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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Bible Believer
So if we don't believe in a separate biodome world for adam then we are going to hell. Wow way harsh.

Dear idav, No, the separate world of Adam, which was destroyed in the Flood, is where Humans had our true beginnings. IF you wish to know the Truth, instead of some man made, half Truth, which falsely assumes that Planet Earth is where it all began, it's been in Genesis for thousands of years now. The only sin is unbelief. God Bless you.

In Love,


Every good Christian knows that creationism comes from heaven
It cannot be looney tunes because God speaks through Aman777
He bears the truth boldly but he will not write a limerick
Perhaps he's afraid that his mind for us is too quick
So I guess I'll just enjoy my tacos


Dear idav, No, the separate world of Adam, which was destroyed in the Flood, is where Humans had our true beginnings. IF you wish to know the Truth, instead of some man made, half Truth, which falsely assumes that Planet Earth is where it all began, it's been in Genesis for thousands of years now. The only sin is unbelief. God Bless you.

In Love,

With the Flood humanity had it's true beginnings
If you don't believe it then you be sinning
So don't hold on to some half-truth made by man
Be convinced by Aman777 while you still can
We can't have by evolution Satan winning:cool:


Bible Believer
Aman, my dear friend...

you were never here.

Dear angellous, I was saying goodbye to another Evol who had just told me that he had put me on Ignore. That's the way it is with some Evols who cannot stand to see their precious, worshipful, Theory, destroyed by God's Truth. I was just telling him the same thing I have told untold hundreds of Evols before him, and that was to:

Picture me standing on the Sea Shore waving a fond farewell to just one more Godless Evol sent running into the darkness, while waving his hands in the air, like a Banchee and crying Darwin is God and when I die I'm going to the Galapagos Islands. Thus, is the entirety of my message, which was shortened, by the numeric limits on the length of Titles. God Bless you.

In Love,


Dear angellous, I was saying goodbye to another Evol who had just told me that he had put me on Ignore. That's the way it is with some Evols who cannot stand to see their precious, worshipful, Theory, destroyed by God's Truth. I was just telling him the same thing I have told untold hundreds of Evols before him, and that was to:

Picture me standing on the Sea Shore waving a fond farewell to just one more Godless Evol sent running into the darkness, while waving his hands in the air, like a Banchee and crying Darwin is God and when I die I'm going to the Galapagos Islands. Thus, is the entirety of my message, which was shortened, by the numeric limits on the length of Titles. God Bless you.

In Love,

So he says that the 'Evols' are godless
And he ends all his messages with God Bless
Our beloved Aman knows his science and history and scripture
It's just like of the entire cosmos he's taking a picture
None of us could challenge his witness


Dear angellous, I was saying goodbye to another Evol who had just told me that he had put me on Ignore. That's the way it is with some Evols who cannot stand to see their precious, worshipful, Theory, destroyed by God's Truth. I was just telling him the same thing I have told untold hundreds of Evols before him, and that was to:

Picture me standing on the Sea Shore waving a fond farewell to just one more Godless Evol sent running into the darkness, while waving his hands in the air, like a Banchee and crying Darwin is God and when I die I'm going to the Galapagos Islands. Thus, is the entirety of my message, which was shortened, by the numeric limits on the length of Titles. God Bless you.

In Love,

We know that you've met every challenge from the Evols
So badly that now we call ourselves DE-vols.
The nine muses shout, 'Limericks, Aman! Limericks!'
I challenge thee to produce your mad lyrics
Otherwise your victories are just menthol


Why, dear Angellous, why do you weep?
Has Aman failed to lull your mind to sleep?
No! Angellous is intrigued, but he is not glad
There are no limericks so Angellous is sad
Aman is really an Evol if this word he does not keep

All the angels whisper
the limerick the limerick
only write in limericks!

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Dear Dirty, Thanks for reminding me that everyone has not seen this:

The ToE is untrue Scientifically because it skips the sexual way in which EVERY measurement of the changes in the genetic allele frequencies, in a population over time, takes place. It does this by FALSELY assuming that long periods of time

No it doesn't. It takes into account mutations over small and long periods of time.

and magical mutations evolved Animal intelligence into Human intelligence....BUT...this cannot be repeated, since it is NOTHING but an Assumption of men who have NO other answer for what they have observed,

We actually have the evidence in our genetic code that deals with evolution of intelligence. The evidence is verifiable..so there's no "magic" to it.

