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I believe Satan has brain washed most Christians/people.

A Vestigial Mote

Well-Known Member
I liked the opening post and the premise posited there. But then, upon further reading I deduced that you believe you know better than everyone else here about anything and everything. That's when I stopped caring what you had to say.


Active Member
You avoid what I have said.

How can it be God when it advocates such evil as slavery, murder, rape, and child molestation?

I have no interest in discussing my God with you. I personally could care less what you believe about God.

My job is not to try and convince others about God.

Also it was only because of a mistake that I posted on this forum.

I only care to discuss with those who say they are Christian. I am not an evangelist.


I have no interest in discussing my God with you. I personally could care less what you believe about God.

My job is not to try and convince others about God.

Also it was only because of a mistake that I posted on this forum.

I only care to discuss with those who say they are Christian. I am not an evangelist.

YOU - are - trying to convince others of your God. That is obvious from your posts.

And again - you avoid the hard questions - that make you take a hard look at what YOU consider the words of your God!

Answer the questions!

If you only wish to discuss with Christians - then go to the Christian only section.

You are in General Religious Debates, and I assure you we will debate what you put out.



Veteran Member
My God has taught me and has given me the grace to live his Commandments.

Look up and see how Jesus told us to live.
How come you refuse to reply to her comment? you should explain why your claims are true. Just making claims isn't going to convince anyone on RF.


Did you read what was written by me?

My job is not to try and convince others about God.

Of course we have read what you have written!

How do you think we debate with you, and prove what you are saying is false?

You refuse to answer my question - because such evil can not be God, - and that turns your world topsy-turvy.

You would rather ignore it, than face it, and question your convictions!



Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
How come you refuse to reply to her comment? you should explain why your claims are true. Just making claims isn't going to convince anyone on RF.
Dude hasn't replied to me either. This is all fake. He doesn't seem to know anything 'Catholic', yet his profile says he's Catholic. It's probably just a sock puppet. I wouldn't waste time.


Active Member
I liked the opening post and the premise posited there. But then, upon further reading I deduced that you believe you know better than everyone else here about anything and everything. That's when I stopped caring what you had to say.
May be that is why so few listened to Jesus. He knew everything.

Yes and Jesus Christ has been my teacher for the last forty some years.

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
If God's will is done in heaven (see the Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6:9-13) then how did "Satan" rebel in heaven and fall in the first place, unless God willed it to happen, thus making God to blame for everything "Satan" is allowed to do?


Well-Known Member
Hey - Let's debate about who gets to go to magic fairy land based on a handful of personally selected sentences from the tome of hocus pocus say. That seems legit.


Jesus in me
Most Christians believe one who sins by not living God’s Word will go to heaven anyway.

Jesus told us who would go to Heaven with him, and it is not those who sin.

(Matthew 7:21) “It is not those who say to me, ‘Lord, Lord’, who will enter the kingdom of Heaven but the person who does the will of My Father in Heaven. When the day comes many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, cast out demons in your name, work many miracles in your name?’ Then I shall tell them to their faces: I have never known you; away from me, you evil men!”

I believe the people who fostered the Reformation, brought a teaching from Satan, and made people believe it was from God.

Those people made people believe that it took God almost sixteen hundred years to bring people the true Gospel.

I believe the Reformers were led by Satan to misunderstand Paul’s writings.

Paul clearly states that one who sins will not enter the kingdom of God.

(1 Corinthians 6:9-19) “You know perfectly well that people who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God: people of immoral lives, idolaters, adulterers, catamites, sodomites, thieves, usurers, drunkards, slanders and swindlers will never inherit the kingdom of God.”

Some of the Reformers discounted the above scripture as if they are speaking to others, not those who believe what the Reformers said.

Yes I believe those people were brain washed by the devil.

I believe I don't know of any real Christians that think that way but there are apostates in apostate churches.

I believe that is a misinterpretation of the verse since the verse talks about those relying on good works while never haveing a relationship to Jesus.

I don't believe you will find any evidence to spport that view.

I believe that is false because they were only addressing the faithlessness of the times.

I don't believe that people need any help from Satan to misinterpret scripture.

I believe that a person who believes in sin is not saved from sin but most Christians have asked Jesus to be Lord and Savior.

I don't beleive there is any evidence to support these notions.


Jesus in me
How do we know that you yourself haven't been brainwashed by Satan, as well as your version of Christianity a corruption by Satan? After all, your take appears to be no less arbitrary, irrational, unsubstantiated, or inconsistent than theirs.

I don't believe irrationality means the person has been brainwashed by Satan. I believe people are quite capable of irrationality on their own.