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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Yeah!.....so many billions of planets....and here we are.....
As if God Himself CHOSE these most excellent conditions.

There is another explanation that seems far more likely and doesn't require leaps of faith in a deity that doesn't actually have evidence....

That out of the TRILLIONS (not billions) of stars in the known galaxy that are in the "goldilocks zone" of their respective galaxies the chances of having life increases. And since we are here in the perfect place for life to have arisen in an imperfect universe for life, it only makes sense. We can't look at where we are and then ask about the chances of us specifically being here. Of course those odds are astronomical. However, as a whole, the universe gives us a good chance. A chance so good that it is commonly held that we are not the only life in the universe and that there is several other lifeforms out there. However they may be so far and inbetween that we may never find them.


Rogue Theologian
There is another explanation that seems far more likely and doesn't require leaps of faith in a deity that doesn't actually have evidence....

That out of the TRILLIONS (not billions) of stars in the known galaxy that are in the "goldilocks zone" of their respective galaxies the chances of having life increases. And since we are here in the perfect place for life to have arisen in an imperfect universe for life, it only makes sense. We can't look at where we are and then ask about the chances of us specifically being here. Of course those odds are astronomical. However, as a whole, the universe gives us a good chance. A chance so good that it is commonly held that we are not the only life in the universe and that there is several other lifeforms out there. However they may be so far and inbetween that we may never find them.

I've seen the documentary about the 'zone'.
It wasn't offered as a common event.
and our situation is terminal.

I do agree the distance is daunting.
I also lean sure to the notion we won't go 'there' in body.

Getting off this planet won't be done in the flesh.

(makes me wonder about people who lean to the ascension dogma)


Coincidentia oppositorum
There is another explanation that seems far more likely and doesn't require leaps of faith in a deity that doesn't actually have evidence....

That out of the TRILLIONS (not billions) of stars in the known galaxy that are in the "goldilocks zone" of their respective galaxies the chances of having life increases. And since we are here in the perfect place for life to have arisen in an imperfect universe for life, it only makes sense. We can't look at where we are and then ask about the chances of us specifically being here. Of course those odds are astronomical. However, as a whole, the universe gives us a good chance. A chance so good that it is commonly held that we are not the only life in the universe and that there is several other lifeforms out there. However they may be so far and inbetween that we may never find them.
Have you noticed that the argument goes between:

* The Universe is perfectly designed for life by God.


* The Universe is empty of life and only our planet has it and God made it.

The first argument suggests that life should be abundant everywhere in the Universe. If it isn't, then the Universe isn't perfectly designed or fine tuned for life. If it was fine tuned, life should be found everywhere. So the fine tuned argument is wrong, or the Goldilock argument is wrong to prove God. They can't be both true at the same time.


Premium Member
Have you noticed that the argument goes between:

* The Universe is perfectly designed for life by God.


* The Universe is empty of life and only our planet has it and God made it.

The first argument suggests that life should be abundant everywhere in the Universe. If it isn't, then the Universe isn't perfectly designed or fine tuned for life. If it was fine tuned, life should be found everywhere. So the fine tuned argument is wrong, or the Goldilock argument is wrong to prove God. They can't be both true at the same time.

The two extreme arguments are a all powerful deity making every single thing happen down to every single boson, or a random chaotic universe where nothing is predictable and still out of our hands. I believe it is in between these extremes, that the randomness is what allows for choice in a deterministic universe. So evolution is neither completely determined or completely random. Any guidance is within the process itself but certainly no to the extent of knowing every single state and position of all particles, it seems more reasonable that not everything was known but perhaps enough was known to do a decent creation event. Evidently since we are here, something went right somewhere.


Bible Believer
You have said adam didnt step foot on this planet and noah arrived to earth. Then that biosphere is an alien planet that we have no evidence ever existed.

Dear idav, Adam lived and died in an enclosed Biosphere floating in Lake Van, Turkey, which means that he NEVER stepped foot on our Earth. Did he? Since the biosphere was on our Earth, Adam's Earth was NOT an alien Planet. Was it? The evidence is in the Ark which was a 450 foot Ship. No one has looked for it in a Big Lake, Have they? Goatherders told them it was on top of a mountain. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Of course odds for life are going to be whatever we observe. If odds are low this woukd be almost if not the only planet with life. If we happen o find more planets with life then the probability goes up but we arent going with any real data on that right now. Regardless the results are self confirming and doesn't give a motive of origins, just says how it is. An intelligent being can go for random chance just as much as nature can.

Dear idav, False. As Humans travel throughout the Universe, which will happen after Jesus returns to save us from self destruction, we will find Life EVERYWHERE we find liquid water in the Universe. This is because God commanded that "every living creature that moveth" be created and brought forth, from the Water, on the 5th Day, Gen 1:21 which was some 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time.

