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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes

Ben West

But it isn't that old. Nothing is. This isn't that difficult. You can redo the math and have it work out to the actual, proper universe age rather than this absurd & baseless addition of 9 billion more years for no apparent reason.

Dear Nietzsche, The reason is that our Cosmos did NOT begin until the 3rd Day of Creation. Gen 2:4. The FIRST world (Adam's world) was made on the 2nd Day. Gen 1:6-8 Notice ALSO that the First Stars put forth their light on the 4th Day, which was Hundreds of Millions of years AFTER the Big Bang of the 3rd Day. That is the recent discovery of Hubble and other Space telescopes. God Bless you

Ben West

I know not about them, but I flat out say you are not presenting truth, gods or otherwise.

I will also flat out state that any deity that supports your tactics is one I want absolutely nothing to do with.

Dear Mes, I wouldn't worry about getting along with the perfect God IF I were you. God Bless you

Ben West

You must be using a 'rewrite'.
Granted, King James 1960 is also a translation.....
but there are no names on Day Six....
and Chapter Two is not a retelling of Chapter One.

Dear Thief, Nope just the normal King James Version. What you have discovered is an original interpretation which agrees in every way with every discovery of Science and History. It's easy to understand IF you know the events of the 7 Days.

Day 1, God creates heaven/air earth/ground but darkness/death is upon everything which God made apart from Himself. God says, Let there be Light and Jesus comes forth from the invisible Spirit into the physical world. Jesus will defeat the darkness/death. Gen 1:1-3

Day 2, God makes a firmament, a container, a solid boundary, with windows on top. He places the firmament into the middle of water and the firmament was surrounded by water. God calls the firmament "Heaven". Gen 1:6-8

Day 3, God places water in the bottom of the firmament and puts ground on top of that and Adam's Earth is made. Gen 1:9-10 AFTER Adam is made, Gen 2:7 God makes the plants and the trees. On this SAME 3rd Day, God causes a Singularity and the Big Bang of our Universe takes place along with the THIRD Heaven. Gen 2:4

Day 4, God causes the Stars to put forth their Light. Gen 1:16 He causes order to come from the chaos of the Big Bang.

Day 5, God creates and brings forth EVERY living creature that moves from the Water. Gen 1:21 This includes the sons of God (prehistoric people) of Adam's world and our world. After Adam's fall, he is found in the likeness of Flesh and can produce children with prehistoric people. Gen 6:1-4

Day 6, is TODAY. This Day/Age began when Jesus made the beasts of the field and fowl and Adam named them. Gen 2:19 Eve is made from Adam's rib. Gen 2:22 which brings us up to some 15k years ago. Adam sinned and was cast from the Garden. Cain killed Abel, married a prehistoric woman and passed Adam's Human intelligence to his children. Gen 4

Adam and Eve were born again Spiritually on the present 6th Day which means we will be able to meet them in Heaven. Gen 5:1-2 We continue to live TODAY at Gen 1:27 because God is STILL creating Adam (mankind) in His Image or in Christ Today. When Heaven is filled, God will rest or cease creating for His Creation will be brought to perfection. Gen 2:1 God Bless you


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Dear Nietzsche, The reason is that our Cosmos did NOT begin until the 3rd Day of Creation. Gen 2:4. The FIRST world (Adam's world) was made on the 2nd Day. Gen 1:6-8 Notice ALSO that the First Stars put forth their light on the 4th Day, which was Hundreds of Millions of years AFTER the Big Bang of the 3rd Day. That is the recent discovery of Hubble and other Space telescopes. God Bless you
I don't think you understand. Time cannot exist without the universe. You cannot just add 9 Billion years to the universe's age. Time is a measurement, the culmination of cause & effect. Without matter, there isn't time. No reference point.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Day 5, God creates and brings forth EVERY living creature that moves from the Water. Gen 1:21 This includes the sons of God (prehistoric people) of Adam's world and our world. After Adam's fall, he is found in the likeness of Flesh and can produce children with prehistoric people. Gen 6:1-4

Day 6, is TODAY. This Day/Age began when Jesus made the beasts of the field and fowl and Adam named them. Gen 2:19 Eve is made from Adam's rib. Gen 2:22 which brings us up to some 15k years ago. Adam sinned and was cast from the Garden. Cain killed Abel, married a prehistoric woman and passed Adam's Human intelligence to his children. Gen 4
So what are dinosaurs, then? No human-being, Adam or otherwise, was there to 'name' them.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
So what are dinosaurs, then? No human-being, Adam or otherwise, was there to 'name' them.
Hey, wait a minute, I had one of them myself. Interesting model: four-foot drive, good visibility, but the gear-shift nob was underneath and it was not very energy efficient-- only 10 miles to a ton of vegetation.


