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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Dear Khatru, Go ahead. It's YOUR free choice....but what if you are wrong? If I'm wrong, no problem for we will just die and rot....BUT....If you are wrong, there will be real problems: Jesus tells us:

Mar 9:44 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

How horrible to live like a worm forever. God Bless you

No problem.

Like I said - I'll stick to science.

While you can continue spending your life trying to convince your god not to burn you after you've died.


Well-Known Member
If I have stated something that is untrue, then by all means show which statement is false by providing some evidence to the contrary.

No you stated something that has been recognized for a very long time, did a god or natural process start the big bang, so that is not new at all.


Well-Known Member
As you wish.

Do you have any evidence to support this belief?
Please answer the following two questions:
1. Are you the same species as your father?
2. Which of your ancestors was not the same species as his son or daughter?

How is it then that you can state so emphatically that there were no human ancestors existing alongside the dinosaurs?

I don't see why. Convince me why I should discard my beliefs that no human ancestors existed at the time of the dinosaurs?

Indeed, I certainly consider an asteroid smashing into Earth to be a catastrophic event, and such an event most certainly could have stopped all dinosaurs from reproducing.

That is most interesting and irrelevant.

And you're saying that the KT boundary has prevented human beings from having ancestors that were existent during the age of dinosaurs? I don't think so.

You are really misinformed here and your statements show you know nothing about any of these sciences.

"Do you have any evidence to support this belief?"

Its not belief, its billions of facts that support the evidence.

"Please answer the following two questions:
1. Are you the same species as your father?
2. Which of your ancestors was not the same species as his son or daughter?"

This is a joke right? The answers are here.

Human Evolution by The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program

"How is it then that you can state so emphatically that there were no human ancestors existing alongside the dinosaurs?"

"I don't see why. Convince me why I should discard my beliefs that no human ancestors existed at the time of the dinosaurs?"

"Indeed, I certainly consider an asteroid smashing into Earth to be a catastrophic event, and such an event most certainly could have stopped all dinosaurs from reproducing."

Before I go any further what is the KT boundary. So you understand it.

There were NO HUMANS 65 million year ago for a fact.

By the way the descendants of the dinosaurs are now birds.

"That is most interesting and irrelevant."

"There was another large group before them who also went extinct the Pelycosaurs, Archosaurs, Therapsids , when they went extinct it lead to the dinosaurs, when they went extinct it lead to mammals and to us."

No its totally relevant and part of the billions of facts of how we evolved. There was also the Permian mass extinction which was bigger then the dinosaur one. Where 96% of all life went extinct and everything on Earth evolved from there, including the dinosaurs, then they got wiped out.


pro scapegoat
The word species as a means of classification is not the same word as the word species that evolves over time.
Yes it is buddy. Same word.
If a species evolves over time, it evolves over all time, and to categorize evolving species according to present or past characteristics and traits using the same word is a flagrant debauchery of human language.
Nope, it's called taxonomy. And all extant species are evolving all the time. As I said, your pretending not to understand what words mean is hardly a case against evolution.

Ben West

Why? Monkeys are great.

Dear Readers, Adam, the First Human, was made more than 10 Billion years BEFORE any other living creature. Gen 2:4-7 shows that he was formed of the dust of the ground on the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our cosmos and he lived until some 12k years ago.

Godless Evols have Rejected God's Truth and made up a Fairy Tale in a vain attempt to explain their Idiotic Belief that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. They don't study Humans, but instead, study the sons of God (prehistoric people) who were NOT Humans, thus revealing their error..

Humans arrived on this Earth ONLY 10k years ago and that is ALSO when Human civilization and History began on our Planet of people who were NOT Humans. That's God's Truth. Beware the words of Godless Evols since they are nothing but Liars for Darwin. God Bless you.


pro scapegoat
Dear Readers, Adam, the First Human, was made more than 10 Billion years BEFORE any other living creature. Gen 2:4-7 shows that he was formed of the dust of the ground on the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our cosmos and he lived until some 12k years ago.

Godless Evols have Rejected God's Truth and made up a Fairy Tale in a vain attempt to explain their Idiotic Belief that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. They don't study Humans, but instead, study the sons of God (prehistoric people) who were NOT Humans, thus revealing their error..

Humans arrived on this Earth ONLY 10k years ago and that is ALSO when Human civilization and History began on our Planet of people who were NOT Humans. That's God's Truth. Beware the words of Godless Evols since they are nothing but Liars for Darwin. God Bless you.
Ben, you are calling people liars, whilst at the same time telling a particularly preposterous and transparent sequence of lies. Give it up mate.

Trust me Ben, when you are reduced to making comments like 'godless evols since they are nothing but liars for Darwin' you need to remember that this is an adult forum and that there is no place for such childish behaviour here.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Dear Quax, False accusation since I try to answer questions. It's usually because the inquisitor is not very specific but sometimes I just ramble on, like everyone else does. God Bless you

Dear Ben, False accusation since you have repeatedly refused to respond to rebuttals of your arguments, instead you choose to just repeat your argument. It is usually because you are proven wrong and are incapable of admitting it.


Well-Known Member
Guys its still called Theory for a reason.
Unless you can come with a hardcore fact you are just believer in the ape theory.

How about a truce: you believe that your forefather was fish than ape, we believe that our forefather was human :p


pro scapegoat
Guys its still called Theory for a reason.
Unless you can come with a hardcore fact you are just believer in the ape theory.

How about a truce: you believe that your forefather was fish than ape, we believe that our forefather was human :p
Theories explain facts. We are apes buddy, don't fret though.


Guys its still called Theory for a reason.
Unless you can come with a hardcore fact you are just believer in the ape theory.

How about a truce: you believe that your forefather was fish than ape, we believe that our forefather was human :p

Theories represent our best possible explanation.

Your opinions on the subject of evolution don't convince me. However, the fact that scientists continue to make testable hypotheses based on the theory of evolution and that the vast majority of those hypotheses are supported by the evidence is convincing to me.

If you want to deny evolution in favour of magic, go right ahead..you're welcome. You're also welcome to tell me that the moon is made of cheese.

Meanwhile, the facts remain.

You have millions and millions of fossils and pieces of data to refute...
...you should get started on it now.

Ben West

Ben, you are calling people liars, whilst at the same time telling a particularly preposterous and transparent sequence of lies. Give it up mate.

Trust me Ben, when you are reduced to making comments like 'godless evols since they are nothing but liars for Darwin' you need to remember that this is an adult forum and that there is no place for such childish behaviour here.

Dear Bunyip, False Accusation since I was speaking of Godless Evols being Liars for Darwin. I called NO people liars. Did I? Can you guess where I got the term? Could it be because some people call Creationists, like me, Liars for Jesus. It appears that Godless Evols can dish it out but cannot take it. Quit whining. IF you can't stand the Truth then get out of the kitchen. God Bless you.

Ben West

Theories explain facts. We are apes buddy, don't fret though.

Dear Bunyip, Congratulations, for you just fulfilled Scripture which tells us that in the last days Scoffers would be "willingly ignorant" of the Truth. ll Peter 3:5

Since, you have been shown that Humans were made some 10 Billion years BEFORE any other creature, Gen 2:4-7 you continue to preach your UnSupportable idea that we magically changed from Apes to Humans. Therefore, you are no longer ignorant, but "willingly ignorant". 2Pe 3:5 God Bless you

Ben West

Theories represent our best possible explanation.

Your opinions on the subject of evolution don't convince me. However, the fact that scientists continue to make testable hypotheses based on the theory of evolution and that the vast majority of those hypotheses are supported by the evidence is convincing to me.

If you want to deny evolution in favour of magic, go right ahead..you're welcome. You're also welcome to tell me that the moon is made of cheese.

Meanwhile, the facts remain.

You have millions and millions of fossils and pieces of data to refute...
...you should get started on it now.

