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*[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview

Disbelief in God has implications. One of those implications is a disbelief in God implies a disbelief in final causality or teleology (purpose). So, I'm afraid you can't run and hide by arguing you have no worldview. You most certainly do. You view the world as completely devoid of God and therefore devoid of an ultimate purpose or meaning. Such a worldview is an absurd one.

Atheists can create whatever worldview they like and give it as much meaning as they like.

I could believe that the ultimate purpose in life is to collect as many lollipops as possible and the one who has the most lollipops when they die wins. If that is what I truly believe then my life has purpose.

Purpose is just a subjective belief, it's in the eye of the beholder.


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The word "absurd," like most words, has multiple uses and meanings depending on context. One synonym of absurd is "meaningless." (I documented that. So, I'm afraid you don't have the luxury of simply ignoring that fact.) I'm employing the term absurd to be synonymous with meaningless. If you are an atheist, then you have an absurd worldview because you view the world as ultimately purposeless and therefore meaningless.

I disagree with the context you're using for your definition, obviously. Going to refer you back to my first post where I told you I don't view the world as purposeless or meaningless. Just that purpose and meaning isn't set up by any sort of deity.


which is more meaningful, doing something good in fear of punishment and hope for reward, or doing something good because it is the right thing to do?

I think your definition of religion may be a little limited.
Just as it seems, some religious people's definition of atheism is also a bit limited.
There is a balance of understanding here that would unite people if that were even possible at this point.

Most "religious" people have no idea that the unseen world of which they speak is within themselves.
Most atheists have no idea that most religious people are lacking this crucial understanding.

The reason that an atheist is able to find meaning in the world apart from making up some external god to worship, is because meaning is found from within.
Many "religious" people have no idea that the meaning and purpose they are looking for is found from within rather than from some make believe god.

Since neither the atheist or the religious have a complete understanding of one another, they are not only at odds with each other but many are also stagnant in their growth.

Make no mistake, there is indeed an unseen reality that is the primary mover and shaker of life.
It is not make believe and can be seen and understood through a knowledge of ourselves.
It is up to atheists to realize what it is that they are tapping into from within.
It is also up to religious people to stop the charade and realize that their god is a part of themselves and get to the task of finding some real meaning by using what they have been entrusted with and change their lives accordingly.
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Cult Survivor/Fundamentalist Pentecostal Apostate
The atheistic worldview is an absurd one. Why? Because the atheist views the world as ultimately meaningless and therefore as absurd.

Peering through the myopic spectacles of theistic indoctrination, I am certain you hold this to be true. However, many atheists find meaning in life. It is apparent that if the meaning we find in our lives does not have room for the meaning as dictated by some deity, then you regard it as meaningless. Nothing; including truth; will likely change your mind.

The atheist denies the world has an ultimate meaning because they deny it has an ultimate telos or purpose. In fact, the atheist must deem any apparent purposeful behavior in the world is just that....apparent.

Peering through the myopic spectacles of theistic indoctrination, I am certain you hold this to be true. However, many atheists find meaning in life. It is apparent that if the meaning we find in our lives does not have room for the meaning as dictated by some deity, then you regard it as meaningless. Nothing; including truth; will likely change your mind.

Common ones are humanism, liberal progress, the importance of the quest for knowledge and understanding, new age type stuff, whatever.

With the exception of "new age type stuff", you are confusing "myth" with "philosophy". You were very astute at looking up the word "meaningless" but evidently decided not to bother looking up "myth". I will do it for you:



1. a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events

It is ridiculous to assume that those who do not believe in supernatural beings or events as having a "myth"

You still have a worldview, ideologies and value system though.

Yes we do. With atheists, we are free to discover or create our own ideology and value system. We are not constrained by the dictates of myth-holding "authorities". This statement, however, fails to provide evidence or validity to the atheist worldview being "absurd".

So, if you're an atheist, then you must accept the logical conclusion of your "disbelief," namely, that you view the world as ultimately devoid of any purpose and/or meaning.