Rogue Theologian
Dear Thief, Nope just the normal King James Version. What you have discovered is an original interpretation which agrees in every way with every discovery of Science and History. It's easy to understand IF you know the events of the 7 Days.

Day 1, God creates heaven/air earth/ground but darkness/death is upon everything which God made apart from Himself. God says, Let there be Light and Jesus comes forth from the invisible Spirit into the physical world. Jesus will defeat the darkness/death. Gen 1:1-3

Day 2, God makes a firmament, a container, a solid boundary, with windows on top. He places the firmament into the middle of water and the firmament was surrounded by water. God calls the firmament "Heaven". Gen 1:6-8

Day 3, God places water in the bottom of the firmament and puts ground on top of that and Adam's Earth is made. Gen 1:9-10 AFTER Adam is made, Gen 2:7 God makes the plants and the trees. On this SAME 3rd Day, God causes a Singularity and the Big Bang of our Universe takes place along with the THIRD Heaven. Gen 2:4

Day 4, God causes the Stars to put forth their Light. Gen 1:16 He causes order to come from the chaos of the Big Bang.

Day 5, God creates and brings forth EVERY living creature that moves from the Water. Gen 1:21 This includes the sons of God (prehistoric people) of Adam's world and our world. After Adam's fall, he is found in the likeness of Flesh and can produce children with prehistoric people. Gen 6:1-4

Day 6, is TODAY. This Day/Age began when Jesus made the beasts of the field and fowl and Adam named them. Gen 2:19 Eve is made from Adam's rib. Gen 2:22 which brings us up to some 15k years ago. Adam sinned and was cast from the Garden. Cain killed Abel, married a prehistoric woman and passed Adam's Human intelligence to his children. Gen 4

Adam and Eve were born again Spiritually on the present 6th Day which means we will be able to meet them in Heaven. Gen 5:1-2 We continue to live TODAY at Gen 1:27 because God is STILL creating Adam (mankind) in His Image or in Christ Today. When Heaven is filled, God will rest or cease creating for His Creation will be brought to perfection. Gen 2:1 God Bless you

There is nothing normal in this rendition.
I prefer the 1960 edition thank you.

My book has nothing in common to yours.

Shall we do a thread with books closed.....?
You up for that?


Rogue Theologian
I love it......now do it ! or I will !

Will you be targeting Genesis?....or the formation of Man?.....generally speaking...

You might want to word your op carefully.
We have so many free for all's around here!

Ben West

So what are dinosaurs, then? No human-being, Adam or otherwise, was there to 'name' them.

Dear Nietzsche, The Dinosaurs went extinct on Planet Earth some 65 Million years ago, long BEFORE Noah brought the Human intelligence of Adam to this Planet of people who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. That was just 10k years ago.

Scientists named Dinosaurs when they found their bones and the bones of the sons of God (prehistoric man) who had been on this Earth for Millions of years when Noah arrived. These scientists FALSELY thought the sons of God were Humans. God Bless you

Ben West

There is nothing normal in this rendition.
I prefer the 1960 edition thank you.

My book has nothing in common to yours.

Shall we do a thread with books closed.....?
You up for that?

Dear Thief, Why should I consider your version? It's probably a False Religion. Right? Are you trying to be cute?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Dear Nietzsche, The Dinosaurs went extinct on Planet Earth some 65 Million years ago, long BEFORE Noah brought the Human intelligence of Adam to this Planet of people who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. That was just 10k years ago.

