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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


New Member
It is certainly impressive how many people think nothing of using scripture in order to attempt to answer questions that are so clearly best handled by scientific research. And then they feel so very offended when research yields results.

It is insane.
Ahh, science. The other side of the zealotry coin. Complete with high priests and acolytes, and worshippers. Another group of blind believers. If science says it, it must be true. No wait!! It's Empirical! Lol


pro scapegoat
Ahh, science. The other side of the zealotry coin. Complete with high priests and acolytes, and worshippers. Another group of blind believers. If science says it, it must be true. No wait!! It's Empirical! Lol
Funny how you are insulting science by attributing to it a suite of religious concepts to it. Are you anti-religious?


Admiral Obvious
Ahh, science. The other side of the zealotry coin. Complete with high priests and acolytes, and worshippers. Another group of blind believers. If science says it, it must be true. No wait!! It's Empirical! Lol
Proud of your ignorance are you?


New Member
Funny how you are insulting science by attributing to it a suite of religious concepts to it. Are you anti-religious?
Only when I am preached to. I am an Athiest but I am not on the evolution bandwagon either. I think both sides have their own agenda as. I have a great friend who is what I call a true Christian. Humble and in love with the words and examples of Christ. He walks the walk. Though I do not believe, I respect his belief.


pro scapegoat
Only when I am preached to. I am an Athiest but I am not on the evolution bandwagon either. I think both sides have their own agenda as. I have a great friend who is what I call a true Christian. Humble and in love with the words and examples of Christ. He walks the walk. Though I do not believe, I respect his belief.
Are you on the gravity 'bandwagon'? The maths 'bandwagon'?


New Member
Are you on the gravity 'bandwagon'? The maths 'bandwagon'?
Oh there's an acolyte now! They don't call it the theory of math or the theory of gravity. As far as I know it's still called the "theory" of evolution. Which means with all of this empirical data we "think" we descended from apes. Not we "did". If you "choose to believe this well... Okie dokie! I know, I know I have a very small head and my understanding of larger sciency things is limited to ooh pretty colors! And my understanding of religion is "kill them all and let god sort them out". Yup:)


pro scapegoat
Oh there's an acolyte now! They don't call it the theory of math or the theory of gravity. As far as I know it's still called the "theory" of evolution. Which means with all of this empirical data we "think" we descended from apes. Not we "did".
No, you have it the wrong way about. We ARE apes. That we are apes of the taxonomic family hominidae. It is a taxonomic classificatio - denying it is like denying somebodies phone number.
If you "choose to believe this well... Okie dokie!
It is a fact. We are classified as apes.
know, I know I have a very small head and my understanding of larger sciency things is limited to ooh pretty colors! And my understanding of religion is "kill them all and let god sort them out". Yup:)
So you are not on the gravity bandwagon huh? Like evolution it is a theory and a fact. Theories explain facts - evolution is a fact, explained by the theory.


New Member
No, you have it the wrong way about. We ARE apes. That we are apes of the taxonomic family hominidae. It is a taxonomic classificatio - denying it is like denying somebodies phone number. It is a fact. We are classified as apes. So you are not on the gravity bandwagon huh? Like evolution it is a theory and a fact. Theories explain facts - evolution is a fact, explained by the theory.
Sigh! A fact does not need to be explained by theory. It is. Evolution is a convenience. Not proven just like creation is not proven. And who cares if we came from, or are classified as apes. This does not prove anything more than ancestry. not the beginning of all life and the how of it. What puzzles me is how much effort and time is spent on where we came from and not so much on where we are going from here. Really! Ape or Adam. Why so much emphasis. We are here now and that's all that matters. We are unique among all known life in the universe( which is what is here on earth) and we spend our time looking back. Again I insert a sigh! Please don't give me the "lessons of history blah blah blah. We haven't learned crap from history. Except how to kill and subjugate more efficiently.


pro scapegoat
Sigh! A fact does not need to be explained by theory. It is. Evolution is a convenience. Not proven just like creation is not proven.
No, that is false. Evolution IS a proven fact. In biology evolution is defined as changes in allele frequency over time, and those changes have been proven to occur by direct observation.
And who cares if we came from, or are classified as apes. This does not prove anything more than ancestry. not the beginning of all life and the how of it.
Sure, as i said - that we are apes is a matter of taxonomy.
What puzzles me is how much effort and time is spent on where we came from and not so much on where we are going from here. Really! Ape or Adam. Why so much emphasis. We are here now and that's all that matters.
Many people, myself included think that learning about reality is important.
We are unique among all known life in the universe( which is what is here on earth) and we spend our time looking back. Again I insert a sigh! Please don't give me the "lessons of history blah blah blah. We haven't learned crap from history. Except how to kill and subjugate more efficiently.
We haven't learned anything from history? You have to be kidding?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Ahh, science. The other side of the zealotry coin. Complete with high priests and acolytes, and worshippers. Another group of blind believers. If science says it, it must be true. No wait!! It's Empirical! Lol
Have you actually looked at the scientific method? What about the evidence for evolution?

