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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Bible Believer
Just so it's mentioned again, in case anyone missed it, Aman took his own source material (using the proper version) out of context to support his theory.

At least we are finally starting to wrap this up.

Dear jonathan, Is this the best you can do? You have refuted NOTHING, but are demonstrating the bankrupt nature of today's "so called" scientists. Try to do better, since it is becoming more and more apparent, that you have nothing to offer but disagreement. IOW, it's a waste of time and cyber space to reply to your show of ignorance of the subject. God Bless you.

In Love,


Premium Member
Then your god is imperfect lacking foresight and control. Your god, given the religious depiction, seems as a petulant child playing with a Lego set.....seeming trying to build something, getting frustrated at its creation and destroying it because it didn't realize the outcome of its creation would displease it so.

QFT. I don't think god ever made up his mind in the bible.

Genesis 1:31: And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Genesis 6:5-6: And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.


Bible Believer
So that whole "He saw that it was good" thing just kinda got flushed down the toilet?

Dear jonathan, God has NOT yet said that it is "very good". That will NOT happen until AFTER Jesus returns and changes all animals into Vegetarians, at the end fo the 6th Day. Gen 1:30 Are you sure you have read Genesis? God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Problem with your "trap" is that that's not how the story parses out. The flood narrative is unrelated to the creation myths. It's a classic remnant narrative, and clearly falls into the realm of salvation history, not creation myth.

Aaaaaand the mouse gets the cheese.

Dear sojourner, Is that what your Group teaches. Read ll Peter 3:3-7 which says EXACTLY the same thing as Isaiah 24:19 does, except the account is from the New Testament. NOW, it's your time to explain. If you do the same as in our past debates, you will run away, because ONLY your group of "outsiders" teaches such tripe. God Bless you.

In Love,


Premium Member
That will NOT happen until AFTER Jesus returns and changes all animals into Vegetarians, at the end fo the 6th Day. Gen 1:30

As if a 2000 year waited return isn't far-fetched enough!:facepalm:

Acts 10
12 It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. 13 Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.”

14 “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”

15 The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”


BTW, IF you wish to refute me Historically, then show your EMPIRICAL evidence of modern Humans with evidence such as farming, city building, and high technology. Please don't claim that stick drawings in Caves is evidence of modern Humans.

In Love,

Actually, the only evidence for modern humans is if they developed iPhones.


Aman777 is really an Evol
I bet he thinks creation is just a meatball
Because he refuses to write a limerick
And prove his ideas about creation stick
Otherwise he is just making up it all


Bible Believer
Originally Posted by Aman777
Dear Dirty, Thanks for reminding me that everyone has not seen this:

The ToE is untrue Scientifically because it skips the sexual way in which EVERY measurement of the changes in the genetic allele frequencies, in a population over time, takes place. It does this by FALSELY assuming that long periods of time

No it doesn't. It takes into account mutations over small and long periods of time.

Dear Dirty, Weak reply, since you said NOTHING about skipping the sexual process by Claiming that long and short periods of time and genetic mutations changes us from Ape into Humans. That is ridiculous because it has NO evidence to support it.

and magical mutations evolved Animal intelligence into Human intelligence....BUT...this cannot be repeated, since it is NOTHING but an Assumption of men who have NO other answer for what they have observed,
We actually have the evidence in our genetic code that deals with evolution of intelligence. The evidence is verifiable..so there's no "magic" to it.

Then present it here, where it can be refuted. I don't think you can since Science does NOT and CANNOT tell us the difference between Human and animal intelligence TODAY. Tell us HOW and WHEN we changed from animal to Human intelligence internally, hundreds of thousands of years ago, when you cannot tell us the difference Today.

It's ALL a Bit Satanic Hoax, since Humans were FIRST made on the 3rd Day Gen 2:4-7 and the sons of God (prehistoric man) was made on the 5th Day, Gen 1:21 which was some 10 Billion years, in man's time, AFTER Adam, the first Human, was made. Humans could NOT have evolved from Apes who were not made until Billions of years AFTER Humans were made.
When you ask for actual evidence, Evols can only give you evidence from another believer in this False ToE. They cannot see that they are using circular reasoning because of their abject ignorance. This is when they begin to call you names and imply that you are nuts, because they have NO Scientific evidence to offer and are left with nothing but ad hominem.
Can you give me evidence of gravity that wasn't discovered by other scientist....or how about evidence of electricity and how it works that's not from another scientist. Your strawman doesn't work here.

God is the Creator of Gravity and Electricity, which mortal man discovered, and promply and arrogantly proclaimed that the man CREATED that which he had discovered, showing himself that Man is smarter than God, Evols preach.

The ToE is untrue Historically because Evols refuse to see that modern Humans arrived on this Planet only 10k years ago. When you show them empirical evidence of the FIRST Human farming, city building, math, and EVERY other trait of modern Humans, they ignore it because it doesn't fit their False Theory
Actually all of that nestles in quite well with evolution even though man has been on the planet much, much, much longer than 10K years.

