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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes

Dear Bible Student, I totally agree that Adam and Eve were BOTH created in God's image or born again Spiritually at the SAME time on the SIXTH Day. However:

Adam was formed of the dust of the ground on the SAME Day of the Big Bang. Here are the verses:

Gen 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,

The first Earth was made the THIRD Day. Gen 1:9-10 The first Heaven was made the SECOND Day. Gen 1:6-8 The other HeavenS were made on this SAME 3rd Day. One of those other HeavenS is our Cosmos. Gen 2:4 is telling us that on the Day the LORD God/Jesus made Adam's Earth, He also made other HeavenS, Plural. We live in a Multiverse because God tells us this in Genesis. No man, of the time, could have possibly known this. It's proof of God.

5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

So far, the Day being spoken of is the THIRD Day, the SAME Day that plants, herbs, and Trees GREW. Gen 1:12 Why so much importance on establishing the dating of this event?

7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

The word "formed" in Hebrew is interesting, since it means shaping man as a Potter molds the Clay. This is NOT the Creation of Adam, but instead, is his forming, physically, by the Hands of Jesus, the only God ever formed physically or that ever will be formed physically. When you have seen Jesus, you have seen the Father.

8 And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. 9 And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Just to absolutely confirm that Adam was formed the THIRD Day, notice that the Trees which Gen 1:12 shows GREW on the 3rd Day are planted AFTER Adam was made.

I agree. Adam was formed on the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4-7 Adam was "created" on the 6th Day. Gen 1:27 and Gen 5:1-2 Notice that Adam was NOT created until AFTER Eve was made on the 6th Day. Gen 2:22 This is because BOTH of them were created Spiritually at the SAME time. Gen 1:27 and Gen 5:1-2 With your understanding, let's see you explain that.

Never underestimate the wisdom of God. Here is the Chronology. Gen 1 is the complete History of the 6 Creative Days, including events which will NOT happen until AFTER Jesus returns to this Earth at the end of time. The next 3 verses tell us of a FUTURE Day, when God rests from ALL of His work of creating. It's the 7th Day, which has no evening and no end. It's Eternity.

After the Entire History of the Creation is told in the first 34 verses of the Bible, we come to Genesis 2:4 which takes us BACK to the events of the 3rd Day as i explained above. God told us the entire HISTORY of His creation of the perfect Heaven, and the details of those 7 Days are told in the rest of the Bible. That's God's Truth, Scripturally.

I understand. Why don't you show me Scripturally where I am wrong, brother? Scripture tells me to try the Spirits, you know? I've noticed that you don't quote Scripture a lot, and seem to be confused by what it actually says. It's as if your training was by a 3k year old goatherder.

Hey, that is what the goatherders taught. The dating comes from Ussher in 1650. Haven't you learned anything since then? Since we have Human cities dating to some 10k years ago, explain where they came from, if you think you can. Here is a map of them. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

Of course they do. Goatherder theology goes all the way back to the beginning, but their leaders, wound up calling for the Crucifixion of their own God. Why do you follow their views? Ussher did the same because he also lived before Science.

I agree, but I don't agree with Goatherder Theology because it is NOT the Truth Scripturally, Scientifically, nor Historically. It's a Religion of ancient men and does NOT agree with what is actually written in God's Holy Word. God Bless you.

In Love,
You are still misunderstanding.


Bible Believer
You are still misunderstanding.

Dear Bible Student, Then show me where I'm wrong. You CANNOT unless you claim that men wrote the Bible instead of God, thus making it whatever anyone wants it to be. I've heard all those stories before, but NO specifics. Tell us what is wrong Scientifically or Historically if you think you can. After you try for a while, it will teach you what God's Holy Word is actually saying, instead of what you have been told it is saying. God Bless you.

In Love,
Dear Bible Student, Then show me where I'm wrong. You CANNOT unless you claim that men wrote the Bible instead of God, thus making it whatever anyone wants it to be. I've heard all those stories before, but NO specifics. Tell us what is wrong Scientifically or Historically if you think you can. After you try for a while, it will teach you what God's Holy Word is actually saying, instead of what you have been told it is saying. God Bless you.

In Love,
I already did numerous times but you cannot seem to understand.Men did write the holy scriptures by the way.It was done by way of Gods holy spirit.It was inspired by God and written by men.I don't think I can.I know I can explain it.I have done so repeatedly.The way you speak does you no good brother.You said,"After you try for a while, it will teach you what God's Holy Word is actually saying, instead of what you have been told it is saying. God Bless you." Thats not how you speak to others when trying to explain about the Word of God.

Its cool brother.Im good......Have a nice day:)


Pretty bad when even these two think the other one's nuts! God bless, God bless, but your WRONG, WRONG, WRONG ... bless your little heart.


Admiral Obvious
Dear Bible Student, Then show me where I'm wrong. You CANNOT unless you claim that men wrote the Bible instead of God, thus making it whatever anyone wants it to be. I've heard all those stories before, but NO specifics. Tell us what is wrong Scientifically or Historically if you think you can. After you try for a while, it will teach you what God's Holy Word is actually saying, instead of what you have been told it is saying. God Bless you.

