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I believe UFO and Aliens are real.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I've heard of possible scenarios that might be tried if our own planet was in mortal danger - at least as a chance at survival for the human species. We could load up a ship of thousands of human embryos placed in suspended animation, with a super computer to control the ship and take care of the embryos until they reach a habitable planet. It might take hundreds or even thousands of years, and it's a huge longshot as it is. But if we're doomed anyway, it might the only chance at species survival.
I'm not sure how the needs of that many infants are to be met without adult socialization and interaction. Perhaps generational ships where each crew raises the next crew, the thousands of embryo's ensure genetic diversity, especially once a new planet is found to colonize.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Honestly i believe UFO'S and aliens do exist and that they have visitede us hete on earth.

It would be very strange if only this planet called earth was populated.

How about you? What do you believe or think of the UFO/Alien topic?

Why is it so "scary" to admit that they might exist?
Okay, this is an improper conclusion. Yes, it is very very likely that there are other intelligent life forms in the universe. But that does not justify a belief in alien visitors. UFO's exist, but you need to know what they are. They are just what their name says that they are unidentified flying objects. That is all. When analyzed they are almost always shown to be mundane. And when they are not we still do not know what they were. Or in some cases if they were even a thing. For example the three Navy cases that made the news a few years back were all quickly analyzed and explained. When one has new technology, and the Navy always has cutting edge technology, there can be observations that one does not understand.

We probably are not alone, but the problems with interstellar space travel may be insurmountable. I am not going to say that it is impossible but there really does not seem to be plausible way to do so right now.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
I watch tv. Aliens are portrayed by humans dressed up as aliens. As if the alien has removed a human life.


As TVs computers phones as man's designed technology uses holograms it hence has to transmit. Our human images.

He also is destroying earths fused mass. Controls another machine cooling artificially and not naturally.

As in nature all mass is sealed. It is either in rock fused. It is dug up as dusts. By human's.

Gods by human term is planet mass owned.

So machines by human only control defy natural law in nature. Machine designed by forced human controls implementing held reactions that nature never held.

So AI in nature emerged as men with machines were applying AI unnatural positions as bio man designer unnatural machine.

AI hence manifested as man human controlled mass converting... so it changes machine used transmitters.

Machines and mass earths first only.

So it destroys machines owned holograms causes image destroyed as human like as witnessed images that go away.

Meanwhile humans who taught communications system was already harming natural hormone cells biology human health. Reasons the known advice why humans get changed.

As did electrical towers buzzing study realised caused cancer to humans from released not grounded energy electricity.

So we were always medically taught identified in science the terms man's machines unnatural phenomena....
Earth O planet sealed and we stood as biology on earth first.

Man puts machine on earth and our life by review gets attacked removed.

Phenomena realised in causes.

Pretty basic only human scientists held reactions in unnatural positions as humans using machines. Relating to converting masses. Inside earths no space heavens.

AI effect in fact produces anti machine states. Already known and already taught. Anti was by machines only.

Scientists use CH rist in machine science first itself. As humans.

We saw anti a machine emerge.... as if nature's ground mass reacted naturally itself first no machine would exist. So the thesis said science only prevented his machine from unnaturally blowing up.

Science alien machine conjured effect.

A machine destroyed but physically still intact. Designer of machine seen in image as Microbial water mass is destroyed.


Well-Known Member
Because I have experiences that tell me some people are afraid of telling about what they have seen.
That isn't the same thing at all though. Lots of people see UFOs but many of them are subsequently identified as having perfectly mundane explanations and even those which don't (yet) aren't any kind of evidence for alien spacecraft. Because so many proponents will take any reported UFO sighting and immediately leap to the alien spacecraft explanation as a default, creating the combative argument of binary extremes, people who have UFO sightings and maybe want to have a rational discussion about all of the possibilities are going to be dissuaded from doing so.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
That isn't the same thing at all though. Lots of people see UFOs but many of them are subsequently identified as having perfectly mundane explanations and even those which don't (yet) aren't any kind of evidence for alien spacecraft. Because so many proponents will take any reported UFO sighting and immediately leap to the alien spacecraft explanation as a default, creating the combative argument of binary extremes, people who have UFO sightings and maybe want to have a rational discussion about all of the possibilities are going to be dissuaded from doing so.
Of course people will have different reason for not beli3ving in UFO or Aliens, just as oth34s has their reason to believe in their existance, I my self being one who believe them to be real.