Scientists named Dinosaurs when they found their bones and the bones of the sons of God (prehistoric man) who had been on this Earth for Millions of years when Noah arrived. These scientists FALSELY thought the sons of God were Humans. God Bless you
The oldest known human fossils are roughly 4 million years old, although a fairly recent find in Chad hypothetically could push it back to 6 million, all long before the large dinosaurs had gone extinct.

The creation and flood narratives are pretty much known by undoubtedly most theologians to be allegory, and it's totally unnecessary and illogical to see these narratives as history.


Rogue Theologian
Dear Thief, Why should I consider your version? It's probably a False Religion. Right? Are you trying to be cute?

I don't have a religion.
I prefer to say as it is.

So...I believe....
God made Man to form unique spirit having unique perspectives.
Unfortunately, Man was behaving too much like an animal.
Man would have overrun the planet and it's resources before the spirit within could 'gel'.

Then comes chapter Two.
It is a story of a chosen specimen, a petri dish, and alteration of the flesh.
Doing so, alters the spirit within.

A quick test to be sure the alteration has taken hold....and the release into the environment.

We ARE that creature curious to know even as death is pending.

Ben West

The oldest known human fossils are roughly 4 million years old, although a fairly recent find in Chad hypothetically could push it back to 6 million, all long before the large dinosaurs had gone extinct.

The creation and flood narratives are pretty much known by undoubtedly most theologians to be allegory, and it's totally unnecessary and illogical to see these narratives as history.

Dear metis, Lucy was NOT a Human. She was the first to walk on two legs that we have found. Lucy was an Ape and there is NO evidence of How or When she magically changed from animal to Human intelligence. The reason is simple. It's a Big Lie.

Humans were NOT made on Planet Earth but were made BILLIONS of years BEFORE Apes, making it IMPOSSIBLE that Humans could have evolved from Apes. Do you have ANY evidence for your Fantasy? Of course not, but try the genetic one since it is SO easy to shoot down. God Bless you


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Dear metis, Lucy was NOT a Human. She was the first to walk on two legs that we have found. Lucy was an Ape and there is NO evidence of How or When she magically changed from animal to Human intelligence. The reason is simple. It's a Big Lie.

Lucy was as much a human as you and I are, and for you to claim she wasn't is nothing short of sheer nonsense. As anthropologists, we well know what characteristics divide human from ape, and Lucy definitely was human. The ""BIG LIE" is what you're inventing or have been so gullible as to swallow.

Humans were NOT made on Planet Earth but were made BILLIONS of years BEFORE Apes, making it IMPOSSIBLE that Humans could have evolved from Apes. Do you have ANY evidence for your Fantasy? Of course not, but try the genetic one since it is SO easy to shoot down. God Bless you.

Apes preceded humans by many millions of years, although apes prior to the formation of "humanity" increasingly look different the further back one goes in time.

Instead of spewing outrageous nonsense, maybe actually do some studying. Even a source like Wikipedia (look up "human evolution") will set you straight. If you aren't willing to do so, then the brainwashing of you mind will just continue.


Lucy was as much a human as you and I are, and for you to claim she wasn't is nothing short of sheer nonsense. As anthropologists, we well know what characteristics divide human from ape, and Lucy definitely was human. The ""BIG LIE" is what you're inventing or have been so gullible as to swallow.

Apes preceded humans by many millions of years, although apes prior to the formation of "humanity" increasingly look different the further back one goes in time.

Instead of spewing outrageous nonsense, maybe actually do some studying. Even a source like Wikipedia (look up "human evolution") will set you straight. If you aren't willing to do so, then the brainwashing of you mind will just continue.
Let's not forget that we are apes.


Well-Known Member
Dear metis, Lucy was NOT a Human. She was the first to walk on two legs that we have found. Lucy was an Ape and there is NO evidence of How or When she magically changed from animal to Human intelligence. The reason is simple. It's a Big Lie.

Humans were NOT made on Planet Earth but were made BILLIONS of years BEFORE Apes, making it IMPOSSIBLE that Humans could have evolved from Apes. Do you have ANY evidence for your Fantasy? Of course not, but try the genetic one since it is SO easy to shoot down. God Bless you

"And God said, 'Let there be light' and there was light, but the Electricity Board said He would have to wait until Thursday to be connected. "
~ Spike Milligan