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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Well-Known Member
Does it seem odd to anyone else that when Sonofason is here, Aman777 is not....

I'm not saying they're the same person....but....


Well-Known Member
Dear jonathan, You must realize that you, as an unbeliever, will see everything I say as "foolishness". God told us this in:

1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

You are a natural man since you have not been born again Spiritually, so you will see all kind of "foolishness" in what I show you.

I don't know much about books and learnin'. I don't see much need for it, what with all the sin and depravity cluttering my life...

You have no idea who you are talking to on the internet and should not assume things that you know nothing about.

Do you make the same claims about staunch Christians who also find your new mythology to be absurd?

I'm going to let my feeble unbelieving mind try a different approach with your "foolishness"

GEN 7:20-24
(20) The waters prevailed above the mountains, covering them fifteen cubits[a] deep. (21) And all flesh died that moved on the earth, birds, livestock, beasts, all swarming creatures that swarm on the earth, and all mankind. (22) Everything on the dry land in whose nostrils was the breath of life died. (23) He blotted out every living thing that was on the face of the ground, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens. They were blotted out from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those who were with him in the ark. (24) And the waters prevailed on the earth 150 days

You said the tallest mountains on Adam's world were 22.5 feet high.
Scripture does not agree with you. You cited this passage as evidence of your claim. You used the 15 cubits as the height of your mountains, did you not? The waters covered the mountains by 15 cubits. It says nothing of the height of those mountains. Your assertion here, even in face of your own source material, is fabricated. There is no evidence, in scripture, science, or history which claim that the magic floating world of Adam was only 22.5 feet tall and "CLEAN DISSOLVED" by the flood.

In contrast, instead of cherry-picking passages of scripture, and highlighting/underlining/bolding and otherwise adding emphasis where none is originally added, you should try to just read the story that is written - in the order it was written. After all, if Scripture is indeed holy, then it should not need all of these added passages to make it so, should it? Taking the stance that scripture is the final authority - let's just go back and see what it says...

Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.

Well....That's certainly interesting...

At other places, you have also claimed that humans were on the Earth for billions of years. Please site evidence of that, either scripturally or scientifically. Please show me the oldest known hominid fossil being 14 billion years old. (I'll even accept your "sons of god" fossils, since they aren't the same as being smart humans like Adam was.) If you can provide your scientific source I will wholeheartedly accept your new vision of human origins, oh gracious Aman.
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
You're right. While what you provided is not evidence that I accept. You do accept it. And so from your perspective, you have provided me with evidence. From my perspective, you have not.

I can accept your answer here. Generally this is known as "willfully ignorant". It means you choose not to learn despite all the evidence presented to you. It's not a slam against you from me. I'm just sharing the definition. I have presented you with multiple evidences from multiple scientist all dealing with evolution and it's many sub categories. The evidence has been confirmed through the scientific method and peer reviewed by other scientist in the respective field. You've chosen not to accept any of it even though said scientific method is what is used in every other field of scientific discovery.
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I haven't seen any, so I don't know.

So let me get this straight. You don't accept the facts of evolution as presented to you by multiple scientist in various fields of study yet you admit you don't know of any evidence that refutes the theory. Do I have that correct?.....:confused:
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Premium Member
Has anyone presented an alternative to being related to apes? Lizards, Amphibians, Canines? What are we if not apes?


Well-Known Member
I don't think so... Son doesn't display the evil genius of Aman.


Hold the phones...


Son of Aman

Son of Man




Bible Believer
But you haven't done it yet....

Dear Dirty, Thanks for reminding me that everyone has not seen this:

The ToE is untrue Scientifically because it skips the sexual way in which EVERY measurement of the changes in the genetic allele frequencies, in a population over time, takes place. It does this by FALSELY assuming that long periods of time and magical mutations evolved Animal intelligence into Human intelligence....BUT...this cannot be repeated, since it is NOTHING but an Assumption of men who have NO other answer for what they have observed, because they have REJECTED God's Truth in Genesis.

When you ask for actual evidence, Evols can only give you evidence from another believer in this False ToE. They cannot see that they are using circular reasoning because of their abject ignorance. This is when they begin to call you names and imply that you are nuts, because they have NO Scientific evidence to offer and are left with nothing but ad hominem.

The ToE is untrue Historically because Evols refuse to see that modern Humans arrived on this Planet only 10k years ago. When you show them empirical evidence of the FIRST Human farming, city building, math, and EVERY other trait of modern Humans, they ignore it because it doesn't fit their False Theory. Don't believe me? Then refute this evidence with YOUR evidence of the evolution of modern Humanity on this planet of Apes. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE I don't believe you can since your only way out is to cloak your "supposed" evidence in dark, mysterious,long periods of time and magical mutations.

The ToE is untrue Scripturally since Gen 2:4-7 shows that Adam, the first Human, was made BEFORE natural man, who evolved from the water Gen 1:21 with "every other living creature", except Humans, who were made in an earlier creation. Since Humans were made BEFORE prehistoric people, who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes, The False ToE is shown Scripturally, to be the Biggest Satanic Lie ever forced upon our children in the Public Schools, teaching them that they are nothing but evolved animals.

The above shows that the ToE is false Scientifically, Historically, and Scripturally, UNLESS you can provide evidence to the contrary, which you cannot. So, go ahead and begin the name calling, the implications that I'm nuts, and that Evols know more than God. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
My friend, it's weird by any measure.

It's so detached from reality, in fact, that there's not enough traction on common with reality that none of us in reality can contact you and communicate.

But I love it because it's not just strange, it's entertaining, and that is very important to me.

Kudos, though. It's brilliant - completely off the wall.

Dear angellous, It's God's Truth, not mine. I just read it in Genesis, so give the credit to God. I know He likes the story since it is the FIRST story in His Holy Word. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
This is unprovable. Using the bible to prove the bible doesn't work. Even using science to prove the bible doesn't work.

So you've called evolution BS yet you admit evolution does occur....:areyoucra

Dear Dirty, It's probably because I'm so used to it from Evols. Circular reasoning is always used by Evols since they can find agreement with their False theories only among other Evol worshippers.

Evolution occurs every time two make another and swap genes. God calls it changes within His (Jesus) kinds and Their (Trinity) kinds, but Godless men changed the name to "evolution", in a vain attempt to prove that Evols know more than God.

Science has REJECTED God's Truth in Genesis as Myth, Allegory, and Fiction, and this has left them in the darkness of their own minds. God Bless you.

In Love,


Coincidentia oppositorum
Not "the same DNA" per se but very similar DNA. Other factors set supposed identical twins a part. Externally we can tell them a part from their fingerprints.

Identical twins need never be tried for same crime after DNA breakthrough - Telegraph

Do Identical Twins Have Identical Fingerprints?

And another article about your top one: Identical twins genes are not identical

There are slightly small changes in the genes between twins. With more advanced gene-sequencing technology, we'll probably find even more differences. My understanding is that it's mostly copy-errors and such (i.e. minor mutations) that show up.


Coincidentia oppositorum
The ToE is untrue Scientifically because it skips the sexual way in which EVERY measurement of the changes in the genetic allele frequencies, in a population over time, takes place.

That's bovine excrement.

I've taken classes in biological anthropology, and sexual selection and recombination usually take a few chapters alone in the text books.


Bible Believer
That's bovine excrement.

I've taken classes in biological anthropology, and sexual selection and recombination usually take a few chapters alone in the text books.

Dear Ouroboros, I was speaking of intellectual evolution and NOT changes within His kinds or Micro Evolution. NOW, show us your evidence that such a magical event ever took place, intellectually. God Bless you.

In Love,