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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Just old
Premium Member
I fear that there is no water in that well, let alone a bucket !
Hey can't even get his rope wet !

Ben West

Unfortunately for you, the vast majority of the world's Christians do accept evolution.

This makes your nonsensical rant obsolete. Which is just as well as it never really got off the ground anyway.

By the way - what holy word of your god are you referring to?

Is it that stuff about banning menstruating women?

Dear Khatru, It's good to know that you can see into other people's hearts. Are you a Magician or Superman? Tell us HOW you can see which of us are Christian and which are Godless Heathens? I think you are trying to fool us. Right?

Ben West

Ben, you are making a fool of yourself. Calling people names is just pathetic, read your bible - you are obliged to share your faith with respect and humility. Not acting like a rude four year old.

Dear Bunyip, Thanks for your judgment. Now, we are able to see what your judgment will be. Is this your first week on the message boards, or have you spent years here not noticing anything. Who died and made you Judge? or have you always been a Bully? God Bless you.


Dear Khatru, It's good to know that you can see into other people's hearts. Are you a Magician or Superman? Tell us HOW you can see which of us are Christian and which are Godless Heathens? I think you are trying to fool us. Right?

The tone of your post appears to indicate your usage of the term "Godless Heathens" is pejorative. Please show some respect for those who have a different view to you..

I stand by what I said about the majority of the world's Christians accepting evolution. As I'm sure you realise, the Catholic Church represents the vast majority of the world's Christians. That's the same Catholic Church that supports evolution.


Well-Known Member
Dear Readers, Adam, the First Human, was made more than 10 Billion years BEFORE any other living creature. Gen 2:4-7 shows that he was formed of the dust of the ground on the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our cosmos and he lived until some 12k years ago.

Godless Evols have Rejected God's Truth and made up a Fairy Tale in a vain attempt to explain their Idiotic Belief that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. They don't study Humans, but instead, study the sons of God (prehistoric people) who were NOT Humans, thus revealing their error..

Humans arrived on this Earth ONLY 10k years ago and that is ALSO when Human civilization and History began on our Planet of people who were NOT Humans. That's God's Truth. Beware the words of Godless Evols since they are nothing but Liars for Darwin. God Bless you.

"Adam, the First Human, was made more than 10 Billion years BEFORE any other living creature."

The Earth is 4.57 billion years old.

The sun 5 Billion.

The universe around 14 billion. The first light. The second light was around 13.7 billion with a 1% accuracy. This was the time of recombination.

The light we see of it now has been stretch along with the entire universe to microwave band of light.

"he was formed of the dust of the ground on the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our cosmos "

Before any Atoms existed and it was 7 Trillion degree's F

You don't understand in the slightest what you are saying. .

George Smoot: The design of the universe

At Serious Play 2008, astrophysicist George Smoot shows stunning new images from deep-space surveys, and prods us to ponder how the cosmos -- with its giant webs of dark matter and mysterious gaping voids -- got built this way.



Wow! Over 2700 posts, on a topic with so little merit.
I would only say that you can easily separate a fool from his money, but it's hard to separate a fool from his religion.

Ben West

The tone of your post appears to indicate your usage of the term "Godless Heathens" is pejorative. Please show some respect for those who have a different view to you..

I stand by what I said about the majority of the world's Christians accepting evolution. As I'm sure you realise, the Catholic Church represents the vast majority of the world's Christians. That's the same Catholic Church that supports evolution.

Dear Khatru, False, since there is NO way for Humans to know who is or who is NOT born of the Spirit.

Jhn 3:8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

That's what Jesus tells us. Do you follow Him or the worldly church? ONLY those who are born Spiritually are Christians.

Ben West

(1) "Adam, the First Human, was made more than 10 Billion years BEFORE any other living creature."

The Earth is 4.57 billion years old.

The sun 5 Billion.

The universe around 14 billion. The first light. The second light was around 13.7 billion with a 1% accuracy. This was the time of recombination.

The light we see of it now has been stretch along with the entire universe to microwave band of light.

(2) "he was formed of the dust of the ground on the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our cosmos "

Before any Atoms existed and it was 7 Trillion degree's F

You don't understand in the slightest what you are saying. .

Dear Shawn, 1. Adam was made the SAME THIRD Day as the Big Bang of our Cosmos Gen 2:4-7 and BEFORE the first Stars which did not light until the 4th Day. Gen 1:16

2. Adam was NOT made in our Cosmos. IOW, your rant is completely wrong. God Bless you


Dear Shawn, 1. Adam was made the SAME THIRD Day as the Big Bang of our Cosmos Gen 2:4-7 and BEFORE the first Stars which did not light until the 4th Day. Gen 1:16

2. Adam was NOT made in our Cosmos. IOW, your rant is completely wrong. God Bless you
Unsupported (and very bizarre) claim(s).


