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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Aman725 said: ↑
Dear Renji, NO other Religion speaks of the Multiverse, the date of the Big Bang, Gen 2:4

Renji:>>Being in a seminary school for about a year, I do not know what you are talking about. Where's the date that you are talking about on that verse? Even if I go to the original Hebrew text, I cannot see it.

Dear Renji, You won't find this teaching in School. It must be read in Scripture because today's Schools know nothing of it, since they spend their time trying to understand the Theology of ancient goatherders. This is because they FALSELY assume that ancient men authored the Bible.

Gen 1:6-8 shows that the FIRST Heaven was made the 2nd Day. Gen 2:4 shows that other HeavenS (Plural) were made at the beginning of the THIRD Day, the SAME Day that Adam's Earth was made, Gen 1:9-10 but BEFORE the plants, herbs and Trees which GREW on the same THIRD Day. Gen 1:12

Aman725 said: ↑
nor the FACT that the BB was on the 3rd Day and the First Stars of our Cosmos did NOT light until the 4th Day. Gen 1:6

Genesis 1:6- And God said, "Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water." I'm so sorry, there's nothing on the verse that you've given that talks about a particular cosmos event such as big bang. Even if we go through the Torah or the other parts of the bible, there's nothing, absolutely nothing in there which proves the big bang and stuff like that. In fact, it has absolutely nothing to do with it.

IF you knew what Genesis says, you should have KNOWN that the first Stars didn't put forth their light until the FOURTH Day as Gen 1:16 clearly states. IOW, it's a TYPO, a mistake on my part. God Bless you.


He can't separate personal meaning from exegetical interpretation. I've been out of seminary a couple of years now, and Angellous has his doctorate in biblical studies. We haven't been able to talk this guy through the process, either. To him, education and knowledge merit nothing. It only "proves" that we've been "brainwashed by the System." Only his own imagination and denial merit consideration.

Dear sojourner, Doesn't matter how many Degrees one has in the study of ancient Theology, which is what is currently being taught. The False supposition that mortal men authored the Bible is present in most of these Teachings.

Ask your most educated Religionists what Day it is. They don't know, thus revealing their ignorance of what Genesis is actually teaching. An example of this is Gen 1:30 which is PROPHECY of what will happen AFTER Jesus returns to this Planet and changes EVERY animal into a Vegetarian.

They will accuse you of Blasphemy, call you names, imply that you are Nuts, BUT they will NEVER tell you of a time in the PAST when ALL animals were Vegetarians. That's because we still live at the end of the present 6th Creative Day, and Christ's return is FUTURE to 2014. God Bless you.


So there's a difference between what the Bible says and what the Bible means.

Otherwise, anyone could just copy and paste Scripture and claim understand what the Scripture says -- like you and your friends -- and not understand what the Scripture means.

Pretending to understand, claiming to understand, and actually understanding meaning are quite different.

You can blaspheme the Lord's name by arrogantly proclaiming that your interpretation is correct because you believe in God / Christ / yourself... that's your problem. Just because you believe thus and such about God or the Bible - that doesn't give you the authority to proclaim your misunderstandings to be truths.

It's rather weak to respond to someone's criticism of your wild claims that (1) they aren't a Christian, therefore they can't understand (2) you don't approve of their Christianity, therefore they can't understand (3) they have a PhD, know Christian history, Christian and secular philosophy, ancient languages, and ancient and modern techniques for interpretation and therefore they can't understand the text [WTF?!].

So swell up in your pride that you have a special understanding of the Scripture because you think that you believe everything correctly already. Beat your chest and make looney tunes theology. At least you're good comic books.

Dear Angellous, What does that rant have to do with what is actually written? Nothing, since I'm not in Scripture. There is NO need in questioning your great ability to understand Scripture since you know it all. Don't you? Can you tell us what Day it is? Of course NOT since you do NOT understand Genesis, so you lash out at the messanger who exposes your ignorance. God Bless you.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I respectfully disagree. While someone with training has a great advantage, there are many folks with a genuine interest who find their way nicely -- at least enough to come to a respectable understanding of Scripture, the ancient world, and whatever else interests them.

