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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
You really are an excellent example of how religion can rot a persons mind beyond the limit of rationality.

No, it wasn't religion inherent that did this. Certain minds are naturally predisposed to this sort of thinking.

I know, because I once acted almost exactly like this when I was in Middle School, practicing with almost full honesty and fanaticism a religion based almost entirely on video games and childhood favorite movies.

I was not raised with religion, and yet I exhibited this exact kind of behavior.

Therefore, religion is not the cause.


Bible Believer
Science has already refute Genesis. What you think is science is pseudoscience and theology.

Dear Shad, Science has refuted the Goatherder Theology of what Genesis is saying. Science has NOT refuted what is actually written, because it's PROOF of God, no matter what you think. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
They have used solid arguments and evidence. The fact is you have no comprehension of logic, science, evidence, or credibility. You rest on nothing more than exhaling yourself to authority, and thereby dismissing any argument contrary to your opinion. You really are an excellent example of how religion can rot a persons mind beyond the limit of rationality.

Hugs & Kisses

Dear FA, False and you have provided NO evidence that ANYone has used solid arguments or actual evidence which refutes God's Holy Word. I am the ONLY person who has posted empirical evidence which CANNOT be refuted by the Evol worshippers. Either post evidence that solid arguments and evidence have been posted, which have NOT been refuted, or everyone will see that you're just ticked off because you know, that you MUST get ready for Righteous Judgment for your UnBelief. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Dear FA, False and you have provided NO evidence that ANYone has used solid arguments or actual evidence which refutes God's Holy Word. I am the ONLY person who has posted empirical evidence which CANNOT be refuted by the Evol worshippers. Either post evidence that solid arguments and evidence have been posted, which have NOT been refuted, or everyone will see that you're just ticked off because you know, that you MUST get ready for Righteous Judgment for your UnBelief. God Bless you.

In Love,
It's so nice to see strong delusional thinking is alive and well. Hope it works out for you.


Bible Believer
Hardly. I know things about the evolution of English. Many words that were in common usage 600 years ago have changed meanings, or are no longer in common usage. It's not an accusation; it's an observation. Besides, if you think what I did was bashing, you've never seen REAL bashing. I was simply explaining why I wouldn't use it for any serious study; I said nothing about its own inherent quality. It's some of the best poetry in Early Modern English.

Dear Riverwolf, I was online when the ACLU board, which allowed anyone to cuss you out and call you every name they could think of. UWolf was the moderator and he would cuss me out everytime I showed up, so don't tell me that I've never seen real bashing. Most of what I see from you is rhetoric.

I don't even know what you mean by "first Heaven", let alone be able to tell you when it's made.

The First Heaven, the world of Adam, is where Humans had our origin. It was some 10 Billion years BEFORE the first bacteria of our Planet appeared some 3.7 Billion years ago. It was made the SECOND Day. Gen 1:6-8

3, by the way.

They were very much humans, and they weren't dumb at all, by any meaning of the word. (Dumb technically means unable to speak; it's not a statement of intelligence.) What you're mistaking for "traits" are not inherent traits at all, but tools. They were just as intelligent as we are.

Or do you think you could coordinate a Mammoth Hunt?

False, since the sons of God (prehistoric people) had evolved as much intelligence as ANY other animal, but remained the same as any other animal. They NEVER planted a crop, built a city, nor had ANY of the modern human technologies of Cain's Human descendants on the FIRST Earth with NO magical evolution. Gen 4

No, because that's false.

Jericho is thought to be the oldest still-existent town, and that's in modern-day Israel; Mt. Ararat is just east of modern Turkey.

To say that it started in "the valleys of the mountains of Ararat" is to basically say that Las Vegas is in "the valleys of Mt. St. Helens".

The problem with Jericho is that today's "willingly ignorant" scientists CANNOT tell the difference between animal and Human intelligence. Jericho is an Oasis, and was inhabited by the sons of God (animals who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes) and later Humans (descendants of Adam). Don't you know the difference?

Non sequitor. Our ancestors were what they were regardless of what modern scientific fields can see, and any "difference" between human and animal intelligence is also not relevant.

