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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Premium Member
For the same reason he would hide the real history of the world, including floating biospheres and under water ships, in a book about some old Hebrews.

I try my best to not let theism look silly, they have a bad enough rep as it is. Floating biospheres is not helpful lol.


Well-Known Member
I try my best to not let theism look silly, they have a bad enough rep as it is. Floating biospheres is not helpful lol.



Veteran Member
Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes

How do you know that?
Did Jesus (he was son of Mary, not god) write anything specific and unequivocal about it?

If yes, please quote from him.



Bible Believer
Dude thats not genetics it doesn't say anything about genetics. They use something called, "intercourse". Thats how a son of god bares children with a daughter of man. :facepalm:

Dear idav, Amen, and that's WHEN the DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes contaminated Human blood. Gen 6:4 It's what happens when:

Gen 6:4 There were (intellectual) giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God (prehistoric man-animal intelligence) came in unto the daughters of men, (Adam-Human intelligence) and they bare children to them, the same (the children) became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

It's the Formula for making today's Humans since ALL of us contain the DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes AND we have the unique intelligence which only God and Adam have. Gen 3:22 Humans are the intellectual giants, when compared to prehistoric people, since prehistoric mankind was NOT a Human (descendant of Adam), the common ancestor of ALL Humans, who was made with an intelligence like God's. God Bless you.

In Love,


Premium Member
It's the Formula for making today's Humans since ALL of us contain the DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes AND we have the unique intelligence which only God and Adam have.

The first part makes sense but you are completely wrong that our intelligence is unique. The other great apes pass the self awareness test and beat us in memory in both speed and accuracy. Humans have a big enough ego to have that covered I'm sure.

Here at 1:50 they show a major difference between human/apes vs monkeys when they look in a mirror get hostile. Humans and other great apes no it is them, they are self aware and the video procedes to test that theory. Apes dolphins and elephants are a few of the mammals that can pass that test.
Self-Recognition in Apes - YouTube

Here at 30 seconds you see chimps doing memory tests with speed and accuracy unparalleled by most humans. At 1:40 you get to see humans try and fumble through the test, its kinda sad.
ABC News, Chimps vs Humans - YouTube

Forget the human ego, we have over inflated our egos to the point of desperation. We are very much a part of the animal kingdom no matter how much we fuss about it.


Bible Believer
The number "3.7 billion years ago" is your own number, not found anywhere in the Bible.

Dear Riverwolf, The date comes from the AGREEMENT of Scripture, Science and History. God tells us that EVERY living creature was created and brought forth from the water on the 5th Day. Science has dated the appearance of the FIRST living creatures on our Planet as appearing, in the water, some 3.7 Billion years ago. This fits God's revelation that each of His Days or Ages is some 4.5 Billion years in man's time. This is because today is the 6th Day and life came forth from the water YESTERDAY, in God's time. Scripture and Science AGREE.

Which we only know nowadays. The writers of Genesis didn't know that.

The men who actually penned what the Holy Spirit "moved" them to write down, from inside them, had NO idea what they were writing. The Holy Spirit is the Author of God's Holy Word. 2Pe 1:21 It's also the way the Holy Spirit works, TODAY.

It's fairly linguistically sound, however. While the etymology is a bit unclear, the general linguistic consensus is that it basically means "fallen ones."

Unless you have a linguistic understanding above that of those who have been studying it their whole lives.

I don't go much on linguistics because that would mean that the Jews understood Scripture best, and yet they called for the crucifixion of their own God and have yet to learn that Today remains the 6th Day, until the Messiah returns and changes all animals into Vegetarians as Gen 1:30 clearly shows.

Not the ones in Heaven, anyway. I thought the "fallen" ones weren't in Heaven, anymore.

They're not, that's what the Holy Spirit tells us in Jude. They've been in chains in Hell and will stay there until the Judgment.

Perhaps Jude never read Genesis.

Jude wrote what the Holy Spirit told him to write from inside him. Remember that the Holy Spirit is also the Spirit of Truth, God's Truth.

