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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Atheists, agnostics, and all other unbelievers have already made their choice for eternal Death...
Unsupported claim.
Dear Richard, Then take your choice, now. Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins, was buried, but rose from the dead the third day, according to the Scriptures? Those who believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ are born again Spiritually,
Unsupported claim.
while those who do NOT believe His Gospel are lost.
Unsupported claim.
It's YOUR free choice. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
I do not know which is more comical, that you think you have found your claimed "agreement" or the fact you have not demonstrated said claimed "agreement" even exists.

Dear Readers, Some people see my words as foolishness. That's what God told us about these people, thousands of years ago. 1Co 2:14 Of course these are the SAME people who don't believe what God told us. I have problems believing that these Godhaters have ANY credibility. Reminds me of Fox News. God Bless you.

In Love,


Admiral Obvious
Dear Readers,
Why do you fear addressing me directly?

Some people see my words as foolishness.
You think it strange that people see foolishness as foolishness?
What about your outright lies?
What are people supposed to think of them?

That's what God told us about these people, thousands of years ago. 1Co 2:14 Of course these are the SAME people who don't believe what God told us.
It is interesting how your little rant is off topic.

Unless of course you are claiming that you speak for God...
Is that what you are claiming?

I have problems believing that these Godhaters have ANY credibility.
No doubt you do.
But then, you think that you have something no one else has, the truth.
Problem is that you have failed miserably in showing you have it.
Of course, your out right lies tend to indicate you have something all together different from the truth...

Reminds me of Fox News.
With all the bull **** you been slinging, it was bound to resemble Fox News sooner or later...


Dear Readers, Some people see my words as foolishness.
Unsupported claim, but I will stipulate to that.
That's what God told us about these people, thousands of years ago. 1Co 2:14
Unsupported claim.
Of course these are the SAME people
Unsupported claim
who don't believe what God told us..
Unsupported claim
I have problems believing that these Godhaters have ANY credibility.
Unsupported claim. But since it is just your belief ... OK
Reminds me of Fox News. God Bless you.
Unsupported claim. But since it is just your belief ... OK


Bible Believer
Ok, so you agree that god created everything, including evil, which is part of his plan, right?
Ok. So, my original argument still stands. He is ultimatelly responsible for everything evil in the world.

Dear Richard, That's the way it is with the Creator AND what He tells us. Isa 45:7

So according to you, god created something that isn't perfect.
You know what this means?
God himself isn't perfect. Because a perfect being would only create perfect things. That's pretty much a requirment for being perfect.
Saying that gods creation isn't perfect also takes away from his claimed perfection.

False, since you came in, in the middle of His Creation. God's creation will NOT be perfect until the end of the present 6th Day. Then, maybe you will be able to undersand this:

Gen 2:1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished,(Heb-Brought to Perfection) and all the host of them.

Did you see the all? Christians are among the host of Heaven, since they have dominion over it, according to Gen 1:28. This verse is showing that the end of the 6th Creative Day is when God gives dominion or rule to Humans. It's PROPHECY, as the mosquitos in my driveway just proved to me, since I don't have dominion or rule over them.

IF you could understand Scripture, you would see that ALL of the host of Heaven are present in Heaven, in this verse. This means that it is at least another thousand years BEFORE the end, since the LAST sinner to be saved, is included in the all. Heaven won't be complete without him, and ALL Christians won't be in Heaven until our Cosmos is BURNED. ll Peter 3:10 It's too bad you won't be around to see it, unless you repent.

Believes aren't choices.
Also, nothing can be free, in the set-up you've presented, because god created everyhing. Therefore whatever it is that makes my choices, however the mechanism for my choices works (no matter if natural or supranatural), it all comes eventually back to god having created it. The god you seem to propose negates any possibility of free will.

If your god created everything we the pre-knowledge of what's going to happen, then that's EXACTLY what he has done.

Tell Him about your Theory when you stand before Him to be judged. God KNOWS the end from the beginning, but He allows EVERYONE a free choice to believe or NOT. Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure:
2Pe 3:9 God is not willing that ANY should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

I don't choose what I believe. Believe isn't a choice.
Therefore, if my salvation is bound to believe, it's not part of my choices.
And if your god created the world with knowledge about the future, he has already desided, if I would believe in him or not. Making it his responsiblity.

False, since He gave you the Free Choice to believe in the Finished work of Jesus or to Reject His Sacrifice for your sins. Just because He knows what you will choose does NOT mean that He doesn't respect your right to choose your own Future, even if it is Hell.