It's not relevant because scientists don't know the difference between Humans and animals because they have REJECTED God's Truth in Genesis. Animals are innocent because they don't have the Intelligence to understand the difference between good and evil. Our Legal system recognizes this and doesn't have trials for animals, but instead, for their Human owners. God knows the difference and tells us in Gen 3:22.

Simple. They didn't scatter agricultural technology at all. The writers of Genesis weren't aware of the Americas at all. They weren't lying, they were simply not aware. Meanwhile, the people of the Americas were developing agriculture, without any intervention whatsoever by people from the Mediterranean.

Your view makes no sense since God is the Author of Genesis UNLESS you can tell us how men, who lived thousands of years before Science, knew that we live in a Multiverse, that the Big Bang was on the 3rd Day, that every living creature came from the water EXACTLY as Science has discovered. That the stars did not light up until hundreds of millions of years AFTER the Big Bang, etc. Answer those and you will find that it was IMPOSSIBLE for ancient men to write Genesis ONE. It's PROOF of God.

The Creator knew that we live in a Multiverse, but YOU see Him as an ancient man with no way to know about America. What foolishness.

Once again, they didn't know such things, and no such things are written in Genesis.

Gen 1:6-8 shows the FIRST Heaven was made the 2nd Day.
Gen 2:4 shows that other HeavenS were made the 3rd Day.

Can you add 1 plus at least 2? If so, you can tell your friends you read it in Genesis.

Paleobiology and paleoarchaeology are quite capable of explaining that: over time.
There was no definite "line". It was a slow progression over long periods of time.

False, since those disciplines are LIMITED to our Planet and know NOTHING of the time BEFORE the Big Bang of our Cosmos, which was on the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4

I've read Genesis, and I've read Revelations. The two texts are wholly separate from each other, and I do not use one to interpret the other. Jesus is not in Genesis at all.
Then you should be able to tell us WHY God (Elohim) told Noah to take 2 of each animal and LORD God (YHWH/Jesus) told Noah to take 2 of the unclean and 7 of the clean animals. Don't you know the difference between the Son and the invisible Spirit? You should read it again, because you missed the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. His name is Jesus.

They're the same world in Genesis. Remember that the Garden of Eden is supposed to be located at the mouth of "four rivers", two of which still flow today, and the other two of which would have been flowing long ago.

False, since the descendants of Noah named the Rivers after one of the FOUR Rivers of Adam's First Earth. Our Planet has THOUSANDS of Rivers, and is some 30k feet in elevation, while Adam's Earth was only 22 1/2 feet at it's highest point above the mountains. Gen 7:20

Not whatever story you're telling, which is not the story contained in Genesis.

There's no indication that air, ground, or water was there before the Big Bang event. In the times following the Big Bang, the only two things that existed were helium and hydrogen.

I'm sorry. You must not know what the original Hebrew words mean. Here are the verses and their Hebrew meainings.

Gen 1:1¶In the beginning God created the heaven (Air) and the earth. (Ground)

Gen 1:2 And the earth (Ground) was without form, and void; (dust) and darkness (death) was upon the face of the deep. (water) And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Let go of that triune mantra. It's not doing you any favors. You've provided no history, and no science whatsoever.

Except that I just did.

There's no indication whatsoever that it was penned by anyone but Peter himself. He was just as much a mortal man as you and I.

God tells us He inspired (God Breathed) 2Ti 3:16 His Truth to the men who wrote it. He also tells us the Holy Spirit moved the prophets to speak. 2Pe 1:21

And thus I have no reason to regard it as up-to-date. New discoveries and observations are being made all the time, rendering "videos" on the subject made even 5 years ago outdated and obsolete.

Instead, I suggest you check out Dr. Tyson's Cosmos for more up-to-date information on the universe, presented in a very heartfelt and approachable way.

BTW, you're starting to use ad hominims, such as directly attacking my intelligence. That does not do well for your argument. The Straw Man's got you tight in his grasp.

