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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Well-Known Member
The genome says you're incorrect......

Then your god is imperfect not making his creation the way he wanted in the first place. Why would such an all knowing and all powerful god fail so miserably in something simple as creation..?

One might think, as I sometimes do, especially when debating certain folks on this very topic, and even in this very thread that God has indeed failed miserably. But I then realize that God gets to decide what he wishes with regard to that which He creates.

Honestly, what do you know about creation? What have you created?

And the Lord said,
"You are like the clay in the potter’s hands, and I am the potter.” This message is from the Lord. “There may come a time when I will speak about a nation or a kingdom that I will pull up by its roots or tear down and destroy it. But if the people of that nation change their hearts and lives and stop doing evil things, I will change my mind and not bring on them the disaster I planned. There may come another time when I speak about a nation that I will build up or plant. But if I see that nation doing evil things and not obeying me, I will think again about the good I had planned to do for them.

“So, Jeremiah, say to the people of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem, ‘This is what the Lord says: I am the potter preparing troubles for you and making plans against you. So stop doing the evil things you are doing. Each person must change and start doing good.’ But the people of Judah will answer, ‘We don’t care what you say. We will continue to do what we want. We will do the evil our stubborn hearts want.’”"
(Jeremiah 18:6-12)

And the Apostle Paul said,
"Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will? Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory"

(Romans 9:19-23)

Face it. God has created some people with destruction in mind. And these declarations here show us that even so, God can have a change of heart, and have mercy upon our souls. Yep, He's an original, a one of a kind. Well, that's my opinion for what it's worth.


One might think, as I sometimes do, especially when debating certain folks on this very topic, and even in this very thread that God has indeed failed miserably. But I then realize that God gets to decide what he wishes with regard to that which He creates.

Honestly, what do you know about creation? What have you created?

And the Lord said,
"You are like the clay in the potter’s hands, and I am the potter.” This message is from the Lord. “There may come a time when I will speak about a nation or a kingdom that I will pull up by its roots or tear down and destroy it. But if the people of that nation change their hearts and lives and stop doing evil things, I will change my mind and not bring on them the disaster I planned. There may come another time when I speak about a nation that I will build up or plant. But if I see that nation doing evil things and not obeying me, I will think again about the good I had planned to do for them.

“So, Jeremiah, say to the people of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem, ‘This is what the Lord says: I am the potter preparing troubles for you and making plans against you. So stop doing the evil things you are doing. Each person must change and start doing good.’ But the people of Judah will answer, ‘We don’t care what you say. We will continue to do what we want. We will do the evil our stubborn hearts want.’”"
(Jeremiah 18:6-12)

And the Apostle Paul said,
"Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will? Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory"

(Romans 9:19-23)

Face it. God has created some people with destruction in mind. And these declarations here show us that even so, God can have a change of heart, and have mercy upon our souls. Yep, He's an original, a one of a kind. Well, that's my opinion for what it's worth.



One might think, as I sometimes do, especially when debating certain folks on this very topic, and even in this very thread that God has indeed failed miserably. But I then realize that God gets to decide what he wishes with regard to that which He creates.

Honestly, what do you know about creation? What have you created?

First, you're not debating.

The rest of this stuff is - at its very best - off topic proselytizing. The adults are trying to have a conversation and you interrupt with proof texts from a Scripture that you don't bother to even try to understand.

So somehow you manage not to get the basic vocabulary needed to participate in the initial discussion and interrupt it with off-topic rants about other things you don't bother to understand.

The only thing that you're proving is that you can't engage a conversation and you're either unable, unwilling, or just too lazy to understand anything that you're talking about.



Well-Known Member
First, you're not debating.

The rest of this stuff is - at its very best - off topic proselytizing. The adults are trying to have a conversation and you interrupt with proof texts from a Scripture that you don't bother to even try to understand.

So somehow you manage not to get the basic vocabulary needed to participate in the initial discussion and interrupt it with off-topic rants about other things you don't bother to understand.

The only thing that you're proving is that you can't engage a conversation and you're either unable, unwilling, or just too lazy to understand anything that you're talking about.


Yet you consider quotes like this appropriate for intellectual debate?

"Why would such an all knowing and all powerful god fail so miserably in something simple as creation..?"
(from post 1910 by DirtyPenguin)

No evidence.
No support.
No argument.

At best it is atheistic proselytizing. But that you apparently approve.


Yet you consider quotes like this appropriate for intellectual debate?

If it's an intellectual debate about the Bible -- or more precisely, debates considering these specific verses.

"Why would such an all knowing and all powerful god fail so miserably in something simple as creation..?"
(from post 1910 by DirtyPenguin)

No evidence.
No support.
No argument.

At best it is atheistic proselytizing. But that you apparently approve.

This is nonsense.


Well-Known Member

Mate you have just demonstrated that it is worth nothing, you do not even care if what you say is true or not.

Actually, I have demonstrated great wisdom, and an in depth knowledge of God's Word, such that in a moments time I have chosen the appropriate scripture for the occasion. And everything I say is true, unless I admit of course that it is not true, or that there is a potential for it not being true. But in this case, I have not done that.

But I am content knowing that the truth is worth nothing to you. It explains a great deal.