I've never much liked Paul's theology.

I note you're using the New Testament to interpret the Tanakh. Frankly, I don't buy such interpretations, in any case.

Then, you have just admitted that you think God is just lying. Right? The SAME God (Holy Spirit) Authored the Old and New Testament. IF you could understand the Bible, that would be very clear to you.

We didn't "diverge from chimps." We share a common ancestor with chimps. That ancestor was NOT a chimp; chimps didn't exist back then.

The sons of God (prehistoric people) diverged from Chimps (Chimp evolution went one way and prehistoric people went the other) some 6 Million years ago according to Science. Lucy, for example, is some 4 Million years old.....BUT... prehistoric people were NOT Humans, (descendants of Adam) Were they?

Anyway, you still have not said what, exactly, you think human intelligence, when distinct from animal intelligence, even is.

I try to always post Gen 3:22 to show what human intelligence is. It MUST be inherited from another Human. Here it is:

Gen 3:22And the LORD God (YHWH/JESUS) said, Behold, the man (Adam) is become as one of Us, (Trinity) to know good and evil:

Jesus is speaking to the Father and the Holy Spirit and saying that Adam has an intelligence like God's intelligence, which allows one to know the difference between good and evil. It's the difference between God and animals, since animals are innocent, because they don't have this ability. Animals are programmed an entirely different way than Humans are intellectually.

Props, though, you did answer my question as to why you think the Nephilim aren't the fallen angels they're generally regarded as being my Christians. I find the answer full of yet-unexplained assumptions, but it was given.

Because Jesus tells us Angels don't marry (have sex) and that those who left their first estate are in chains under the darkness. Jesus also speaks of the sons of God and Humans in this way:
Genesis 6 King James Version (KJV)
6 And it came to pass, when men (Adam) began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
2 That the sons of God (prehistoric man) saw the daughters of men (Adam) that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
3 And the Lord (YHWH/Jesus) said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

Fallen Angels are not flesh, since flesh cannot enter heaven, 1Co 15:50 thus could not Fall from heaven, but prehistoric man was flesh, and could produce children with Humans, the descendants of Adam, the first Human, as the above verses show. The sons of God (prehistoric man of Flesh) was created and brought forth WITH every other creature (animal) on the 5th Day. Gen 1:21 God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
The first part makes sense but you are completely wrong that our intelligence is unique. The other great apes pass the self awareness test and beat us in memory in both speed and accuracy. Humans have a big enough ego to have that covered I'm sure.

Here at 1:50 they show a major difference between human/apes vs monkeys when they look in a mirror get hostile. Humans and other great apes no it is them, they are self aware and the video procedes to test that theory. Apes dolphins and elephants are a few of the mammals that can pass that test.
Self-Recognition in Apes - YouTube

Here at 30 seconds you see chimps doing memory tests with speed and accuracy unparalleled by most humans. At 1:40 you get to see humans try and fumble through the test, its kinda sad.
ABC News, Chimps vs Humans - YouTube

Forget the human ego, we have over inflated our egos to the point of desperation. We are very much a part of the animal kingdom no matter how much we fuss about it.

Dear idav, The DIFFERENCE between Humans and EVERY OTHER living creature is that Humans (descendants of Adam) have INHERITED Adam's unique Human intelligence which is like God's intelligence. Gen 3:22

So, when animals begin to speak, with the ability to understand right from wrong, and good from evil, we will put them on Jury duty. Until then, forget it, since they do NOT have to ability to judge, which is the destiny of Humans, and what we were made for. Gen 1:28. God Bless you.

In Love,
This is very interesting.The entire video is intoxicating.For those with short attention spans,the first 15 minutes should be sufficient.:yes:



Veteran Member
This is very interesting.The entire video is intoxicating.For those with short attention spans,the first 15 minutes should be sufficient.:yes:


Within the first 4 minutes, I hear "evolution is supported by propaganda" and evolution isn't scientific because it only happened once in the past.