No, I haven't. This choice has never been presented to me, so I've never chosen any such thing.

The ONLY thing good about mankind is the Faith God freely gives to everyone who seeks to believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, according to the Scriptures, for Salvation. God doesn't force ANYone to believe, so it's YOUR free choice. It doesn't matter whether you whine about your choices or NOT, since God is the Creator, and knows the very thoughts of your heart. God Bless you.

In Love,


Admiral Obvious
Dear Richard, That's the way it is with the Creator AND what He tells us. Isa 45:7

False, since you came in, in the middle of His Creation. God's creation will NOT be perfect until the end of the present 6th Day. Then, maybe you will be able to undersand this:

Gen 2:1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished,(Heb-Brought to Perfection) and all the host of them.

Did you see the all? Christians are among the host of Heaven, since they have dominion over it, according to Gen 1:28. This verse is showing that the end of the 6th Creative Day is when God gives dominion or rule to Humans. It's PROPHECY, as the mosquitos in my driveway just proved to me, since I don't have dominion or rule over them.

IF you could understand Scripture, you would see that ALL of the host of Heaven are present in Heaven, in this verse. This means that it is at least another thousand years BEFORE the end, since the LAST sinner to be saved, is included in the all. Heaven won't be complete without him, and ALL Christians won't be in Heaven until our Cosmos is BURNED. ll Peter 3:10 It's too bad you won't be around to see it, unless you repent.

Tell Him about your Theory when you stand before Him to be judged. God KNOWS the end from the beginning, but He allows EVERYONE a free choice to believe or NOT. Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure:
2Pe 3:9 God is not willing that ANY should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

False, since He gave you the Free Choice to believe in the Finished work of Jesus or to Reject His Sacrifice for your sins. Just because He knows what you will choose does NOT mean that He doesn't respect your right to choose your own Future, even if it is Hell.

The ONLY thing good about mankind is the Faith God freely gives to everyone who seeks to believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, according to the Scriptures, for Salvation. God doesn't force ANYone to believe, so it's YOUR free choice. It doesn't matter whether you whine about your choices or NOT, since God is the Creator, and knows the very thoughts of your heart. God Bless you.

In Love,

With a god like that, who needs enemas?
False, since you came in, in the middle of His Creation. God's creation will NOT be perfect until the end of the present 6th Day.

A perfect being could have created a perfect world, right away. The fact that your god needed to take this side-tour, which includes a lot of colletoral damage really undermines his entire "perfection".

Did you see the all? Christians are among the host of Heaven, since they have dominion over it, according to Gen 1:28. This verse is showing that the end of the 6th Creative Day is when God gives dominion or rule to Humans. It's PROPHECY, as the mosquitos in my driveway just proved to me, since I don't have dominion or rule over them.

All irrelevant to the point I've actually made. I dont' care how his work looks once it's finished. At the moment it apparently isn't perfect, meaning your god created something that isn't perfect... which makes him not perfect.

Tell Him about your Theory when you stand before Him to be judged.
What "theory"? That I don't chose my believes? That's not a theory, that's just a fact.

God KNOWS the end from the beginning, but He allows EVERYONE a free choice to believe or NOT.

Believe is not a choice. And you actually know that, because you absolutly know that you couldn't just chose to believe that dragons exist. We don't chose what we believe, we get convinced.

Also, saying that your god created everything with the exact knowledge what will happen negates the idea of free will. Just asserting that it doesn't won't change the facts. Apparently your god knew BEFORE I WAS BORN, that I would not believe in him... therefore he knew it before I did, and he knew how my life would end including all the choices I made...
Which means he knew all my choices before I did. And he had decided that he would create the version of the universe where I would make the choices that I will make. This is a necessary fact to the god you propose... And therefore a proposition that negates free will.

False, since He gave you the Free Choice to believe in the Finished work of Jesus or to Reject His Sacrifice for your sins. Just because He knows what you will choose does NOT mean that He doesn't respect your right to choose your own Future, even if it is Hell.

Well, I don't chose hell.
So, if god sends me there after I die, he doesn't respect my choice at all.

Also, you seem to think that the simple word "free will" is a magic spell that trumps all logic. It doesn't. If your god knows what we will do before we do it, and if he created us, free will is an illusion. In that case he HAS created robots who just play out the role he has destened us to play.
As I've said: This is a logical and necessary consequnece of the god you propose.