Prehistoric man (sons of God) have been on our Planet for some 6 Million years since he diverged from Chimps in the Great Ape lineage. The ONLY problem with such knowledge is that prehistoric man was NOT a Human, and History reveals that he NEVER built a house, planted a crop, nor did he demonstrate ANY of the traits of modern Humans, until some 10k years ago. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

This means that for more than 99% of the time since prehistoric mankind diverged from Chimps, he lived like the animal he was, in Caves, and chased little animals to eat. SUDDENLY, in less than 1% of the time since prehistoric mankind diverged from Chimps, Humans (Adam's descendants) have taken Humankind from the Caves to the Moon and back, safely. What is AMAZING is that Evols don't seem to have noticed since it doesn't fit their False Theory of Evolution.

Then refute this evidence with YOUR evidence of the evolution of modern Humanity on this planet of Apes. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE I don't believe you can since your only way out is to cloak your "supposed" evidence in dark, mysterious,long periods of time and magical mutations.
What am I supposed to be refuting here? I mean....unless you believe in a young Earth I have nothing against that map....only that it is but a speck of time compared to the age of the Earth. Since our planet is 4.54 Billion years old I'd say that time frame in your map along with what we know of the historical record fits quite well toward the end of that 4.54 Billion year old time frame.

Didn't you notice that the FIRST Human farming, city building, and EVERY other modern Human trait first appeared EXACTLY where God tells us the Ark arrived? Can't you see that the first HUMAN cities were those which God told us in Genesis 10:10 which were built by Noah's great grandson, Nimrod? Are you Blind to God's Truth?

BTW, You did NOT present ANY empirical evidence of your False Belief. My evidence stands, while your's is non-existent, which refutes your whole argument. I told you I didn't believe you and now my predictions have come true.

The ToE is untrue Scripturally since Gen 2:4-7 shows that Adam, the first Human, was made BEFORE natural man, who evolved from the water Gen 1:21 with "every other living creature", except Humans, who were made in an earlier creation. Since Humans were made BEFORE prehistoric people, who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes, The False ToE is shown Scripturally, to be the Biggest Satanic Lie ever forced upon our children in the Public Schools, teaching them that they are nothing but evolved animals.
Well current science is pretty much at odds with your religious text so I'm not sure if I need to address your religious text considering all areas of science reject much of what yours says about our evolutionary history. You believe your book without evidence. We call that "Blind Faith". If it works for you then so be it.

My blind Faith is faith that God's Holy Word is the Truth, while your's is faith in the changable Theories of temporal, mortal men. In the end, if I'm wrong, NO problem, BUT if you are wrong, there will be nothing but problems for you to account for, forever. God Bless you.

In Love,


Well-Known Member
Dear jonathan, When you study the remains of mankind, which are older than 10k years, you are studying the bones of the sons of God (prehistoric people) who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. They were NOT Humans...

Again, for clarity, even though these skeletal remains are identical to modern humans structurally, your claim is that what they lacked was ADAM LIKE INTELLIGENCE as evidenced by farming, your timeline for which is the Fertile Crescent, right?

So, essentially, all that's required is evidence of farming outside of the fertile crescent before 9,000 BCE?

Are we clear on that?

EDIT: I forgot to include this because I couldn't find it fast enough.

If you're really nice, I'll give you my log-in.

Here is an accompanying article: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/23/science/research-humans-interbred-with-neanderthals.html?_r=1

If, as you say, 10,000 years ago there was a sudden influx of new genetic information in order to boost intelligence to the levels of Noah's people, then it would show up with genetic mapping... It doesn't.
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Well-Known Member
Dear jonathan, Is this the best you can do? You have refuted NOTHING, but are demonstrating the bankrupt nature of today's "so called" scientists. Try to do better, since it is becoming more and more apparent, that you have nothing to offer but disagreement. IOW, it's a waste of time and cyber space to reply to your show of ignorance of the subject. God Bless you.

In Love,

Have you never been in a debate before? The one who makes the new/absurd/opposing claim to what is accepted has the burden of proof.

You have made claims and assertions about what the King James Version of God's Holy Word says. You provide citations from this book as evidence of your monster of a mythological theory, yet get offended and turn the "bankrupt nature of so-called science" on me for pointing out the fact that your are not even supported by your own source material?

What is that? You accuse me of ignorance of a subject while very liberally using patch-work excerpts of a source material you seem to know very little about.

Congratulations on knowing a little bit about the fertile crescent and posting some maps. That's really rad.

A map of a very well-known period of sociological and environmental history, however, does nothing to support your claim of this supposed magical emergence of human intelligence. (See my previous post) Also, as requested 20 pages ago, where is your evidence of the ark ever having existed? That's still on the table.

You can blow me off as just making fun of you, but you're not supporting this stuff at all. (If you haven't noticed, in all your fervor, no one is coming in to try and support you...you must be the only real Christian on the forum. Damn that persecution.)

