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I am....


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Non intervention? It would be easier to explain nun intervention. Could I explain that instead?

LOL. Thank you. You mentioned it on Katzpur's Mormon thread. You asked her if she knew what it was. Do you remember? I want to know. I wish you will explain it any which way you will. Please and thank you.


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savagewind said:
LOL. Thank you. You mentioned it on Katzpur's Mormon thread. You asked her if she knew what it was. Do you remember? I want to know. I wish you will explain it any which way you will. Please and thank you.
Sure, I'll explain. First of all, I'm not at all an ideal Bible scholar. You are, as usual, on your own. I respect your Biblical training and attitude, by the way. It is also hard not to be flattered that someone asking me what I think, especially you. You are very rare. I'm tempted to steal you and bind your will to mine through arguments. That is how souls are bought and sold, and it doesn't matter how smart the person is or how correct. It doesn't matter that you are surprisingly knowledgeable about the Bible for a young person. If you gave me your ear, I could capture you. I wouldn't do that, however; and I hope you wouldn't give your ear to anyone. "The body is for the LORD and the LORD for the body." (I Corinthians 6:13) I'm going to explain abruptly without a lot of Bible verses what I meant by 'Doctrine of non intervention.' You are going to probably disagree with me; but that is good. You don't belong to me.

First, recall that Jeremiah chapter 31 is massively important for all who follow Jesus teachings in the slightest. Matthew's gospel refers us to Jeremiah 34 with his allusion "A voice is heard in Ramah, Rachel weeping for her children." Paul refers to Jeremiah 31:31 when he is talking about a new covenant. Jeremiah 31 is central for Christians. It is the place where our story connects with Judaism. If we are Christian, and if there is a new covenant then Jeremiah 31 applies to us including Jeremiah 31:34 "No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, 'Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the LORD."

That verse, Jeremiah 31:34, is the centerpiece which I was calling the 'Doctrine of non intervention' for lack of another phrase, but there is so much more written about it. Its not just in Jeremiah. Its in everything Jesus does, and its constantly alluded to by NT authors. Its most clear in James.
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I am flattered to be the object of that very fine prose. Thank you.

To intervene means to come between disputing groups of people. In the case of what the Bible says it means the coming between The Almighty Holy God and the people. As a believer in Yehoshua it is my belief that he is the sole interceder between God and man. For any other man, woman or group to add to the intervention that is Christ's alone is interference and a bad thing.

I think we agree, which is good.


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I am going to publish what I am tired of. Whenever people on forum say in their own way, not for word for word, but they say, if something is not true all the time under every circumstance it means it cannot be true at all. I will go on record right now saying that is just plain stupid. Amen.


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I am frightfully aware that people are getting stupider. The brain seems to be losing power. Seeing that I suspect all brains are connected somehow, I am worried.


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I am____ who I am judged to be via my life's actions, speech and beliefs.

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
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I am____ who I am judged to be via my life's actions, speech and beliefs.

Blessings, AJ

:) It is true. Is the order significant? It sounds right to me. First actions, then speech, last beliefs. Some people teach belief is first. I do not agree with them.


Well-Known Member
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:) It is true. Is the order significant? It sounds right to me. First actions, then speech, last beliefs. Some people teach belief is first. I do not agree with them.

If we reverse those three, our beliefs are reflected in our speech and displayed in our actions.

My thoughts:
"I am" is significant in the fact that it denotes independence.

When God declares "I AM", the magnitude of who He is defined by His creation as sole proprietor and none other.

When we declare it "i am", denotes independence apart from God, at which point defines our state. Fallen.
After the fall, judgment.
After judgement, death.

As fallen creatures (Lost) our "i am's " will not save us, save the Great "I AM" saves us first.

So, "I am" who?

Blessings, AJ


Veteran Member
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If we reverse those three, our beliefs are reflected in our speech and displayed in our actions.

My thoughts:
"I am" is significant in the fact that it denotes independence.

When God declares "I AM", the magnitude of who He is defined by His creation as sole proprietor and none other.

When we declare it "i am", denotes independence apart from God, at which point defines our state. Fallen.
After the fall, judgment.
After judgement, death.

As fallen creatures (Lost) our "i am's " will not save us, save the Great "I AM" saves us first.

So, "I am" who?

Blessings, AJ

Good! Thank you


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I am conscious Jayhawkersoule is not present on forum for awhile. Who will mock me? Who? LOL. I miss him. :(


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I am in trouble now. I don't know what to do. It is awkward. I forget what the new rules are.


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I am now aware of what Revelation 20:10 means to me.
I believe it is God's will that all of God's creation is to be saved. (1 Timothy 2:4). The false prophet is thrown into the fire of destruction unsaved. It is written that he will be tormented there. It is not what it means. What it means is his being unsaved leaves behind torment for those living. How so? The verisimilitude of dying unsaved is proved likely and becomes a stumbling block for anyone looking for salvation.