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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Bible Believer
Actually other primates do judge and have hierarchical systems. They do love and show affection as well as grieve over a lost one. The do know what is right and what is wrong. Good and Evil are just terms. They as well as all other primates understand what is "agreeable" and what is not agreeable and they have no problems expressing that......Now the part about jury duty is just silly.

Dear Dirty, Why don't we just classify ALL primates as Humans? Why doesn't our Legal System put animals on trial? Is it because animals don't have the ability to understand good from evil? Of course it is. I thought the Jury duty thing was kinda cute, in a Legal Atmosphere. :cool: God Bless you.

In Love,


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
The date comes from the AGREEMENT of Scripture, Science and History. God tells us that EVERY living creature was created and brought forth from the water on the 5th Day. Science has dated the appearance of the FIRST living creatures on our Planet as appearing, in the water, some 3.7 Billion years ago.

That's just one of many theories, any or none of which may be true.

Besides, Genesis also says that vegetation came first(on Day 3), even before the Sun, Moon, and Stars (Day 4).

That's nonsense. Plants are living creatures, and were around before animals, but were also around well after the Stars (which were first), Sun, and Moon (which formed when another planet collided with ours).

The men who actually penned what the Holy Spirit "moved" them to write down,
I've seen no indication that this is true, and every indication that they were well aware of what they were writing.

I don't go much on linguistics because that would mean that the Jews understood Scripture best, and yet they called for the crucifixion of their own God and have yet to learn that Today remains the 6th Day, until the Messiah returns and changes all animals into Vegetarians as Gen 1:30 clearly shows.
Honestly, your decision to not focus on linguistics pretty much nullifies your entire argument in my opinion, since understanding the linguistics is essential to understanding what the books are actually saying.

In other words, because you don't focus on the linguistics, you don't actually know what Genesis 1:30 says.

They're not, that's what the Holy Spirit tells us in Jude. They've been in chains in Hell and will stay there until the Judgment.

Jude wrote what the Holy Spirit told him to write from inside him. Remember that the Holy Spirit is also the Spirit of Truth, God's Truth.
Jude just wrote down his own beliefs. Far as I'm concerned, the Spirit of Truth is Wonder Woman.

Then, you have just admitted that you think God is just lying. Right?
I don't think Elohim wrote any of the Bible. How, then, can I think he was lying?

Of course, even if he did write it, Gods are very capable of lying.

The sons of God (prehistoric people) diverged from Chimps (Chimp evolution went one way and prehistoric people went the other) some 6 Million years ago according to Science. Lucy, for example, is some 4 Million years old.....BUT... prehistoric people were NOT Humans, (descendants of Adam) Were they?
There's no evidence that Adam existed, and therefore there's no reason to regard us as his descendents from a scientific perspective. Therefore, every other indication has shown that those "prehistoric peoples" you speak of were very much human.

And you demonstrate again a severe misunderstanding of the sciences.

I try to always post Gen 3:22 to show what human intelligence is. It MUST be inherited from another Human. Here it is:

Gen 3:22And the LORD God (YHWH/JESUS) said, Behold, the man (Adam) is become as one of Us, (Trinity) to know good and evil:

Jesus is speaking to the Father and the Holy Spirit and saying that Adam has an intelligence like God's intelligence, which allows one to know the difference between good and evil. It's the difference between God and animals, since animals are innocent, because they don't have this ability. Animals are programmed an entirely different way than Humans are intellectually.
Jesus is not in the Tanakh.

I'm afraid that doesn't fit. If human intelligence involved knowing good and evil, then we would expect to see the exact same systems of morality throughout history. In fact, we don't. Different cultures have very different ideas as to what's good and what's evil.

Because Jesus tells us Angels don't marry (have sex) and that those who left their first estate are in chains under the darkness. Jesus also speaks of the sons of God and Humans in this way:
Genesis 6 King James Version (KJV)
6 And it came to pass, when men (Adam) began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
2 That the sons of God (prehistoric man) saw the daughters of men (Adam) that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
3 And the Lord (YHWH/Jesus) said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

Fallen Angels are not flesh, since flesh cannot enter heaven, 1Co 15:50 thus could not Fall from heaven, but prehistoric man was flesh, and could produce children with Humans, the descendants of Adam, the first Human, as the above verses show. The sons of God (prehistoric man of Flesh) was created and brought forth WITH every other creature (animal) on the 5th Day. Gen 1:21
I've still been given no reason to regard this as anything more than your personal interpretation.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Dear Dirty, Why don't we just classify ALL primates as Humans?

We don't classify all canids as dogs, or all trees as redwoods.

That's why.