Do that and take a look at what you just said again.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Only when I am preached to. I am an Athiest but I am not on the evolution bandwagon either. I think both sides have their own agenda as.

If researching and understanding the truth of biological facts as best as possible is an agenda, then sure, that is a given.

Otherwise... well, then I just have no idea of how you can possibly have reached such a conclusion. Not seriously, anyway. Maybe you are kidding?

I have a great friend who is what I call a true Christian. Humble and in love with the words and examples of Christ. He walks the walk. Though I do not believe, I respect his belief.

Fair enough, but if you are implying that this has any consequences when it comes to evolution... I can only assume then that you don't know a lot about the concept.


pro scapegoat
That science is not a matter of opinion is what defines science. Science is a tool that is applied to test opinions.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Oh there's an acolyte now! They don't call it the theory of math or the theory of gravity.

As it turns out, mathematics is a human invention (very much unlike evolution), while gravity might as well be called a theory. It is actually less evidenced than evolution.

As far as I know it's still called the "theory" of evolution.

Which, contrary to what you imply, means that it has been as well established as anything can possibly be in science. Common mistake, but still very much a mistake.

When you say that it is "still" called a theory, it is like saying the Pope is "still" called the supreme leader of the Catholic Church. It is just funny.

Which means with all of this empirical data we "think" we descended from apes. Not we "did".

I'm struggling with your grammar here, but my best guess is that you mean to say that we can only word with the facts and evidence, and that we lack the power to decree the truth as if we were... well, as if we were some sort of creator God?

That is an odd thing to say, because it does not say much at all, but yes, I suppose that is true far as truth goes.

If you "choose to believe this well... Okie dokie!

In the same sense that I "choose" to "believe" in the existence of clouds and oceans? Sure, I do. Don't you?

I know, I know I have a very small head and my understanding of larger sciency things is limited to ooh pretty colors! And my understanding of religion is "kill them all and let god sort them out". Yup:)

Are you at all serious? You look like you are attempting to be silly in order to promote the Wedge Strategy or something. One would expect considerably better information and more respect and seriousness from someone who actually cared whether evolution is at all true.


pro scapegoat
As it turns out, mathematics is a human invention (very much unlike evolution), while gravity might as well be called a theory. It is actually less evidenced than evolution.
While we can not yet fully explain gravity - that it exists is certain. Similarly that the theory of evolution does not fully explain life as we know it , does not make it any less of a fact that evolution occurs.
Which, contrary to what you imply, means that it has been as well established as anything can possibly be in science. Common mistake, but still very much a mistake.

When you say that it is "still" called a theory, it is like saying the Pope is "still" called the supreme leader of the Catholic Church. It is just funny.

I'm struggling with your grammar here, but my best guess is that you mean to say that we can only word with the facts and evidence, and that we lack the power to decree the truth as if we were... well, as if we were some sort of creator God?

That is an odd thing to say, because it does not say much at all, but yes, I suppose that is true far as truth goes.

In the same sense that I "choose" to "believe" in the existence of clouds and oceans? Sure, I do. Don't you?

Are you at all serious? You look like you are attempting to be silly in order to promote the Wedge Strategy or something. One would expect considerably better information and more respect and seriousness from someone who actually cared whether evolution is at all true.


Just old
Premium Member
It's amazing to me, how so many people reach adulthood and survive !
And furthermore, never gaining a thimble of real intelligence !
Just damned amazing !

Ben West

That science is not a matter of opinion is what defines science. Science is a tool that is applied to test opinions.

Dear Bunyip, False, since science is a consensus view of Godless men. A good example is the False Theory of Evolution which is "willingly ignorant" of the Fact that Humans did NOT have our origin on Planet Earth. These bumpkins have NO evidence of How or When mindless evolution produced the First Human. When you ask them, they make fun of you and say that there was NO first Human, as they CLAIM that Humans beget Humans EXCEPT in the case of evolution. Godless Evols ask that you accept their view that Mindless Nature produced Humans from the common ancestor of Apes by FAITH in the changeable words of mere, mortal, men. God Bless you

Ben West

It's amazing to me, how so many people reach adulthood and survive !
And furthermore, never gaining a thimble of real intelligence !
Just damned amazing !

