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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Bible Believer
Again, for clarity, even though these skeletal remains are identical to modern humans structurally, your claim is that what they lacked was ADAM LIKE INTELLIGENCE as evidenced by farming, your timeline for which is the Fertile Crescent, right?

Dear jonathan, Yes since Gen 3:22 says that man (Adam) has become as One of Us (Trinity) to know good and evil. No animal, who came forth from the water, knows both good and evil, and this includes Prehistoric man. The reason for Human's (descendants of Adam) to know the difference is because we are DESTINED to have dominion or rule over the Earth, AFTER Jesus returns and changes ALL animals into Vegetarians at the end of the present 6th Day or Age Gen 1:30 in the Creation of the perfect THIRD Heaven.

The reason that we know that Farming is a modern Human trait is because Adam farmed with NO evolution. Cain built a city with NO evolution, and his descendants, inherited Adam's Human intelligence, and had tents, musical instruments and smelting with NO magical evolution. People who are NOT Adam's descendants are NOT Humans, and do NOT have the highest form of intelligence, which is like God's. Gen 3:22

So, essentially, all that's required is evidence of farming outside of the fertile crescent before 9,000 BCE?

Are we clear on that?

EDIT: I forgot to include this because I couldn't find it fast enough.

If you're really nice, I'll give you my log-in.

Here is an accompanying article: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/23/science/research-humans-interbred-with-neanderthals.html?_r=1

If, as you say, 10,000 years ago there was a sudden influx of new genetic information in order to boost intelligence to the levels of Noah's people, then it would show up with genetic mapping... It doesn't.

1. You are using information from another Evol worshipper to support your biased Evol view, which is the Doctrine of the Evol Religion, which both of you worship.

2. WHAT does the inheritance of a higher intelligence, which is invisible physically, have to do with DNA? Noah had but THREE grandsons who married and passed Adam's invisible Human intelligence to the animals (prehistoric people) who were already here when Noah arrived. This is evidence that Human thinking fills a world quickly with 7 Billion Humans, (in less than 1% of time since mankind diverged from Chimps) without going extinct like Natural man (prehistoric man) always did. Try again? God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Originally Posted by idav
Genesis 1:31: And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

There it is - plain as the evening and morning.

Dear jonathan, False, since this is PROPHECY of a future happening. It won't happen until Jesus returns and changes all animals into Vegetarians, as shown in the verse BEFORE the one idav cited. Gen 1:30

It's EASY for you to prove me wrong. All you have to do is show us of a time in History WHEN every living creature was a Vegetarian. You CANNOT since the Lion will not eat Straw like the Ox, until Jesus returns to our Planet. Isaiah 11:7 God Bless you.

In Love,


Originally Posted by idav
Genesis 1:31: And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Dear jonathan, False, since this is PROPHECY of a future happening. It won't happen until Jesus returns and changes all animals into Vegetarians, as shown in the verse BEFORE the one idav cited. Gen 1:30

It's EASY for you to prove me wrong. All you have to do is show us of a time in History WHEN every living creature was a Vegetarian. You CANNOT since the Lion will not eat Straw like the Ox, until Jesus returns to our Planet. Isaiah 11:7 God Bless you.

In Love,

Wasn't every living creature a vegetarian before the Flood on Adam's (now dissolved) world?


Let me ask where this notion came from....
and say in response....nay.

And the flood dissolved nothing....it drowned things.
Alleged target....the evil creature that Man had become.

It comes from the odd world of Aman777.


Well-Known Member
farming, farming, yadda yadda yadda....

Again - all you need then is evidence of farming before 9,000 BCE and you'll let this go, right? I just want to make sure before I blow your mind.

1. You are using information from another Evol worshipper to support your biased Evol view, which is the Doctrine of the Evol Religion, which both of you worship.

There is no worship of Evolution. You avoid these questions like a first born Egyptian avoids life...

Genetically, there is no distinguishing difference between the referenced human remains from 43,000 years ago vs modern humans. The same is true for the remains of those people discovered nearly 160,000 years ago. It's not worship of an ideal. It's a factual statement. The only reasonable conclusion for such information is that these remains are the same animal that we are.

I'll posit one for you. All you have to do, in order to convert everyone on this forum, is show us genetically where there is a sudden influx of new data from Noah's people who brought with them this higher intelligence. That's it. Do that, and we'll all apologize and join the cult.