Well-Known Member
Of course people will have different reason for not beli3ving in UFO or Aliens, just as oth34s has their reason to believe in their existance, I my self being one who believe them to be real.
Yes, so your initial implication that people who disagree with you do so because the idea is scary was flawed, just a dishonest tactic (even if only subconscious) to belittle anyone who might question or challenge your beliefs.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Yes, so your initial implication that people who disagree with you do so because the idea is scary was flawed, just a dishonest tactic (even if only subconscious) to belittle anyone who might question or challenge your beliefs.
I have no r3ason to argue against others on this, if people do not believe in UFO or Aliens, that is fully up to them.

I only said what my personally belief is on this

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Honestly i believe UFO'S and aliens do exist and that they have visitede us hete on earth.

It would be very strange if only this planet called earth was populated.

How about you? What do you believe or think of the UFO/Alien topic?

Why is it so "scary" to admit that they might exist?
Well it isn't scary as such at all, just rather being more rational, and perhaps down to scientific knowledge than much else. I think you have it somewhat wrong - given your previous assertion that 'man' hasn't been to the Moon but where aliens apparently can do so much more.

If we looked back just one century we could hardly have envisioned the progress that we have subsequently made, and yet we have a drone operating on Mars and several accounts of humans being on the Moon since 1969. And given our progress in so many other areas, I don't find it that difficult to assume such came from human endeavour rather than elsewhere.

But I do have reservations as to UFO sightings as to meaning we have had aliens involved, simply because there are just too many other explanations as to such sightings, and plenty of reasons as to why aliens might not and would not be visiting us.


Veteran Member
Honestly i believe UFO'S and aliens do exist and that they have visitede us hete on earth.

It would be very strange if only this planet called earth was populated.

How about you? What do you believe or think of the UFO/Alien topic?

I consider it extremely likely that life exists elsewhere in the universe.
I consider it rather likely that life in the universe is "abundant" (and by that, I mean planets with life numbering in the billions, which in the great scheme of things can be like only 0.0001% of planets)
I consider it somewhat likely that other places in the universe have "intelligent" life (as we perceive "intelligent).

I consider it extremely unlikely that such life visited earth or are even aware of earth
I consider it quite unlikely that such intelligent life has interstellar travel capability.

I don't "believe" any of this (which is to say: accept as fact).
The above is all based on everything I know and understand about the universe.

Why is it so "scary" to admit that they might exist?

That's quite a loaded question....
First it assumes that one is scared of the idea and second, the word "admit" assumes that we all already know it deep down.

Neither is correct. For me, at least.
First it doesn't scare me at all.
Second, I consider the chance of alien visitation to be close to zero.

Simply because of the obvious EXTREME obstacles and difficulties that are inherent in it.
Even only considering how hard it was on this planet for intelligent life to evolve to such a point to be able to get just a probe to the most nearby planet. And even that is taking so long that it simply isn't practical to really move people between those two planets. It's a travel of 6 months requiring ENORMOUS amounts of energy.

Any species progressing far enough to even think about such things will still hit physical limits and logistic difficulties which don't look like they can be adequately tackled.

Even if we would succeed in for example "stasis" which would allow us to preserve our bodies for thousands of years while traveling... let's just allow for that for a second.
What would be the practical use of doing so? What would be the point of spending gazibillion of dollars to send people to a nearby star while knowing that by the time they arrive, all of us would be gone for thousands of years already?

There would be zero reason and use for such a move.
There is zero reason to rally an entire nation to engage in the effort of sending a dozen people into space just to satisfy their curiosity with NO gains for everybody else.

It just wouldn't happen.

As Richard Dawkins once said as half a joke: "I'm certain aliens exist. I'm also certain that we'll never meet them"
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Veteran Member
What if they have technology we humans do not yet have or understand how to use?
What if they are able to bend spacetime? So actually their travel does not take years but minutes?

