants of the Andes with Promise for Worldwide Cultivation

Agriculture in India was already advanced by 9,000 BCE:
Gupta, Anil K. in Origin of agriculture and domestication of plants and animals linked to early Holocene climate amelioration, Current Science, Vol. 87, No. 1, 10 July 2004 59. Indian Academy of Sciences.

Advanced farming isn't supported in Sumeria until something like 6,000 BCE.
(That's strange... If modern intelligence came from Noah's kids, how did it spread to the Andes and India before it made its way just down the street?)

Syria, 11,000 BCE - Wild Grain and rye planting
Ohalo II in Israel - 20,000 BCE (Too bad these are dumb ape-men who)
Nile River Basin 11,000 BCE
There is European evidence of farming around 11,000 BCE.

Is it possible that many different factors, including climate stabilization and populations out-growing their nomadic food supplies, played a role in the neolithic revolution, causing things like the domestication of animals and farming to spring up in many different parts of the globe at different times...or was it magic boat men?

If you're really paying attention, you would note that some of these could actually fit your argument, if you were willing to alter your time-line... But then again, you're already misrepresenting what your own source material says, so I'm interested in seeing your next play. (Hint: There are plenty of other examples.)

The Neolithic Revolution is something that you need to look into a little more.

It's also True Scripturally since Gen 8:4 identifies the area as being in the mountains of Ararat.

It's absolutely True, Historically because Human Civilization, on this Planet, can be traced to the earliest Human farming, city building, and technology, which began exactly where God tells us Noah, a direct descendant of Adam, arrived. History also confirms that the oldest Human cities are those listed in Genesis 10. IOW, History destroys the False Teaching of Evolution since Humans arrived here on an Ark, making their supposed evolution from Apes a False Theory.

Does reading this again in light of just a few examples to the contrary help you understand why everyone thinks you're bananas?

God's Holy Word is the Truth in EVERY way, unless you spend your days fighting against His Truth, while embracing the Biggest Satanic Lie in Human History, which is the Stupid, Idiotic, Theory that Humans evolved from dumb Apes. It's the SAME with many more supporting references in Genesis, which NO Godless Evol can possibly refute, as is demonstrated on this board daily. God Bless you.

Nope... You've never been refuted. Not once.

This also explains that Adam's Earth was NOT like our Planet. Isaiah 24:19 shows that Adam's Earth was "clean dissolved" in the waters of the Flood. Our Planet could NEVER be dissolved in water since we live on a Rock, which is covered with water, but does NOT dissolve. Right? Right. Evols, by rejecting God's Truth in Genesis, make all kinds of really dumb statements. God Bless all of you.

As stated earlier - There is not a single academic critique of Isaiah 24 that believes that this prophecy of destruction is referring, supporting, alluding or referencing the global deluge in any way.

Linky Link


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear Readers, Some atheists, agnostics, and phonies, becuase they cannot refute God, find it Impossible to support their views with Scripture, Science, or History. In fact, all they have to offer is a broad disagreement with all disciplines, in favor of their Cult leaders mistaken ideas. God Bless you.

In Love,
You really need to stop hitting yourself. It's making you punchy.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear Readers, Let's see the Evol worshippers refute this:

Adam's Earth was much smaller than our Planet. It was contained within a "firmament", which is a solid boundary, which completely enclosed Adam's Earth and protected it from being destroyed by the water into which it was placed, on the 2nd Day. Gen 1:6-8

On the 3rd Day, God brought some water from under the firmament into the interior of the firmament. Gen 1:9-10 For the sake of argument, let's say God filled the solid firmament with water to 1/3 full. Then, God put ground on top of the water, in the firmament, and called it Earth. Adam's Earth was FLAT. Correct? Correct.

This also explains that Adam's Earth was NOT like our Planet. Isaiah 24:19 shows that Adam's Earth was "clean dissolved" in the waters of the Flood. Our Planet could NEVER be dissolved in water since we live on a Rock, which is covered with water, but does NOT dissolve. Right? Right. Evols, by rejecting God's Truth in Genesis, make all kinds of really dumb statements. God Bless all of you.

In Love
So, next you'll be telling us that there is a huge civilization of giant, Center-Of-The-Earth People who have built an extensive network of tunnels, connecting all the major top-security military bases in the world, and are currently working with the Aliens and Illuminati to take over the world someday.


Well-Known Member
History also confirms that the oldest Human cities are those listed in Genesis 10. IOW, History destroys the False Teaching of Evolution since Humans arrived here on an Ark, making their supposed evolution from Apes a False Theory.

Let's just go with the youngest outlier on the age estimated of these sites and call it an even 75,000 years...

PLOS ONE: The Nubian Complex of Dhofar, Oman: An African Middle Stone Age Industry in Southern Arabia

Pottery, Jewelry, Tools, Drawing, Hunting, Carving, Fire, and even dwellings are evidenced as far back as nearly 100,000 years.


Libertarian Egalitarian
Too bad you don't have a picture of the bone that really counts....
that rib of which Eve was made!

Indeed. Isn't it ironic that we can find the bones that support my argument, but not yours? Probably because neither Adam nor Eve actually existed in the first place.:eek: :eek: :eek:

Now, perhaps you could try actually refuting the evidence in the picture instead.
Last edited:


Rogue Theologian
Indeed. Isn't it ironic that we can find the bones that support my argument, but not yours? Probably because neither Adam nor Eve actually existed in the first place.:eek: :eek: :eek:

Now, perhaps you could try actually refuting the evidence in the picture instead.

How about insisting there was no divergence and we are all a bunch of monkeys!

Many discussions have been made that Man is a recent appearance.
There a missing link between us and the rest of the animal kingdom.

If you insist it's all the same....then this thread dies to digression.
Most threads do.

If you want to say you and I are the next step up.....
That would be the spiritual portion.

Go for it!

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
How about insisting there was no divergence and we are all a bunch of monkeys!

Many discussions have been made that Man is a recent appearance.
There a missing link between us and the rest of the animal kingdom.

If you insist it's all the same....then this thread dies to digression.
Most threads do.

If you want to say you and I are the next step up.....
That would be the spiritual portion.

Go for it!
The links not missing. That's a false idea, the fossil evidence alone for human evolution is overwhelming.


Premium Member
Indeed. Isn't it ironic that we can find the bones that support my argument, but not yours? Probably because neither Adam nor Eve actually existed in the first place.:eek: :eek: :eek:

Now, perhaps you could try actually refuting the evidence in the picture instead.

Dont tell him but femalez already existed before adam demanded a twin sister. :eek::cover:


Libertarian Egalitarian
How about insisting there was no divergence and we are all a bunch of monkeys!!

Monkeys have tails, apes do not. Your lack of understanding of basic biology probably plays a role in this outstanding display of cognitive dissonance you are exhibiting.

If you want to say you and I are the next step up.....
That would be the spiritual portion.

Go for it!

We're still hominids, regardless of what other bits of "spiritual" mumbo-jumbo you want to add along to that.


Rogue Theologian
Monkeys have tails, apes do not. Your lack of understanding of basic biology probably plays a role in this outstanding display of cognitive dissonance you are exhibiting.

We're still hominids, regardless of what other bits of "spiritual" mumbo-jumbo you want to add along to that.

Fair enough on the tail thing.
It seems you still want to draw the line with yourself on the 'animal' side.

No inclination at all about your mind and emotion?
All of it fails when your chemistry falls?