When you ask for actual evidence, Evols can only give you evidence from another believer in this False ToE. They cannot see that they are using circular reasoning because of their abject ignorance. This is when they begin to call you names and imply that you are nuts, because they have NO Scientific evidence to offer and are left with nothing but ad hominem.

Can you give me evidence of gravity that wasn't discovered by other scientist....or how about evidence of electricity and how it works that's not from another scientist. Your strawman doesn't work here.

The ToE is untrue Historically because Evols refuse to see that modern Humans arrived on this Planet only 10k years ago. When you show them empirical evidence of the FIRST Human farming, city building, math, and EVERY other trait of modern Humans, they ignore it because it doesn't fit their False Theory

Actually all of that nestles in quite well with evolution even though man has been on the planet much, much, much longer than 10K years.

Then refute this evidence with YOUR evidence of the evolution of modern Humanity on this planet of Apes. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE I don't believe you can since your only way out is to cloak your "supposed" evidence in dark, mysterious,long periods of time and magical mutations.

What am I supposed to be refuting here? I mean....unless you believe in a young Earth I have nothing against that map....only that it is but a speck of time compared to the age of the Earth. Since our planet is 4.54 Billion years old I'd say that time frame in your map along with what we know of the historical record fits quite well toward the end of that 4.54 Billion year old time frame.

The ToE is untrue Scripturally since Gen 2:4-7 shows that Adam, the first Human, was made BEFORE natural man, who evolved from the water Gen 1:21 with "every other living creature", except Humans, who were made in an earlier creation. Since Humans were made BEFORE prehistoric people, who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes, The False ToE is shown Scripturally, to be the Biggest Satanic Lie ever forced upon our children in the Public Schools, teaching them that they are nothing but evolved animals.

Well current science is pretty much at odds with your religious text so I'm not sure if I need to address your religious text considering all areas of science reject much of what yours says about our evolutionary history. You believe your book without evidence. We call that "Blind Faith". If it works for you then so be it.


Well-Known Member
Dear jonathan, When you study the remains of mankind, which are older than 10k years, you are studying the bones of the sons of God (prehistoric people) who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. They were NOT Humans...

Burden of proof, sonny Jim. It's on you.

The skeletal remains are 100% homo sapien. They are not any other form of hominid. They are ho-mo sa-pi-en. To claim that these versions of people are distinguishable from modern man, especially based on something as fluid as intelligence (given the cranial space is also 100% modern...) places the burden of proof on you. Outside of your new philosophical stance, you're going to have to show how this modern human that is 160,000 years old differs from someone who died yesterday. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
A SNARE is a TRAP which catches the all knowing Scoffers/Evols, of the last days before Jesus returns, who are "willingly ignorant" that Adam's world was totally destroyed in the Flood and that our Cosmos will be Burned. ll Peter 3:3-7

Here is the Snare the Trap which proves that Evolution is Wrong

for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake. 19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly. 20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.

Since God promised Noah that Never again would He destroy the Earth with a Flood, this is what happened to Adam's world, Gen 9:11 which the Evols have not believed. Evols have Falsely Assumed that our Planet is where Humans had our origin, but God tells us it was on the world which was destroyed in the Flood. He also tells us that our world is going to Burn and that He has made the THIRD Heaven for us to live in for Eternity. 2Co 12:2

See how easily it is to show the SNARE, which is the Flood, of Adam's world, which causes the Scoffers/Evols of the last days to be REFUTED in their allegiance to the False Theory of Evolution? Since they are "willingly ignorant" of God's Truth, their False ToE is a totally InComplete, partial, Theory of Humankind's True Beginnings. The only thing they left out is when the first Human was made, and where. God Bless you.

In Love,

Just so it's mentioned again, in case anyone missed it, Aman took his own source material (using the proper version) out of context to support his theory.

At least we are finally starting to wrap this up.


Rogue Theologian
Evolution set in motion....Day Six.

Manipulation....Chapter Two...Genesis.

God set Man in motion.
Decided to tweak His creation.

Here we are....not altogether evolved.


Well-Known Member
Evolution set in motion....Day Six.

Manipulation....Chapter Two...Genesis.

God set Man in motion.
Decided to tweak His creation.

Here we are....not altogether evolved.