We can't shut off understanding to only the academically educated. Now I know that understanding the ancient world has many unique academic challenges, but with so much of that available online, if someone reads a bit... well, you see where I'm going.

I'm delighted to see that our friend has some rudimentary reading in the basics -- unfortunately reading with the same low level of understanding as he reads the Scripture -- it's still better than nothing. I remember when I read the Church Fathers for the first time and how it inspired me... and not knowing Greek or anything else, that first reading still informs me.

It would be wonderful if our friend shed his biases and at least had respect for critical methods and the theology it produces [or rather, the theologies that interact with it] - all of that reading will serve him well.

As it is now, it's all merely a justification for being wrong.
I agree, however, given his level of adamancy about "being right," I thought the education might be justified.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Doesn't matter how many Degrees one has in the study of ancient Theology, which is what is currently being taught.
No. That's not what's "currently being taught."
The False supposition that mortal men authored the Bible is present in most of these Teachings.
Yes, that is being taught, because that's the truth of the matter.
Ask your most educated Religionists what Day it is. They don't know, thus revealing their ignorance of what Genesis is actually teaching.
This is nothing more than delusional, wishful thinking.
An example of this is Gen 1:30 which is PROPHECY of what will happen AFTER Jesus returns to this Planet and changes EVERY animal into a Vegetarian.
Nope. It's not prophecy. Genesis simply is not that kind of literature.


No. That's not what's "currently being taught."

Yes, that is being taught, because that's the truth of the matter.

This is nothing more than delusional, wishful thinking.

Nope. It's not prophecy. Genesis simply is not that kind of literature.

Dear sojourner, Then explain WHEN in the past that ALL creatures were made into vegetarians as Gen 1:30 predicts and that Isaiah 11:7 shows the fulfillment of that same Prophecy, and it is AFTER Jesus returns to this Planet for the 1k year reign.

I predict you and your all knowing buddy will soon run away claiming that it doesn't matter what is written so long as you believe the mistaken views of only highly "educated" men, such as yourselves.

That way, it won't matter how much you wasted on your goat herder theological misunderstanding, which is Untrue scientifically, historically, and Scripturally. God Bless you.


Admiral Obvious
No because the man with the credentials doesn't know God. And I do. And so it is clear to me that credentials are worthless.
You can butter it up all you like, fact remains the only reason you dismiss his credentials is because he disagrees with you.
If you wish for others to stop calling you out on your dishonesty, stop being dishonest.


Well-Known Member
Aman725 said: ↑
Dear Renji, NO other Religion speaks of the Multiverse, the date of the Big Bang, Gen 2:4

Renji:>>Being in a seminary school for about a year, I do not know what you are talking about. Where's the date that you are talking about on that verse? Even if I go to the original Hebrew text, I cannot see it.

Dear Renji, You won't find this teaching in School. It must be read in Scripture because today's Schools know nothing of it, since they spend their time trying to understand the Theology of ancient goatherders. This is because they FALSELY assume that ancient men authored the Bible.

Gen 1:6-8 shows that the FIRST Heaven was made the 2nd Day. Gen 2:4 shows that other HeavenS (Plural) were made at the beginning of the THIRD Day, the SAME Day that Adam's Earth was made, Gen 1:9-10 but BEFORE the plants, herbs and Trees which GREW on the same THIRD Day. Gen 1:12

Aman725 said: ↑
nor the FACT that the BB was on the 3rd Day and the First Stars of our Cosmos did NOT light until the 4th Day. Gen 1:6

Genesis 1:6- And God said, "Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water." I'm so sorry, there's nothing on the verse that you've given that talks about a particular cosmos event such as big bang. Even if we go through the Torah or the other parts of the bible, there's nothing, absolutely nothing in there which proves the big bang and stuff like that. In fact, it has absolutely nothing to do with it.

IF you knew what Genesis says, you should have KNOWN that the first Stars didn't put forth their light until the FOURTH Day as Gen 1:16 clearly states. IOW, it's a TYPO, a mistake on my part. God Bless you.