We will NOT find people with Human intelligence because there was but ONE Ark, which brought the Human intelligence of Adam to our world of Unintelligent Animals, which Science ignorantly calls Prehistoric people. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
, within ONE generation
Only one? And how could you possibly know the number of generations it took?

Dear Riverwolf, Because I read it in Genesis chapter 10. Noah and his sons, were married, but his grandsons had NO other Human to marry. They were exactly like Cain was on Adam's Earth. Here is the account of one of Noah's grandsons, Cush:

Gen 10:8 And Cush (Noah's grandson) begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.

Nimrod's MOTHER was a prehistoric woman, who descended from the sons of God (prehistoric people). Remember that NO prehistoric person EVER built a city.

Gen 10:10 And the beginning of his (Nimrod's) kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.

IOW, Nimrod, the son of Cush and a preshistroric woman, INHERITED the unique Human intelligence of Adam and exactly like Cain, on the first Earth, built a city, Gen 4:17 within ONE generation removed from being a prehistoric creature. Correct?

FYI, The sons of God (prehistoric people) and Humans (Adam's descendants) could produce children with each other. Gen 6:1-4
Therefore, there were human.

Not really since the sons of God were evolved Apes, who were brought forth from the Water, exactly as Science has learned. Adam was made the 3rd Day Gen 2:4-7 and the sons of God came "Naturally" from the water, on the 5th Day. Gen 1:21 What this shows is that Adam's intelligence level was much greater than ANY creature , made from the water, could Naturally evolve. ONLY Adam's descendants are Human.
Since then, in LESS than 1% of the time since mankind diverged from Chimps, the descendants of Adam (Humans) have gone from Caves to the Moon and back safely, because Humans did NOT evolve from Apes.
That's just complex tool usage.

Sure, and it all just happened in less than 1% of the time since prehistoric people diverged from the common ancestor of Apes. It's all just because Nature Magically changed Apes into Humans. Right? Show you EVIDENCE or everyone will see your naive thinking which is backed by NOTHING, but FAITH in the Magic of Evolution. God Bless you.

In Love,


Premium Member
, within ONE generation

Dear Riverwolf, Because I read it in Genesis chapter 10. Noah and his sons, were married, but his grandsons had NO other Human to marry. They were exactly like Cain was on Adam's Earth. Here is the account of one of Noah's grandsons, Cush:

Gen 10:8 And Cush (Noah's grandson) begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.

Nimrod's MOTHER was a prehistoric woman, who descended from the sons of God (prehistoric people). Remember that NO prehistoric person EVER built a city.

Gen 10:10 And the beginning of his (Nimrod's) kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.

IOW, Nimrod, the son of Cush and a preshistroric woman, INHERITED the unique Human intelligence of Adam and exactly like Cain, on the first Earth, built a city, Gen 4:17 within ONE generation removed from being a prehistoric creature. Correct?

FYI, The sons of God (prehistoric people) and Humans (Adam's descendants) could produce children with each other. Gen 6:1-4

Not really since the sons of God were evolved Apes, who were brought forth from the Water, exactly as Science has learned. Adam was made the 3rd Day Gen 2:4-7 and the sons of God came "Naturally" from the water, on the 5th Day. Gen 1:21 What this shows is that Adam's intelligence level was much greater than ANY creature , made from the water, could Naturally evolve. ONLY Adam's descendants are Human.
Since then, in LESS than 1% of the time since mankind diverged from Chimps, the descendants of Adam (Humans) have gone from Caves to the Moon and back safely, because Humans did NOT evolve from Apes.

Sure, and it all just happened in less than 1% of the time since prehistoric people diverged from the common ancestor of Apes. It's all just because Nature Magically changed Apes into Humans. Right? Show you EVIDENCE or everyone will see your naive thinking which is backed by NOTHING, but FAITH in the Magic of Evolution. God Bless you.

In Love,
When you speak of nature there is no need for magic. Evolution is a natural process that is responisble for the diversity of every species on this planet. Humans arent that much more advanced than chimps, but humans certainly have a big enough ego to think so. Creationists can continue to wallow in ignorance.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I've seen the documentary about the 'zone'.
It wasn't offered as a common event.
and our situation is terminal.

I do agree the distance is daunting.
I also lean sure to the notion we won't go 'there' in body.

Getting off this planet won't be done in the flesh.

(makes me wonder about people who lean to the ascension dogma)

I don't know what you mean by "the zone". There are several "zones". Our breed of life is based upon water and it being in a liquid state. We must have an atmosphere and distance from the sun has to be within a zone for that to be liquid. The galaxy version of this zone is if we are too far out then there isn't enough "cosmic dust" to create planets like what we have. Too close the center and anything that might have been life would be blasted with chaotic amounts of radiation or collisions with large bodies.

