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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Maybe antelopes are related to humans too. They've got 46 chromosomes as well, or so I hear.

And potatos are the near cousins of apes, cause they both got 48 chromosomes.

We are related to both antelopes and potatoes.

Here is a freaky thing. ITs not the number of chromosomes but the fact they are identical.

Did you know that the DNA of a Chimpanzee is more like that of a human than to a gorilla or any other ape? Humans are Chimpanzee's closest living relative.

Also half of your DNA is identical to a Banana's.


Veteran Member
Also half of your DNA is identical to a Banana's.
Yup. Bananas are just about the world's smartest fruit.
Some with IQs approaching those of creationists.



It wasn't our Earth which was totally dissolved in the Flood, but Adam's.

Fantastic! I've never heard of this one. :biglaugh:

For your sake, I hope that you're making that up and there's not some other moron out there feeding it to you.

Anyway, if there is someone else who believes this, they need $350k and I'll be sure to get it to them if you send me your billing info.
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Don't worry, folks! Creationists can just say that they're simply talking about a different earth.



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It wasn't our Earth which was totally dissolved in the Flood, but Adam's.

This actually could be a wonderful 'out' for you. All silliness in creationism can be directed to the dissolved earth -

Whereas -

The proven theory of evolution explains the mechanical workings of nature on our earth.

Declaring that there's a dissolved earth where the rules of science and logic don't apply and another earth where the rules of science and logic don't apply renders the statement completely useless.


But then of course, you have never investigated this stuff for yourself, have you? Please, don't say yes. I already know you haven't. If you had, you'd be searching for the truth, like I am.

Oh yes, I've investigated all of this stuff. I did a paper on Darwin and his contemporary Christian opponents as well as a brief review of creationists today. Because creationism is so shallow and has produced nothing outside of Darwin's own concerns with his theory, it's rather easy to cover everything. Darwin himself was far more complex, but he has many interpreters who are helpful.

In any case, all of that is irrelevant because that Angellous has dissolved.


You haven't provided any evidence. You haven't seen any evidence. You are brainwashed. You never will see evidence. So don't try to say I've ignored what you failed to provide. That is very dishonest.

It's not dishonest. He's merely dissolved and redissolving -- he's gone when he's wrong and here when he thinks that he's right.

It would be brilliant but I'm not sure if he is going to exploit it to the fullest.


Veteran Member
You haven't provided any evidence. You haven't seen any evidence. You are brainwashed. You never will see evidence. So don't try to say I've ignored what you failed to provide. That is very dishonest.

No. What's dishonest is pretending that you didn't ignore and/or brush off all the evidence that was presented to you. Which you did.
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Bible Believer
No, dude. I asked you to clarify and you did not. You just left your tortuously perlexing mish-mash of pesudo-biblical/pseudo-science crap to be sifted through.

Dear jonathan, You must realize that you, as an unbeliever, will see everything I say as "foolishness". God told us this in:

1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

You are a natural man since you have not been born again Spiritually, so you will see all kind of "foolishness" in what I show you.

Just because I don't start every forum post as a formal letter doesn't mean that I'm not making legitimate points.

I understand but what I try to show is the AGREEMENT of Scripture, Science, and History, which makes NO sense to you. Does it? Of course not.

You have made absolutely ridiculous claims about the magic floating bio-dome of Adam (that you KNOW was in Lake Van), pretended to claim some sort of knowledge that must impress even the most studious Kent Hovind followers, and then even so much as admitted that the sons and daughters of Noah mated with an ape ancestor in order to bring about the rise of modern humans so that we could have "Adam-like intelligence"

I was trying to get everyone to see that the solid firmament of the first world protected Adam's world, Biosphere, Universe, or whatever you wish to call it, from the water into which it was placed on the 2nd Day according to Gen 1:6-8. This means that the First firmament, which God called Heaven, was transportable, since it was SEALED from the other worlds in the Creation and it had it's own Ecosystem.

This firmament was floating in Lake Van, Turkey, and is probably the genesis of the stories of Atlantis, because it sank and left a 450 foot long boat in the Lake. On board was Noah, who was married, and Noah's 3 sons and their wives, the First Humans (descendants of Adam) to EVER step foot in our world, Biosphere, Universe of whatever you wish to call it.

INSIDE the sons and their wives were Noah's grandsons who married and produced today's Humans with the prehistoric people who were already here when Noah arrived. The problem has happened because ancient men who lived thousands of years before education and science, made up the traditional Theology, which is UnTrue, Scripturally, Scientifically, and Historically. It is NOT what is actually written.

that which would ultimately connect us to the same blood-line of Jesus Christ...or some other crazy ********.