Dear Khatru, Can you tell us WHY Godless scientists insist on calling changes within His and Their kinds, evolution? Is it because these people have REJECTED God's Holy Word as Truth? Of course it is, so don't expect Christians to follow your terminology since the really extreme Evols Falsely teach that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. How Stupid can you get? God Bless you

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Dear Readers, It is impossible for Humans to have evolved from the common ancestor of Apes since Humans were made long before ANY other living creature. Adam, the common ancestor of ALL Humans was made the THIRD Day. Gen 2:4-7 Jesus made Adam of the dust of the ground BEFORE the first Stars of our Universe put forth their light on the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16

This means that the common ancestor of Apes, on our Earth, lived Billions of years AFTER Adam, the first Human was made, according to Scripture. God Bless you.

In Love,
How can you even assume God was using the standard Earth day of 24 hours when he created the earth? What if he was standing on Venus and each day of creation was actually 243 Earth days? What if, being God and outside of the realm of physical laws and perceptions and outside of the universe as is typically claimed by Christians, a "day" was just the best way to communicate the length of the process of creation in terms that we could more easily understand, rather than trying to explain a concept of time that we have no concept or understanding of because we are physical creatures bound by the laws of physics of this universe?

Ben West

How can you even assume God was using the standard Earth day of 24 hours when he created the earth? What if he was standing on Venus and each day of creation was actually 243 Earth days? What if, being God and outside of the realm of physical laws and perceptions and outside of the universe as is typically claimed by Christians, a "day" was just the best way to communicate the length of the process of creation in terms that we could more easily understand, rather than trying to explain a concept of time that we have no concept or understanding of because we are physical creatures bound by the laws of physics of this universe?

Dear Shadow, God chose to reveal the Truth of His Holy Word through increased knowledge, which humans are just now discovering. I find it an intriguing way to put something in front of EVERYone's nose which they could not understand for thousands of years. This is what God has done:

Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the Book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

Today, with our increased knowledge, we should see that God's Truth is the AGREEMENT of Scripture Science History AND every other discovered Truth. That's because there is but ONE Truth. God Bless you

BTW, Each of God's Days or Ages is some 4.5 Billion years in man's time. Today is the 6th Day.


Dear Khatru, Can you tell us WHY Godless scientists insist on calling changes within His and Their kinds, evolution? Is it because these people have REJECTED God's Holy Word as Truth? Of course it is, so don't expect Christians to follow your terminology since the really extreme Evols Falsely teach that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. How Stupid can you get? God Bless you

Unfortunately for you, the vast majority of the world's Christians do accept evolution.

This makes your nonsensical rant obsolete. Which is just as well as it never really got off the ground anyway.

By the way - what holy word of your god are you referring to?

Is it that stuff about banning menstruating women?


pro scapegoat
Dear Bunyip, False Accusation since I was speaking of Godless Evols being Liars for Darwin. I called NO people liars. Did I? Can you guess where I got the term? Could it be because some people call Creationists, like me, Liars for Jesus. It appears that Godless Evols can dish it out but cannot take it. Quit whining. IF you can't stand the Truth then get out of the kitchen. God Bless you.
Ben, you are making a fool of yourself. Calling people names is just pathetic, read your bible - you are obliged to share your faith with respect and humility. Not acting like a rude four year old.


Dear Readers, Adam, the First Human, was made more than 10 Billion years BEFORE any other living creature. Gen 2:4-7 shows that he was formed of the dust of the ground on the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our cosmos and t he lived until some 12k years ago.

Godless Evols have Rejected God's Truth and made up a Fairy Tale in a vain attempt to explain their Idiotic Belief that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. They don't study Humans, but instead, study the sons of God (prehistoric people) who were NOT Humans, thus revealing their error..

Humans arrived on this Earth ONLY 10k years ago and that is ALSO when Human civilization and History began on our Planet of people who were NOT Humans. That's God's Truth. Beware the words of Godless Evols since they are nothing but Liars for Darwin. God Bless you.
That's rather a wild fairy tale you spin with nothing to back it up but ink on a page. All the physical evidence, all the biological evidence, in fact all the actual evidence says that you have no idea what you are talking about.