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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Bible Believer
This is redundant. The set of whales is included in the set of creatures the waters brought forth abundantly or that moveth (whales are not stationary, usually). No real reason to single out whales, if not to show that He can make big things.

Dear viole, Sounds like a trap to me, since most people THINK the verse is speaking of ONLY creatures in the Sea. Whales did NOT have their origin in water, but as a land dwelling Ungulate, if you listen to most scientists. It's NOT redundant since it reveals that God also knew where Whales came from, showing that God is the Author of Genesis. No ancient man has ANY knowledge of where Whales come from.

after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Again useless repetitions. Should we be specially informed that winged fowls are after their kind, when it has already been said that every creature is after its kind? Maybe the writers of the Bible were paid in proportion of the words they write, no matter how useless, who knows?

You are confused because you don't see the difference in Their (God's) kinds and His (Jesus) kinds. God's (The Trinity) kinds are what Science calls "natural" creatures since they evolved from the water. Jesus kinds are the ones which were made by LORD God (YHWH/Jesus) with His own Hands, such as the birds, and Humans. Gen 2:7

He saw it was good. Ok. It is nice to take pride at what we do. But I wonder why He needed to see it. Was there a chance that He might have done something He did not like? You know, being omniscient and all.

God does NOT say that it is good until it is Perfect Eternally. That's the way it is with the Perfect God. Most people don't know that God's proclaiming that it is "very good" Gen 1:31 is a FUTURE proclaimation, which will NOT happen until AFTER Jesus returns to this lost and dying world, and changes ALL animals into Vegetarians. Gen 1:30 God Bless you.

In Love,


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Jesus returns to this lost and dying world, and changes ALL animals into Vegetarians. Gen 1:30 God Bless you.

In Love,

I wonder what poor lettuce would think about it. A sudden increase of predators, lol.

By the way, there are carnivorous plants. Will they be turned into vegetarians too? The sentence "all animals will be turned into vegetarians" does not seem to include them.


- viole


Bible Believer
I wonder what poor lettuce would think about it. A sudden increase of predators, lol.

By the way, there are carnivorous plants. Will they be turned into vegetarians too? The sentence "all animals will be turned into vegetarians" does not seem to include them.

Dear viole, The difference is that plants don't have brains and therefore don't feel pain. Since they have no brain, they also have no objection to being eaten. God Bless you.

In Love,


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Dear viole, The difference is that plants don't have brains and therefore don't feel pain. Since they have no brain, they also have no objection to being eaten. God Bless you.

In Love,

May I propose a better alternative that will make everybody happy? What about turning everyone into a high efficiency converter of photons into the energy our organisms need?

We could all feed from the sun, and avoid things like defecation that might be inappropriate in places like Heaven.

What do you think of the idea?


- viole


Libertarian Egalitarian
I wonder what poor lettuce would think about it. A sudden increase of predators, lol.

By the way, there are carnivorous plants. Will they be turned into vegetarians too? The sentence "all animals will be turned into vegetarians" does not seem to include them.


- viole

Yep. And I've already brought up the fact that carnivorous animals would also die from lack of necessary nutrients if they were to become vegetarian. Maybe they'll have to start hunting the rare and elusive "Wild Tofu Burger."


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Our digestive system is much more like that of vegetarians than herbivores because we have a relatively long tract with a relatively low acidic level. This is why your dog can eat out of garbage cans but I don't recommend you try it, and this is because of the much higher acidic level in dogs that wipes out many more bacteria than with us. However, they can still get "sicker than a dog" if the toxin levels are high.


Dear viole, Sounds like a trap to me, since most people THINK the verse is speaking of ONLY creatures in the Sea. Whales did NOT have their origin in water, but as a land dwelling Ungulate, if you listen to most scientists. It's NOT redundant since it reveals that God also knew where Whales came from, showing that God is the Author of Genesis. No ancient man has ANY knowledge of where Whales come from.

after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

You are confused because you don't see the difference in Their (God's) kinds and His (Jesus) kinds. God's (The Trinity) kinds are what Science calls "natural" creatures since they evolved from the water. Jesus kinds are the ones which were made by LORD God (YHWH/Jesus) with His own Hands, such as the birds, and Humans. Gen 2:7

God does NOT say that it is good until it is Perfect Eternally. That's the way it is with the Perfect God. Most people don't know that God's proclaiming that it is "very good" Gen 1:31 is a FUTURE proclaimation, which will NOT happen until AFTER Jesus returns to this lost and dying world, and changes ALL animals into Vegetarians. Gen 1:30 God Bless you.

In Love,

You're the Chuck Norris of biblical interpretation.