What ad hominems? Are you speaking of the False Accusation which YOU have made by claiming the Straw man's got me tight in his grasp? Go back and actually read your words and my refutation of them all. If I've missed any, I will be glad to shoot them down too. Just get a little more specific and I can refute more. This is fun. Thanks for sticking your neck out even when it might get cut off, as above. God Bless you.

In Love,


Admiral Obvious
Dear Readers, This, from someone who CANNOT refute a single thing I've posted either Scripturally, Scientifically, nor Historically. All they can do is throw rocks, and jump up and down, and call names, in order to preserve their Negative outook on life, which comes with NO hope. God Bless them.

In Love,

Actually, it is from someone who is STILL waiting for you to support your bold empty claims with something other than bold empty claims.

You can try all you like to turn it around onto me, and to be quite frank and to the point, anyone who falls for your choir sermon tactic isn't worth the time or effort.

Now, are you ever going to to present something other than bold empty claims, out right lies, and steaming piles of bull ****?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Bold faced lie.
The fact of the matter is you have not posted a single itty bitty teensy weensy tiny shred of "empirical" anything.
Oh, come now, Mes. The poster has certainly piled on steaming piles of screed in support of what they assume is a point. Sadly, it doesn't add up to a hill of ant manure, but hey, some folks bar is set much lower than others. :drool:


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Actually, it is from someone who is STILL waiting for you to support your bold empty claims with something other than bold empty claims.

You can try all you like to turn it around onto me, and to be quite frank and to the point, anyone who falls for your choir sermon tactic isn't worth the time or effort.

Now, are you ever going to to present something other than bold empty claims, out right lies, and steaming piles of bull ****?

Steaming? Mate, by now it's gone cold and stale.


Dear FA, False and you have provided NO evidence that ANYone has used solid arguments or actual evidence which refutes God's Holy Word. I am the ONLY person who has posted empirical evidence which CANNOT be refuted by the Evol worshippers. Either post evidence that solid arguments and evidence have been posted, which have NOT been refuted, or everyone will see that you're just ticked off because you know, that you MUST get ready for Righteous Judgment for your UnBelief. God Bless you.

In Love,
adjective: empirical
based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

Nope, you have posted no empirical evidence, none what-so-ever!


Bible Believer
adjective: empirical
based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

Nope, you have posted no empirical evidence, none what-so-ever!

Dear Sapiens, Here is evidence based of verifiable observation, which anyone can experience by traveling to the remains of the First Human Cities, some of which are still standing, and which were built by Noah's great grandsons. Gen 10:10

Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

It's Historic evidence of the beginning of Human civilization on Planet Earth, the home of the sons of God (prehistoric people) who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. Would you call an animal who lived in a Cave, and chased other animals for it's food, never planted a crop, nor built himself a home, a modern Human? Of course not. Humans came to this Earth in an Ark. God Bless you.

In Love,


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I was online when the ACLU board, which allowed anyone to cuss you out and call you every name they could think of. UWolf was the moderator and he would cuss me out everytime I showed up, so don't tell me that I've never seen real bashing.

Then I apologize for my assumption.

But likewise, you therefore cannot call what I say of the King Jimmy bashing.

The First Heaven, the world of Adam, is where Humans had our origin. It was some 10 Billion years BEFORE the first bacteria of our Planet appeared some 3.7 Billion years ago. It was made the SECOND Day. Gen 1:6-8
Where's the physical evidence that it existed at all? Which star did it orbit? How far was it from Earth? What was its diameter? Its orbit length? Its atmospheric conditions? Its geological makeup?

And why are you referring to it as a "Heaven"? Heaven in the singular means "home of God", and "the heavens" in the plural just means sky. ("Heaven" comes from Anglo-Saxon/Old English; "sky" comes from Old Norse).

They NEVER planted a crop, built a city, nor had ANY of the modern human technologies...
They didn't do those things because they didn't need to do those things. The ability to do such things is no statement of intelligence whatsoever. They're just tools.

After all, I can't do any of those things, either.

But just as a salmon knows the way home, I know how to make a stone axe. And so can you.