Why doesn't our Legal System put animals on trial? Is it because animals don't have the ability to understand good from evil? Of course it is.
No, it isn't.

It's because animals are not part of our society.

In any case, the modern legal system has nothing to do with morality.


Bible Believer
Dont be silly. Talking is hardly the only form of communication so you have no idea what animals feel. We tested and they have feelings and are aware of the world and aware that they are an individual. And given sufficient education opportunity they can even learn sign lanugauge. Your making fun that they dont have vocal chords doesnt cut it. Some humans are mute too. Thats very derogatory but to I expected from a humans with over inflated egos.

Dear idav, Eve spoke with No evolution. Gen 3:2 God spoke the worlds into being. Heb 11:3 You don't seem to know the difference between Humans and animals. Read Gen 1:28 and tell us what you think it says.

As for your jury strawman we want a jury of our peers not a jury of a different species. Amusing strawman though as usual.:facepalm:

Wrong, since we are a Nation of Laws and animals don't have the ability to understand the charges against them, Legally, even after Millions and Millions of years of magical evolution, they remain dumb. Is that evidence that long periods of time and magical mutations does NOT produce Human intelligence in animals? Of course it is, except to those who worship in Evol Land.

So anyway what do you have to say about humans being beat by chimps with a simple number memory game. The chimp is even counting in order to play the game. So according to your logic and the evidence i presented then all the great apes inherited adams intelligence around. Wow his genes certainly got around.:areyoucra

Of course you would rather avoid mentioning or talking about the evidence i presented. I am so shocked.

I have NEVER said that Chimps didn't have a measure of intelligence, but it's "Natural" intelligence and NOT Human intelligence. This is because Adam, the first Human, was made long BEFORE any other living creature, Gen 2:4-7 with the highest form of intelligence which is like God's. Gen 3:22 Chimps, Apes, Bonobos, and all Great Apes evolved from the common ancestor of Apes and NOT Adam.

When I was a child, someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I told them I wanted to be an Indian, and it took me a while before I could understand that I could never become an Indian. In like manner, NO Ape, in the past, present or future will EVER evolve Human intelligence. You are either born with it or Not. Only the descendants of Adam, the common ancestor of ALL Humans are Human. They have INHERITED Adam's superior intelligence, the old fashioned way. God Bless you.

In Love,


Premium Member
Why doesn't our Legal System put animals on trial?
Wow you just go on and on with your fallacies. I doubt you really see a need for this since you don't think animals are anything near your abilities. Hey when apes start breaking into our homes and stores then there will be a real precedence for it, in the mean time comments like that are asinine.


Premium Member
I have NEVER said that Chimps didn't have a measure of intelligence, but it's "Natural" intelligence and NOT Human intelligence. This is because Adam, the first Human, was made long BEFORE any other living creature, Gen 2:4-7 with the highest form of intelligence which is like God's. Gen 3:22 Chimps, Apes, Bonobos, and all Great Apes evolved from the common ancestor of Apes and NOT Adam.

The problem is that the chimps were beating us in memory in the speed like I pointed out and a couple others even pointed out that its embarrassing. So your not saying anything true, cause "Natural" intelligence is beating out human intelligence. Why is that?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Dear Dirty, Why don't we just classify ALL primates as Humans?

The same reason we don't classify all "cats" be they big or small as feline......:areyoucra

Why doesn't our Legal System put animals on trial?
What does this even mean....?

Is it because animals don't have the ability to understand good from evil?
These are man made concepts. Concepts that not all humans abide by. I will let you grapple with "good" and "evil"....All animals understand "agreeable" and "disagreeable"....If you wanted honey from a bee hive you'd certinly find a way to get it even though you would be destroying what bees built. You find that acceptable or agreeable...but the colony of bees find that unacceptable or disagreeable to them so they go on attack mode to protect their hive and their queen......They're not motivated by what you consider "good" or "evil".....

Of course it is. I thought the Jury duty thing was kinda cute, in a Legal Atmosphere. :cool: God Bless you.

In Love,
Oh, OK......
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Bible Believer
The problem is that the chimps were beating us in memory in the speed like I pointed out and a couple others even pointed out that its embarrassing. So your not saying anything true, cause "Natural" intelligence is beating out human intelligence. Why is that?

Dear idav, What you refer to as "Natural" was created and brought forth from the water on Day 5, Gen 1:21 by God, The Trinity. Humans were "formed" physically from the dust of the ground, on the 3rd Day, Gen 2:4-7 by the Hands of YHWH/Jesus, as a Potter molds the Clay. All things were made by Jesus and without Him was not anything made which was made. John 1:3

Since Jesus is the Son in the Trinity, He was involved in making everything, He also made the computer He put into the Chimp's brain, but He did NOT create ANY Chimps with the high intellectual ability which He made into Adam, the First Human, with the ability to know both good and evil, as only God and Adam have. Gen 3:22 The reason for this Ability is because Humans are destined to have dominion or rule over every other living creature AFTER Jesus returns at Armaggedon. Genesis 1:28-31 I can hardly wait. How bout you?