So that whole "He saw that it was good" thing just kinda got flushed down the toilet?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
My dearest Aman,

Dear Jonathan, Pardon my>>>>>>>>>>BIG SNIP<<<<<<<<<

Isaiah 24:19, as you said, is a reference to how Adam's world was clean dissolved??

Let's look at all of Isaiah 24 instead of cherry-picking:

>>>>>>>>>>>BIG SNIP<<<<<<<

18 And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare:

A SNARE is a TRAP which catches the all knowing Scoffers/Evols, of the last days before Jesus returns, who are "willingly ignorant" that Adam's world was totally destroyed in the Flood and that our Cosmos will be Burned. ll Peter 3:3-7

Here is the Snare the Trap which proves that Evolution is Wrong

for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake. 19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly. 20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.

Since God promised Noah that Never again would He destroy the Earth with a Flood, this is what happened to Adam's world, Gen 9:11 which the Evols have not believed. Evols have Falsely Assumed that our Planet is where Humans had our origin, but God tells us it was on the world which was destroyed in the Flood. He also tells us that our world is going to Burn and that He has made the THIRD Heaven for us to live in for Eternity. 2Co 12:2

See how easily it is to show the SNARE, which is the Flood, of Adam's world, which causes the Scoffers/Evols of the last days to be REFUTED in their allegiance to the False Theory of Evolution? Since they are "willingly ignorant" of God's Truth, their False ToE is a totally InComplete, partial, Theory of Humankind's True Beginnings. The only thing they left out is when the first Human was made, and where. God Bless you.

In Love,
Problem with your "trap" is that that's not how the story parses out. The flood narrative is unrelated to the creation myths. It's a classic remnant narrative, and clearly falls into the realm of salvation history, not creation myth.

Aaaaaand the mouse gets the cheese.


Bible Believer
Originally Posted by Aman777
Dear jonathan, When you study the remains of mankind, which are older than 10k years, you are studying the bones of the sons of God (prehistoric people) who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. They were NOT Humans...

Burden of proof, sonny Jim. It's on you.

The skeletal remains are 100% homo sapien. They are not any other form of hominid. They are ho-mo sa-pi-en. To claim that these versions of people are distinguishable from modern man, especially based on something as fluid as intelligence (given the cranial space is also 100% modern...) places the burden of proof on you. Outside of your new philosophical stance, you're going to have to show how this modern human that is 160,000 years old differs from someone who died yesterday. Good luck.

Dear jonathan, Sure. History shows that the FIRST modern Humans began farming some 10k years ago in the valleys just south of Lake Van, Turkey, where the 450 foot Ark arrived. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE Evols, with NO evidence, Falsely ASSUME that the sons of God (Prehistoric people who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes) were Humans.

Scripture shows that Humans were FIRST formed on the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4-7
Scripture shows that the sons of God (prehistoric people) were created and brought forth from the water (Science agrees) beginning on the 5th Day, Gen 1:21 which was 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time, according to Science. Since the sons of God and Humans were BOTH Flesh, they could produce offspring with each other. Gen 6:4

Today's scientists, because they have REJECTED God's Truth, have FALSELY assumed that there was but ONE creation, and that was from the water, which they call "Natural" generation, or from magical chemical generation, called Abiogenesis, whichever they "BELIEVE".

Todays Science, because it CANNOT show the difference between animal and Human intelligence, is left in the darkness, because of their "willing ignorance" of God's Truth in Genesis. They CLAIM that we MUST have come from the common ancestor of Apes BECAUSE they THINK they know better than God, HOW He created, and the bones of the sons of God are identical to Humans. Such arrogance is headed for a giant fall in the last days. ll Peter 3:3-7 God Bless you.

BTW, IF you wish to refute me Historically, then show your EMPIRICAL evidence of modern Humans with evidence such as farming, city building, and high technology. Please don't claim that stick drawings in Caves is evidence of modern Humans.

In Love,

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Evolution set in motion....Day Six.

Manipulation....Chapter Two...Genesis.

God set Man in motion.
Decided to tweak His creation.

Here we are....not altogether evolved.

Then your god is imperfect lacking foresight and control. Your god, given the religious depiction of him, seems like a petulant child playing with a Lego set.....seemingly trying to build something, getting frustrated at its creation and destroying it because it didn't realize the outcome of its creation would displease it so.
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