The problem with Jericho is that today's "willingly ignorant" scientists CANNOT tell the difference between animal and Human intelligence. Jericho is an Oasis, and was inhabited by the sons of God (animals who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes) and later Humans (descendants of Adam). Don't you know the difference?
The "difference" is an artificial construct of your own. You've provided no indication whatsoever that any "difference" here even exists. Adam is a legendary figure, with no historicity of any kind. IOW, there's no indication that he ever existed.

It's not relevant because scientists don't know the difference between Humans and animals because they have REJECTED God's Truth in Genesis. Animals are innocent because they don't have the Intelligence to understand the difference between good and evil. Our Legal system recognizes this and doesn't have trials for animals, but instead, for their Human owners. God knows the difference and tells us in Gen 3:22.
Dude, even you couldn't tell me what good and evil are when I asked. Even now, different people have different opinions as to what they are.

So it appears, therefore, that good and evil are entirely social constructs that have no existence outside the human mind.

And now, since you admit to its non-relevance, why'd you bring it up?

Gen 1:6-8
shows the FIRST Heaven was made the 2nd Day.
Gen 2:4 shows that other HeavenS were made the 3rd Day.

Can you add 1 plus at least 2? If so, you can tell your friends you read it in Genesis.
What I find most amusing is that you reference the Bible, but don't actually quote from it much. Not everyone has one in their house, for the record. I've just got a NRSE and New Jerusalem Bible(for one reason alone: Tolkien was one of its editors ^_^).

Normally, I just use Jewish translations when reading Genesis since I trust them to translate and commentate on their own text better than Christians, but I'll play Devil's Advocate here and use the King Jimmy, which is freely available online(though still not public domain; figure that one out).

Genesis 1:6-8
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

So, separating "waters from waters" is consistent with the standard view of the cosmos in that region at that time: that the world exists basically in a giant bubble surrounded by "waters above" and "waters below", separated by a "firmament". Nothing like what you're describing at all.

Meanwhile, Genesis 2:4
4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

This verse is noteworthy, sure, but not for the reasons you state. This actually begins an account that's entirely separate from everything that came before it, and almost certainly had a different author (according to what's called the Documentary Hypothesis; I'm not sure if you've heard of it). In fact, there's some debate as to where the break begins. The first part might have been the closing idea of the preceeding verses, while the part which begins with "in the day that" might be the start of the completely separate account that has a completely different author.

There's nothing in either of these that indicate any sort of multiverse. "The heavens", as stated above, just means the (quite singular) sky.

False, since those disciplines are LIMITED to our Planet and know NOTHING of the time BEFORE the Big Bang of our Cosmos,
Those disciplines should not concern themselves with anything regarding the Cosmos. That's not their field. I doubt practitioners of those disciplines could tell you the exact distance between Earth and Neptune without looking it up. But when it comes to their respective fields, they know more than cosmologists.

Nobody knows of anything "before" the Big Bang, or if a "before" was even there, since it appears that all spacetime began there. (Which would imply there literally was no time before the Big Bang, and thus literally no "before" the Big Bang).

Then you should be able to tell us WHY God (Elohim) told Noah to take 2 of each animal and LORD God (YHWH/Jesus) told Noah to take 2 of the unclean and 7 of the clean animals.
Documentary Hypothesis. Those are interpolations of two separate accounts, from different authors, of the same general story, into a single text.

BTW, the God whose name is only remembered through the Tetragrammaton is not Jesus, but a Storm God.

False, since the descendants of Noah named the Rivers after one of the FOUR Rivers of Adam's First Earth. Our Planet has THOUSANDS of Rivers, and is some 30k feet in elevation, while Adam's Earth was only 22 1/2 feet at it's highest point above the mountains. Gen 7:20
The people in the Fertile Crescent would have been aware of those four rivers which are now just two. They would also not have been aware of the Himalayas, and so it makes perfect sense why they would list the "highest mountain" as a place that's actually, well, not.

I'm sorry. You must not know what the original Hebrew words mean. Here are the verses and their Hebrew meainings.

Gen 1:1¶In the beginning God created the heaven (Air) and the earth. (Ground)

Gen 1:2 And the earth (Ground) was without form, and void; (dust) and darkness (death) was upon the face of the deep. (water) And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
I was speaking from the perspective of Cosmology, not Genesis. Nothing but Helium and Hydrogen. Whatever's contained in Genesis is entirely irrelevant to Cosmology.

