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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Bible Believer
I'd like to say that the claim here is rather absurd. First, it is possible that human beings and other primates have a common ancestor. I personally am not convinced that they do, but it is obviously a possibility. In this claim of yours, you say that Humans were made on the third day. You cite Genesis 2:4-7 which states:

"These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

While I see what you are trying to do, you are wrong. Yes, the word day is used. But just as many people are confusing the 6 days of creation with literal 24 hour days, you are confusing the word day here as well. The entire Bible is true.

Dear Son, Amen, with a few corrections using your cited verses.

"These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

In the "Day" or Age, which is the word YOWM in Hebrew, which means "a period of time". So, in the THIRD Age, the Day the Earth was made Gen 1:9-10 the LORD God, or Jesus in the Old Testament, made or fashioned other heavenS (plural). God had already made the first Heaven on the SECOND Day. Gen 1:6-8 Right? Right.

And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

On this 3rd Day, AFTER the first Earth was made Gen 1:9-10 but BEFORE the plants and herbs GREW, Gen 1:12 on the THIRD Day...

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

Jesus fashioned, shaped or "formed" (Heb-shape as a Potter molds the Clay) man (Heb-Adam) of the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into the First HUMAN on the 3rd Day, the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our Cosmos. Right? Right.
Genesis 1 states that man was created on the sixth day. There is no way that the Bible is contradicting itself as you are forcing it to do here.

Not really. If you don't agree, then show us YOUR understanding of the above verses. I love to discuss this subject, so please show me where you disagree.

Genesis one correctly states that man (Adam) was "created" in God's Image or in Christ, Who IS the only Image of the invisible Spirit of God, Col 1:15 on the present sixth day. Gen 1:27 and Gen 5:1-2

Adam was "formed" by Jesus on the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4-7
Eve was made from Adam's rib on the 6th Day. Gen 2:22

BOTH Adam and Eve were "created" by God (Elohim-the Trinity) in God's Image AFTER Cain killed Abel. Gen 5:1-2 on the present 6th Day. More about this later...

I KNOW that the above is NOT what the current religious teaching is...BUT....it's what is actually written. Right? Right.

Genesis 2, in the verses you have cited is recapping the day (time), which included six days (day - times of light - when God is present, light is present, it is day) when God created the earth and the heavens, with the intention of bringing the focal point of this creation to God's creation of mankind.

You are absolutely correct that the current teaching is what you post...BUT... here is the chronology which is actually written in Genesis:

The entire HISTORY of the 7 Days of God's creation of the perfect 3rd Heaven, including events which are future to our time, is found in the First 34 verses of Genesis. ONLY God could have told us of our complete HISTORY including events which are FUTURE to 2014, more than 3k years ago because He sees the end from the beginning. Isa 46:10 It's proof of God.

At Genesis 2:4, Scripture takes us BACK to the events of the THIRD Day and adds details to the events told about in Genesis 1. It's the SAME throughout the entirety of the rest of the Bible. Genesis chapter 1 is an OUTLINE of the first 6 Creative Days and Gen 2:1-3 tells of the 7th Day, which is Eternity. God has but 7 Days or Ages. The Details of this OUTLINE told AFTER Gen 2:4 and all the way through Revelation 22 refer BACK to the events of the SEVEN Days of the first 34 verses of Genesis.

In the outline of the Creation, We live today at Genesis 1:27 because God is STILL creating mankind in His Image or In Christ Spiritually, Eternally, TODAY. It takes the AGREEMENT of the Father, Son, AND Holy Spirit to "CREATE" a new creature in Christ. Gen 1:26 AND John 14:16 God is STILL working today, and He will NOT rest until AFTER every living creature becomes a Vegetarian when Jesus returns. Gen 1:30 God Bless you.

In Love,


Admiral Obvious
And just simply ignored the point.
That two% difference makes a difference.

If you are content to call yourself an animal.....fine.
And later, when heaven does it again.....no argument form you....right?

oh that's right....no belief.....no problem.....
a box in the ground and eternal darkness for you.



Empty threats is all you have left?


Admiral Obvious
So at this point some participants are content that Man did NOT evolve from the ape....and we are still apes......

I don't see we are getting anywhere.

Must royally suck for the preachers who are not taken seriously when they offer nothing but their beliefs...


Bible Believer
It's not a possibility at all. It's a fact. We in fact ARE primates. Genetically we share 98% of our gnome with other primates...and the other 2% we've identified the divergence.

Dear Readers, The above person doesn't seem to know that there were TWO creations of mankind. The FIRST was when the first Human was made on the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4-7 Since each of God's Days is some 4.5 Billion years long in man's time, Adam lived with God for some 10 Billion years BEFORE the Creation event which happened on the 5th Day, which was only 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time.