Well-Known Member
Ben, why do you persist in the ignorance that has nothing to do with you religion or the science and evidence.

just your belief and e
Dear Shawn, 1. Adam was made the SAME THIRD Day as the Big Bang of our Cosmos Gen 2:4-7 and BEFORE the first Stars which did not light until the 4th Day. Gen 1:16

2. Adam was NOT made in our Cosmos. IOW, your rant is completely wrong. God Bless you

You are now exiting all rational thought and all of time and history..
Dear Shawn, 1. Adam was made the SAME THIRD Day as the Big Bang of our Cosmos Gen 2:4-7 and BEFORE the first Stars which did not light until the 4th Day. Gen 1:16

2. Adam was NOT made in our Cosmos. IOW, your rant is completely wrong. God Bless you

You do know you contradict your own belief, which is based on an absurd personal notion anyway, not even the bible supports what your saying, no matter how many times you post Genesis.

"Adam was made the SAME THIRD Day as the Big Bang of our Cosmos"

"Adam was NOT made in our Cosmos."

"BEFORE the first Stars which did not light until the 4th Day."

I didn't know you wrote the New "Ben West Bible" and changed the old Testament.

Ben West

Unsupported (and very bizarre) claim(s).

Dear Sapiens, False. Read the following and tell us WHICH Day Adam was made?

Gen 2:4 ¶ These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

The above verse is speaking of the THIRD Day, the Day Adam's Earth was made according to Gen 1:9-10

Gen 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. Gen 2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

Confirming that these verses are speaking of the THIRD Day, it was BEFORE the plants and herbs which GREW on the THIRD Day. Gen 1:12

Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Can you see that the first man Adam was made on the 3rd Day as I posted? Here is MORE proof.

Gen 2:8 ¶ And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom He had formed.Gen 2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

See? The TREES also grew on the THIRD Day AFTER Adam was made. Gen 1:12 Can YOU tell us another meaning for these words? IF not, then just post Amen. God Bless you

Ben West

Ben, why do you persist in the ignorance that has nothing to do with you religion or the science and evidence.

just your belief and e

You are now exiting all rational thought and all of time and history..

You do know you contradict your own belief, which is based on an absurd personal notion anyway, not even the bible supports what your saying, no matter how many times you post Genesis.

"Adam was made the SAME THIRD Day as the Big Bang of our Cosmos"

"Adam was NOT made in our Cosmos."

"BEFORE the first Stars which did not light until the 4th Day."

I didn't know you wrote the New "Ben West Bible" and changed the old Testament.

Dear Shawn, False accusation. Just read the previous post and tell us WHAT Day Adam was made ACCORDING to Gen 2:4-7. IF you agree then post Amen. God Bless you


Dear Khatru, False, since there is NO way for Humans to know who is or who is NOT born of the Spirit.

Jhn 3:8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

That's what Jesus tells us. Do you follow Him or the worldly church? ONLY those who are born Spiritually are Christians.

So you're not a Christian

I see

Ben West

The tone of your post appears to indicate your usage of the term "Godless Heathens" is pejorative. Please show some respect for those who have a different view to you..

I stand by what I said about the majority of the world's Christians accepting evolution. As I'm sure you realise, the Catholic Church represents the vast majority of the world's Christians. That's the same Catholic Church that supports evolution.

Dear Khatru, Do they also teach that God rested thousands of years ago? Do they continue to teach this because it's part of their Religion they've been teaching for thousands of years? Christianity is NOT a religion, but instead, is God in you.

I don't follow the religious view of mere mortal men, but instead, I follow God's Holy Word which is above man's ability to understand unless one has been born Spiritually.

1Jo 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of Him abideth in you, and ye need NOT that ANY man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of ALL things, and is Truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in Him.

God Bless you

Ben West

Dear Sapiens, False. Read the following and tell us WHICH Day Adam was made?

Gen 2:4 ¶ These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

The above verse is speaking of the THIRD Day, the Day Adam's Earth was made according to Gen 1:9-10

Gen 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. Gen 2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

Confirming that these verses are speaking of the THIRD Day, it was BEFORE the plants and herbs which GREW on the THIRD Day. Gen 1:12

Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Can you see that the first man Adam was made on the 3rd Day as I posted? Here is MORE proof.

Gen 2:8 ¶ And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom He had formed.Gen 2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

See? The TREES also grew on the THIRD Day AFTER Adam was made. Gen 1:12 Can YOU tell us another meaning for these words? IF not, then just post Amen. God Bless you

Dear Khatru, I reposted this so you would quit looking silly trying to show us that Adam was made another Day except the 3rd Day. God Bless you


Well-Known Member
Dear Shawn, False accusation. Just read the previous post and tell us WHAT Day Adam was made ACCORDING to Gen 2:4-7. IF you agree then post Amen. God Bless you



I don't follow the religious view of mere mortal men, but instead, I follow God's Holy Word which is above man's ability to understand unless one has been born Spiritually.

Ah well, that rules you out then. I told you that you weren't a Christian.