Whether or not something has "meaning" is purely subjective. There is no "higher" or "divine" purpose; the world is ultimately devoid of any divine purpose or meaning. That does not mean, however, that we do not find meaning or purpose in our lives or the world around us, and the meaning and purpose we find is no more and no less subjective than your own.

If you believe you can create something, then you believe you have free will. And If you believe you have free will, then you believe in final causality or teleology (which presupposes God).

I must stop you right there. There is so much wrong with this statement, its hard for my tired brain to wrap around it. We'll start with "free will".

FIRST, not all atheists believe in free will.
SECOND, may atheists believe in free will.

You do not have to be a theist in order to believe that we have a consciousness which is capable of choosing.

Now on to your next: "final causality or teleology".

What do you mean by "final causality?"

Unfortunately, as an atheist, you're not allowed to invoke God to rationally justify a belief in final causality and free will.

What makes you think that is the only permissile means by which to rationally justify a belief in "free will"? Perhaps you should look into what DANIEL BENNETT has to say on the matter. He was an outspoken atheist and philosopher who rejected the notion that human beings lack free will.

And since you can't rationally justify a belief in free will, then you must accept that you cannot create anything. You do not create your own purpose because your disbelief precludes the very possibility.

This statement must be held as meaningless and absurd as it started on the false pretenses that atheists do not believe in free will, meaning or purpose. It must also be held as meaningless and absurd because you fail to show how or why "free will" is necessary in the creative process.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The atheistic worldview is an absurd one. Why? Because the atheist views the world as ultimately meaningless and therefore as absurd.
Atheism does have some advantages over other religions.
We heathens can enjoy a wonderful thing without committing a sin against one's faith....
Enjoying a bacon cheeseburger with a nice dark stout on a Friday evening.
This is the opposite of absurd.

David M

Well-Known Member
The atheistic worldview is an absurd one. Why? Because the atheist views the world as ultimately meaningless and therefore as absurd.

Completely wrong. Atheism does not view the world as ultimately meaningless it just views the world as without having a special meaining externally imposed by deities.
With the exception of "new age type stuff", you are confusing "myth" with "philosophy". You were very astute at looking up the word "meaningless" but evidently decided not to bother looking up "myth". I will do it for you:



1. a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events

It is ridiculous to assume that those who do not believe in supernatural beings or events as having a "myth"

You are confusing narrow dictionary definitions for use of language.

Still, even with a dictionary I could look at the OED to show you are wrong:

1963 Brit. Jrnl. Sociol. XIV. 27 We use myth in a sense a little different from the popular one. To us it does not mean an untrue or impossible tale, but a tale which is told to justify some aspect of social order or of human experience.

Just as well I 'bothered looking up' myth for you now as I have now improved your vocabulary :)


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Disbelief in God has implications. One of those implications is a disbelief in God implies a disbelief in final causality or teleology (purpose). So, I'm afraid you can't run and hide by arguing you have no worldview. You most certainly do. You view the world as completely devoid of God and therefore devoid of an ultimate purpose or meaning. Such a worldview is an absurd one.

You assume that the sole source of meaning is a cosmically ordained purpose. What a pathetic assumption!


Ministry of Serendipity
The atheist cannot find any meaning because his or her disbelief precludes the possibility.

What twaddle talk is this? Atheists find meaning in life all the time. I know I do. Look at Stephen Hawking, for example, he should have died decades ago but he lives on. Why? Because his life has meaning. Purpose. He is driven, and so therefore he goes on.


Just me
Premium Member
The atheist denies the world has an ultimate meaning because they deny it has an ultimate telos or purpose. In fact, the atheist must deem any apparent purposeful behavior in the world is just that....apparent.
Purpose isn't unique in giving things meaning. But purpose and meaning are hubris, assigned; to recognize your role in them is one path to moving beyond the need for self. It is a path to selflessness.

PS: You give atheists too much credit.

Curious George

Veteran Member
I see. So you are using absurd in the sense of meaningless only. Therefore your opening post is just wordplay circularly repeating itself with no meaning to be gained from it.
You forgot to add the funny ironic punchline "therefore, your initial post is absurd."