Each galaxy has these zones. Each galaxy has sun's in these zones. so it is common enough to exist in every galaxy we have observed so far.


Bible Believer
When you speak of nature there is no need for magic. Evolution is a natural process that is responisble for the diversity of every species on this planet. Humans arent that much more advanced than chimps, but humans certainly have a big enough ego to think so. Creationists can continue to wallow in ignorance.

Dear idav, Nature is what God calls his Creation from the water. It LOOKS natural because it's origin in in the Water and when some Evols try to understand, they change God's Truth into Unbelief. Here is what God calls Natural man:

1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

The "natural" man is the man who has NOT been born Spiritually, and like ALL in Nature, man dies, and after that the Judgment. Heb 9:27 What YOU call your natural belief was created and brought forth from the water on the 5th Day. Gen 1:21 God Bless you.

In Love,


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
That indicates you have not considered the potential of the next life.

Which would be a mistake. I have, in fact, considered that potential.

I came to this conclusion: regardless of what may happen to our awareness after death, as far as we can tell, we only have one life.

Therefore, it's best to live as though we only had one.


That indicates you have not considered the potential of the next life.
You may be selling yourself short.
I've considered past lives, future lives and alternate lives. It appears to me that all three concepts are nonsense.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Dear Riverwolf, Because I read it in Genesis chapter 10.

No, no, no.

What physical evidence is there?

Not really since the sons of God were evolved Apes, who were brought forth from the Water, exactly as Science has learned. Adam was made the 3rd Day Gen 2:4-7 and the sons of God came "Naturally" from the water, on the 5th Day. Gen 1:21 What this shows is that Adam's intelligence level was much greater than ANY creature , made from the water, could Naturally evolve. ONLY Adam's descendants are Human.
Since then, in LESS than 1% of the time since mankind diverged from Chimps, the descendants of Adam (Humans) have gone from Caves to the Moon and back safely, because Humans did NOT evolve from Apes.
You have not provided any physical evidence for any of these claims.

Therefore, I have no reason to differ from the scientific consensus that we are, in fact, apes.

Sure, and it all just happened in less than 1% of the time since prehistoric people diverged from the common ancestor of Apes. It's all just because Nature Magically changed Apes into Humans. Right?

Wrong. There's nothing magic about it. And humans weren't changed from apes, humans are apes.

We share the exact same DNA with the people you speak of. We know this because we can look at the DNA contained in the fossils of ancient humans, and compare them with modern humans. In fact, we can even trace ancestry. The oldest complete skeleton in Britain, Chedder Man (from about 9,000 years ago during Britain's Mesolithic; meaning no cities or crops), has at least two descendents living in Chedder Village. Many, but not all, humans also share DNA with Neanderthals, indicating that we interbred with them; that would have been tricky 10,000 years ago, since Neanderthals were long extinct by that point.

If you believe in breeding programs, you believe in all the biological components necessary for biological evolution. If you believe that environment can have an impact on the development of a species over time, you believe in natural selection. Since there's no physical indication whatsoever that humans are somehow favorite on this scale, there's no indication that we are any different in this regard. All the fossil evidence, genetic evidence, and archaeological evidence points directly to us being apes.


Rogue Theologian
Which would be a mistake. I have, in fact, considered that potential.

I came to this conclusion: regardless of what may happen to our awareness after death, as far as we can tell, we only have one life.

Therefore, it's best to live as though we only had one.

You may have drawn your conclusion premature.
One life?....and it has to be terminal?

One life continuing beyond the breathe you now have?
I think so.
Too many learning devices walking about.
Billions of souls and you insist no one will continue?
Not one chance in billions?

I think you made your conclusion premature.

But then comes that other scenario....you can't get out of your body.
In the box it goes....and into the ground.
Eternal darkness is physically real.
Premature burial.


Rogue Theologian
I've considered past lives, future lives and alternate lives. It appears to me that all three concepts are nonsense.

Some things have a beginning.
Some things have great duration.
Why cut yourself out of the greater things?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Thief, you really can't very well accept that there is someone who would not obsess about an afterlife given the "correct" incentive, now can you?


Rogue Theologian
Thief, you really can't very well accept that there is someone who would not obsess about an afterlife given the "correct" incentive, now can you?

Been blind seven days....did not stop 'seeing'
I've known my limbs without touch or response.....did not stop 'feeling'

Correct incentive?.....and you were about to explain that?


Some things have a beginning.
Some things have great duration.
Why cut yourself out of the greater things?
Because the "promise" is so obviously false that even you should see it. Besides, it's not going to change the way I live or what I do, and think of all the resources that I don't share with fat, pandering clergy that I can use for what I see as good works.