Actually, I have demonstrated great wisdom, and an in depth knowledge of God's Word, such that in a moments time I have chosen the appropriate scripture for the occasion. And everything I say is true, unless I admit of course that it is not true, or that there is a potential for it not being true. But in this case, I have not done that.

But I am content knowing that the truth is worth nothing to you. It explains a great deal.

Delusions of grandeur.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Sir, the question is the hypothesis. You cannot study the hypothesis without first assuming it to be true. The experiment will lead to the conclusion. A hypothesis is not a conclusion by the way.

Never reject what you don't know is false.

Yes but your model assumes the hypothesis is the conclusion and refuses to investigate or accept any evidence to the contrary. That is not science, that is not enquiry.

That is just you reinforcing your own preconceptions.


Libertarian Egalitarian
Sorry, if you have a hypothesis, you don't need the question. The question is for those who don't have a clue what to look for.

Nope.:no: You can't change order of the scientific method to fit your own personal bias. The order is still question => hypothesis.

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Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I think that's such a basic logical flaw that there's not even a name for that fallacy. Seriously.
I didn't say it was logical. I stated that's the way it usually is. Creatures that kill human beings are guilty of killing human beings, and those creatures are hunted and killed. Like bacteria. And bears. :shrug:

I don't think we usually assign the same vengeance factor to bacteria that we do a killer bear or a killer shark, but the result is usually the same. Is it logical? I dunno.


Well-Known Member
Dear sojourner, All that I can do is list the text and tell you what it says to me. IF you don't agree, then list your text which refutes me. You cannot seem to do that so you nit pick and whine and claim that YOUR altered and paraphrased bible doesn't say the same as my KJV. Whooptedoo. Unless you have something to actually offer, I will ignore your twisted and completely distorted views, since you are doing nothing but disagreeing. Have a nice Day. God Bless you.

In Love,

See that part in red? It was done when the entire chapter of Isaiah from which you quote was posted here for all to see. In response, you cut off the majority of the chapter in order to paraphrase so that it fits your mythology.


Rogue Theologian
I'm not really sold on this idea.

I have a problem. You see, many biologist/evolutionists claim that we (all living things), are genetically related. They claim that this conclusion is based on some kind of evidence showing that creatures of all sorts, including all plants share common DNA. I find this rather absurd, that with all of the biodiversity on this planet that life only formed once, and that everything evolved from that one single living thing. It's a complete farce. It's a complete lie. And you can be sure, where you find one lie, you will likely find several. It may be a conspiracy of sorts. Or it could be Satanic manipulation of either the evidence, or of the minds of scientists. But it just isn't true. It's highly likely that none of it is true.

It is becoming quite apparent to me that the only trustworthy source of knowledge is the Word of God.

I don't need to manipulate it in any way shape or form. It stands as truth word by word. I know if I don't understand it now, one day I will, because God is good, and God is just.

Yep...it's a problem.....
Genesis DOES have the answer.

I don't have a problem with the idea that God is in control.
Doesn't bother me that He might flex the chemistry to change things.

What?...you think He is limited to floods and meteors?


Well-Known Member
Be careful Aman, the "evols" become highly venomous and malicious when their lies are exposed.

The whole break down in conversation is very simple.

If you want to make a claim, support it. If your support does not stand up to scrutiny, then you should probably try something else to support your claim. If all of your claims are shot down, then you should probably give up on the claim... If you continue to post the same book-end argument over and over again, then it will be scrutinized, over and over again, ad infinitum, until something worthwhile is posited.

Think of it like a peer-reviewed journal.

If I walked into a Bible College and said "The Bible says that it's OK for me to kill people" And I quoted passages that referenced people killing people, that claim would be subject to scrutiny, would it not? Professors and students alike would come up to me and ask me to support my claim. They would then refute my claims with passages of the Bible stating that killing people was not OK. They would show me, in multiple places, where my passages were being read out on context. They would collectively make a very strong case that I was simply wrong.

If their scrutiny was met with things like "You're a venomous liar. THIS is what the BIBLE really says!" And then I continued to quote the same passages again and again - then I would be mocked for my ridiculousness, would I not?

If, after a while, another murder apologist walked in and wanted to support me by saying things like "I see your evidence, bible scholars - but I'm not convinced. I'll let you know when I am. I think you're all a bunch of liars!" Then that person too would be mocked for amusement and the people who study the bible at the bible college would go back on their merry ways, occasionally looking over to see if the crazies were still over there advocating for murder and getting really butt-hurt about no one believing them...

See how this works?

This is an open forum. Call into question anything you want called into question. Refute it where it needs refuted - but you'd better expect the same. If your personal claims can't stand up to even the slightest of poking by believers and non-believers alike, then be aware that there is only one common denominator.


Well-Known Member
Dear sojourner, Calm down and quit calling other people Liars because they are using a Bible which allows you to trace EACH word to the original text, while your's is a Newer, altered, version, which CANNOT even show you what Day it is. That is abject Ignorance and Scriptural illiteracy if I've ever seen it. Be nice now, or the Censors will throw you off the board for Flaming. God Bless you.

In Love,

Which original text does your King James Bible refer to? Is there a copy of that anywhere?