I'm so sorry but so far, all you do is just quote dig, even if they are totally unrelated at all to everything that you are claiming. You know, showing what the bible really suggest is different from making it suggest something that isn't really in it. So where exactly did you get all of these things (or claims, more appropriately) and the info's that BACK IT UP to say that the scripture DOES say such thing?
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Well-Known Member
The question is HOW did the LORD scatter then all over the world from Babel as He claims He did? It's easy for me to see that the Creator can do anything He wants to by Speaking it into being. After all, He spoke the worlds into being. Heb 11:3 God Bless you.

So, Magic?

Doesn't this response kind of fly in the face of your so-called consolidation of Science, Scripture, and History?
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Well-Known Member
Dear Johathan, 1:>>I showed you HOW and WHEN modern Humans blood was contaminated by the blood of prehistoric people and you could NOT refute it.

Actually, giving you 5 very simple links which show intelligent human activity (based on your own definition of intelligence) before your Fertile Crescent evidence is the very definition of refute.

2. Does well established mean True? Of course not, but there are some naive science worshppers who think so. Can you refute me? No, since IF you could you would have already done it.

Aman777 saying that he doesn't like something isn't a proper negation of evidence.

3. A repeat of your first disagreement with me. The genetic example is FALSE because it Falsely assumes that Humans had our origin on the present world, when in fact, we came from Adam's world which was totally dissolved in the Flood.

Please provide one single piece of supporting material

4. Why do you keep repeating the SAME old discredited information that Humans were on Earth BEFORE Noah arrived and brought the intelligence of Adam to this Planet of Apes? Don't you know that prehistoric men were NOT Humans (descendants of Adam)?

Discredited information? o_O
Just give us one piece of credible evidence... Just one.

ADDENDUM = A map of the Fertile Crescent and random Bible quotes are not evidence. Link something - anything.


Well-Known Member
No because the man with the credentials doesn't know God. And I do. And so it is clear to me that credentials are worthless.
I think the argument could be made, fairly soundly, that he knows the god of the Bible much better than you do - while you know the god of Sonofason much better than he does.


Well-Known Member
Can you tell us what Day it is?

Time is relative - it cannot be measured except within the confines of our own constructs.

Sojourner and A_E, in the face of the concept of inerrancy, all you have to do is poke a single hole. Why not put that school money to good use and waste time on a useless internet argument with a highly unorthodox cherry-picker. Isn't THIS what you spent all those hours studying for... ;)


Well-Known Member
So yes, I believe I have done that. And I can assure you that my biblical studies have been far more extant than casual internet searches to fundamentalist websites, as you'd like to think. I have read a great deal of classic Christian literature from such authors as Origen, Athanasius, St. Augustine, Clement, Adam Clarke, St. Jerome, St. John of the Cross, Spurgeon, C.S. Lewis, A.W. Pink and many others. I have read the entire Bible several times. I have read vast portions of the Bible hundreds of times. I have studied the Bible seriously. And I have devoted a great deal of my time and my life to studying the Bible. I have read numerous articles on the internet as well, covering a vast number of subjects both pro and con. I consider all sides of an argument before I draw my conclusions. I do not rely on any one translation of any biblical text. I read and consider them all, including the original Hebrew and Greek. Academically, I have taken a college course on Eastern religions, and I have taken a college course entitled Christology. In college I have also taken a course in logic, and a course entitled moral theory.

So from my perspective, yes, I've done it, and I continue to do so. I am not finished with my serious study of the Bible, and I will continue to learn about the God that I am certain exists.

Yet you smugly discredit others for doing quite a bit more than the basics that you have listed here?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
No because the man with the credentials doesn't know God. And I do. And so it is clear to me that credentials are worthless.
How do you know that Angellous and I don't "know God?" You seem to have an awful lot of iron-clad knowledge that appears to have no basis in fact. Bring the facts, man! Prove that we don't know God. Otherwise, your assertion is nothing but trolling blather.


Genesis doesn't predict.

Isaiah doesn't mention Jesus.

You're in a position to predict nothing.

Dear sojourner, Genesis predicts but phonies cannot understand. Isaiah speaks of Jesus/YHWH or Lord God in the OT. Didn't they teach you that in seminary? I haven't predicted anything. I leave that to God who predicts that the Lion will lay down by the Lamb when Jesus returns. Gen 1:30 Or did you skip school the day of that lesson?