On the 5th Day God created and brought forth from the water, EVERY living creature that moves, which included the sons of God (Prehistoric people) who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. Gen 1:21 Most uninformed people call this creation from the water, a Natural creation. They don't give God credit for anything.

When Adam sinned, he was left in a naked body of Flesh, just like the people who evolved from the water, on the 5th Day. They were so much alike, the could produce children with each other. Gen 6:1-4 Today's Science is willingly ignorant of this event because they have REJECTED God's Truth in Genesis, and falsely teach our children Satan's Lie, that they are nothing but evolved animals. God Bless you.

In Love,
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Bible Believer

That's STILL what it means, but as you may yet one day day come to understand, we as homo sapiens are NOT direct descendants of apes. Evolution does NOT make that claim, and never has. Your delusion is predicated upon a purposed mischaracterization designed to instil confusion over provable fact. FAITH is not at issue here (unless you think yourself an "inerrant fundamentalist").

You have the "right" to believe the world is flat, and that electronic devices are just "inexplicable magic". You have that "right".

You are wrong, and ill-informed, but believe what you wish. We will bury you with other adherents of 12th century "beliefs".

Dear s2a, Go ahead but Christians don't stay buried. On Judgment Day, we will all be together again. It won't matter who buried who, anymore. The only decision will be to separate the sheep from the goats, the good from the evil, Christians from Unbelievers. Where will you stand then?

Also, Can you explain HOW and WHEN humans changed from Apes to Humans? Of course not. All you can do is backpeddle and realize that there is NO evidence, none, nada, that this Magical Event EVER took place. It's nothing but a nasty, deliberate, Satanic, view of people who have REJECTED God's Truth because they are too interested in forcing their "Evol Religion" upon our children in the Public Schools. God Bless you.

In Love,

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
duh....it's the subtle difference that makes the difference.

The 2% you just pointed out is the reason we are NOT ...PRImates.

What Bunyip said.....:yes:

Humans and other primates are mammals as well even though we have a 2% difference in our DNA yet we're still "classified" as mammals. The difference isn't what defines the classification per se...rather the similarities is what defines the classification.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
So at this point some participants are content that Man did NOT evolve from the ape....and we are still apes......

I don't see we are getting anywhere.

The issue is not with us that accept the overwhelming evidence that we are primates. You're struggle is with trying to reconcile your faith with scientific fact. That's more of an internal struggle you and others will have to deal with. Your shortcomings have nothing to do with us nor do they change the facts....nor have I seen anyone here in opposition to said facts actually refute them
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Dear Readers, The above person doesn't seem to know that there were TWO creations of mankind. The FIRST was when the first Human was made on the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4-7 Since each of God's Days is some 4.5 Billion years long in man's time, Adam lived with God for some 10 Billion years BEFORE the Creation event which happened on the 5th Day, which was only 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time.

On the 5th Day God created and brought forth from the water, EVERY living creature that moves, which included the sons of God (Prehistoric people) who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. Gen 1:21 Most uninformed people call this creation from the water, a Natural creation. They don't give God credit for anything.

When Adam sinned, he was left in a naked body of Flesh, just like the people who evolved from the water, on the 5th Day. They were so much alike, the could produce children with each other. Gen 6:1-4 Today's Science is willingly ignorant of this event because they have REJECTED God's Truth in Genesis, and falsely teach our children Satan's Lie, that they are nothing but evolved animals. God Bless you.

In Love,

Oh my....even basic mathematics skills escape you when trying to reconcile your faith with known science.

If one Earth day is 4.5 Billion Years to your god then why is 5 days only 3.7 Billion Years.....:areyoucra

And since we know the universe to be 13.8 Billion Years old.....but 1 day is 4.5 Billion Years to your god...and "he" creation the whole Earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th....Then that would mean by the 7th day (in your god's time) the universe would have to have been at least 31.5 Billion Years old by then.......:facepalm:
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Bible Believer
Originally Posted by Aman777
Dear Readers, The above person doesn't seem to know that there were TWO creations of mankind. The FIRST was when the first Human was made on the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4-7 Since each of God's Days is some 4.5 Billion years long in man's time, Adam lived with God for some 10 Billion years BEFORE the Creation event which happened on the 5th Day, which was only 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time.

On the 5th Day God created and brought forth from the water, EVERY living creature that moves, which included the sons of God (Prehistoric people) who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. Gen 1:21 Most uninformed people call this creation from the water, a Natural creation. They don't give God credit for anything.

When Adam sinned, he was left in a naked body of Flesh, just like the people who evolved from the water, on the 5th Day. They were so much alike, the could produce children with each other. Gen 6:1-4 Today's Science is willingly ignorant of this event because they have REJECTED God's Truth in Genesis, and falsely teach our children Satan's Lie, that they are nothing but evolved animals. God Bless you.

Oh my....even basic mathematics skills escape you when trying to reconcile your faith with known science.

Dear Dirty, The mathematics ARE correct. Adam was made on the 3d Day, 9 Billion years BEFORE prehistoric man began to be made from the water, on the 5th Day, when the first life (bacteria) appeared on our Earth, which was some 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time.

If one Earth day is 4.5 Billion Years to your god then why is 5 days only 3.7 Billion Years.....:areyoucra

Sorry, but YOUR math is what's wrong. It was YESTERDAY, in God's time, when God commanded that EVERY living creature be brought forth from the water, on the 5th Day. Gen 1:21 We live today, in 2014, at the end of the present 6th Day or age in the Creation of the perfect Heaven. Today is ALSO Judgment day. Are you ready?

And since we know the universe to be 13.8 Billion Years old.....but 1 day is 4.5 Billion Years to your god...and "he" creation the whole Earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th....Then that would mean by the 7th day (in your god's time) the universe would have to have been at least 31.5 Billion Years old by then.......:facepalm:

I AGREE that our Cosmos is some 13.7 Billion years old, in man's time, but in God's time, our universe was made on the THIRD Day, the SAME Day that Adam's Earth was made. Genesis 2:4 Science and Scripture agree that our world is the result of the Big Bang and that life, on our Planet, CANNOT exist without Liquid Water.

The morning of the FIRST Day was some 25 Billion years ago.
Adam was made the THIRD Day, the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our Cosmos, which was some 13.7 Billion years ago, on the first Earth, which was destroyed in the Flood

Today is the 6th Day since EVERY living creature has NOT yet become Vegetarian as Gen 1:30 clearly shows. That is PROPHECY and won't happen until after Jesus returns to our Planet, at the end of the present 6th Day. IF you don't believe me, then tell us of ANY time in History when EVERY living creature ate green herbs for MEAT. You cannot because it hasn't happened yet. That is God's Truth.

Divide 3 of God's Days into 13.7 Billion and round it off and say that each of God's Days or Ages is some 4.5 billion years, in man's time. That is where you get the dating of the Big Bang of our world. God Bless you.

In Love,
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IF you don't believe me, then tell us of ANY time in History when EVERY living creature ate green herbs for MEAT. You cannot because it hasn't happened yet. That is God's Truth.

So, you are saying that this WILL happen at one day?
What's the justification for that claim?
I don't think this will ever happen. Biology doesn't work that way. Even if every carnivor-species would die out, evolutionary ecology would pretty much demand, that these niches will be filled again, fairly soon.
Also, why would the carnivors all die out, as long as the herbivores still live? Seems like a rather unlikely scenario.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Carnivore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obligate carnivores or "true" carnivores depend on the nutrients only found in animal flesh for their survival. While they may consume small amounts of plant material, they lack the physiology required for the efficient digestion of vegetable matter and, in fact, some carnivorous mammals eat vegetation specifically as an emetic. For instance, felids including the domestic cat are obligate carnivores requiring a diet of primarily animal flesh and organs.[5] Specifically, cats have high protein requirements and their metabolisms appear unable to synthesize certain essential nutrients (including retinol, arganine, taurine, and arachidonic acid), and thus they rely on animal flesh in their diet to supply these nutrients.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
False, since God told us the scientific Truth of things we are just now discovering, more than 3k years ago. Are you trying to excuse the reason WHY today's scientists have taken so long to learn to read and comprehend what was actually written thousands of years ago?

It was not written there.

And for the record, there's no such thing as a "scientific fact."

IF mindless Nature produced Human intelligence in Apes, then WHY has it never repeated it's Magical Act?
Because there's nothing magical about it. Our intelligence gave us a massive survival advantage, and our comparatively frail bodies pretty much had nothing else going for them.

Besides, it took us over 3 million years for our intelligence to develop to the point it is now. Our species wasn't even the one that first learned how to control fire: homo erectus was, with the earliest definitive evidence for it happening ~400,000 BP.

In any case, there used to be other human species running around: the well-known Neanderthals, whose DNA still exists in some modern humans, and a species unknown to the fossil and archaeological records but who also has surviving DNA. There likely would have been more.

False, since animals can only mimic what they have been taught by Humans. Notice that NO animal posts. ONLY Humans post because animals are too dumb to post or think
The behavior of many animals directly contradicts this statement. I have spent time around intelligent breeds of dogs, and am convinced that they have roughly the same intellectual capabilities of a human 2-year-old.

"They can only mimic", that is also the case for us. We do things because it's what we were trained to do. I can't plant crops because I was never trained to. I can't build a city because I don't have the training to do so. I can't build houses because I don't have the training. I was not taught how to do these things. Of the things I can do, 99% of the time, I'm only mimicking what I was taught. Even in terms of doing something "my own way", I had to be taught how to do that, too, and actually couldn't do it very well at all until well after I graduated High School.

No non-human animals post because, to my knowledge, no non-human animal has yet been taught how to read. That is not any sort of statement of their ability. I'd be willing to bet that other primates, elephants, and dolphins could be taught how to read and write in English, even if somewhat simpler.

Again your Scriptural knowledge would help you IF you could explain why THOUSANDS of years BEFORE Science, that Scripture shows us HOW Noah's descendants were scattered over the face of the Earth from Babel. Gen 11:8
There is no evidence that this is an historical event.

Only God, at that time, could have spread agriculture to the whole world, and send Noah's descendants (Humans) to re-populate an Earth of prehistoric people who were NOT Humans, but had evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. It's PROOF of God, since there was NO tranportation available, to spread agriiculture to prehistoric mankind 10 years ago. Thanks for reminding me of another proof of God.
It's not proof at all. Remember that even though they had agriculture in the Americas, they didn't really have any domesticated animals (because the only animal native to the Americas that's even somewhat domesticatable is the llama), nor did they have the wheel.

Instead, it's actually further evidence that we did, in fact, evolve from ancestral apes. This is because agriculture developed independently of others; there's no evidence whatsoever that the other parts of the world that developed agriculture were communicating with the others.

It didn't. There are two Mt. Ararats in the mountains of Ararat,
Since when??

Are you talking about Mt. Sis, aka Little Ararat? That's right next to the main one. Not really compelling.

and valleys and the Biggest Lake in Turkey, which would make a perfect spot to dock a 450 foot Long covered Ark, which brought Noah to our world from the world which was dissolved in the Flood, and sank in the 1500 foot depths of Lake Van, Turkey. Look for the BIg Lake, 75 miles wide, between the Mt Ararat and the CENTER of the Fertile Crescent in the mountains of Ararat. Noah walked out of the mountains and planted some grapes and got drunk. Gen 9:21
There is no archaeological evidence that this is the case.

If the ark were at the bottom of that lake, we'd almost certainly know about it. It's well-studied and documented. Plus, it's in Turkey. That's not in the Fertile Crescent. Furthermore, Mt. Ararat is about 67 miles from Lake Van, with massive variations in elevation. If the ark were parked on the peak of Mt. Ararat, as the story goes, how in the world did Noah, at this point a very old man, with just his small family of only eight individuals, manage to drag such a massive object all the way to Lake Van?? Unhindered, that's more than a full day's walk. Sorry, I don't buy it.

And come to think of it, if the ark's purpose wasn't just to save Noah and his family but also all the creatures of the Earth, and if this "Adam's world destroyed in the Flood" were a completely separate world from ours, then wouldn't all the ark's creatures, then, not be native to this planet, and thus have no genetic or fossil history?

Gilgamesh could NOT have been written before Noah arrived because there were NO Humans (descendants of Adam) on this Planet to write it.
Besides all the real evidence pointing to the fact that they were, I never claimed that. Gilgamesh's earliest known "version" is about 4000 years old. If you use the Creationist calculations to date the Biblical flood, that's still afterwords.

But its account of the flood is older than that of Genesis'.

It' proof that Gilgamesh is nothing more than the twisted storytelling of early mankind. They just repeated an old story they were told in their youth. Noah arrived some 10k years ago and Gilgamesh was written some two thousand years later.
Nope, on both accounts. There's no physical evidence whatsoever that Noah existed, and I just gave the rough date for the earliest known version of Gilgamesh.

In your humble unsupported opinion, I might add.
I've provided the support. You've tried to provide support for your humble opinion, but it falls flat under scrutiny.

You've not even tried to scrutinize the support I've provided.

...and thanks for the offer, but I don't drink coffee. Can't stand the smell. I prefer tea.


Rogue Theologian
Correct. We did not evolve from apes - we are apes.

Won't you be surprised.
I believe we can leave this flesh.
Not much point in billions of people if we all fail to continue.
Billions of souls and no one survives the last breath?
Not one chance in billions?
Not one?

I think it likely a few of us have sufficient will to live and will stand from the dust.
Heaven will then make a decision to allow that soul to continue.

As for apes.....
Maybe...just maybe.....a few will be kept as pets on a leash.
Trained monkeys for entertainment.


pro scapegoat
Won't you be surprised.
I believe we can leave this flesh.
Not much point in billions of people if we all fail to continue.
Billions of souls and no one survives the last breath?
Not one chance in billions?
Not one?

I think it likely a few of us have sufficient will to live and will stand from the dust.
Heaven will then make a decision to allow that soul to continue.

As for apes.....
Maybe...just maybe.....a few will be kept as pets on a leash.
Trained monkeys for entertainment.

That makes no sense at all - if you live after your last breath, then its not your last breath is it? What on earth is the point of this post-being-alive existence anyway? How does a post-being-alive existence have any effect whatsoever on whatever the 'point' is? And what would you be continuing FOR?