Roundhouse kick to the face! FLAP!


New Member
... why are people using a book written over 2,000 years ago as proof of a world not nearly functioning under the same pressures, societal expectations or norms?

It is the truly ignorant that will dispute the reality that since the discovery of scientific theory, processes, experiments and proof that evolution is happening right before our eyes every single day, people have been able to disprove that things were simply created by an unknown deity in the forms we see now. The fixity of species is not a relevant mindset anymore. Human polygenesis is not a relevant mindset anymore, nor is the belief that we were all born from one couple out of Eden. There is no proof other than said book written over 2,000 years ago.

To ignore all of that is to ignore reality. It's to ignore every new invention, species, thought, event, all of it. A book completely out of touch with the realities of the world and what is physically possible and what is not has no place in our lives. My heart truly aches for those who believe that to be their reality; I don't mean that in a condescending way, but in a way that leaves them naive to the true beauty of life as it is and how it's become what it has.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
... why are people using a book written over 2,000 years ago as proof of a world not nearly functioning under the same pressures, societal expectations or norms?

It is the truly ignorant that will dispute the reality that since the discovery of scientific theory, processes, experiments and proof that evolution is happening right before our eyes every single day, people have been able to disprove that things were simply created by an unknown deity in the forms we see now. The fixity of species is not a relevant mindset anymore. Human polygenesis is not a relevant mindset anymore, nor is the belief that we were all born from one couple out of Eden. There is no proof other than said book written over 2,000 years ago.

To ignore all of that is to ignore reality. It's to ignore every new invention, species, thought, event, all of it. A book completely out of touch with the realities of the world and what is physically possible and what is not has no place in our lives. My heart truly aches for those who believe that to be their reality; I don't mean that in a condescending way, but in a way that leaves them naive to the true beauty of life as it is and how it's become what it has.

First of all, I notice that you're new here, so welcome.

Secondly, with the above, your opinion reminds me of what Einstein stated, namely that God has to be so intrinsic with our universe that the two cannot likely be separated. To him, studying our universe is to study God.

So, how does it feel to be equated with Einstein? ;)


New Member
First of all, I notice that you're new here, so welcome.

Secondly, with the above, your opinion reminds me of what Einstein stated, namely that God has to be so intrinsic with our universe that the two cannot likely be separated. To him, studying our universe is to study God.

So, how does it feel to be equated with Einstein? ;)

Thanks for the welcome.

As I understand Einstein's personal opinions and beliefs about religion and deities, he didn't believe in god in the sense people in this forum refer to it, but more a ubiquitous energy in the universe. To me, it seems that in his eyes, the term 'god' WAS the universe, not a deity controlling it all. His definition of "god" seemed very different than the biblical interpretation.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Thanks for the welcome.

As I understand Einstein's personal opinions and beliefs about religion and deities, he didn't believe in god in the sense people in this forum refer to it, but more a ubiquitous energy in the universe. To me, it seems that in his eyes, the term 'god' WAS the universe, not a deity controlling it all. His definition of "god" seemed very different than the biblical interpretation.

Absolutely. A major hypothesis of his was that God may be the energy of creation itself, and that the belief in a personal and moral God was probably quite "childish", to use his word for it, but harmless. When asked, he often responded that he believed in "Spinoza's God".

By chance, have you read Spinoza?

BTW, I'm gonna be gone shortly because of the Sabbath starting soon, so I won't be back on-line until Sunday or Monday, so...

Take care.


New Member
Absolutely. A major hypothesis of his was that God may be the energy of creation itself, and that the belief in a personal and moral God was probably quite "childish", to use his word for it, but harmless. When asked, he often responded that he believed in "Spinoza's God".

By chance, have you read Spinoza?

BTW, I'm gonna be gone shortly because of the Sabbath starting soon, so I won't be back on-line until Sunday or Monday, so...

Take care.

I appreciate Spinoza's contribution to Enlightenment and his bravery in defying traditional Christian beliefs at the time. I can't jump on his board with the thought of one deity being in command of everything though, as I can assume you've gathered. Although I will admit that if there is a deity, his version is the easiest to fathom, as a loving, encompassing god that seems to be the preferred form in Christianity certainly wouldn't allow babies to die of cancer, children to starve down to walking skeletons and people to kill each other in its name.

Have a lovely weekend!
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aged ecumenical anthropologist
I appreciate Spinoza's contribution to Enlightenment and his bravery in defying traditional Christian beliefs at the time. I can't jump on his board with the thought of one deity being in command of everything though, as I can assume you've gathered. Although I will admit that if there is a deity, his version is the easiest to fathom as a loving, encompassing god certainly wouldn't allow babies to die of cancer, children to starve down to walking skeletons and people to kill each other in its name.

