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*[I believe] Atheism is an absurd worldview


Well-Known Member
Yet I can still create my own purpose, my own worldview thus is no longer absurd. It is just not your views which is why you think it is absurd. You reject any worldview that is not your own.

You cannot create your own purpose because that would qualify as a purpose in and of itself...something which your atheism specifically precludes. The bottom line is that there is no purpose in the atheistic view of the world. So, any purpose you believe you might create for yourself must ultimately deemed illusory.


Woke gremlin
You cannot create your own purpose because that would qualify as a purpose in and of itself...something which your atheism specifically precludes.
How does atheism preclude any kind of purpose?

The bottom line is that there is no purpose in the atheistic view of the world.
Firstly, there is no "atheistic view of the world" beyond the lack of belief that there is a God.

Secondly, being an atheist does not prevent you from assigning purpose (even objective purpose) in your life. Why would it?

So, any purpose you believe you might create for yourself must ultimately deemed illusory.
Answer honestly: what do you think atheism entails?


Well-Known Member
Fascinating! With a single word, "Nonsense", you have managed to both state your reply and describe your reply at the same time.

Nonsense. To describe a post as nonsensical is not to make a nonsensical description.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
The atheistic worldview is an absurd one. Why? Because the atheist views the world as ultimately meaningless and therefore as absurd.

What is "the atheistic worldview"? Atheism itself is not a worldview. It's simply the lack of one particularly belief. Humanism would be a worldview that includes atheism.

And no, there's nothing absurd about the idea that there is no God.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Nonsense. To describe a post as nonsensical is not to make a nonsensical description.

It is not necessarily to make a nonsensical description. However, in the case of your post, you were deeming "nonsense" something that was not nonsense, which means your post was nonsensical.


Well-Known Member
you set the goal posts (ultimate purpose) then move the goal post (any purpose) in the same post.

Rather difficult to take you seriously when you do that.

To create a purpose presupposes a purpose to begin with. That's why atheists cannot rationally justify their belief that each individual creates his or her own purpose. Any purpose you believe you create for yourself must ultimately be deemed illusory. Such is the absurd worldview that is atheism.


Woke gremlin
To create a purpose presupposes a purpose to begin with.
No it doesn't. The other day I used a fork to help unclog my washing machine. I assigned that purpose to the fork - I did not "presuppose" that purpose for that particular object.

That's why atheists cannot rationally justify their belief that each individual creates his or her own purpose.
Again, atheists are not required to share any position other than the disbelief in God. What's more, the fact that people create their own purpose is practically self-demonstrative.

Any purpose you believe you create for yourself must ultimately be deemed illusory. Such is the absurd worldview that is atheism.
You have yet to justify this position. How does lacking a belief in a God make any meaning illusory? To use my previous example, I do not believe there is a God, but that doesn't preclude me from assigning meaning to my life any more than it precludes me from assigning purpose to that fork.


If you believe you can create something, then you believe you have free will. And If you believe you have free will, then you believe in final causality or teleology (which presupposes God). Unfortunately, as an atheist, you're not allowed to invoke God to rationally justify a belief in final causality and free will. And since you can't rationally justify a belief in free will, then you must accept that you cannot create anything. You do not create your own purpose because your disbelief precludes the very possibility. To reiterate: Atheism is an absurd worldview because it views the world as ultimately purposeless and meaningless and therefore absurd.
Hold on. Which "god" are we talking about here? Any god or your god?


Veteran Member

The word "absurd," like most words, has multiple uses and meanings depending on context. One synonym of absurd is "meaningless." (I documented that. So, I'm afraid you don't have the luxury of simply ignoring that fact.) I'm employing the term absurd to be synonymous with meaningless. If you are an atheist, then you have an absurd worldview because you view the world as ultimately purposeless and therefore meaningless.
"Meaningless" in this context means "without meaning" or "unreasonable". "Absurd" means the same thing. But, all in all, your opening statement is merely a claim. You are CLAIMING that the atheistic world-view is without meaning and unreasonable. It's just an unsubstantiated opinion thus far ... until you back it up, of course.

So, why does the lack of belief in God necessarily make one's worldview "meaningless"? Why is God necessary to provide meaning in one's life? Atheists often make a very powerful positive impact on the world, so their lives have meaning. Is it merely the fact that they think that death is absolute? Because I fail to see why the absence of an afterlife would make one's life necessarily meaningless. Can you flesh that out a bit?


Just me
Premium Member
Atheistic existentialism is not a religion.
I didn't say it was. *shrug

I said that if it were somehow indigenous of an atheistic worldview--that the world have no meaning and yet the absurd (that attempt to grasp meaning) demonstrate meaning--we would find a lot more congregating in communal searches for meaning. In other words, religions.


Well-Known Member
No they don't view it as meaningless. They just don't need the world to have intrinsic purpose written out in old book or even a new one to find meaning. Your argument is invalid.

Merriam-Webster defines "purposeless" as "aimless" and "meaningless."

If you view the world as ultimately purposeless, then you view it as ultimately meaningless.

Is enjoying the morning sun absurd because it doesn't have ultimate purpose? It is not.

To "enjoy" is "to take pleasure in or satisfaction in" and to take pleasure in or satisfaction in implies an instrinsic purpose for which your atheistic worldview provides no rational justification.


Well-Known Member
If you are using the definition of "absurd" simply as a synonym of "meaningless", then that's one thing. Let's just take care not to commit the equivocation fallacy by implying that "meaningless" equals "absurd" equals "illogical/unreasonable/ridiculous".