2. WHAT does the inheritance of a higher intelligence, which is invisible physically, have to do with DNA?

So you're admitting that the genetics of ancient man and modern man are the same. If they weren't you wouldn't have bothered with this sentence.

Noah had but THREE grandsons who married and passed Adam's invisible Human intelligence to the animals (prehistoric people) who were already here when Noah arrived.

Again, you say the difference between Noah's kids and prehistoric people is Adam's intelligence. Any study of human origins shows that there is no difference between ancient man and modern man. Please show where there is - thus explaining why your solution is more reasonable than the understanding that ancient people and modern people are...well...the same damn thing.

If your only evidence is the Fertile Crescent... the house of cards is about to fall down...

This is evidence that Human thinking fills a world quickly with 7 Billion Humans, (in less than 1% of time since mankind diverged from Chimps) without going extinct like Natural man (prehistoric man) always did. Try again? God Bless you.

Quickly? What was the world population 11,800 years after your mythical starting point?

I think I may have found a page missing from your book. You don't think that prehistoric man was Neanderthal, do you? ("Without going extinct like natural man...")

One last thing - since your Bible knowledge is not the best - make your case without quoting the Bible. Everyone reading this thread sees what you're doing with the sporadic Bible verses and claims of literalness in books of prophecy and prophecy in books of narrative. Either leave the Bible out, or find me one scholar who agrees with the edited version of the Book of Aman.
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Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear sojourner, Is that what your Group teaches. Read ll Peter 3:3-7 which says EXACTLY the same thing as Isaiah 24:19 does, except the account is from the New Testament. NOW, it's your time to explain. If you do the same as in our past debates, you will run away, because ONLY your group of "outsiders" teaches such tripe. God Bless you.

In Love,
Huh. 2 Peter doesn't equate the creation myth with the flood narrative. It only makes the connection of the symbolism of water (a symbol both of chaos and of life). The Isaiah passage only talks about an earthquake.

Such tripe. Such a poor attempt at eisegetical proof-texting. Perhaps you'd be better off combing your group for fleas and eating bananas? Because you're sure monkeying with the texts here. :monkey:

BTW: What "group" do you assume is "mine?"


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Ah, the good ol' Pascal's Wager bull ****. "I'll believe in God, just in case." Well I'm sure God just loves the fact that you use your belief in him simply as a precaution
It's called "God As A Prophylactic Theology." Comes rolled and individually packaged in a box of 12, with the receptacle ends being in the images of the apostles. Ribbed for her pleasure.


Libertarian Egalitarian
It's called "God As A Prophylactic Theology." Comes rolled and individually packaged in a box of 12, with the receptacle ends being in the images of the apostles. Ribbed for her pleasure.

He has Pascal's God Insurance Company® You should really look into buying their hell-fire forgiveness policy, sojourner...y'know... "just in case."


Bible Believer
Wasn't every living creature a vegetarian before the Flood on Adam's (now dissolved) world?

Dear angellous, No, as the following verse shows since Whales eat fish and plankton:

Gen 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

IOW, Whales and other creatures, who were "brought forth" from the water, including prehistoric man, were Carnivorous, thus refuting your idea, but do try again. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
It comes from the odd world of Aman777.

Dear angellous, No, it comes from Genesis. The FIRST world, Universe, or firmament, which God called Heaven, was made the2nd Day. Gen 1:6-8

The other HeavenS (plural) were made at the beginning of the 3rd Day, the SAME Day Adam was made. Gen 2:4

The FIRST Heaven, or Adam's world was "clean dissolved" in the Flood Isaiah 24:19

The SECOND Heaven or our Cosmos, will be BURNED. ll Peter 3:10

The THIRD Heaven of ll Corinthians 12:2 is where Jesus has gone to prepare a place for Christians, to live Forever with Him. It's the New Heaven and New Earth of Revelation 21:1. That's God's Truth Scripturally. God Bless you.

In Love,


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Gen 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly,

This is redundant. The set of whales is included in the set of creatures the waters brought forth abundantly or that moveth (whales are not stationary, usually). No real reason to single out whales, if not to show that He can make big things.

after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Again useless repetitions. Should we be specially informed that winged fowls are after their kind, when it has already been said that every creature is after its kind? Maybe the writers of the Bible were paid in proportion of the words they write, no matter how useless, who knows?

He saw it was good. Ok. It is nice to take pride at what we do. But I wonder why He needed to see it. Was there a chance that He might have done something He did not like? You know, being omniscient and all.


- viole
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Dear angellous, No, as the following verse shows since Whales eat fish and plankton:

Gen 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

IOW, Whales and other creatures, who were "brought forth" from the water, including prehistoric man, were Carnivorous, thus refuting your idea, but do try again. God Bless you.

In Love,

You're just not fun anymore
Not a single limerick did you score
Strange interpretations of Scripture you've got plenty
Without a rhyme it's just so empty
For creationism in verse I demand more!


Bible Believer
Again - all you need then is evidence of farming before 9,000 BCE and you'll let this go, right? I just want to make sure before I blow your mind.

Dear jonathan, No, since I was born at night but NOT last night. Farming has been done by ants and termites long before Noah arrived and brought the FIRST HUMAN Farming to this Planet of prehistoric people who were the descendants of animals, and NEVER planted a crop since animals don't plant crops.

There is no worship of Evolution. You avoid these questions like a first born Egyptian avoids life...

Worshippers, like Football Fanatics, PROCLAIM their beliefs, or the object of their Worship, publicly, to others. Since you are what you think, don't be ashamed of being a Godless Evol, who has freely rejected God's Truth in Genesis.

Genetically, there is no distinguishing difference between the referenced human remains from 43,000 years ago vs modern humans. The same is true for the remains of those people discovered nearly 160,000 years ago. It's not worship of an ideal. It's a factual statement. The only reasonable conclusion for such information is that these remains are the same animal that we are.

True, but this has NOTHING to do with the measurement of Human intelligence vs. animal intelligence since TODAY's Science cannot distinguish between the two. The DNA of Mitochondrial Eve, a prehistoric woman who lived 150k years ago, is within our Human blood, NOW. Gen 6:1-4 tells us HOW and WHEN this happened and it has nothing to do with "evolution" but instead, has everything to do with INHERITANCE, or changes within His kinds.

I'll posit one for you. All you have to do, in order to convert everyone on this forum, is show us genetically where there is a sudden influx of new data from Noah's people who brought with them this higher intelligence. That's it. Do that, and we'll all apologize and join the cult.

I can't make you believe anything, but I can refute the ridiculous idea that "supposed" Humans, who lived in holes and chased animals all over the world because they didn't have enough sense to plant themselves something to eat, for 99% of time since mankind diverged from Chimps, were NOT like today's Humans.

ONLY after Noah arrived, did Human Farming begin on this Planet, and it was in the valleys just south of Lake Van, Turkey, in the mountains of Ararat. Here's the proof.
Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE I will continue to post this until some unknown Evol actually addresses it, instead of running from it.

So you're admitting that the genetics of ancient man and modern man are the same. If they weren't you wouldn't have bothered with this sentence.

Of course they are the same. Read Gen 6:1-4 and IF you don't see this, then I will be happy to show it to you. Today's Humans are the product of the sons of God (prehistoric people) AND the descendants of Adam who arrived on this Planet in an Ark.

Again, you say the difference between Noah's kids and prehistoric people is Adam's intelligence. Any study of human origins shows that there is no difference between ancient man and modern man. Please show where there is - thus explaining why your solution is more reasonable than the understanding that ancient people and modern people are...well...the same damn thing.

The Empirical Evidence IS in the Map of the Fertile Crescent which shows that the FIRST Human farming, city building, and EVERY other trait of modern Humans began EXACTLY where the Ark arrived, and some of the FIRST Human cities Gen 10:10 are STILL there and are considered the OLDEST Human cities on the face of this Earth. HISTORY agrees but Evols IGNORE this Historic Fact, since it destroys their False ToE, which supposes that Humans evolved from animals.

If your only evidence is the Fertile Crescent... the house of cards is about to fall down...

My understanding AGREES with Scripture, Science, and History. I just showed you where the False ToE is NOT true to History showing that YOUR truth is but a part truth, since it does NOT agree with EVERY other discovered Truth, like God's does.

>>>>>>>>>BIG SNIP<<<<of whining because you have no evidence to support your view. God Bless you.[/quote]

In Love,