Have a lovely weekend!


BTW, my position is that whatever caused this universe I'll call "God", and pretty much leave it at that. If I try to go any further, all I'll be doing is speculating with no objective evidence to go by. Call me "agnostic" or "non-theistic", if you'd like, but definitely call me for dinner.


New Member

BTW, my position is that whatever caused this universe I'll call "God", and pretty much leave it at that. If I try to go any further, all I'll be doing is speculating with no objective evidence to go by. Call me "agnostic" or "non-theistic", if you'd like, but definitely call me for dinner.

I can be on board with that. Awesome :)


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear angellous, No, as the following verse shows since Whales eat fish and plankton:

Gen 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

IOW, Whales and other creatures, who were "brought forth" from the water, including prehistoric man, were Carnivorous, thus refuting your idea, but do try again. God Bless you.

In Love,
I don't see where it says "whales are carnivorous."


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear angellous, No, it comes from Genesis. The FIRST world, Universe, or firmament, which God called Heaven, was made the2nd Day. Gen 1:6-8

The other HeavenS (plural) were made at the beginning of the 3rd Day, the SAME Day Adam was made. Gen 2:4

The FIRST Heaven, or Adam's world was "clean dissolved" in the Flood Isaiah 24:19

The SECOND Heaven or our Cosmos, will be BURNED. ll Peter 3:10

The THIRD Heaven of ll Corinthians 12:2 is where Jesus has gone to prepare a place for Christians, to live Forever with Him. It's the New Heaven and New Earth of Revelation 21:1. That's God's Truth Scripturally. God Bless you.

In Love,
Except that's not what those verses say. Isaiah is about an earthquake that happens in the future,

and 2 Peter references the water in creation (before anything else was created). Unless you're twisting things, which is entirely possible.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Dear jonathan, No, since I was born at night but NOT last night. Farming has been done by ants and termites long before Noah arrived and brought the FIRST HUMAN Farming to this Planet of prehistoric people who were the descendants of animals, and NEVER planted a crop since animals don't plant crops.

Worshippers, like Football Fanatics, PROCLAIM their beliefs, or the object of their Worship, publicly, to others. Since you are what you think, don't be ashamed of being a Godless Evol, who has freely rejected God's Truth in Genesis.

True, but this has NOTHING to do with the measurement of Human intelligence vs. animal intelligence since TODAY's Science cannot distinguish between the two. The DNA of Mitochondrial Eve, a prehistoric woman who lived 150k years ago, is within our Human blood, NOW. Gen 6:1-4 tells us HOW and WHEN this happened and it has nothing to do with "evolution" but instead, has everything to do with INHERITANCE, or changes within His kinds.

I can't make you believe anything, but I can refute the ridiculous idea that "supposed" Humans, who lived in holes and chased animals all over the world because they didn't have enough sense to plant themselves something to eat, for 99% of time since mankind diverged from Chimps, were NOT like today's Humans.

ONLY after Noah arrived, did Human Farming begin on this Planet, and it was in the valleys just south of Lake Van, Turkey, in the mountains of Ararat. Here's the proof.
Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE I will continue to post this until some unknown Evol actually addresses it, instead of running from it.

Of course they are the same. Read Gen 6:1-4 and IF you don't see this, then I will be happy to show it to you. Today's Humans are the product of the sons of God (prehistoric people) AND the descendants of Adam who arrived on this Planet in an Ark.

The Empirical Evidence IS in the Map of the Fertile Crescent which shows that the FIRST Human farming, city building, and EVERY other trait of modern Humans began EXACTLY where the Ark arrived, and some of the FIRST Human cities Gen 10:10 are STILL there and are considered the OLDEST Human cities on the face of this Earth. HISTORY agrees but Evols IGNORE this Historic Fact, since it destroys their False ToE, which supposes that Humans evolved from animals.

My understanding AGREES with Scripture, Science, and History. I just showed you where the False ToE is NOT true to History showing that YOUR truth is but a part truth, since it does NOT agree with EVERY other discovered Truth, like God's does.

>>>>>>>>>BIG SNIP<<<<of whining because you have no evidence to support your view. God Bless you.

In Love,
Aman, your posts are increasingly sounding like Cliff Claven. Only his "explanations" are a lot more plausible.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Aman, your posts are increasingly sounding like Cliff Claven. Only his "explanations" are a lot more plausible.

"...you're going to feel pretty silly when he pulls the plug on this gag, you wait and see."[/QUOTE]
Nah. He's actually very entertaining. Nobody's either as naive or as single-minded as he pretends to be. His posts are mostly spam.
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