You're basically insulting Biblical scholars worldwide with all of this hocus-pocus. The Bible doesn't need your help is getting holes punched in it. You do not realize that you are doing a disservice to your own faith with all of this crap. But good luck though. I'm looking forward to your rebuttal and subsequent over-explanation.
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Libertarian Egalitarian
Dear jonathan, God has NOT yet said that it is "very good". That will NOT happen until AFTER Jesus returns and changes all animals into Vegetarians, at the end fo the 6th Day. Gen 1:30

Really? Even the ones that would die due to the lack of necessary nutrients found only in the meats they consume? :facepalm:

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Dear Dirty, Weak reply, since you said NOTHING about skipping the sexual process by Claiming that long and short periods of time and genetic mutations changes us from Ape into Humans. That is ridiculous because it has NO evidence to support it.

Where does evolution negate the sexual process. Evolution at it's core deals with inheritable traits.......How do you think these "inheritable traits" come about....?....:facepalm:

Inherited trait - definition from Biology-Online.org
A trait or character that is genetically inherited or passed down from generation to generation.
So just how do you think these traits are past down through generations....?

Are you sure you took biology in school...I mean....we don't spend a lot of time on inheritable traits passed down through generations because that is a known observable fact so many of us that understand evolution move on to more complex expressions of evolution.

Then present it here, where it can be refuted. I don't think you can since Science does NOT and CANNOT tell us the difference between Human and animal intelligence TODAY. Tell us HOW and WHEN we changed from animal to Human intelligence internally, hundreds of thousands of years ago, when you cannot tell us the difference Today.
It's like you don't even try. It's as if you've given up on any critical thinking.....:facepalm:

The evolution of human intelligence
The nature and origins of hominid intelligence is a much-studied and much-debated topic, of natural interest to humans as the most successful and intelligent hominid species.

There is no universally accepted definition of intelligence, one definition is "the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend ideas and language, and learn." The evolution of hominid intelligence can be traced over its course for the past 10 million years, and attributed to specific environmental challenges.

It is a misunderstanding of evolutionary theory, however, to see this as a necessary process, and an even greater misunderstanding to see it as one directed to a particular outcome.

There are primate species which have not evolved any greater degree of intelligence than they had 10 million years ago: this is because their particular environment has not demanded this particular adaptation of them.

Intelligence as an adaptation to the challenge of natural selection is no better or worse than any other adaptation, such as the speed of the cheetah or the venomous bite of the cobra.

It is, however, the only adaptation which has allowed a species to establish complete domination over the rest of the natural world.

Whether our species has yet acquired sufficient intelligence to manage this responsibility is a matter for debate.
And this is just the start. There are extensive studies of intelligence between humans and other animals. And as it has been shown already...what you perceive as intelligence is flawed given there are many animals that can out think us and retain better what they've learned.

God is the Creator of Gravity and Electricity, which mortal man discovered, and promply and arrogantly proclaimed that the man CREATED that which he had discovered, showing himself that Man is smarter than God, Evols preach.
So when you don't know you claim magic. I see. Gravity exist. Electricity exist. What we want to know is how they function and how they affect our environment or how they affect other environments (i.e. space or other planets). You are welcome to believe "God did it" and come to a full stop but in reality it is an inefficient answer.

Snipped the other stuff because of your bold claims and lack of any supporting evidence.

BTW, You did NOT present ANY empirical evidence of your False Belief. My evidence stands, while your's is non-existent, which refutes your whole argument. I told you I didn't believe you and now my predictions have come true.
See it's easy to claim victory if you ignore the evidence then drop the mic, walk off stage with your fingers in your ears screaming ("lah, lah, lah lah...you're wrong, your wrong...!!!....:ignore:") without actually addressing the evidence.
See. You just proved my point.....:rolleyes:

My blind Faith is faith that God's Holy Word is the Truth, while your's is faith in the changable Theories of temporal, mortal men. In the end, if I'm wrong, NO problem, BUT if you are wrong, there will be nothing but problems for you to account for, forever. God Bless you.
At least you admit yours is blind faith...but as far as being wrong....you have been proven wrong from beginning to end......Hey, but at least you have your faith right....
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Aman777 demands evidence for the absurd
He has to be dissuaded that science is the Word
There must be a place for Adam and Eve and Noah
The firmament the days as he reads in the Torah
But all we get is a giant flaming turd


Libertarian Egalitarian
My blind Faith is faith that God's Holy Word is the Truth, while your's is faith in the changable Theories of temporal, mortal men. In the end, if I'm wrong, NO problem, BUT if you are wrong, there will be nothing but problems for you to account for, forever. God Bless you.

Ah, the good ol' Pascal's Wager bull ****. "I'll believe in God, just in case." Well I'm sure God just loves the fact that you use your belief in him simply as a precaution, rather than actually having any certainty in his existence. I'll give you one thing... at least you actually admit that your faith is blind.