When in actuality evolution is supported by mountains of evidence and is a continual process that has obviously not stopped occurring.

So, sorry, can't take it seriously.
Lol..... How amusing.I knew it would make all the evolutionist supporters act this way.They all came out....Lol....:eek:


Veteran Member
The first part makes sense but you are completely wrong that our intelligence is unique. The other great apes pass the self awareness test and beat us in memory in both speed and accuracy. Humans have a big enough ego to have that covered I'm sure.

Here at 1:50 they show a major difference between human/apes vs monkeys when they look in a mirror get hostile. Humans and other great apes no it is them, they are self aware and the video procedes to test that theory. Apes dolphins and elephants are a few of the mammals that can pass that test.
Self-Recognition in Apes - YouTube

Here at 30 seconds you see chimps doing memory tests with speed and accuracy unparalleled by most humans. At 1:40 you get to see humans try and fumble through the test, its kinda sad.
ABC News, Chimps vs Humans - YouTube

Forget the human ego, we have over inflated our egos to the point of desperation. We are very much a part of the animal kingdom no matter how much we fuss about it.

Wow, that's embarrassing.


Well-Known Member
Lol..... How amusing.I knew it would make all the evolutionist supporters act this way.They all came out....Lol....:eek:

It's a reasonable reaction.

If you people could provide anything that wasn't refuted, soundly, decades ago by actual science then it would receive proper attention. If there were blatant and absolute flaws like you guys claim, we would have thrown it out. Often times, the few real discrepancies that are presented in videos were already discovered and thrown out a long time ago. It's just how science works.

Find me a reasonable scientist who isn't trying to alter modern understanding in order to make it fit his religious preconceptions and we will talk.

No one has ever gone looking for the 'holy grail' and found it. What happens is that you start looking for the 'holy grail' and what you find are neat little artifacts and clues that show you how cups were made. You find fragments of contemporary cups - you find evidence of cups used for drinking - you are able to piece together properly dated cups showing how cup use changed and evolved based on the culture they were used in and the time period - you corroborate that with the known technology of the time - you might even find a painting of someone using a cup. If you're really really lucky, you'll find pieces of cups that were used at the same time period as the holy grail. All of that data goes into a huge collective database of knowledge, giving you one very well rounded understanding of cups. It is then, very reasonable to assume that a cup was probably used by a religious figure.

Bam. Knowledge.

You don't see anyone going around trying to refute cup history...
It's a reasonable reaction.

If you people could provide anything that wasn't refuted, soundly, decades ago by actual science then it would receive proper attention. If there were blatant and absolute flaws like you guys claim, we would have thrown it out. Often times, the few real discrepancies that are presented in videos were already discovered and thrown out a long time ago. It's just how science works.

Find me a reasonable scientist who isn't trying to alter modern understanding in order to make it fit his religious preconceptions and we will talk.

No one has ever gone looking for the 'holy grail' and found it. What happens is that you start looking for the 'holy grail' and what you find are neat little artifacts and clues that show you how cups were made. You find fragments of contemporary cups - you find evidence of cups used for drinking - you are able to piece together properly dated cups showing how cup use changed and evolved based on the culture they were used in and the time period - you corroborate that with the known technology of the time - you might even find a painting of someone using a cup. If you're really really lucky, you'll find pieces of cups that were used at the same time period as the holy grail. All of that data goes into a huge collective database of knowledge, giving you one very well rounded understanding of cups. It is then, very reasonable to assume that a cup was probably used by a religious figure.

Bam. Knowledge.

You don't see anyone going around trying to refute cup history...
Holy grail? cups? This isn't an Indiana Jones movie? Come on now this is not Hollywood.Have you been watching Excalibur?

This one
Oh..... Well,your statement is actually an opinion,not the video.The video is based on actual facts, and scientific evidence.If you had watched the entire video, and not just parts of it, you would know this.I would advice you not to watch it though if you want to remain in your current state of belief.It will change you forever.:yes: