“There is only one God, who is all love; every human being has an immortal soul, whose highest destiny is to be united with God; if we live virtuous lives, we will join our heavenly Father after death, but if we do not, justice will be dc done; we must humbly yield to the divine will, accepting with equanimity whatever life brings us; to be attracted to the sensual pleasures of this world is to be distanced from God, the Good we seek but never find in material pursuits. And then there is the Christian conception of spirituality, which I won't bother to summarize.” (From Return to the One) The author was giving a brief description of the teachings of Plotinus, a Greek pagan philosopher in the third century.
The point is, even this pagan had a central idea/ideal that brought together cosmology and morality. The question I have is this: what ultimate explanation for reality do atheists have that also provides guidance and justification for moral behavior? I mean, besides turtles all the way down,