False. Our connection to Jesus is by Faith in His Gospel, which is His death for our sins, and His resurrection on the third day according to the Scriptures. When we believe in Him, He prays the Father, and the Father sends the Spirit to live inside us and help us to begin our Immortal Journey.

Again, just to clarify, it was you, was it not, who claimed that the offspring of Noah mated with ancestors who were descended from apes? (thus making every living person on the planet today descended from apes...but let's avoid that handy coincidence.)

That is exactly what Genesis 6:1-4 teaches. The sons of God (prehistoric people) married the daughters of men (Adam) and the children inherited the superior intelligence which ONLY Adam and God have Gen 3:22 and they also inherited the DNA of the prehistoric people, on their prehistoric parent's side. It is the SAME on our Earth since EVERY Human has Adam's intelligence AND the DNA of the common ancestor of Apes. Noah's grandsons had the same problem, so they mixed our Human Blood, with the DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes, when they married and produced the First Humans to be born on our Planet. God's Truth is the Truth Scientifically.

Even the people your own faith aren't on your side because you make absolutely no sense at all. You inject completely fabricated fantasy into a book that you regard as perfect and holy - even though all of the data that you use in your reconciliation of "science, history, and scripture" is nowhere to be found in your perfect holy book.

I am always happy to explain ANY of my views, which are supported by witnesses from the Old and New Testament. The reason no one can refute me is because I show what is actually written, instead of trying to show some ancient man's superstitious views, which were passed down to us in the traditional view.

At some point, you're going to claim that I, or someone else who responds to this, are calling god a liar or existing in this realm of "willful ignorance" because we reject this absolute fantasy that you are creating in order to justify your own faith. The well-established history of the world is just that...

Since I support my views with Scripture, when you disagree, and cannot find Scripture, Science, NOR History, which disagrees with my view, you should accept that God's Truth is the Truth in EVERY way. Anything else is a Lie.

Look man, as much as I hate to say this publicly, the Ancient Astronaut Theorists have more evidence for their crazy malarkey than you do... and that's really really bad.

I absolutely agree since the UFO-nuts twisted view CANNOT be supported by the AGREEMENT of Scripture, Science, and History. I believe that this approach is the BEST way to truly understand our Human beginnings, which were on Adam's world, which sunk in Lake Van, Turkey, some 10k years ago. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Yeah! We shouldn't be teaching facts to kids! What is this world coming to?! :rolleyes:

Dear Skeptic, and all other Evols, Please present ANY evidence of How or When Apes evolved into Humans, since that is what is being Forced upon our Children in the public schools. Show your data, bring out the I.Q. tests which show when the Magic of Evolution made Humans out of Apes. I don't think you can. I predict you will run away. Fool me. God Bless you.

In Love,


Adam's world, which sunk in Lake Van, Turkey, some 10k years ago. God Bless you.

In Love,

Really? So a dissolved earth is like a Lake Van [which is still present on this earth]?
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That's proven to be quite easy.

The problem is once a fool has been tricked into something using lies and false evidence, it is almost impossible to lead him out with the truth.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Fantastic! I've never heard of this one. :biglaugh:

For your sake, I hope that you're making that up and there's not some other moron out there feeding it to you.

Anyway, if there is someone else who believes this, they need $350k and I'll be sure to get it to them if you send me your billing info.

It is the way he justifies there is two creation events described in genesis.

You have to give him credit for being a literalist. Even if it means he has to make up increasingly crazy explanations for it.


Bible Believer
Really? So a dissolved earth is like a Lake Van [which is still present on this earth]?

Dear Angellous, Adam's Earth (Heb-ground) was NOT like our Planet, since it "clean dissolved" in the Flood according to Isa 24:19. Our Earth is a Rock and will Never dissolve in water. This is Scriptural PROOF that Adam's Earth and our Earth is NOT the same Earth.

Adam's world at it's highest point was only 22 1/2 feet in elevation since the Flood covered the mountains on the 150th day after the Flood began. Gen 7:20 There were only FOUR Rivers which watered the whole face of the Earth, from just one source. Gen 2:10 Our Earth has thousands of Rivers. Adam's world was much SMALLER than Planet Earth. His entire world fit into a Lake only 75 miles wide and 1500 ft deep. God Bless you.

In Love,