Bible Believer
A perfect being could have created a perfect world, right away. The fact that your god needed to take this side-tour, which includes a lot of colletoral damage really undermines his entire "perfection".

Dear Richard, God didn't choose for man to sin and IF He had made man perfect, then mankind would NOT have a free choice, which some Godhaters would complain about....forever. That would make a Hell of a Heaven with all that whining. Right?

All irrelevant to the point I've actually made. I dont' care how his work looks once it's finished. At the moment it apparently isn't perfect, meaning your god created something that isn't perfect... which makes him not perfect.

According to YOU? Can you convince us that YOU know more than God? If NOT, then WHY should we listen to you?

What "theory"? That I don't chose my believes? That's not a theory, that's just a fact.

Not to me, but ONLY to you. The only person who agrees with your view 100% is in your own Mirror. Right?

Believe is not a choice. And you actually know that, because you absolutly know that you couldn't just chose to believe that dragons exist. We don't chose what we believe, we get convinced.

Not IF you had rather hate God than Love Him. Tell us WHY you hate Love so much? God is Love. 1Jo 4:8

Also, saying that your god created everything with the exact knowledge what will happen negates the idea of free will. Just asserting that it doesn't won't change the facts. Apparently your god knew BEFORE I WAS BORN, that I would not believe in him... therefore he knew it before I did, and he knew how my life would end including all the choices I made...
Which means he knew all my choices before I did. And he had decided that he would create the version of the universe where I would make the choices that I will make. This is a necessary fact to the god you propose... And therefore a proposition that negates free will.

NOT to me. I am alive forevermore, thanks to Jesus. It's because I have already put my Faith in Him, instead of myself. 1Jo 4:18 Those who put their faith in themselves will be disappointed in the end.

Well, I don't chose hell.
So, if god sends me there after I die, he doesn't respect my choice at all.

Also, you seem to think that the simple word "free will" is a magic spell that trumps all logic. It doesn't. If your god knows what we will do before we do it, and if he created us, free will is an illusion. In that case he HAS created robots who just play out the role he has destened us to play.
As I've said: This is a logical and necessary consequnece of the god you propose.

Doesn't make ANY sense to me for someone to put their Faith in themselves since ALL of man's righteousnesses are as filthy rags Isa 64:6 when compared to the righteousness of Jesus. Go ahead and choose to live forever with self, but realize the future that you have freely chosen. Mar 9:44 God Bless you.

In Love,


Woke gremlin
Dear Richard, God didn't choose for man to sin and IF He had made man perfect, then mankind would NOT have a free choice, which some Godhaters would complain about....forever. That would make a Hell of a Heaven with all that whining. Right?
So you're saying that it's impossible for God, an all-powerful, omniscient, all-knowing being, to create a world where humans are both perfect AND have free choice?

Then God cannot be all-powerful.


Rogue Theologian
So you're saying that it's impossible for God, an all-powerful, omniscient, all-knowing being, to create a world where humans are both perfect AND have free choice?

Then God cannot be all-powerful.

If you create a reality...and that reality has pattern and form......
YOU may not object.

Go ahead and try.
Turn some stone to bread.
Step over the edge of a high place and see if the angels catch you.

Ask God to 'fix' your cancer.
Ask the devil to mend your injury.

Ask as you please.

Ever think the acquisition of perfection is your responsibility?
Saw it written somewhere....'Be thou perfect, as you Father in heaven'.


Woke gremlin
If you create a reality...and that reality has pattern and form......
YOU may not object.

Go ahead and try.
Turn some stone to bread.
Step over the edge of a high place and see if the angels catch you.

Ask God to 'fix' your cancer.
Ask the devil to mend your injury.

Ask as you please.

Ever think the acquisition of perfection is your responsibility?
Saw it written somewhere....'Be thou perfect, as you Father in heaven'.

It sure takes a lot of words in order for you to say absolutely nothing of any value, doesn't it.
Dear Richard, God didn't choose for man to sin and IF He had made man perfect, then mankind would NOT have a free choice, which some Godhaters would complain about....forever. That would make a Hell of a Heaven with all that whining. Right?

So, god had no choice in the matter, what universe he was going to create?
Because see: If your god had a choice, and he knew what would happen, then he chose to create the universe in which man sinned, instead of the one where he didn't sin.
As I've explained to you before: If you want your god to be all powerfull, all knowing and the creator of everything, the absence of free will for us is a necessaity. It's simply not possible for an all-knowing god to create free-willed beings, since he knows at the point of creation, what choices he creates his creation with.

According to YOU? Can you convince us that YOU know more than God? If NOT, then WHY should we listen to you?

Because I don't just assert stuff, but lay out the argument in front of you.
I understand that you just seem to skip the arguments I actually make, because to you, it all seems down to opinions.
But the fact simply is: I've explained to you, why your god-idea doesn't work (I didn't just assert it, I explained to you the actual reasons) and you just ignore them. You don't disagree with them, you don't say why my thoughts are wrong... you just ignore them and throw around the terms "free will", as if they were a magic-spell that just trumps my arguments. Well... it doesn't.

Not to me, but ONLY to you. The only person who agrees with your view 100% is in your own Mirror. Right?

No, facts do not just apply to ME...
Facts are facts, because they match reality.
And reality simply is that I don't chose what I believe. That's not an opinon that just applies to me. That's a fact.

Not IF you had rather hate God than Love Him. Tell us WHY you hate Love so much? God is Love.

God is love? I've heard he will sent me to hell. You are contradicting yourself.
Also, you're poste here has nothing to do with the thing I've told you. See, that's just one example where you just skip what I've said, and started preaching.

to me. I am alive forevermore, thanks to Jesus. It's because I have already put my Faith in Him, instead of myself.

And again, you don't give an argument, you don't explain why I'm wrong... You just assert that I have to be, and then start preaching. Tell me what's wrong with the logical argument I've made. I'm not that interessted in your preaching, I want you to either acknowledge the argument, or admit that you can't.

Doesn't make ANY sense to me for someone to put their Faith in themselves...

Doesn't adress anything I've said, so I can just skip it.
Sorry, I don't like to do that, but if you are not going to answer what I've actually said, but rather make unrelated statements, I don't need to acknowledge them.


Admiral Obvious
Ever think the acquisition of perfection is your responsibility?
Saw it written somewhere....'Be thou perfect, as you Father in heaven'.

So going by gods example we are to hide away from the whole world threatening to send those who do not believe in us to an eternity of suffering?


Bible Believer
So you're saying that it's impossible for God, an all-powerful, omniscient, all-knowing being, to create a world where humans are both perfect AND have free choice?

Then God cannot be all-powerful.

Dear ImmortalFlame, I love your name. God FREELY CHOSE to make a perfect Heaven in SIX of His Days, Ages, or periods of Labor. Each of the SIX Creative Days is some 4.5 Billion years long, in man's time. We live today at the end of the Last Day of Creation, the 6th Day, Today. At the end of this Age, Jesus will return and change EVERY creature into a Vegetarian. Gen 1:30

Have you noticed that God has NOT yet finished making His perfect Heaven and filling it with perfect people, made perfect by their Faith in Jesus Christ? Don't worry, because your time on this Earth is short and there may be more Billions of years left in the present 6th period of Labor for God.

God is creating His perfect 3rd Heaven the way He is doing it because It's the ONLY way to have a perfect, Eternal, Physical, Heaven which will be Forever. That is the reason God created the way He did. Humans must realize that God is perfect and they should bow to His Ways instead man's ways. I've read of the end of our Human civilization and it's not pretty....

Mat 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

Jesus will return just in time to save ALL living creatures, on Planet Earth, from total EXTINCTION. This matters very little to the 152k Humans who will go into Eternity within the next 24 hours, every day, for years, and for decades and on and on, the present 6th Day continues, as we rush to Armageddon. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
So going by gods example we are to hide away from the whole world threatening to send those who do not believe in us to an eternity of suffering?

Dear Mestemia, IF we care anything about anyone else on this Planet, we should warn them when we see them walking off a Cliff. IF we don't care about anyone but Self, old number one, then we don't bother.

God is Love and NEVER threatens anyone. God tells us the Truth and of Humanity's CERTAIN end. He warns us because He loves us, but some REJECT His love and blame Him for their own Free Choice. God Bless you.

In Love,


Admiral Obvious
Dear Mestemia, IF we care anything about anyone else on this Planet, we should warn them when we see them walking off a Cliff. IF we don't care about anyone but Self, old number one, then we don't bother.

God is Love and NEVER threatens anyone. God tells us the Truth and of Humanity's CERTAIN end. He warns us because He loves us, but some REJECT His love and blame Him for their own Free Choice. God Bless you.

In Love,

What are you going on about?
Are you ever going to directly address a point?

Or are you so caught up in your preaching, you cannot be bothered?