Yes, to many people sounding polished, cultured, educated and sophisticated means "sounding white".
Yes, I'm white and I prefer to mingle with my own culture and my own people. Am I racist?
I'm angry because I'm poor and must live in areas in the United States of America which are well below the level of culture and education of my boyhood and young adulthood. I must put up with a crappy state like Oklahoma because rent is low enough for me here. Economic situations of the present will no more permit me to live along the now-opulent northern California coast line and particularly in the San Francisco Bay Area. I can't live around my cultured and educated California white people any longer. I have champagne tastes but a malt-liquor budget. Personal financial conditions alienate me from the places and culture I used to know and cherish. I miss the beautiful California scenery and climate. Oklahoma is a hell full of flash floods, ungodly summertime humidity and tornadoes. Unfortunately, the low-income areas of America often have poor/unfavorable weather, dilapidated infrastructure, widespread slumlording, environmental decay, pollution and ignorant rude-and-crude trashy people who often wave bibles. This is especially true in politically RED areas on our nation's map. The majority of American poor people can't seem be both poor and have decent manners. Poverty separates them from grace. Being poor is no excuse to be impolite. Being poor is no excuse to act ignorant. Being poor is no excuse to be too lazy to use a garbage can. Being poor is no reason to live like a dirty slob. Being poor is no reason to use bad grammar. Being poor is no reason to be hateful and miserable. Being poor is no reason to smoke, abuse alcohol or drugs. Being poor is no reason to be mixed up in crime and vice. Mother Teresa was both a poor person and a beautiful, graceful person under God. All these poor people around me in thee RED areas on the map try to drag me down to their level of rudeness and crudeness.
There is no paradise in America for the poor that I know of. Homosexual people have their mecca in San Francisco. I know of no mecca for the impoverished.
I'm poor and culturally-displaced American. I will fit in nowhere that I can afford.
It's ironic the traditional party of the poor is the Democrats but the blue states and blue areas within states have the highest cost of living. Rent is cost-prohibitive. How odd! The red states are cheaper to live in but are Republican and most of the poor people in these red states vote Republican, and therefore they are deprived of better-quality social services and housing, so I don't follow the logic at all.