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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes

Ben West

It's more like getting grouped with everyone that thinks and feels...as you do.
How else to be happy?
How else to be fair?

I have a remarkably different take about what it's like to walk among angels.
It's not the dogmatic approach.
I don't think anything should be taken for granted.

It might not be granted.

Dear Thief, It already has been granted. Those of us who have been born Spiritually have been born Eternally...ALREADY.

This means that I am alive forevermore thanks to Jesus, which means that I am as sure for Heaven as Jesus is. God Bless you

Monk Of Reason

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Dear Monk, Posting "LOL" is a waste of time IMHO.

Adam was "formed" from the dust of the ground on the SAME 3rd Day that Adam's world was made. This was BEFORE plants, herbs, trees and the SAME 3rd Day that other HeavenS (Plural) were made. Gen 2:4-7

The first firmament or Heaven was made the 2nd Day. Gen 1:6-8 The other HeavenS, made on the 3rd Day, were our present world and the 3rd Heaven. ll Corinthians 12:2

Since Adam was made the SAME Day as the beginning of our Cosmos, this means that he was alive for some 13.7 Billion years BEFORE the present time.

Adam lived until the present 6th Day when Eve was made from his rib. This was some 12-15k years ago and shows the true age of Adam. He was made as we will be made in Heaven, in a perfect body, which doesn't get sick and never dies. The reason of Adam's death is his disobedience, which will NOT happen in Heaven where 10 billion years will be as yesterday to those of us who live in the Eternal Present, thanks to Jesus.
And what is the evidence anything written in the bible is true? If you are a literalists why not believe the unvierse is 6k years old and made in 7 days? Why use science that contradicts your point to try and support it?


Well-Known Member
Dear Monk, Posting "LOL" is a waste of time IMHO.

Adam was "formed" from the dust of the ground on the SAME 3rd Day that Adam's world was made. This was BEFORE plants, herbs, trees and the SAME 3rd Day that other HeavenS (Plural) were made. Gen 2:4-7

The first firmament or Heaven was made the 2nd Day. Gen 1:6-8 The other HeavenS, made on the 3rd Day, were our present world and the 3rd Heaven. ll Corinthians 12:2

Since Adam was made the SAME Day as the beginning of our Cosmos, this means that he was alive for some 13.7 Billion years BEFORE the present time.

Adam lived until the present 6th Day when Eve was made from his rib. This was some 12-15k years ago and shows the true age of Adam. He was made as we will be made in Heaven, in a perfect body, which doesn't get sick and never dies. The reason of Adam's death is his disobedience, which will NOT happen in Heaven where 10 billion years will be as yesterday to those of us who live in the Eternal Present, thanks to Jesus.

"The Christian's Bible is a drug store. Its contents remain the same, but the medical practice changes."
Mark Twain


And what is the evidence anything written in the bible is true? If you are a literalists why not believe the unvierse is 6k years old and made in 7 days? Why use science that contradicts your point to try and support it?
Actually there is passing little evidence except some of the locations that are named. We know that "creation" is a crock, we have discovered that the Captivity and Exodus never happened (there goes Moses, the burning bush, the 10 Commandments, etc.), we can throw out a great deal of the New Testament, and forget all the foolishness the Mormons want to add. Not a very good track record, not much left.

Ben West

And what is the evidence anything written in the bible is true? If you are a literalists why not believe the unvierse is 6k years old and made in 7 days? Why use science that contradicts your point to try and support it?

Dear Monk, I support my views with the agreement of Scripture, Science, and History. This shows that the first Day was some 25 Billion years ago, in man's time, since the Big Bang of our world was 13.7 Billion years ago, on the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4 Today remains the 6th Day in the Creation of the perfect Heaven. Gen 1:27

God has but Seven Days and the Seventh has NO ending. That's because it's Eternity. Don't you know what Day it is?

Ben West

Actually there is passing little evidence except some of the locations that are named. We know that "creation" is a crock, we have discovered that the Captivity and Exodus never happened (there goes Moses, the burning bush, the 10 Commandments, etc.), we can throw out a great deal of the New Testament, and forget all the foolishness the Mormons want to add. Not a very good track record, not much left.

Dear Sapiens, Thanks for presenting the opposite view from God's Truth. It's important that we hear from every side, even from some who spew the fringe views of a seasoned Godhater. God Bless you


Just old
Premium Member
Should it bother us when he forgets to include the "God Bless you" in his posts ???

Ben West

I actually find it as a small start towards honesty...

Dear Mes, If you would quit posting your pets, everyone would appreciate it. God Bless you


Dear Sapiens, Thanks for presenting the opposite view from God's Truth. It's important that we hear from every side, even from some who spew the fringe views of a seasoned Godhater. God Bless you
It is impossible to hate that which does not exist.

Got any support for all your unsupported claims?


Ministry of Serendipity
Dear shawn, Looks like you agree with most Godhaters. Right?

I have a question. Do you imagine that Jesus Christ would have labelled people who opposed his views as 'Godhaters'?

And do you find it to be the office of a Christian to passive-aggressively hate on people who do not believe?

Ben West

It is impossible to hate that which does not exist.

Got any support for all your unsupported claims?

Dear Sapiens, IF you would actually read what I post, you would be see that I support my view with the AGREEMENT of Scripture, Science, and History. Some God haters run away BEFORE they can grasp that what I am showing them agrees in every way with every other discovered Truth. At least that is the way YOU have operated in the past. Running and hiding from the Truth makes Jack a foolish person. God Bless you

Ben West

I have a question. Do you imagine that Jesus Christ would have labelled people who opposed his views as 'Godhaters'?

And do you find it to be the office of a Christian to passive-aggressively hate on people who do not believe?

Dear Quater, No, Jesus was a lot more direct. Here is what He called God haters:

Hypocrites, blind guides, devourers of widows houses, fools, liars, like dirty cups with clean outsides, whited sepulchres full of dead men's bones, and filled with iniquity, serpents, vipers, and people headed for Hell. And that is just in 1 Chapter of Matthew. Mat 23

I don't hate anyone. My warning is to wake the sleeping up before their house burns. It just sounds like hate to those who see EVERYthing opposite of God's Truth. God Bless you