Dear mud, I agree since you are a living example of HOW it happens. :) Were you brainwashed in Kindergarten by a Godless Evol? Get them young and they will believe anything, is their mantra. God Bless you


Just old
Premium Member
hey Ben,
In nineteen thirty eight, there wasn't any kindergarten.
I was four and half years old when I started to first grade.
I was advanced to third grade in the next year.
I graduated from high school at the age of fifteen.
And college and post and.....so on and so on.
All that isn't awfully important....I was raised Catholic,
chatechism, confirmation, and being a choir boy....and so on and so on.
And then I wised up !
Do you know that 'evol' is 'love' written backwards ?
Other than that, and food and some rock music, what does it mean to you ?
Your thinking is screwed up and you haven't any notion of what any scripture really means.
I also think that you haven't any knowledge of the Cosmos and the evolution of anything.
You are an example of one of Moses' worst nightmares.
So......go on with your tirades and leave the serious thinking to intelligent people.
And.......God Bless you also, I doubt that He will.
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New Member
Dear Bunyip, False, since science is a consensus view of Godless men. A good example is the False Theory of Evolution which is "willingly ignorant" of the Fact that Humans did NOT have our origin on Planet Earth. These bumpkins have NO evidence of How or When mindless evolution produced the First Human. When you ask them, they make fun of you and say that there was NO first Human, as they CLAIM that Humans beget Humans EXCEPT in the case of evolution. Godless Evols ask that you accept their view that Mindless Nature produced Humans from the common ancestor of Apes by FAITH in the changeable words of mere, mortal, men. God Bless you
It amazes me how people who take the evolutionary position don't see the dogmatic parallels that theists have. What they fail to comprehend is the fallibility of man. Simply accepting that scientific principles and methodology are absolutes and therefore infallible is exactly the same inflexible position that religionists take. No room for error. "We" are right and you are all misguided or ignorant or stupid for believing etc etc. no room for doubt when dour is really the only certainty


Woke gremlin
It amazes me how people who take the evolutionary position don't see the dogmatic parallels that theists have. What they fail to comprehend is the fallibility of man. Simply accepting that scientific principles and methodology are absolutes and therefore infallible is exactly the same inflexible position that religionists take. No room for error. "We" are right and you are all misguided or ignorant or stupid for believing etc etc. no room for doubt when dour is really the only certainty
You make several false assumptions. Firstly, the only people who consider science "infallible" are people who do no understand science or the scientific method - in fact, I would go so far as to say that they not only do not understand it, but that their position is actually anti-science, since the scientific method REQUIRES all conclusions and hypotheses to be tentative, and for no answer or idea to be above reproach. Secondly, you say that people who accept evolution (i.e: the scientific method, or at least the scientific conclusion on the subject of species origin) fail to "comprehend" the "fallibility of man". This is absurd when you consider that the scientific method was developed PRECISELY because humans are fallible, and we require a complex, thorough and impartial methodology through which we can develop an understanding of objective reality (or as close as we can get to it).

There's a difference between the dogmatic belief of creationists, and the apparent vehemence of the evolution side, and that difference is that the creationist argument relies almost entirely on distortions of facts or outright speculation, while the evolution side is founded entirely on evidence and research. It is not a case of "we are right because we do not doubt that we are right", it is a case of "all of the available evidence supports that conclusion, and you are failing to understand or acknowledge this simple fact". There is nothing wrong with taking an "inflexible position" when your position is actually the one supported by facts, and the opponent's is one of blind denial and ignorance. No doubt a person who believes the earth is flat can be just as vehement and inflexible in their belief as someone who believes the earth is round, but this does not make their positions equal. The former believes vehemently because they are either deluded, misinformed or just plain dishonest, while that latter believes what they believe because of observation of facts. The two claims do not suddenly become equal just because people believe them strongly.

When all of the available evidence points to evolution, and none of it points to creationism, this ceases to be an issue between comparative extremes who are simply fighting over beliefs. It becomes a matter of facts vs. people who are unwilling to accept those facts, to the extent where thosep people want said facts removed from educational circles and replaced with outright fabrications. Equating the two to each other is absurd.