In Love,

well, the very first thing that comes to mind is the fact that you have not presented any science or history.
At all.

So how about you back up your bold empty claims with something other than more bold empty claims?


Rogue Theologian
Well, doesn't that just explain everything? :)

"Faith" is evidence and proof of...hmmmm...what again?

As I have often noted, numbers of adherents to a particular belief system is NOT evidence of anything beyond gratuitous self-validation of that belief.

2000 years before the advent of "Christianity", there was absolutely no organized monotheistic systems of faith.


What does that serve to "prove"?

Absolutely nothing.

Just as "popularity" does nothing to "prove" any invisible space being "exists" today.

Blame the Greeks, Romans, Sumerians, etc.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me"

Whatever is that Commandment supposed to mean anyway?

OTHER "gods"? There are "other" gods?


Who knew?

I do so wonder where those other "gods" went anyway?

Did they all just go *poof* into the ether and imaginations of ordinary peoples, or did they simply lose a significant number of "believers"?

Did "Idolaters, Inc." just run out of clientele and traders in "action figures"??


Hmmmmm....you've actually read that much material......
and you are still using the plea for proof as justification for nonbelief.


Bible Believer
well, the very first thing that comes to mind is the fact that you have not presented any science or history.
At all.

So how about you back up your bold empty claims with something other than more bold empty claims?

Dear Readers, This, from someone who CANNOT refute a single thing I've posted either Scripturally, Scientifically, nor Historically. All they can do is throw rocks, and jump up and down, and call names, in order to preserve their Negative outook on life, which comes with NO hope. God Bless them.

In Love,


Veteran Member
Science has already refute Genesis. What you think is science is pseudoscience and theology.


Hammer of Reason
Dear Readers, This, from someone who CANNOT refute a single thing I've posted either Scripturally, Scientifically, nor Historically. All they can do is throw rocks, and jump up and down, and call names, in order to preserve their Negative outook on life, which comes with NO hope. God Bless them.

In Love,

They have used solid arguments and evidence. The fact is you have no comprehension of logic, science, evidence, or credibility. You rest on nothing more than exhaling yourself to authority, and thereby dismissing any argument contrary to your opinion. You really are an excellent example of how religion can rot a persons mind beyond the limit of rationality.

Hugs & Kisses


Rogue Theologian
Did someone say ?.....rot.

and every animal that ever did exhale....did so for one last time.
THEN comes the rot.

So.....are we to rot as everything that ever went before us?
Or do we see the possibility of continuance?


Premium Member
Did someone say ?.....rot.

and every animal that ever did exhale....did so for one last time.
THEN comes the rot.

So.....are we to rot as everything that ever went before us?
Or do we see the possibility of continuance?

This isnt really an afterlife thread except for the possibility of passing yourslef on biologically. Were our ancestors more worried about their last breath or that of their lineage. We always choose our offspring and have a strong desire fore self preservation.


Rogue Theologian
This isnt really an afterlife thread except for the possibility of passing yourslef on biologically. Were our ancestors more worried about their last breath or that of their lineage. We always choose our offspring and have a strong desire fore self preservation.

ok....but the 'point' of divergence seems to coexist to the 'point' of continuance.

Why tamper with a 'perfect' specimen?
Wasn't Man of Day Six.....perfect?

Or maybe the natural process of evolution was too slow?
Maybe the species would have overrun the planet and it's resources before the spirit of Man had a chance to 'gel'.

Hence the manipulation of the garden event.....and evolution was not applied there.


Premium Member
ok....but the 'point' of divergence seems to coexist to the 'point' of continuance.

Why tamper with a 'perfect' specimen?
Wasn't Man of Day Six.....perfect?

Or maybe the natural process of evolution was too slow?
Maybe the species would have overrun the planet and it's resources before the spirit of Man had a chance to 'gel'.

Hence the manipulation of the garden event.....and evolution was not applied there.

Not sure how much tampering would have been done but evolution shows that little to none would have been needed. Great apes are far too close and intelligence is too comparable. We cant even say for sure what could have kick started our over running the planet, there were many combining factors. By the time we started making these myths and civilizations we were already diverged and found ourselves one of the top of the food chain even against monsterous beasts.


Rogue Theologian
Not sure how much tampering would have been done but evolution shows that little to none would have been needed. Great apes are far too close and intelligence is too comparable. We cant even say for sure what could have kick started our over running the planet, there were many combining factors. By the time we started making these myths and civilizations we were already diverged and found ourselves one of the top of the food chain even against monsterous beasts.

Focus to the species that we are.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Yeah but.....I suspect the insult would be followed by a drawn sword.
I do suspect the peace of heaven is guarded.

I don't draw my sword because someone called me a name. I'm not that childish.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Dear Riverwolf, It is becoming more and more apparent that you have no idea what Scripture is saying. Can you tell us WHEN the first Heaven was made? Can you also tell us WHEN the otherenS were made? Can you tell us the sum of 1+2?