We will rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years. Rev 20:6 God Bless you.

In Love,


Premium Member
Dear idav, What you refer to as "Natural" was created and brought forth from the water on Day 5, Gen 1:21 by God, The Trinity. Humans were "formed" physically from the dust of the ground, on the 3rd Day, Gen 2:4-7 by the Hands of YHWH/Jesus, as a Potter molds the Clay. All things were made by Jesus and without Him was not anything made which was made. John 1:3

Since Jesus is the Son in the Trinity, He was involved in making everything, He also made the computer He put into the Chimp's brain, but He did NOT create ANY Chimps with the high intellectual ability which He made into Adam, the First Human, with the ability to know both good and evil, as only God and Adam have. Gen 3:22 The reason for this Ability is because Humans are destined to have dominion or rule over every other living creature AFTER Jesus returns at Armaggedon. Genesis 1:28-31 I can hardly wait. How bout you?

We will rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years. Rev 20:6 God Bless you.

In Love,
So you would deny the evidence presented before you to see for yourself. Well good day then.


Rogue Theologian
I see someone found the item I mentioned earlier.

I have seen a science experiment about chimp vs human in visual retaining.

The tv is touch sensitive and the numbers one thru ten appear in random location.
The chimp will then respond touching in sequence the count off.
When done the chimp gets to eat.

The documentary then allows the audience a shot at the same trick.

Most humans can make it up to five.

We would starve!

Fortunately, one particular aspect of reflex is not the be it all, of intellect.

And has there been a follow up on that court case about deciding when a chimp can be considered human?


Bible Believer
So you would deny the evidence presented before you to see for yourself. Well good day then.

Dear idav, You haven't presented any evidence. All you have done is deny mine. If this is your way to run away, that's ok, since all Unbelievers run away when confronted with God's Truth. Thanks for replying. God Bless you.

In Love,


You haven't presented any evidence.

Stop. Just stop. Please.

If you're going to argue for creationism, you must identify a Creator. If you cannot present a Creator, then you cannot argue creationism.

And you cannot present a Creator, so the argument is utterly irrelevant. It's useless, inane, silly, embarrassing.

Any "evidence" that you assemble isn't really evidence for creationism, it's simply evidence that the evidence exists and you credit the creation to a Creator that you cannot prove exists.


I claim this thread in the name of Angellousistan



Bible Believer
Stop. Just stop. Please.

If you're going to argue for creationism, you must identify a Creator. If you cannot present a Creator, then you cannot argue creationism.

And you cannot present a Creator, so the argument is utterly irrelevant. It's useless, inane, silly, embarrassing.

Any "evidence" that you assemble isn't really evidence for creationism, it's simply evidence that the evidence exists and you credit the creation to a Creator that you cannot prove exists.

Dear angellous, False since I have already identified the Creator. His name is Jesus and He is the Light of the first Day and you CANNOT refute that nor any of God's Holy Word, All you can do is CLAIM that YOU know more than God, the Creator, and it's getting a little sickening watching you make fun of Him as you are promoting a Godless Satanic view which cannot be supported by anything but Bluff. Get real. God Bless you.

In Love,


Well-Known Member
Dear Aman777,

I have identified the Creator. Her name is Angelina Jolie - and she is the light of the first Day and you CANNOT refute that nor any of Pitt's Holy Word. All you can do is CLAIM that YOU know more than AJ, the Creator, and it's getting a little sickening watching you make fun of HER as you are promoting a Godless Jesus-filled view which cannot be supported by anything but Bluff. Get Real. AJ Bless you.

In Love,

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Dear Aman777,

I have identified the Creator. Her name is Angelina Jolie - and she is the light of the first Day and you CANNOT refute that nor any of Pitt's Holy Word. All you can do is CLAIM that YOU know more than AJ, the Creator, and it's getting a little sickening watching you make fun of HER as you are promoting a Godless Jesus-filled view which cannot be supported by anything but Bluff. Get Real. AJ Bless you.

In Love,



pro scapegoat
I see someone found the item I mentioned earlier.

And has there been a follow up on that court case about deciding when a chimp can be considered human?

I don't get why you cannot grasp such a simple idea - chimps are not humans, chimps and humans are primates. Why is this so difficult for you? You have mentioned denial often before - and yet seem to be suffering from it yourself in regard to the simple notion that chimps and humans are related, but not the same.