God tells us He inspired (God Breathed) 2Ti 3:16 His Truth to the men who wrote it. He also tells us the Holy Spirit moved the prophets to speak. 2Pe 1:21
So the Bible is written by God because the Bible says so. Circular, and thus fallacious, logic. God didn't say either of those things; Paul and Peter respectively did.

I could write a book and say that God authored it just as easily.

What ad hominems? Are you speaking of the False Accusation which YOU have made by claiming the Straw man's got me tight in his grasp?
Hardly an accusation. Just an observation. And no, I'm talking about yours. Shifting the blame to me is another red herring; an attempt to distract from your own.

If you took that phrase as an ad hominim, that was not my intention, but nevertheless I apologize and will make every attempt to not use that phrase here again. (Depending on how long this goes, I might need reminders. Feel free.)

When I say "the Straw Man's got you tight in his grasp", what I'm saying is that you're committing a straw man fallacy. That means you're not arguing with something that I actually believe, but assuming I believe something and arguing based on that assumption. Or doing likewise with another party.

Go back and actually read your words and my refutation of them all.
You've refuted nothing.

But I'd be happy to help break down your initial OP argument into something more easily digestible, as a way to help illustrate how its illogical.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Dear Sapiens, Here is evidence based of verifiable observation, which anyone can experience by traveling to the remains of the First Human Cities, some of which are still standing,

Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

It's Historic evidence of the beginning of Human civilization on Planet Earth, the home of the sons of God (prehistoric people) who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. Would you call an animal who lived in a Cave, and chased other animals for it's food, never planted a crop, nor built himself a home, a modern Human? Of course not. Humans came to this Earth in an Ark. God Bless you.

In Love,

There is no doubt that the fertile crescent was a centre of agriculture in prehistoric time.

However if you have a look at

Ohalo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You will find evidence of agriculture twice as old as that. Still in the same area though.

So the best you can do is say that this is likely the first example of agriculture because it was as the name suggests "fertile". If it was the "rocky dry crescent" you would not have agriculture.

The rest is unsupported surmise.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Would you call an animal who lived in a Cave, and chased other animals for it's food, never planted a crop, nor built himself a home, a modern Human?

You mean like a lot of modern humans continue to do today?

If he had the same skeleton, the same DNA, as well as having artistic expression, capabilities for complex language, capability for abstract thinking, capability for strategic and tactical thinking, social/tribal instincts, and many of the other qualifiers for full behavioral modernity that were known to exist well before the Neolithic revolution, then I'd absolutely call this person a human.


Rogue Theologian
Always are. As are other forms of competition for our species.

Well, I suspect that God is allowed to tweak His creation.

Such as great floods.....such as large meteor strikes.....such as volcanic eruptions....and plagues......etc...etc....

That God might do some isolated manipulations....doesn't surprise me either.


Dear Sapiens, Here is evidence based of verifiable observation, which anyone can experience by traveling to the remains of the First Human Cities, some of which are still standing, and which were built by Noah's great grandsons. Gen 10:10

Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

It's Historic evidence of the beginning of Human civilization on Planet Earth, the home of the sons of God (prehistoric people) who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. Would you call an animal who lived in a Cave, and chased other animals for it's food, never planted a crop, nor built himself a home, a modern Human? Of course not. Humans came to this Earth in an Ark. God Bless you.

In Love,
Your desire for it to be evidence is self-evident, but it is also self-evident that your would-be evidence is not.

Would I call an animal who lived in a Cave, and chased other animals for his food, never planted a crop, nor built himself a home, a modern Human? Sure, it that's in fact what his genome is.


Rogue Theologian
Your desire for it to be evidence is self-evident, but it is also self-evident that your would-be evidence is not.

Would I call an animal who lived in a Cave, and chased other animals for his food, never planted a crop, nor built himself a home, a modern Human? Sure, it that's in fact what his genome is.

Where then do you prefer the line drawn?

What then is human?
(consider current day news reports before you respond)