Hardly. I know things about the evolution of English. Many words that were in common usage 600 years ago have changed meanings, or are no longer in common usage. It's not an accusation; it's an observation. Besides, if you think what I did was bashing, you've never seen REAL bashing. I was simply explaining why I wouldn't use it for any serious study; I said nothing about its own inherent quality. It's some of the best poetry in Early Modern English.

I don't even know what you mean by "first Heaven", let alone be able to tell you when it's made.

3, by the way.

This is EVIDENCE of the sons of God (prehistoric people) who were NOT Humans. They evolved from the common ancestor of Apes and diverged from Chimps some 6 Million years ago. They were smart enough to make flutes but too dumb to plant themselves something to eat, or build a house, or ANY of the other modern Human traits FIRST revealed in the mountains of Ararat. ONLY the descendants of Adam are Human and have his superior intelligence which is like God's. Gen 3:22
They were very much humans, and they weren't dumb at all, by any meaning of the word. (Dumb technically means unable to speak; it's not a statement of intelligence.) What you're mistaking for "traits" are not inherent traits at all, but tools. They were just as intelligent as we are.

Or do you think you could coordinate a Mammoth Hunt?

Quit dismissing the Historic FACT that the FIRST evidence of Human farming was in the valleys of the mountains of Ararat
No, because that's false.

Jericho is thought to be the oldest still-existent town, and that's in modern-day Israel; Mt. Ararat is just east of modern Turkey.

To say that it started in "the valleys of the mountains of Ararat" is to basically say that Las Vegas is in "the valleys of Mt. St. Helens".

True, but if they have been around for more than 10k years, they were NOT Humans since today's Science CANNOT tell us the difference between human and animal intelligence TODAY...
Non sequitor. Our ancestors were what they were regardless of what modern scientific fields can see, and any "difference" between human and animal intelligence is also not relevant.

Then you must believe the LORD was lying, Gen 11:9 when He tells us the descendants of Noah (Humans) were scattered over the face of the whole Earth from Babel. Show us the LORD was lying or explain HOW the ancient people, with NO transportation, scattered Human agriculture over the whole face of the Earth, 10k years ago.
Simple. They didn't scatter agricultural technology at all. The writers of Genesis weren't aware of the Americas at all. They weren't lying, they were simply not aware. Meanwhile, the people of the Americas were developing agriculture, without any intervention whatsoever by people from the Mediterranean.

I suppose you forgot to explain HOW ancient men knew that we live in a Multiverse, or the Scientific FACT that Gen 1:21 shows that "every living creature" was made from the water on the 5th Day which was some 3.7 Billion years ago in man's time.
Once again, they didn't know such things, and no such things are written in Genesis.

Amen, and that is WHY today's Science CANNOT tell us HOW or WHEN Apes evolved Human intelligence.
Paleobiology and paleoarchaeology are quite capable of explaining that: over time.

There was no definite "line". It was a slow progression over long periods of time.

False, since Jesus, Who is brighter than the Noonday Sun, came into the physical world from within the invisible Spirit of God on the FIRST Day. Jesus will ALSO provide the Light for the THIRD Heaven. Rev 21:23 Are you sure you have read the Bible?
I've read Genesis, and I've read Revelations. The two texts are wholly separate from each other, and I do not use one to interpret the other. Jesus is not in Genesis at all.

Not Adam's Earth, which was made the 3rd Day. Gen 1:9-10 FYI, the first Stars of our Cosmos were not made until the 4th Day. Gen 1:16 The confusion comes by confusing Adam's world, which was destroyed in the Flood, with the present Earth.

They're the same world in Genesis. Remember that the Garden of Eden is supposed to be located at the mouth of "four rivers", two of which still flow today, and the other two of which would have been flowing long ago.

In the beginning, God made the heaven (air) and the earth (ground without form). Jesus took some of this air, ground and water and inflated it at the Big Bang. Then the first Stars formed and put forth their light some 13.7 Billion years ago, and then your scenario began to unfold. Don't you know the story?
Not whatever story you're telling, which is not the story contained in Genesis.

There's no indication that air, ground, or water was there before the Big Bang event. In the times following the Big Bang, the only two things that existed were helium and hydrogen.

...refuted by the AGREEMENT of Scripture, Science, and History.
Let go of that triune mantra. It's not doing you any favors. You've provided no history, and no science whatsoever.

You mistake Peter penning the words, which the Holy Spirit moved him to write from within him. The Holy Spirit is the Author, which makes it impossible for YOU, a mere mortal man, to refute.
Except that I just did.

There's no indication whatsoever that it was penned by anyone but Peter himself. He was just as much a mortal man as you and I.

Watch the following Video to catch up on the Science regarding our Multiverse. It's an old video
And thus I have no reason to regard it as up-to-date. New discoveries and observations are being made all the time, rendering "videos" on the subject made even 5 years ago outdated and obsolete.

Instead, I suggest you check out Dr. Tyson's Cosmos for more up-to-date information on the universe, presented in a very heartfelt and approachable way.

BTW, you're starting to use ad hominims, such as directly attacking my intelligence. That does not do well for your argument. The Straw Man's got you tight in his grasp.
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