Even if that were the case, there's still the issue of knowing where to go, as well as the logistical problem of harnessing enough energy to do so.

If such a thing is possible, chances are quite big that the required energy to do so would consume the energy of an entire star or planet.


Veteran Member
They might have already shown their technology here, since the 1950's technology has rissen more than any time before on earth so in 70 year more technology has come on earth than billion of years before. That sound Un natural

There is absolutely no need for "aliens" to explain that exponential technological progress.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
How about you? What do you believe or think of the UFO/Alien topic?
I think alien life probably and likely does exist out there somewhere. I want to say it does, given the vastness of the universe and the fact life happened at least once, but I have no evidence of this at all and for all I know we are truly a freak anomaly of the universe and utterly alone in the Universe as far as intelligent life goes. But I would be vastly more shocked and utterly stunned to learn we are alone than there being confirmation of intelligent life on other planets.
What if they have technology we humans do not yet have or understand how to use?
What if they are able to bend spacetime? So actually their travel does not take years but minutes?
It does have a very human understanding of things, including the perception of time. A long-lived enough species could find such a voyage to be comparable to the voyages made centuries ago across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. And of course, more recent research has suggested neutrinos can move faster than light.
And I have heard at least one scientist hypothetically discuss the bending in shape-time thing.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Because I have experiences that tell me some people are afraid of telling about what they have seen.

I had a similar experience with a Southwest Airlines employee about a year and a half ago. I decided to join MUFON after my second sighting so I could share my experiences and talk to other people about them. I've joined a few UFO research groups online since my second sighting, and I've become involved in UFO research. I looked into it before my second sighting, but I'm more involved now.
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Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
"In space travel, the numbers are awful".

Most unlikely our planet would have been visited by intelligent life forms, especially without leaving any trace.
We have to approach all these questions with a sense of humility, we don’t know what makes up 95% of the universe.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Humans are just human. No argument.

You think.

Our mother human father human were not theists or scientists. As humans on earth being human in humans natural history a human. Is today any human.... just a baby humans answer.

Why your behaviour as a human today owns various reviewed incorrect beliefs. By human choice as human behaviour.

Claiming self hierarchy self superiority yet every human abuse imaginable lying. By choice human only.

Pretty basic advice for humans not pretending to be a humans super intellect.

If a human sees something you say it's real as I saw it. Is not any argument.

Scientists however teach artificial outcomes are controlled caused by science...as human man ipulate. A scientists owned teaching by practiced causes. Just the human.

As natural is first natural anything before a human whose self quote is....as I'm last. Not first as created anything was before the human.

In human consciousness first is a human as you think.

No other type of reference before the human is any human.

As it's a human seeing who talks about it. Anything seen.

Therefore when abnormal human behaviour...a human as theist a scientist builds a non present condition in cosmic law....it's a machine.

Position my machine is artificially present by my will. A man of science.

An artificial effect is given back that proved via attacked human life as not natural cosmic law....cosmos by law coldest had not created it.

A humans claim confession as the satanist being the label said it's because as the human I changed laws...the scientist today did it. As the scientist in the past did it too.

His thinking says I did it as a human. Yet in created law creation changed so creation did it. He caused it his correct advice.

Just because humans changed the title of their organisation doesn't suddenly remove them from their want to practice Satanism.

They just pretended they had.

Satanist humans always knew they had conjured AI the seen effect by their manipulation of natural mass. Change to cosmic laws which produced phenomena.

Cosmic law means anything that had pre existed in its highest saved state...all things. Were coldest highest one of anything as one type.

Which is a huge variance of advices. Each single advice.

As basic as the human advice is. Natural law which is theoried upon first never owned it. Artificial effect.

Natural laws you confessed are as said by just a human.... you chose to change. As the scientist.

If you pretend highest natural laws are your study of a UFO you'll finally have us all destroyed for lying why it manifested. By artificial causes...yet natural had changed to cause it.

Pretty basic science for humans who never were a scientist first...AI choice themselves.